Content Posted in 2016
Fight deck human-automation mode confusion detection using a generalized fuzzy hidden Markov model, Hao Lyu Lyu
Figure-Ground Organization using 3D Symmetry, Aaron Michaux, Vijai Jayadevan, Edward Delp, and Zygmunt Pizlo
Film evaporation MEMS thruster array for micropropulsion, Anthony G Cofer
Financial Analysis of University Investments in Solar Photovoltaics, William Arnett, Praneet Arshi, William Hurtzel, Brittany Newell, and John Piller
Fine element simulation of a modified fine-blanking process to eliminate the die-roll size, Lin Hua, Bo Tang, Yanxiong Liu, and Huajie Mao
Fine-grained energy and thermal management using real-time power sensors, Srikar Bhagavatula
Finite dimensional approximations and deformations of group C*-algebras, Andrew J Schneider
Finite element analysis of and multiscale skeletal tissue mechanics concerning a single dental implant site, Timothy James Sego
Finite element modeling of a parallel aligned wood strand composite, Michael Harry Triche
Finite element simulation and experimental study of the effect of combining ultrasonic vibration with ECAP process on pure aluminum 1050, Saeed Bagherzadeh, Yanfei Liu, Karen Abrinia, and Qingyou Han
First graders as sensitive social partners and skilled readers, Zaira R. Arvelo Alicea
First in the Family: A Comparison of First-Generation and Non-First-Generation Engineering College Students, Dina Verdin and Allison F. Godwin
First Opinion: Call–and–Response in Troy Andrews’s and Bryan Collier’s Trombone Shorty, Cara Byrne
First Opinion: Catalyzing Girls’ Interest in Forensic Science, Anne M. Dooley and Brenda M. Capobianco
First Opinion: Celebrating Children’s Multicultural Literature, Barbara Z. Kiefer and Brittany Wallace
First Opinion: Defying Expectations and Limitations in Drum Dream Girl, Karly Grice
First Opinion: Dimensions of Foreignness in I’m New Here by Anne Sibley O’Brien, Sylviane Ngandu-Kalenga Greensword
First Opinion: Every Choice Has Consequences, E. Sybil Durand
First Opinion: Exploring Historical Crime Writing as a Genre, Kathryn L. Bauserman
First Opinion: Finding Winnie: Stories within a Story, Marjorie A. Sprunger
First Opinion: History, Secrets, and Shoes: Sole Connections in Serendipity’s Footsteps, Melanie Hundley
First Opinion: Lizzie Borden Took an Axe—Truth or Myth?, Vickey M. Giles
First Opinion: Monsters, Lies, and Truth in The Gallery, Melissa Comer
First Opinion: Negotiating Risk and Reward in Davis’s Spare Parts, Myra Infante Sheridan
First Opinion: The Greatest Secret Never Told, Lakia M. Scott
First Opinion: The Lion & the Mouse: Powerful (Nearly) Wordless Storytelling, Clare Withers
First Opinion: Widening the Circle, Petra Munro Hendry
First principle computation of spin-orbit coupling effects on iron centers of proteins and bioinorganic complexes, Fredy W Aquino
Flap-X: Development of a New Compressor Reed Material, Alexander Lof, Chris Millward, and Azhar Nawaz
Flap-X: Investigations of Residual Stresses and Tumbling, Alexander Lof, Chris Millward, and Azhar Nawaz
Flavors in the soup: An overview of heavy-flavored jet energy loss at CMS, Kurt E Jung
Flexible radio-frequency photonics: Optoelectronic frequency combs and integrated pulse shaping, Andrew J Metcalf
Flexible resource allocation for reliable virtual cluster computing systems, Kanak V Mahadik
Flipping the Classroom to Teach Population Health: Increasing the Relevance., Vicki Simpson and Elizabeth Richards
“Flip This House”: “Back of the House” Library Staff Engaging the Wider Campus Community, Patrick J. Roth and Jeffrey D. Daniels
Floral Aldehyde Dehydrogenases: Biochemistry and Involvement in Scent Production, Michael Christopher Long
Flow Analysis in a Direct Borohydride-Hydrogen Peroxide Fuel-Cell Stack, Sotirios (Akis) Lyrintzis
Flow Boiling Heat Transfer Characteristics of R32 inside a Horizontal Small-diameter Microfin Tube, Daisuke Jige, Kentaro Sagawa, and Norihiro Inoue
Flow Boiling Pressure Drop for R410A and RL32H in Multi-channel Tube, Xiu Wei Yin, Wen Wang, Vikas Patnaik, Jin Sheng Zhou, and Xiang Chao Huang
Flowfield Uncertainty Analysis for Hypersonic CFD Simulations, A B. Weaver, Alina A. Alexeenko, R B. Greendyke, and J A. Camberos
Flow-informed strategies for trajectory design and analysis, Cody R Short
Flow stress and microstructure models of alloys, Lars-Erik Lindgren
Fluence Dependent Surface Modification on Tungsten Coatings Using Low Energy Helium Ion Irradiation at Elevated Temperatures, Cheng Ji, Jitendra K. Tripathi, Theodore J. Novakowski, Valeryi Sizyuk, and Ahmed Hassanein
Fluid dynamics of drips, filaments and strings, Patrick Thomas McGough
Fluid Flow Thermometry Using Thermographic Phosphors, Gabriel J. Fenoglio, Humberto J. Detrinidad, Aman Satija, Alex D. Casey, Robert P. Lucht, and Terrence R. Meyer
Fluid mechanics of coupled interfacial systems, Santhosh K Ramalingam
Fluid-Structure Interaction of a Reed Type Valve, Ignacio Gonzalez, Oriol Lehmkuhl, Alireza Naseri, Joaquim Rigola, and Assensi Oliva
Fluorescent materials design at nanoscale for biomedical photonics in near infrared window, Kohei Soga and Masao Kamimura
Fluorinated amino prodrugs of natural products containing enone functionality and the development of a novel imino-aldol reaction using difluoroenolates, James Ryan Woods
Focused Solar Ablation: A Nanosat-Based Method for Active Removal of Space Debris, Alina A. Alexeenko and A Venkattraman
Focusing on Selection for Fixation, John K. Tsotsos, Calden Wloka, and Yulia Kotseruba
Fodor’s Field Diary and the Writing of the Hungarian Imperial Self during World War I, Steven A.E. Jobbitt
Fog Seal, Scrub Seal, Rejuvenator: Benefits and Differences, Jim Brownridge
Folate-receptor mediated targeting of diagnostics and therapeutics to activated macrophages in inflammation, Wilfredo Ayala-Lopez
Folate Receptor Positive Adipose Tissue Macrophages and EC0746, a Folate Conjugated Anti-Inflammatory Drug, Michael J Hansen
Folate receptor targeted imaging agents for the differential diagnosis of cancer from inflammation, Balasubramanian Vaitilingam
Food and Culture: From Local Relationality to Global Responsibility, Alexandra Tarr
Food attentional biases and adiposity: Are energy intake and external eating mediators of this relationship?, Elizabeth Vrany
Food biopolymer-based soft nanoparticles for solubilization of sparingly soluble small molecules, Deepak Bhopatkar
Food Processing in Haiti, Maggie R. Del Ponte
Forensics Mixed with Mystery, Jill P. May
Forward Into the Past-Offsite Book Depositories: The Future of Libraries, John D. Riley
Four low-complexity color trapping algorithms, Haiyin Wang
Fracture behavior and fracture toughness of composite sandwich structure with Al foam core, Xinzhu Wang, Xiong Zhou, and Chenxing Xiang
Framework for Incorporating Network Connectivity in Transportation Systems Evaluation, Wubeshet Belayneh Woldemariam
Friendships and networks in Chinese adolescents: Academic achievement and academic engagement, Siyu Xu
From A University Press-Ball of Confusion, Leila W. Salisbury
From A University Press-Keeping Presses Healthy, Leila W. Salisbury
From A University Press -- One Size Doesn't Fit All, Leila W. Salisbury
From A University Press-Publishers and Consortia, Leila W. Salisbury
From A University Press-Scenes from an Annual Meeting, Leila W. Salisbury
From A University Press-The Publisher as Problem Solver, Leila W. Salisbury
From A University Press-The Twenty-First Century University Press:Assessing the Past, Envisioning the Future, Leila W. Salisbury
From A University Press-To Download or Not to Download, That Is the Question, Leila W. Salisbury
From A University Press-What's the Big Idea?, Leila W. Salisbury
From Chaos to Community: Two Libraries Finding a Unified Direction, Melissa Johnson, Rod Bustos, and Sandra Bandy
From Discovery to Delivery: Publishing Opportunities on the Semantic Web, Daniel Mayer
From Energy Signature To Cluster Analysis: An Integrated Approach, Lorenza Pistore, Giovanni Pernigotto, Francesca Cappelletti, Piercarlo Romagnoni, and Andrea Gasparella
From mechanic to designer: Evolving perceptions of elementary students over three years of engineering instruction, Anastasia M Rynearson
From text to context: Literacy practices of native speakers of Arabic in Arabic and English, Ghada Gherwash
From the Reference Desk, Tom Gilson
From the Reference Desk, Tom Gilson
From the Reference Desk-Reviews of Reference Titles, Tom Gilson
From the Reference Desk-Reviews of Reference Titles, Tom Gilson
From the Reference Desk-Reviews of Reference Titles, Tom Gilson
From the Reference Desk-Reviews of Reference Titles, Tom Gilson
From the Reference Desk-Reviews of Reference Titles, Tom Gilson
From the Reference Desk-Reviews of Reference Titles, Tom Gilson
From the Reference Desk-Reviews of Reference Titles, Tom Gilson
From the Reference Desk-Reviews of Reference Titles, Tom Gilson
From the Reference Desk-Reviews of Reference Titles, Tom Gilson
From the University Presses-An Interview with Peter Berkery, Alex Holzman
From the University Presses-Celebrating the First Annual University Press Week, Brenda McLaughlin and Alex Holzman
From the University Presses-Consorting and Collaborating at the AAUP Meeting, Alex Holzman
From the University Presses-Open Access Monographs and the Scholarly Communication Ecosystem, Alex Holzman
From the University Presses-The Code of Best Practices in Fair Use for Academic and Research Libraries, Richard Brown
From the University Presses-University Presses and ATM Publishing, Alex Holzman
From Usability Studies to User Experience: Designing Library Services at the University of Kansas, Lea H. Currie and Julie Petr
From Walled-Garden to Wilderness: Publishing in the Digital Age, Donald Beagle
From Your Editor, Katina Strauch
From Your Editor, Katina Strauch
From Your Editor, Katina Strauch
From Your Editor, Katina Strauch
From Your Editor, Katina Strauch
From Your Editor, Katina Strauch
From Your Editor, Katina Strauch
From Your Editor, Katina Strauch
From Your Editor, Katina Strauch
From Your (pasta-loving) Editor, Katina Strauch
From Your (SEWEing) Editor, Katina Strauch
Frost Growth Investigation and Temperature Glide Refrigerants in a Fin-and-Tube Heat Exchanger, Elie Keryakos, Joseph Toubassy, Denis Clodic, and Georges Descombes
Fuel type estimation using fuel system parameters, Shambhavi Balasubramanian
Full Depth Reclamation of Aviation Pavement, Michael W. Buening
Full Depth Reclamation with Cement, Scott Hall
Full-Depth Recycling (FDR): INDOT Perspectives, Lessons Learned and Future, David Holtz
Full duplex communication by means of backscattering modulation, Shajid Islam
Functional and structural analysis of FST1 in Fusarium verticillioides, Chenxing Niu
Functional characterization of Bio-Artificial Liver, Shishir Kumar Biswas
Functional programming abstractions for weakly consistent systems, Sivaramakrishnan Krishnamoorthy Chandrasekaran
Functional studies of antivirals targeted against the dengue virus envelope protein, Mansoora Khaliq
Functional study of mammary epithelial cell architecture, Yunfeng Bai
Fundamental Investigation Of Whole-Life Power Plant Performance For Enhanced Geothermal Systems, Matthew Read, Ian Smith, and Nikola Stosic
Fundamental studies of biomass fast pyrolysis for the direct production of molecules in the fuel range, Piotr Gawecki
Fundamental studies on copper zeolites for catalytic NO x abatement, Anuj Arun Verma
Further characterization of MAPK pathways in the rice blast fungus, Guotian Li
Fusogenic Liposome for Bladder Tumor Therapy, Andres M Gonzalez Bonet
Future Heat Stress Projections and their Effects on US Livestock, Emma C. McCabe, Jonathan Buzan, Srinath Krishnan, and Matthew Huber
Gap analysis identifying the current state of information security within organizations working with victims of violence, Kelley K Misata
Gaspee Day: Fireworks, John Long
Gas-Phase Ion/Ion Reactions Of Biomolecules: An Examination Of Carboxylate Reactivity And Arginine Based Non-Covalent Complexes, Nathan Zachary Barefoot
Gas-Phonon Interaction Model for Subcontinuum Thermal Transport Simulations, Xiaohui Guo, Dhruv Singh, Jayathi Murthy, and Alina A. Alexeenko
Gas Pulsation Control by a Shunt Pulsation Trap with Perforated Tubes and an Optional Absorptive Silencer, Paul Xiubao Huang, Sean Yonkers, and David Hokey
Gaussian processes with built-in dimensionality reduction: Applications in high-dimensional uncertainty quantification, Rohit K Tripathy
GDD(Growth Degree Day) Module for VinSense Visual Analytics System, Pradeep K. Lam; David Ebert , PhD; and Jiawei Zhang
Gender differences in leadership interests across generations: A meta-analysis, Nicole Schultz and Rong Su
Gender equity and rising inequality: You can’t get there from here, Kevin T. Leicht
Gender in the workplace: The effects of social networks in cross-cutting project teams, Vernon Anthony Woodley
Gender sterotypes and selection disparity: An investigation of the theories which explain gender disparity, Laura M Spice
Generalized techniques for using system execution traces to support software performance analysis, Thelge Manjula Peiris
Generalizing the Quantum Dot Lab Towards Arbitrary Shapes and Compositions, Matthew A. Bliss, Prasad Sarangapani, James Fonseca, and Gerhard Klimeck
Generating a viruse exclusively utilizing human epidermal growth factor as the entry receptor, Hongsheng Dai
Generating low-pressure shock waves for calibrating high-frequency pressure sensors, Dennis C Berridge
Genetic correlation between alcohol preference and motor impulsivity with genetically selected high-alcohol and low alcohol preferring lines of mice, Devon Michael Novotney
Genetic regulation of maize and sorghum under abiotic stress, Alexandar Lewis Renaud
Genocidal Rape, Enforced Impregnation, and the Discourse of Serbian National Identity, Tatjana Takševa
Geochemistry of Soil Solution and Canal Waters in Plinthosols under Irrigation by Flooding, Alfredo De-Campos, Marcio H.C. Zancope, Bianca Marcuz, Fernando K. Afonso, Gustavo S. Paulo, Jeruza L. Carvalho, Marcela R. Moretti, and Natalia B. Silva
Geodetic study of an active rifting event in Afar, Ethiopia, Laura Bennati
Geographies of difference: Place, race, and modernity in Amazonian migrant livelihoods in Cusco, Peru, Diana C Steele Jones
Geometrical analysis of interaction sites of proteins, Bin Li
Geopolitical Implications of the Sino-Japanese East China Sea Dispute for the U.S., Bert Chapman
Geopolitical Implications of the Sino-Japanese East China Sea Dispute for the U.S., Bert Chapman
Geopolitics of the 2015 British Defense White Paper and Its Historical Predecessors, Bert Chapman
Georgia Department of Transportation, Alan Davis
GeoSpatial Tools and Data Provided by ITaP/Research Computing, Larry L. Biehl
Gesture based non-obstacle interaction on mobile computing devices for dirty working environment, William B Huynh
Giant magnetocaloric effect in a Heusler Mn50Ni40In10 unidirectional crystal, Hongxing Zheng
Gifting, Funding, Innovating: An Acquisitions Transformation, Tiffany Russell
GIS in Archaeology: the Pedestrian Survey of Dana Island in Turkey, Noah Kaye, Gunder Varinlioglu, and Nicholas K. Rauh
GIS in the Field: A Path to Increasing Efficiency, Karstin Carmany-George and Randy Weaver
GIS Resources at Purdue, Randy Herban
Give Us Your Stuff! Streamlining University Records Transfers, Carly Dearborn and Neal Harmeyer
Giving Subject Specialists the Tools They Need to Succeed: The Collection Development Training Manual at the University of Maryland, Margaret Z. Saponaro
Gladys Heldman and the original nine: The visionaries who pioneered the women's professional tennis circuit, Donn T Gobbie
Global Coordination of Technology Policies: Indispensable; Sisyphean, David Hummels
Globalization and state: Factors contributing to the contemporary food security crisis, Christopher A Bunka
Global Warming, Convective Threshold and False Thermostats, Ian N. Williams, Raymond T. Pierrehumbert, and Matthew Huber
GOBI, YBP, and Overdrive: Changes in the E‐Book Distribution Landscape, Kari Paulson, Steve Potash, Dan Tonkery, and Nancy Herther
Goethe’s World Literature, Universal Particularism, and European Imperialism, Dongho Cha
Going Above and Beyond: Building an Interdisciplinary Undergraduate Research Collection via an ILL POD Program, Elizabeth Hoppe and Courtney Seymour
Going Local: Creating Unique and Special Collections in an Academic Library, Arielle Lomness
Going Out on a Limb: Pushing the Boundaries of DDA, Jonathan H. Harwell
Golding's The Spire as an Architectonic Novel, Stephan Schaffrath
Gold Nanorod Mediated Mild Hyperthermia and PEGylated Human Serum Albumin Drug Delivery for Cancer Therapies, Jonathan G Mehtala
Good Safety Program: Straight Ahead, Rick Drumm
Google Books: It Ain’t Over ‘Til the Librarian Sings, Bill Hannay
GPU-based global illumination using Lightcuts, Tong Zhang
Gradient-Based Estimation of Air Flow and Geometry Configurations in a Building Using Fluid Dynamic Adjoint Equations, Runxin He and Humberto Gonzalez
Granulation of ultra-fine powders: Examination of granule microstructure, consolidation behavior, and powder feeding, Nathan B Davis
Grape Black Rot, Paul C. Pecknold
Graph diffusions and matrix functions: Fast algorithms and localization results, Kyle Kloster
Graphical methods in RNA structure matching, Jiajie Huang
Graphical Performance Measures for Practitioners to Triage Split Failure Trouble Calls, Richard Freije, Alexander Hainen, Amanda Stevens, Howell Li, W. Benjamin Smith, Hayley Summers, Christopher Day, James Sturdevant, and Darcy Bullock
Graphical Performance Measures for Practitioners to Triage Split Failure Trouble Calls, Richard S. Freije, Alexander M. Hainen, Amanda L. Stevens, Howell Li, W Benjamin Smith, Hayley Summers, Christopher M. Day, James R. Sturdevant, and Darcy M. Bullock
Green Infrastructure: A Stormwater Management Tool, Robert Page and Rachel Wilson
Green Infrastructure Successes In US Benefit China, Kari Mackenbach
Grey Water Treatment with Constructed Wetlands for Backyard Crops Irrigation, Marcela S. Duhne-Ramírez, Eusebio Jr Ventura, and Israel Ruiz-Gonzalez
Ground Improvement Methods Using Column-Type Techniques, Malek Smadi
Grounding language in video, Haonan Yu
Grounding robot motion in natural language and visual perception, Scott Alan Bronikowski
Growth Of Post-Weaned Grazing Dairy Heifers When Evaluating The Effects Of Providing Shade Or Parasite Control, Mohammad W. Sahar
Guest Editors' Introduction: Special Issue on Analyzing Interactions in PBL—Where to Go From Here?, Rintaro Imafuku and Susan Bridges
Guidelines for Construction Companies to Decide Between Outsourcing and Self-Performing for Prefabricated Components, Sebastian Soto Ortiz
Habit formation in a rodent model of alcoholism: Genetic susceptibility, alcohol-specific effects, and pharmacological manipulation, David S O'Tousa
Hands of the Future, Inc; Junior Nature Club; Living Schoolyards, Zonda K. Bryant
Haptic Foot Feedback for Kicking Training in Virtual Reality, Hank Huang and Hong Tan
Hardware accelerated redundancy elimination in network system, Kelu Diao
Hardware-oriented parallel deadlock detection algorithms with reduced run-time complexity, Xiang Xiao
Hardware-software co-designed data stream management systems, Pranav S Vaidya
Harmonization of Life Cycle Climate Performance (LCCP) Methodology, Sarah Troch, Hoseong Lee, Yunho Hwang, and Reinhard Radermacher
Head-starting as a tool for the reintroduction of extirpated watersnake populations, Michael R Frank
Health Care Resource Use, Health Care Expenditures and Absenteeism Costs Associated with Osteoarthritis, Jyothi Menon
Healthcare resource utilization in persons with sickle cell disease, Jigar R Rajpura
Health Monitoring Device, Prim Boonwisut, Askar Zhapbassov, and Tahmeed Rafee
Heat And Mass Transfer Analysis of a Film Evaporative MEMS Tunable Array, William J O'Neill
Heat and Mass Transport in Heat Pipe Wick Structures, B. D. Iverson, T. W. Davis, S V. Garimella, M. T. North, and S. Kang
Heat-driven framework for interpretation of data in networks, Yi Fang
Heat Pump Assisted Solar Thermal System, David Lotz, William Hutzel, William Arnett, Duane Dunlap, and Chris Foreman
Heat Pump Clothes Dryer Model Development, Bo Shen, Kyle Gluesenkamp, Pradeep Bansal, and David Beers
Heat Pump Driven by a Gas Engine for Heating and Domestic Hot Water Generation, Amine Mekdache, Assaad Zoughaib, and Denis Clodic
Heat Pump for Energy Efficient Sugarcane Juice Freeze Pre-Concentration, Milind V Rane and Dinesh B Uphade
Heat Pumps Architecture Optimization For Enhanced Medium Temperature Geothermal Heat Use in District Heating, Matthildi Apostolou, Sahar Salame, Stéphanie Barrault, and Assaad Zoughaib
Heat Transfer Analysis in the Cylinder of Reciprocating Compressor, Ján Tuhovcák, Jí?í Hej?ík, and Miroslav Jícha
Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop during Evaporation of R134a in Microchannel Tubes, Houpei Li and Pega Hrnjak
Heat Transfer and Visualization in Large Flattened-Tube Condensers with Variable Inclination, William A. Davies, Yu Kang, Pega Hrnjak, and Anthony M. Jacobi
Heat transfer characterization of cryoadsorbents for hydrogen storage, Casey L Porta
Heat Transfer from a Finned Surface in Ducted Air Jet Suction and Impingement, L. A. Brignoni and S V. Garimella
Heat Transfer of Condensation in Smooth Round Tube from Superheated Vapor, Jiange Xiao and Pega Hrnjak
Heavy Vehicle Rollover Propensity At Roundabouts On Highspeed Roads, Thomas M. Hall
“Help, We Started a Journal!”: Adventures in Supporting Open Access Publishing Using Open Journal Systems, Anna R. Craft
Hesse's Steppenwolf as Modern Ethical Fiction, Michał Koza
HFO1234ze(E) And HFC134a Flow Boiling Inside a 4mm Horizontal Smooth Tube, Giovanni A. Longo, Simone Mancin, Giulia Righetti, and Claudio Zilio
HFO1234ze(E) Boiling Inside a Brazed Plate Heat Exchanger, Giovanni A. Longo, Simone Mancin, Giulia Righetti, and Claudio Zilio
Hierachical assembly of collagen mimetic peptides into biofunctional materials, Jeremy W Gleaton
Hierarchical cell fluid extracellular matrix interaction in cell microenvironment, Soham Ghosh
Hierarchical Life-Cycle Design of Concrete Structures, Zhujun Wang, Jin Weiliang, and Ju Chen
Hierarchical Superhydrophobic Copper for Sustained Dropwise Condensation, X. Chen, J. A. Weibel, and S V. Garimella
High-CO2 Cloud Radiative Forcing Feedback Over Both Land and Ocean in a Global Climate Model, Dorian S. Abbot, Matthew Huber, Gabriel Brousquet, and Chris C. Walker
High Efficiency Evaporator Fan Motors for Commercial Refrigeration Applications, Bryan R. Becker and Brian A. Fricke
High Efficiency Heat Pump with Subcooling for Sanitary Hot Water Production Working with Propane, Miquel Pitarch-Mocholí, Emilio Navarro-Peris, José Gonzalvez-Maciá, and José Miguel Corberán
High Efficiency Inverter Scroll Compressors, Yasuhiro Murakami, Hiroshi Kitaura, Kazuhiko Matsukawa, Katsumi Katou, Yoshitomo Tsuka, and Yasuo Mizushima
High-fidelity gravity modeling applied to spacecraft trajectories and lunar interior analysis, Loic P.R Chappaz
High fidelity simulations of electrokinetic phenomena in microfluidic devices, Qian Li
High-Order Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Boltzmann Model Equations, Alina A. Alexeenko, Cyril Galitzine, and Alexander M. Alekseenko
High-Purity Gallium Analysis By Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry, Kyungjean Min
High-Q and widely-tunable all-silicon resonators and filters for microwave and millimeter-wave applications, Muhammad S Arif
High-Resolution Controller Data Performance Measures for Optimizing Divergent Diamond Interchanges and Outcome Assessment for Drone Video, Alexander Hainen, Amanda Stevens, Christopher Day, Howell Li, Jamie Mackie, Matt Luker, Mark Taylor, James Sturdevant, and Darcy Bullock
High-Resolution Controller Data Performance Measures for Optimizing Diverging Diamond Interchanges and Outcome Assessment with Drone Video, Alexander M. Hainen, Amanda L. Stevens, Christopher M. Day, Howell Li, Jamie Mackey, Matt Luker, Mark Taylor, James R. Sturdevant, and Darcy M. Bullock
High-resolution data-based methods for enhanced asset preservation, mobility, and safety at signalized intersections, Steven Michael Lavrenz
High-Resolution Event-Based Data at Diamond Interchanges: Performance Measures and Optimizing Ring Displacement, Alexander Hainen, Amanda Stevens, Richard Freije, Christopher Day, James Sturdevant, and Darcy Bullock
High-Resolution Event-Based Data at Diamond Interchanges: Performance Measures and Optimizing Ring Displacement, Alexander M. Hainen, Amanda L. Stevens, Richard S. Freije, Christopher M. Day, James R. Sturdevant, and Darcy M. Bullock
High-resolution mass spectrometric approaches to study protein structure and environment in lyophilized solids, Lavanya K Iyer
High school students' use of paper based and Internet based information sources in the engineering design process, Jon T Pieper
High Strain Rate Experiments of Energetic Material Binder, Roberto Rangel Mendoza, Michael Harr, and Weinong Chen
High Strength Steel in the Reinforced Concrete Structures: Serviceability, Alan Kanybek, Aishwarya Puranam, and Santiago Pujol
High temperature behavior of Ni-based alloy 690 and 740H, Qiaoling Chu, Min Zhang, Jihong Li, Pu Wang, and Junqing Cai
High temperature flooded expansion for solar thermal power generation, Nelson Alexander James
High throughput screening of global and local protein surfaces, Sael Lee
High Voltage Rear Electric Drivetrain Design For A Parallelthrough-The-Road Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle, Adam Garrett Fogarty
Hip hop, circulation, and the associational life of Peruvian youth, Kyle E Jones
Historical Configurations Of Knowledge Among The Iñupiat In Arctic Alaska, Joshua Andrew Van Drei
History or Fictionalized Truth in Fenyő's Diary Az elsodort ország (A Country Swept Away), Judy Young
Holocaust Child Survivors' Memoirs as Reflected in Appelfeld's The Story of a Life, Dana Mihăilescu
Homogeneous catalysis of decontamination-type reactions with organometallic and polyoxometalate manganese complexes, Derrick R. Hall
Homological properties of determinantal arrangements, Arnold H Yim
Honorific Usage In Educational And Medical Institutions, Shohko Yanagisawa
Host cell death in Legionella pneumophila pathogenesis and immunity, Wenhan Zhu
Hot deformation and processing maps of CNTs/Al composites fabricated by flake powder metallurgy, Baifeng Luan
Hot deformation behavior and Hansel–Spittel constitutive model of Cr5 alloy for heavy backup roll, Xuewen Chen, Xiang Ma, and Huijun Zhou
Hot deformation behavior and processing map of TRIP980, Mei Zhang, Haiyang Li, Bin Gan, Zhao Xue, and Ling Li
Hot deformation behavior of the fine-grain W-25Cu alloy, Li Ji wen, Xie Jing Pei, Wang Wen Yan, Wang Ai Qin, and Ma Dou Qin
Hot deformation behaviors and processing maps of Al–Mg–In alloy, Yanjun Zhao
Hot Surface Ignition Testing of Low GWP 2L Refrigerants, Mary Koban, Barbara Minor, Patrick Coughlan, and Nina Gray
House in Winter, Jacob D Zucker
How Deep is the Feature Analysis Underlying Rapid Visual Categorization?, Sven Eberhardt, Jonah Cader, and Thomas Serre
How do metalloenzymes propagate and control chemical reactions?, Whitney F Kellett
How do millennial engineering and technology students experience learning through traditional teaching methods employed in the university setting?, Elizabeth Ann Howard
How Do We Study Satisfaction With Academic E‐Book Collections?, Beth Caruso and Alison D. Bradley
How Engineering Standards are Interpreted and Translated for Middle School, Eugene Judson, John Ernzen, Stephen Krause, James A. Middleton, and Robert J. Culbertson
How Far Have We Come Since Our “Go Live” Dates, and Where Do We Go from Here?, Ann Kutulas, Moon Kim, and Susan Flanagan
How GIS Will Support Next Gen 9-1-1, Jim I. Sparks
How important are informal work-family support? A meta-analytic path analysis of supervisor work-family support and employee outcomes, Lusi Wu, Rong Su, and Ellen E. Kossek
How is it possible that we infer shape from image information?, Steve Zucker
How Much Do Monographs Cost? And Why Should We Care?, Nancy L. Maron, Charles Watkinson, Meredith Kahn, and Shayna Pekala
How pre-ideation methods and skills affect and remove barriers to ideation, Joran W Booth
How small the apocalypse, Audrey D Gradzewicz
How Technology Fee Funding Transformed Collection Decisions at the University of Central Florida, Michael A. Arthur and Natasha White
How the Journal Impact Factor Influences Academic Library Collections and Usage, Elizabeth R. Lorbeer
How Tippecanoe County is Improving a Local Intersection by Using an RSA and Federal Funds, Opal Kuhl, Greg Haltom, and Doug Poad
How User's Visualization Literacy Relates to Their Cognitive Traits, Jiming Yang, Sukwon Lee, and Ji Soo Yi
HPA axis reactivity: Physiological underpinnings of negative urgency?, John Davis VanderVeen
Human and canine personality assessment instruments to predict successful adoptions with shelter dogs, Sheryl Lynn Walker
Human-Biometric Sensor Interaction Automation Using the Kinect 2, Zachary E Moore
Human-centered environmentally conscious product redesign methods, William Z Bernstein
Human Cloning as the Other in Ishiguro's Never Let Me Go, Wen Guo
Human Services Internship With Indiana Nonprofit Resource Network, Madison Duncan
Human-System Integration, Jiahui Cai, Xianpeng Wang, Xinyue Cao, Siyu Liu, Wanyu Wu, Xiao Shi, and Yutong Xu
Humor in US-American Literature: A Book Review Article about Su's (苏晖) Work, Longhai Zhang and Tianran Chen
Hunger Doesn't Take a Spring Break, Jessica Isaacs
HVAC Solutions for Small- and Medium-sized Commercial Building Retrofit Opportunities, BongGil Jeon and W. Travis Horton
Hybridity and Dynamics of an Individual’s Learning Styles, Quintana Marie Clark
Hybrid Materials for Sensing and Catalyst Applications, Alexandra Snyder
Hybrid screen design and automatic portrait image enhancement, Changhyung Lee
Hybrid wind-solar-storage energy harvesting systems, Dan Shen
Hyde Park Debate, Resolved: Altmetrics Are Overrated, Derek Law, Maria Bonn, and Rick Anderson
Hydrodynamic Considerations for Optimal Thermal Compressor Design, Marcel A. Staedter, Khoudor Keniar, and Srinivas Garimella
Hydrodynamic delivery for prevention of Acute Kidney Injury, Shijun Zhang
Hydrogel diffraction biosensor with mechanical biasing, Venkata Naga Lakshmi Rekha Patchigolla
Hydrogen generation for fuel cell vehicle applications, Ahmad Yacoub Khalil Al-Kukhun
Hydrogen Loading System Development and Evaluation of Tritiated Substrates to Optimize Performance in Tritium Based Betavoltaics, Thomas E. Adams
Hydrologic and biogeochemical controls on phosphorus export from western Lake Erie tributaries, Mark R. Williams, Kevin W. King, David B. Baker, Laura T. Johnson, Douglas R. Smith, and Norm R. Fausey
Hydrologic and water quality impacts from perennial crop production on marginal lands, Qingyu Feng
Hydrophobic Zeolites for Applications in Adsorption and Catalysis, Zige Huang, Michael Cordon, and Rajamani Gounder
Hydrotropic solubilization of poorly soluble drugs, Ji Young Kim
Hyperosmotic nanoemulsions: Development and application of a new antimicrobial treatment for wound care, Sean Connell
Ibeacon based proximity and indoor localization system, Faheem
Icmt inhibitor development: Merging bioisosterism and computational tools for the identification of potent nanomolar Icmt inhibitors, Jaimeen Devraj Majmudar
Identification and characterization of factors involved in DNA demethylation and anti-silencing in Arabidopsis, Zhaobo Lang
Identification and Characterization of Neutralizing Epitopes on Spike Protein of Turkey Coronavirus, Yi-Ning Chen
Identification and characterization of signal components in early ABA signaling in Arabidopsis, Yueh-Ju Hou
Identification and lineage tracing of Ascl1-expressing cells in maternal liver during pregnancy, Sudhanshu Kumar
Identification of aminotransferases involved in plant phenylalanine biosynthesis, Heejin Yoo
Identification of genomic factors using family-based association studies, Libo Wang
Identification of Rfp (TRIM27) as a novel regulator of AP-1 mediated transcription, Sevim Dalva Aydemir
Identification of the Pba1p and Pba2p binding sites on 20S core particle intermediates, Lindsay Jo Hammack
Identification of unknown Petri net structures from growing observation sequences, Keyu Ruan
Identifying Conditions to Optimize Lactic Acid Production from Food Waste, Raymond M. RedCorn
Identifying Falsifiable Predictions of the Divisive Normalization Model of V1 Neurons, Tadamasa Sawada and Alexander A. Petrov
Identifying predictors of university sales competition performace: A social-cognitive account, Myles G Chandler
Identifying Sources of Information That Students Use in Deciding Which Engineering Major to Pursue, Héctor E. Rodríguez-Simmonds, Juan D. Ortega-Alvarez, S. Zahra Atiq, and Stephen R. Hoffmann
Identifying the Effects of Unprocessed let-7a-1 and let-7a-3 in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer, Hana Kubo, Phillip J. McCown, and Andrea L. Kasinski
Identifying trends among phishing attacks, Matthew R Riedle
iFly: Code Development for an App to Support Automating Entomological Data Collection, Michael P. Cosentino and Trevor Stamper
If Rumors Were Horses, Katina Strauch
If Rumors Were Horses, Katina Strauch
If Rumors Were Horses, Katina Strauch
If Rumors Were Horses, Katina Strauch
If Rumors Were Horses, Katina Strauch
If Rumors Were Horses, Katina Strauch
If Rumors Were Horses, Katina Strauch
If Rumors Were Horses, Katina Strauch
If Rumors Were Horses, Katina Strauch
If Rumors Were Horses, Katina Strauch
If Rumors Were Horses, Katina Strauch
If Rumors Were Horses, Katina Strauch
If Rumors Were Horses, Katina Strauch
If Rumors Were Horses, Katina Strauch
If Rumors Were Horses, Katina Strauch
If Rumors Were Horses, Katina Strauch
If Rumors Were Horses, Katina Strauch
"I Had to Discard Initial Assumptions": Equipping Writing Center Tutors with Expertise in Second Language Writing, Vicki Kennell
I Hear the train A Comin'-An Interview with Bill Park, CEO, Deep Dyve, Greg Tanabaum
I Hear the Train A Comin'-An Interview with Peter Binfield, Co-Founder & Publisher, PeerJ, Greg Tanenbaum
I Hear the Train A Comin'-An Interview with the SIPX Team, Greg Tanenbaum
I Hear the Train A Comin'-An Interview with Timo Hannay, Managing Director of Digital Science, Greg Tananbaum
I Hear the Train A Comin' -- From the Paris of the Plains, Greg Tananbaum
I Hear the Train a Comin'-Remembering Lee Dirks, Greg Tananbaum
I Hear the Train A Comin' -- The Research Works Act, Greg Tananbaum
I Hear the Train A Comin'-Too Much is Not Enough!, Greg Tanenbaum
Illness Representations of Breast Cancer Among Hispanics, Ann Marie Hernandez
Image analysis using visual saliency with applications in hazmat sign detection and recognition, Bin Zhao
Image processing and super resolution methods for a linear 3D range image scanning device for forensic imaging, Abhishek Shriram Joshi
Image quality analysis of electrophotographic printers for banding measurement and forensic application, Gazi N Ali
Image Quality Estimation: Soft-ware for Objective Evaluation, He Liu
Imagination Station, Kristina Lasker
Imaging specific absorption rate with MR thermometry using paramagnetic lanthanide complexes and in vivo GABA MR spectroscopy in movement disorders, Shalmali T Dharmadhikari
Immersed boundary method for Boltzmann model kinetic equations, Cem Pekardan, Sruti Chigullapalli, and Alina A. Alexeenko
(Im)migrant and Ethnic Minority Literature in Education Curricula in Slovenia, Marijanca Ajša Vižintin
Immune modulating functions by soypeptide lunasin in cancer immunotherapy, Chun-Yu Tung
Immunogenicity and protection efficacy of recombinant fowlpox virus expressing turkey coronavirus nucleocapsid or spike protein, Mohamed Gouda Abdelwahab
Immunological characterization of potential protective proteins of Mycobacterium avium subspecies Paratuberculosis, Jatinder Gulani
Immunomodulation as a means to enhance vaccine efficacy in elderly, Aseem Kumar Pandey
Immunotherapy of folate receptor expressing cancers, Nimalka Achini Bandara
Impact Fees Based on ITE Trip Generation - Cautions, Eric Tripi
Impact of a 12-volt Lead Acid Battery State-of-Charge on the Performance of an Automotive Air Conditioning System, Santanu Prasad Datta, Prasanta Kumar Das, and Siddhartha Mukhopadhyay
Impact of Anthropogenic Activities on Hydro-Climatological Variables, Kuk Hyun Ahn
Impact of antimicrobials with or without the addition of phytase on phosphorus digestibility and utilization in swine and broiler chickens, Katherine A. McCormick
Impact Of A Visual Programming Experience On The Attitude Toward Programming Of Introductory Undergraduate Students, Saurabh Godbole
Impact of Climate Change on WEPP Runoff and Soil Loss Predictions in Iowa, Nayereh Ghazanfarpour
Impact of compliance on propulsive efficiency in two dimensional flapping, Dean E Bryson
Impact of contextual metadata on the perceived effectiveness and efficiency of team coordination processes in healthcare operations, Karim C Boustany
Impact of Cu Source and Cu Concentration on Nutrigenomic and Ionomic Profiling in the Weanling Pig, Blair Elizabeth Aldridge
impact of L-Arginine transportation on myeloid-derived suppressor cell function, Cansu Cimen Bozkus
Impact of license selection on open source software quality, Benjamin J. Cotton
Impact of Microscope, Loupes, and Video Displays on Microsurgeons’ risk for Musculoskeletal Injuries, Yiyu Shi and Denny Yu
Impact of Omega-3 Supplementation with Alpha-Linolenic Acid on Neuronal Cell Fatty Acid Status, Owen Densel
Impact of polymers on the solution crystal growth rate of a poorly water-soluble active pharmaceutical ingredient, Caitlin J Schram
Impact of sampling approach and hydraulic topsoil properties on soil erosion estimates by the fallout radionuclide 7Be, Nick Ryken, Bashar Al-Barri, Will Blake, Alex Taylor, Pascal Boeckx, and Ann Verdoodt
Impact of Tillage Management on Aeolian Sediment Transport: A Multi-Source Regression Analysis Using Effective Plant Cover (EPC) factor, Amin Nouri and Gunay Erpul
Impact of Vetch Cover Crop on Runoff, Soil Loss, Soil Chemical Properties and Yield of Chickpea in North Gondar, Ethiopia, Andreas Klik and Nigus Demelash Melaku
Impacts of Agricultural Use on Organic Matter of Histosols in the Cerrado in the north of Minas Gerais State, Brazil, Alceu Pedrotti, Bruno Gomes Cunha MSc, and Carlos Ernesto Schaefer DSc
Impacts of land-atmosphere interactions on regional convection and rainfall, Yue Zheng
Impacts of Stone Bunds on Soil Loss and Surface Runoff: A Case Study from Gumara Maksegnit Watershed, Northern Ethiopia, Andreas Klik, Stefanie Wakolbinger, Eva Maria Obereder, Stefan Strohmeier, and Nigus Demelash Melaku
Implementation and validation of a probabilistic open source baseball engine (POSBE): Modeling hitters and pitchers, Rhett Tracy Schaefer
Implementation of re-usable, configurable systems engineering model using product lifecycle management platform, Weijie Zhang
Implementation of Roundabouts: City of Greenwood's Experience, Mark Richards, Trent Newport, and Jay Vorisek
Implementation of the continuous space language model on a heterogeneous mobile processor, Kurt Spencer Shively
Implementation of Universal HPLC Analysis for Counterfeit Medication: A Partnership of Purdue University and the Kilimanjaro School of Pharmacy, Jordyn McCord, Michael Mavity, and David Wintczak
Implementing Collection Life Cycle Management, Annie Bélanger
Implementing The Caspie Coursebased Research Experience At The United States Military Academy: Affective Responses And Effects On Critical Thinking, Anthony Michael Chase
Implications of Rarefied Gas Damping for RF MEMS Reliability, Alina A. Alexeenko and Sruti Chigullapalli
Implications of the Permanent El Niño Teleconnection "Blueprint" for Past Global and North American Hydroclimatology, A. Goldner, Matthew Huber, N. Diffenbaugh, and R. Caballero
Implicit aggressive personality: Enhancing threat detection bias and sensitivity in the presence and absence of true threat, Kelly T Scherer
Improved amorphous solid dispersion performance using binary polymer combinations, Tian Xie
Improved model for coupled structural-acoustics modes of tires, Rui Cao, Nicholas Sakamoto, and J Stuart Bolton
Improved Random Demodulator for Compressed Sensing Applications, Sathya Narayanan Hariharan
Improved rendition of text and lines in inkjet and electrophotographic printers, Edgar A Bernal
Improvement of the Efficiency of Twin-Screw Refrigeration Compressors by means of Dual Lead Rotors, Matthias Utri and Andreas Brümmer
Improvement Of Thermal Conductivity Of Grout Mixture For Geothermal Heat Pump Systems, Chantal Maatouk
Improvement of treatment for prostate cancer and involvement of Plk1, Long Chen
Improving Indoor Air Quality through Botanical Air Filtration in Energy Efficient Residences, Daniel William Newkirk
Improving Intersection Behavior through Delay-Based Left Turn Phase Initiation, Steven Lavrenz, Alexander Hainen, Amanda Stevens, Christopher Day, Howell Li, Richard Freije, W. Benjamin Smith, Hayley Summers, James Sturdevant, and Darcy Bullock
Improving Intersection Behavior through Delay-Based Left Turn Phase Initiation, Steven M. Lavrenz, Alexander M. Hainen, Amanda L. Stevens, Christopher M. Day, Howell Li, Richard Freije, W Benjamin Smith, Hayley Summers, James R. Sturdevant, and Darcy M. Bullock
Improving Label Prediction in Social Networks by Adding Noise, Praveen Kumar Gurumurthy
Improving mechanical performances of γ-TiAl alloys by electromagnetic cold crucible directional solidification technology, Hongsheng Ding, Qiang Wang, Hailong Zhang, Ruirun Chen, Jingjie Guo, and Hengzhi Fu
Improving Mental Health of Elementary School Children, Alexa Proctor
Improving Policies Impacting School Absenteeism due to Influenza Using Agent-Based Simulation Modeling., Galina V. Miller
Improving Sorghum Productivity in Waterlogged Vertisols in North Gondar, Ethiopia, Andreas Klik and Nigus Demelash Melaku
Improving the Availability of ISSN—A Joint Project, Gaëlle Béquet and Laurie Kaplan
Improving the ICU admission decision planning process, Imran Hasan
Improving the mechanistic study of neuromuscular diseases through the development of a fully wireless and implantable recording device, Rebecca A Bercich
Improving the Performance of PCA-Based Chiller Sensor Fault Detection by Sensitivity Analysis for the Training Data Set, Yunpeng Hu, Jiani Liu, Li Zhou, Yang Liu, and Qingling Qiu
Improving the resilience and cost-performance of internet routing, Zheng Zhang
Improving tone consistency and reducing calibration frequency for color Electrophotography, Yan-Fu Kuo
IMUTCD-Recent Revision, Panel Sign Standards & OHSSI, Lalit M. Garg
Incorporation of GNSS multipath to improve autonomous rendezvous, docking and proximity operations in space, Benjamin W Ashman
Incorporation of mission design constraints in floquet mode and Hamiltonian structure-preserving orbital maintenance strategies for libration point orbits, Kiarash Tajdaran
Increased Delay Discounting Tracks with Later Ethanol Seeking but not Consumption, Steven Wesley Beckwith
Increasing Maize Tolerance to Drought and Flood with Seed Coating Treatments, Jacob E. Bennett, Achint Sanghi, and R. P. Kingsly Ambrose
Increasing the Supply of Affordable Housing in Urban India - Mumbai, Upasna Viswanathan
Increasing yield in the in vitro folding of Methionine-Arginine Human Lyspro Proinsulin-S-Sulfonate, Morgan H Crawford
Indexing and Indices: An Essential Component of Information Discovery, Donald T. Hawkins
Index of the Disappeared: Representing the Invisible South, Bindu Bhadana
Indiana Council for Economic Education, Jeff Sanson
Indiana Geospatial Coordinate System (InGCS), Matthew G. Badger and Matthew R. Healy
Indiana High Accuracy Reference Network (HARN) Final Report, Boudewijn H.W. van Gelder, David J. VandenBerg, and Aaron W. Braun
Indiana Imagery and Elevation Program 2016-2018, James Sparks
Indiana Local Technical Assistance Program Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement No. 34 General Infrastructure Retroactive Reporting Implementation Assistance Manual, Government Fixed Asset Services, Inc.
Indiana Model Zoning Ordinance, Indiana LTAP
Indiana Science Initiative Increases ISTEP+ Passing Rates, Paul Ainslie
Indiana State Highway Cost Allocation and Revenue Attribution Study and Estimation of Travel by Out-of-State Vehicles on Indiana Highways, Matthew Volovski, Eleni Bardaka, Zhibo Zhang, Bismark Agbelie, Samuel Labi, and Kumares C. Sinha
Indiana Transportation Funding Update, Dan Brassard
Indices and ecoinformatics tools for the study of soundscape dynamics, Luis J Villanueva-Rivera
Indigeneity, Diaspora, and Ethical Turn in Anzaldúa’s Borderlands/La Frontera, Hsinya Huang
Indirect methods of estimating Leaf Area Index (LAI) in broadcast-seeded paddy rice fields, Nebiye Musaoglu and Esra Erten
Indoor Acoustic Mapping and Geolocation, Thomas Shyy
INDOT Asset Management in 2016, Louis E. Feagans Jr and John Weaver
INDOT High Friction Surface Treatment Special Provision, Joseph Bruno
INDOT-JTRP LPA Process Improvement, Jon Padfield, Ted Boehm, and Jim Handy
INDOT Rumble Stripe Implementation Update, Dana Plattner
INDOT Signing - Recent Developments for Attraction Signs, Joseph Bruno
Industrial Adoption of Model-Based Systems Engineering: Challenges and Strategies, Apoorv Maheshwari
Infant Exposure to Resuspended Particles from Carpeted Flooring: Experimental Chamber Study with a Simplified Mechanical Crawling Infant, Manjie Fu and Brandon E. Boor
Inferred rheology and upper mantle conditions of western Nevada and southern California-northwest Mexico, Haylee L Dickinson
Influence of 3D Printing Infill Patterns on the Effective Thermal Properties, Yu Han
Influence of Adrenergic Drugs Upon Vital Organ Perfusion During CPR, H R. Holmes, Charles F. Babbs, W D. Voorhees, W A. Tacker, and B de Garavilla
Influence of architecture design on the performance and fuel efficiency of hydraulic hybrid transmissions, Michael W Sprengel
Influence of attachment towards a media figure on a person's relationship satisfaction, Stephen P Stewart
Influence Of Building Management On Cost Optimality Definition In Residential Buildings Retrofitting, Paola Penna, Alessandro Prada, Francesca Cappelletti, and Andrea Gasparella
Influence of Bulk Fluid Velocity on the Efficiency of Electrohydrodynamic Pumping, V. Singhal and S V. Garimella
Influence of Concrete Moisture Condition on Half-Cell Potential Measurement, Sylvia Kessler and Christoph Gehlen
Influence of die construction on equivalent strain, microstructures, and tensile properties of 5052 aluminum alloy processed by groove pressing, Kai-huai Yang, Jian-min Zeng, Wen-zhe Chen, and You-ting Huang
Influence of dietary component manipulation and feed management strategies on growth and rumen development of weaned dairy heifers, Tana Shea Dennis
Influence of dietary polyphenols on carbohydrate intestinal digestion and absorption, Sydney E Moser
Influence of imperfections on carbon nanotube properties, Marino Brcic, Marko Canadija, and Josip Brnic
Influence of pressure field in melts on microstructure formation in solidification processing, Milan Rakita and Qingyou Han
Influence of pre-stretching on the subsequent creep aging behavior of aluminum alloy 2524, Yongqian Xu, Lihua Zhan, Minghui Huang, and Youliang Yang
Influence of SiO2@PMHS on the Water Absorption of Cement Mortar as a Surface Treatment Agent, Ran Li, Pengkun Hou, Zonghui Zhou, and Xin Cheng
Influence of the 3D microenvironment on glioblastoma migration and drug response, Ruth Marisol Herrera Perez
Influence of the mammary microenvironment on tumor progression: Identification of palmitoleic acid and osmotin as mediators of tumor cell growth, Therese S Salameh
Influence of the Surface Treatment of Hardened Cement Mortar with Colloidal Nano-Silica and TEOS, Pengkun Hou, Xin Cheng, and Zonghui Zhou
Influence of trace scandium on the microstructure and the mechanical property of A356 aluminum alloy, Ming Qin
Influence of zirconium on the growth of Al3Ti and TiB2 particles in aluminum alloys, Haibin Ma
Influences on Native American language revitalization in the U.S.: Ideology and culture, Amelia Chantal Shettle
Influencing Factors Study of the Variable Speed Scroll Compressor with EVI Technology, Xiaoli Kang, Yusheng Hu, Caixia Shan, Yun Liu, Xiaojun Gao, and Gang Lv
Information Literacy, Changing Spaces, & Changing Perceptions, Hal P. Kirkwood Jr
Information overload in structured data, Pinar Yanardag Delul
Information retrieval and knowledge management in catalyst chemistry discovery environments, Balachandra B Krishnamurthy
Infrastructure capacity building for recovery and resilience needs of communities to natural hazards, Abhijeet Rathindra Deshmukh
Initial selection of forest species for the rehabilitation of soils disturbed by petroleum extractions in the Ecuadorian Amazon, Jaime Villacis, Cristina Armas, Susana Hang, and Fernando Casanoves
In Memory -- Donald Grant Stave, Scott A. Smith
In Memory of Mike Arnold, Bob Schatz
In My Humble But Correct Opinion-You Might Be A Zealot If…, Rick Anderson
Innovation as everyday action: A case study of organizational discourse and the local meaning of innovation, Jennifer C Batra
Innovation in Open Access Monographs, Archives, and Journals, Brian Hole, Alison Mudditt, David Parker, and Rick Anderson
Innovativeness: A test of an operational model, Mi Sook Weon
Inquiry and Innovation in the Classroom: Using 20% Time, Genius Hour, and PBL to Drive Student Success, Aysenur Ozyer and Brent G. Wilson
Inquiry-Based Learning for Faculty and Institutional Development: A Conceptual and Practical Resource for Educators, Suha R. Tamim
Insights into the chemically-mediated signaling strategies of the longhorned beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae), Gabriel Patrick Hughes
In situ flame structure imaging of composite propellants using high-speed planar laser-induced fluorescence, Sarah Isert
Instabilities and pattern formation under an applied non-uniform electric field, Hak Koon Yeoh
Instrumental and statistical methods for the comparison of class evidence, Elisa Anne Liszewski
Integral and Differential Model of Hermetical Compressor Heat Losses Including Experimental Validation, Maria Goossens, Philippe Riviere, Odile Cauret, Cedric Teuillieres, and Dominique Marchio
Integral Compressor/Generator/Fan Unitary Structure, Nelik Dreiman
Integrated computational materials engineering in quenching and tempering of extra-large rotors, Mengnie V. Li, Ying Yang, Hengyong Bu, and Xuejiao Zhang
Integrated control of RTUs and refrigeration equipment in convenience stores, Donghun Kim and James Braun
Integrated design tool of building system optimization for building life cycle cost, Yeon Jin Bae
Integrated micro PEM fuel cell with self-regulated hydrogen generation from ammonia borane, Mahmoud Reza Zamani Farahani
Integrated Thermal Energy Storage, William L. Kopko
Integrated Transceiver Front-end for High-FrequencyWireless Communications, Sanghoon Joo
Integrated wireless sensor system for efficient Pre-Fall detection, Nikhil Tiwari
Integrating Numerical Models for Efficient Simulation of Compressor Valves, Ajay Parihar, David Myszka, Benjamin Robinet, and Thomas Hodapp
Integrating precision machining process capability data into product feature design process, Maureen M Fang
Integrating Pro-Environmental Behavior with Transportation Network Modeling: User and System Level Strategies, Implementation, and Evaluation, Husain M. Abdul Aziz
Integrating Traffic Signal Performance Measures into Agency Business Processes, Christopher M. Day, Darcy M. Bullock, Howell Li, Steven M. Lavrenz, W. Benjamin Smith, and James R. Sturdevant
Integration of advanced simulation and visualization for material processing, Chenn Zhou
Integration of Z-Depth in Compositing, Kayla Steckel
Integrative review of nurse-delivered community-based physical activity promotion, Elizabeth Richards and Y. Cai
Intellectual Property Rights for New Seed Technologies: Balancing Farmers’ and Breeders’ Rights, Preethi Krishnan, Andrew Raridon, Leigh Raymond, and Mangala Subramaniam
Intelligent sensor system for selected environmental safety application, Chen-Lin Song
Intensive treatment near the end of life in advanced cancer patients, Kaitlin Kyna Touza
Interaction and protection of antimicrobial compounds with carbohydrate-based colloidal systems for improved food safety, Preetam Sarkar
Interactions of Syk and TRIP in the TNF-mediated survival pathway in breast epithelial cells, Qing Zhou
Interactive effects of animals and silviculture on the early life history of oak, Kenneth F Kellner
Interactive effects of elevated CO2 and salinity on three common grass species, Donovan J Moxley
Interactive visualization of three-dimensional confocal microscopy data, Qiqi Wang
Interagency Cooperation Daily Detector Alarms, Bryan Meenen
Interim And Long-Term Low-GWP Refrigerant Solutions For Air Conditioning, Hung M. Pham and Ken Monnier
Internal Heat Exchanger Performance Quantification and Comparison Testing Methods Including Exploration of the Effects of Location of Measurements and Oil in Circulation, Andrew Musser, Pega Hrnjak, and Stefan Elbel
International Approaches to Research Data Services in Libraries, Michael Witt and Wolfram Horstmann
International Dateline-A Nest of Singing Birds, Rita Ricketts
International Dateline-Temple of the Muses, Rita Ricketts
International Dateline: The Butcher, The Baker, the Candlestick Maker, Rita Ricketts
International Dateline-The Good Bookman, Rita Ricketts
internet of things security using proactive WPA/WPA2, Mustafa Kamoona
Interposed abdominal compression as an adjunct to cardiopulmonary resuscitation, Charles F. Babbs, Jeffrey B. Sack, and Karl B. Kern
Interrogating Demand: Pathways Toward Purchase in Patron‐Influenced E‐Book Models, Jim Dooley
Intersectionality on the path to leadership: The role of identity management in influencing hiring outcomes, Danielle D. King, Ann Marie Ryan, and Jennifer Wessel
Interstate 69 Section 6 Project Update, Tim Miller and Jim Earl
Interval analysis techniques for field mapping and geolocation, Yan Cui
Interview: Amy Ross, Sunny Asaf
Interview: Nate Larson, Sunny Asaf
Intestinal cytoplasmic lipid droplets, associated proteins, and the regulation of dietary fat absorption, Theresa M D'Aquila
In the Highways and Hedges: Library Support for OER Adoption Efforts at Higher Education Institutions Across Virginia, Tara Cassidy, Olivia Reinauer, and Anita R. Walz
Intimacy and autonomy: Twentieth century American women and the quest for self-realization, Mary F. V Barford
IN-TIME Executive Session, Mike Lepper and Steve Harney
Intranuclear strain measured by iterative warping in cells under mechanical and osmotic stress, Jonathan T Henderson
Introduction, Beth R. Bernhardt and Leah Hinds
Introduction: Applications of Business Information Literacy for Improved Decision Making, Hal P. Kirkwood Jr and Ilana Stonebraker
Introduction: Maxine Greene on Democracy and the Social Imagination, Kathleen Knight Abowitz
Introduction to Academic E-Books, Judith M. Nixon, Robert S. Freeman, and Suzanne M. Ward
Introduction to and Bibliography for the Study of Alimentary Life Writing and Recipe Writing as War Literature, Louise O. Vasvari
Introduction to Fiction and Ethics in the Twenty-first Century, Zhenzhao Nie and Biwu Shang
Introduction to IndianaMap Resources and LiDAR, Philip S. Worrall
Introduction to Life Writing and the Trauma of War, Louise O. Vasvári and I-Chun Wang
Introduction to the new Indiana Geospatial Coordinate System (InGCS), Matthew Badger
Inverse modeling procedure for post-necking hardening behavior of commercial pure titanium sheet and its evaluation, Kangning Liu
Inverse procedural modeling of trees, Ondrej Stava
Investigating methods for using ractopamine hydrochloride in domestic beef cattle and factors affecting body condition of cattle on Il N'gwesi Group Ranch in Kenya, Africa, Kyle Christian Culp
Investigating physiological collaborations between a lower termite and its symbionts, Brittany F Peterson
Investigating piglet crushing by the sow: A data mining approach, Gabriela Munhoz Morello
Investigating Surface Performance Trade-offs of Unimpeded Taxiways, Tiffany T. Le
Investigating synergy: Mathematical models for the coupled dynamics of HIV and HSV-2 and other endemic diseases, Christina M Alvey
Investigating the biosynthetic pathways to polyacetylenic natural products in Fistulina hepatica and Echinacea purpurea, Anthony S Ransdell
Investigating the early events in proteasome assembly, Aishwarya Ramamurthy
Investigating the impact of CAD simulations on student design thinking, Manaz R Taleyarkhan
Investigating the impact of visuohaptic simulations for the conceptual understanding of electric field for distributed charges, Uzma Abdul Sattar Shaikh
Investigating the Need for Drainage Layers in Flexible Pavements, Masoud Ghavami, Maryam S. Hosseini, Pablo Zavattieri, and John E. Haddock
Investigating the role of AP-1 activity in T cell development using mice overexpressing Batf and Batf3, Kimberly Lynn Jordan-Williams
Investigating the role of the basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor MIST1 in pancreatic diseases, Anju Karki
Investigating the Structural Criteria for Icmt Inhibition: Development of AFC and FTA-triazole based Icmt Inhibitors, Liza Shrestha
Investigating Tropical Cyclone-Climate Feedbacks Using the TRMM Microwave Imager and the Quick Scatterometer, Ryan L. Sriver, Matthew Huber, and Jesse Nusbaumer
Investigating U.S. resident perceptions of corporate social responsibility in food and agriculture, Carissa Jae Morgan
Investigation, Analysis and Solution of Higher Noise of Heat Pump Water Heater, Bo Huang, Weiyan Chu, and Yinxiao Lu
Investigation and modeling of uranium polarization for the electrorefining of Scrap U-MO foils, Melissa Rose
Investigation of Air-Cooled Condensers for Ammonia-Water Absorption Chillers, Subhrajit Chakraborty, Victor C. Aiello, and Srinivas Garimella
Investigation of Aluminum Foams and Graphite Fillers for Improving the Thermal Conductivity of Paraffin Wax-based Phase Change Materials, Javieradrian Ruiz, Amy Marconnet, Yash Ganatra, John Howarter, and Alex Bruce
Investigation of an affordable multigrain thresher for smallholder farmers in sub-Saharan Africa, David D Wilson
Investigation of an energetic coupling between ligand binding and protein folding, Nathan W Gardner
Investigation of a Novel 3D Non-Destructive Evaluation for Corrosion Process in Reinforced Concrete, Guohao Fang, Biqin Dong, Ningxu Han, and Feng Xing
Investigation of Anti-Icing Chemicals and Their Interactions with Pavement Concretes, Jan Olek, Anna Janusz, Jitendra Jain, and Warda Ashraf
Investigation of climate variability and climate change impacts on corn yield in the Eastern Corn Belt, USA, Ruoyu Wang
Investigation of condensed and early stage gas phase hypergolic reactions, Jacob Daniel Dennis
Investigation of digital pump/motor control strategies, Farid El-Breidi
Investigation of Dynamic Thermal Parameters of Various Insulation Filled Bricks Exposed to Periodic Thermal Variations for Energy Efficient Stuffed Bricks Design, Ashok Babu Puttaranga Setty Talanki and Saboor Shaik
Investigation of effect of oxidative stress on proteomic signatures in diseases, Ashraf G Madian
Investigation of electronic excitation dynamics in molecular crystals via picosecond laser spectroscopy, Charles Everett Mooney
Investigation of Evaporator Performance with and without Liquid Overfeeding, Stefano Bortolin, Marco Rossato, Stefano Bernardinello, and Davide Del Col
Investigation of High Pressure Fluid Circuit Gas Flow Dynamics in a Hermetic Compressor Using CFD to Improve Qualitative Flow Understanding, David Neal Halbrooks
Investigation Of Hydrate Growth Rate On The Interface Between Liquid and Solid Film, Hongxia Zhou and Carlos Infante Ferreira
Investigation of Isotope Effects of Ozone as a Function of Temperature, Daniel J. McMahon
Investigation of lead exposure as a developmental origin of adult neurodegenerative disease using the zebrafish model system, Jinyoung Lee
Investigation of Liquid Flow in Microchannels, D. Liu and S V. Garimella
Investigation Of Microstructural Alterations In M50 And 52100 Steel Using Nanoindentation, Kristin R. Paulson
Investigation of microstructure and mechanical properties of CP–Ti/Q345 filled with Cu-based wires, Min Zhang, Qiaoling Chu, Jihong Li, Qingyang Fan, and Weiwei Xie
Investigation of multimodal forward scatter phenotyping from bacterial colonies, Huisung Kim
Investigation of noise sources and propagation in external gear pumps, Timothy J Opperwall
Investigation of Operating Range Capability of Gasoline Fueled Compression Ignition, Nishigandha Dileep Railkar
Investigation of optical near field using near field scanning optical microscopy, Yan Li
Investigation of the Effects of Coil Spring on Discharge Tube, Ergin Tasdelen and Atilla Kaya
Investigation of the Freezing/Melting Process of Unsaturated Cement Paste by Low Temperature Calorimetry, Ruihu Zhu, Lin Liu, and Huisu Chen
Investigation of the Impact of Stone Bunds on Erosion and Deposition Processes Combining Conventional and Tracer Methodology in the Gumara Maksegnit Watershed, Northern Highlands of Ethiopia, Andreas Klik and Eva Maria Obereder
Investigation of the influence of gravitational body force effects on critical heat flux for flow boiling with subcooled and two-phase inlet, Christopher Alan Konishi
Investigation of the Potential Bacterial Proteasome Homologue Anbu, Stephen R Suknaic
Investigation of Thermal-Hydraulic Characteristics of Pillow Plate Heat Exchangers Using CFD, Radia Eldeeb, Vikrant Aute, and Reinhard Radermacher
Investigation of the role of the Dot/Icm Type Four Secretion System substrate SidL during Legionella pneumophila intracellular growth, Robert E Stephenson
Investigation of the Spatial Variability of Steel Weight Loss and Corrosion Cracking: A Novel X-ray Technique, Sopokhem Lim, Haitao Jiang, and Mitsuyoshi Akiyama
Investigation of the susceptibility of cast superalloy K438 to liquation cracking during welding through Gleeble thermo-mechanical simulation testing, Shaoqing Guo, Siyi Tang, Wanqing LI, and Renyao Qin
Investigation of transport, capacitance, and high-accuracy modeling aspects in low-dimensional devices for tunneling applications, Ramon Salazar
Investigation on A Ground Source Heat Pump System Integrated With Renewable Sources, Defeng Qian, Fuxin Niu, Steven Kavanaugh, and Zheng O'Neill
Investigations into the Mechanisms of Resistance to Fusarium Head Blight in Wheat, Megan Eileen Gillespie
Investigations of acetic acid and its quantitative effects on the quasi-liquid layer through 1H and 13C NMR analysis, Jade Bianca Jones
Investigations of carbon nanotube catalyst morphology and behavior with transmission electron microscopy, Sammy M Saber
Investigations Of Chinese Cabbage Cold Storage Chamber Operation, Miroslawa Kolodziejczyk, Dariusz Butrymowicz, Jerzy Gagan, and Kamil Smierciew
Investigations Of Heat And Momentum Transfer in Vapor-Liquid Isobutane Injector, Kamil Smierciew, Dariusz Butrymowicz, and Tomasz Przybylinski
Investigations of Lipid Metabolism in Yarrowia lipolytica, Ethan Charles Blocher-Smith
Investigations Of Low Pressure Two-Phase Steam-Water Injector, Roman Kwidzinski, Dariusz Butrymowicz, Jaroslaw Karwacki, Marian Trela, and Kamil Smierciew
Investigations on alkenyldiarylmethane HIV-1 reverse transcriptase inhibitors: Mechanisms of action, synthesis, and metabolic evaulation of hydrolytically stable analogue, Matthew David Cullen
Investigations on Performance of an Auto-Cascade Absorption Refrigeration System Operating with Mixed Refrigerants, Shengjian Le, Qin Wang, Dahong Li, Xiaohong Han, and Guangming Chen
Invisible humans, visible terrorists: U.S. neo-Orientalism post 9/11 and representations of the Muslim world, Khalid M Alrasheed
Invisible victims: The war on drugs in America's ghettos, Gary P Sands
In Vitro and In Silico Analysis of Osteoclastogenesis in Response to Inhibition of De-phosphorylation of EIF2α by Salubrinal and Guanabenz, Nancy Giovanni Tanjung
In vitro folding of human lyspro-proinsulin: Pathways and kinetics, Shuang Chen
In Vitro Motility of Actin Filaments Powered by Plant Myosins XI, Cesar A. Quintana-Cataño, Christopher J. Staiger, and Weiwei Zhang
Ion/ion reactions and instrument development for the modification of gas phase bio-ions, Joshua D Gilbert
I. Plasmon-resonant cavity modes in 2D arrays of gold nanorods. II. Real-time detection of pathogens using Fourier-transform based image processing, David Patrick Lyvers
Iron Chlorosis of Trees and Shrubs, Paul C. Pecknold
Iron oxides as tools to assess water erosion processes, Jose A. Gomez
Irrigation Adoption, Groundwater Demand and Policy in the U.S. Corn Belt, 2040-2070, Molly A Van Dop
Irrigation with Treated Wastewater: Potential and Limitations, Anne Dare
Ischemic preconditioning and hydrodynamic delivery for the prevention of Acute Kidney Injury, Keyin Lu
Is Depression a Stronger Risk Factor for Cardiovascular Disease Among Individuals with a History of Adverse Childhood Experiences?, Stephanie M Case
Isentropic Mixtures and Their Application in Heat Pumps in Cold Climate Region, Nan Zheng, Yunho Hwang, Li Zhao, and Reinhard Radermacher
Is metabolism goal-directed? Investigating the validity of modeling biological systems with cybernetic control via omic data, Frank T DeVilbiss
Is periodontal disease a partial mediator of the association between depressive symptoms and cardiovascular disease?, Tasneem Khambaty
Issues in Vendor/Library Relations-Air Show, Bob Nardini
Issues in Vendor/Library Relations: Different, Bob Nardini
Issues in Vendor/Library Relations-GPS, Bob Nardini
Issues in Vendor/Library Relations-Incense, Bob Nardini
Issues in Vendor/Library Relations-Indianapolis, Bob Nardini
Issues in Vendor/Library Relations-Patronized, Bob Nardini
Issues in Vendor/Library Relations -- Schooled, Bob Nardini
Issues in Vendor/Library Relations -- Telecommute, Bob Nardini
Is there TRIP effect? Verification from finite element simulation, Yonghua Rong, Nailu Chen, Xunwei Zuo, Jianfeng Wan, and Rui Feng
"I worried about pretty much everything": Training tutors to work with L2 writers, Vicki Kennell
JMJC domain-containing histone demethylase 2 (Jhd2): Bridging the gap between H3K4 trimethylation and H3 acetylation, Kayla M Harmeyer
Joining the Dark Side, Laura Harris
Joint Architecture For Reusable Vehicle-Integrated Software (J.A.R.V.I.S), Anthony Mark Kane
Joseph S. Redding's Contributions to Cardiac Resuscitation, Sandra H. Ralston and Charles F. Babbs
JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, and the mortgage crisis of 2008, Lauren Berkshire Hearit
J-Turn: An Intersection Safety Improvement, Brian Malone and Josh Cook
Juniper Tip Blights, Paul C. Pecknold and Melodie Putnam
Kaffka's (1880-1918) Life Writing and Objection to the War, Steven Tötösy de Zepetnek
Karyopherin alpha subtypes and porcine early stage embryo development, Yanfang Li
Kayapo Media Making: Building On-Site Capacity, Kaitlin Harris
Keep Those Booktrucks Rolling: Strategies for a Major Move of the Library Collection, Edward F. Lener, Leslie O'Brien, and Ladd Brown
Kernels of adjoints of composition operators on Hilbert spaces of analytic functions, Brittney Rachele Miller
Knitting rebellion: Elizabeth Zimmermann, identity, and craftsmanship in post war America, Maureen Lilly Marsh
Knowledge modeling of phishing emails, Courtney Falk
Knudsen Force Modeling in Application to Microsystems, Jeremy S. Nabeth, Sruti Chigullapalli, and Alina A. Alexeenko
Lab and Field Evaluation of Fault Detection and Diagnostics for Advanced Roof Top Unit, Jinliang Wang, Mikhail Gorbounov, Murat Yasar, Hayden Reeve, Andrew L Hjortland, and James E Braun
Laboratory Apparatus For Gas Turbine Combustion Development, Dustin Lee Cruise
Laboratory Evaluation of a Commercial CO2 Booster Refrigeration System, Brian Fricke, Shitong Zha, Vishal Sharma, and Jeff Newel
Laboratory Performance Evaluation Of Residential Scale Gas Engine Driven Heat Pump, Ahmad Abu-Heiba, Isaac Y. Mahderekal, and Ayyoub Momen
Lack of Data for Predicting Storm Water Pollutant Removal by Post-Construction Best Management Practices, Andrew J. Whelton, Jeffrey Gill, Li Song, Bryce Froderman, Mahboobeh Teimouri, and Hua Cai
Lagrangian errors: Feature relative verification, Bradley J Fehnel
La Leche League, the media, and the nursing mother: A broader perspective on persona theory, Erin F Doss
Lane departure avoidance system, Mousumi Mukhopadhyay
Language testing and World Englishes: Examination of a local English test in South Korea, Soohyon Ji
Language, writing, and social (inter)action: An analysis of text-based chats in Macedonian and English, Mira Bekar
L’architecture des premières maisons européennes d’Alger, 1830-1865, Asma Hadjilah
Large-displacement stability in aircraft power systems, Thomas Craddock
Large-displacement stability of ac microgrids, Lee J Rashkin
Large Scale Monolithic Solar Panel Simulation - A Study on Partial Shading Degradation, Suhas V. Baddela, Xingshu Sun, and Muhammad A. Alam
L’art espagnol de l’Europe à l’Argentine : mobilités Nord-Sud, transferts et réceptions (1890-1920), Laura Karp Lugo
Laser Assisted Manufacturing: A Comparison of Mechanical Properties Between LAM and Conventional Manufacturing Techniques, William Blakeslee, Neil S. Bailey, Kyung-Min Hong, Shunyu Liu, and Yung C. Shin
Laser-assisted mechanical micromachining, Jonathan A Shelton
Laser-assisted microchanneling on PMMA substrate utilizing two-pass fabrication method, Sijie Zhang and Yung C. Shin
Laser assisted milling of difficult to machine materials, Gary Kent Hedberg
Laser Mobile Mapping Standards and Applications in Transportation, Steven D. Johnson, James S. Bethel, Chisaphat Supunyachotsakul, and Scott Peterson
Laser scanner jitter characterization, page content analysis for optimal rendering, and understanding image graininess, Yi-Ting Chen
Laser shock based platform for controllable forming of nanowires and nanomembranes, Ji Li
Lasso-optimal supersaturated design and analysis for factor screening in simulation experiments, Dadi Xing
Latest development in virtual casting of lightweight metals, Qigui Wang
Latitudinal variation of life history strategies in the burying beetle, Nicrophorus orbicollis, Brandon Matthew Quinby
Lattice Boltzmann modeling of dendritic growth and microstructure evolution in solidification of alloys, Dongke Sun, Qingyou Han, and Mingfang Zhu
Laying the Foundation: Digital Humanities in Academic Libraries, John W. White and Heather Gilbert
LCCP Analysis of Energy-Saving Effect of Defaulting to Recirculated Cabin Air in EV Mobile Air Conditioning System, Ziqi Zhang, Xiaoning Chen, Cichong Liu, Wanyong Li, Junye Shi, and Jiangping Chen
LDPE-based bio-plastics, Vijaya Sangawar, Amit Gadre, and Ganesh Yerawar
Leading change in higher education: Reflections on designing diversity and inclusion learning experiences, Ziyu Long, Patrice M. Buzzanell, and Dulcy Abraham
Leaf Scorch of Trees and Shrubs, Paul C. Pecknold
Learners' use, perception, and recognition of and motivation to learn Japanese gender forms, Junko Ikeda Schwartzman
Learning from minimally labeled data with accelerated convolutional neural networks, Aysegul Dundar
Learning in Partially Observable Markov Decision processes, Mohit Sachan
Learning in vision and robotics, Daniel P Barrett
Learning Mendeley Through Its Certification Program for Librarians, Rajiv Nariani and Yath Ithayakumar
Learning Object Representations for Modeling Attention in Real World Scenes, Alex Schwarz, Frederik Beuth, and Fred H. Hamker
Learning the ABC's of ribose transport using biophysical methods, Satchal K Erramilli
Learning the language of academic engineering: Sociocognitive writing in graduate students, Catherine G. P Berdanier
Learning to Sew: A Student Pharmacist’s Service-Learning Experience, Karolina M. Grzesiak, Craig A. Vargo, Ellen M. Schellhase, Monica L. Miller, Rakhi Karwa, Sonak D. Pastakia, and Beatrice Jakait
Least-squares finite element method for singularly perturbed problems and the Oseen problem, Binghe Chen
Le Concert et la Tournée. Perspectives sur la Direction de Concerts Albert Gutmann, Laetitia Corbière
LED Rate Tarrifs and New Advances in Lighting Design, Ted J. Sommer
Lee Dirks: An Appreciation, Clifford Lynch
Legally Speaking-An Apple for Authos: Status of United States v. Apple, Inc., et. al, Bruce Strauch, Bryan M. Carson, Jack Montgomery, and William M. Hannay
Legally Speaking -- eBooks Price-Fixing Lawsuits Skimming Along, Bill Hannay and Bryan M. Carson J.D., M.I.L.S.
Legally Speaking: Libraries Reverse Course on Need for Legislative Reform, Bruce Strauch
Legally Speaking-Loss Prevention and Insurance: Best Practices in the Protection of Historical Archives, Bruce Strauch, Bryan M. Carson, and Jack Montgomery
Legally Speaking-Our Nomadic Treasures: What To Do When Your Children Go Astray, Bruce Strauch and Bryan M. Carson
Legally Speaking-So Many eBooks, So Little Time, Bruce Strauch, Bryan M. Carson, and Jack Montgomery
Legislation & enforcement of control rules for residential building construction at Chennai, India, Joseph Jacob Kattunkal
Leisure and Posthumanism in Houellebecq's Platform and Lanzarote, Nurit Buchweitz and Elie Cohen-Gewerc
Les rues des tableaux: The Geography of the Parisian Art Market 1815-1955, Léa Saint-Raymond, Félicie de Maupeou, and Julien Cavero
Lessons Learned, Amira Aaron
Lessons Learned from ASCT and Systems Engineering, Eddie Curtis
Lessons Learned: Jisc's Experience in Acquiring Multimedia Resources on Behalf of UK Academic Libraries, Lorraine Estelle
Les transferts de « l’art total » de la Suisse au Brésil : une modernisation très particulière, Ana Paula Cavalcanti Simioni
Le triangle des circulations artistiques transnationales, Béatrice Joyeux-Prunel and Catherine Dossin
Letters to the Editor, Katina Strauch
Letters to the Editor, Katina Strauch
Letters to the Editor, Katina Strauch
Letters to the Editor, Katina Strauch
Letters to the Editor, Katina Strauch
Letters to the Editor, Katina Strauch
Letters to the Editor, Katina Strauch
Letters to the Editor, Katina Strauch
Letters to the Editor, Katina Strauch
Letters to the Editor, Katina Strauch
Letters to the Editor, Katina Strauch
Letting the Patrons Drive…Research Library Acquisitions?, Martha Hruska
Level of Effort for Indiana Counties, Indiana LTAP
Leveraging Aircraft Avionics, Margaret McNamara, John H. Mott, and Darcy M. Bullock
Leveraging natural dynamical structures to explore multi-body systems, Natasha Bosanac
Leveraging Smart Infusion Pump Data for Workflow, Patient Care and Usability Improvement in Human Factors, Yan Ni Ding, Denny Yu, Poching DeLaurentis, Kang-Yu Hsu, and Joon Hong Kim
Leveraging Usage Data and User‐Driven Development to Extend the Use of Collections, Kristen Garlock
Leveraging Use‐by‐Publication‐Age Data in Serials Collection Decisions, Matthew J. Jabaily, James R. Rodgers, and Steven A. Knowlton
Levitating Libraries to the Clouds: A Strategy for Academic Libraries, Mark Dehmlow
LGWP & HC Refrigerants Solubility Tests Performed in Running Scroll Compressor, Pierre Ginies, Guillaume Rebiere, Julie Mandon, and Jean Guillaume Cheurlin
Liberalism and Beyond: Toward a Public Philosophy of Education, Maxine Greene
Libraries in a Bind: Practical Solutions and Human Responses to a Weeding Mandate, Alex D. McAllister, Allan Scherlen, Christina Mayberry, Kathy Marks, and Carla Caforio
Library Marketplace-An Interview with the "Library Publishing Toolkit" Authors, Investigators, Sponsors and Editors, John D. Riley
Library Marketplace-Gifts and Deselection Manager: The Free and Open Source Program for Weeding and Growing Library Collections, John D. Riley
Library Marketplace-Interview with Norman Desmarais, Professor Emeritus, Providence College, John D. Riley
Light-emitting diodes as an alternative supplemental lighting source for greenhouse tomato propagation and production, Celina Gomez Vargas
Light-off temperature shift as a detection method of catalyzed diesel particulate filter nonmethane hydrocarbon oxidation efficiency degradation, Ryan Edward Schultz
Lineage tracing of Ascl1-expressing cells in the maternal liver during pregnancy, Shashank Manohar Nambiar
Linear Compressor Discharge Manifold Design For High Thermal Efficiency, Dietmar E. B. Lilie, Rinaldo Puff, and Marcos G. D. Bortoli
Linear Compressor Suction Valve Optimization, Rinaldo Puff, Dietmar E. B. Lilie, Marcelo Knies, and Marcos G. D. Bortoli
Linear matrix inequality-based nonlinear adaptive robust control with application to unmanned aircraft systems, David William Kun
Link failure detection in OSPF network using OpenFlow Protocol, Santhan Pamulapati
Lipid detection in pig arteries using intravascular photoacoustic imaging, Jieying Mai, Yingchun Cao, Ayeeshik Kole, Michael Sturek, and Ji-Xin Cheng
Lipidomic profiling of Dictyostelium discoideum, Garrison L Birch
Liquid/substrate interface for the heterogeneous nucleation in grain refinement of Al alloys, Yanfeng Han, Jun Xu, Hanlong Zhang, Yongbing Dai, Jiao Zhang, Jun Wang, and Baode Sun
Listening to Revise: What a Study about Text-to-Speech Software Taught us about Students' Expectations for Technology Use in the Writing Center, Tammy S. Conard-Salvo and John M. Spartz
Literature review of condensation and evaporation of R290, Cichong Liu, Ziyang Sun, Ziqi Zhang, Junye Shi, and Jiangping Chen
Little Red Herring -- Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin, Mark Y. Herring
Little Red Herrings-File Not Really Found, Mark Herring
Little Red Herrings-Freedom, Freedom, Freeee-dom, Mark Y. Herring
Little Red Herrings-Has the Internet Made Libraries Obsolete After All?, Mark Herring
Little Red Herrings-If You Build It They (Really) Will Come, Mark Y. Herring
Little Red Herrings-Is Literacy Still Possible at Our Hyper-connected World?, Mark Y. Herring
Little Red Herrings -- Is the Internet A Substitute for the Library After All? Part 1, Mark Y. Herring
Little Red Herrings-Now, Don't Go Chasing Rabbits, Mark Y. Herring
Little Red Herrings-Ten Reasons Revisited Part 3 Conclusions, Mark Herring
Load and Electricity Rates Prediction for Building Wide Optimization Applications, Mohammad N ElBsat and Michael J Wenzel
Load and Resistance Factor Design of Bridge Foundations Accounting for Pile Group–Soil Interaction, Fei Han, Jeehee Lim, Rodrigo Salgado, Monica Prezzi, and Mir Zaheer
Load Modulation Strategies Of Residential Heat Pumps For Demand-Response Programs With Different Thermal Storage Options, Emeline Georges and Vincent Lemort
Local Heat Transfer Characteristics of the R1234ze(E) Two Phase Flow Inside a Plate Heat Exchanger, Keishi Kariya, Mohammad Sultan Mahmud, Akitoshi Kawazoe, and Akio Miyara
Local Heat Transfer Distributions in Confined Multiple Air Jet Impingement, S V. Garimella and V. P. Schroeder
Localization and delocalization in two-dimensional quantum percolation, Brianna S. Dillon Thomas
Localization of the varicella-zoster virus encapsidation proteins in transfected and infected cells, Karen L Irven
Local polynomial chaos expansion method for high dimensional stochastic differential equations, Yi Chen
Logic approach to surface-generating problem, Gau Rong Liang
Logique circulatoire de la photographie imprimée. Le cas des revues d’avant-garde tchèques., Fedora Parkmann
Longitudinal Career Patterns of Engineering Doctorates: Gender Diversity in the Academic Sector, Joyce Main
Long range ultra-high frequency (UHF) radio frequency identification (RFID) antenna design, Nathan D Reynolds
Long-Term Pavement Performance Indicators for Failed Materials, Jaehyun Park, Chenxi Yuan, and Hubo Cai
Long-Term Watershed Monitoring - Do's and Don'ts, Stanley J. Livingston
Looking forward, looking back: Their effects on the present bargaining interaction and outcome, Karen Lynne Rudick
Loop Heat Pipes and mini-Vapour Cycle System for Helicopter Avionics Electronic Thermal Management, Claudio Zilio, Simone Mancin, Romain Hodot, Claude Sarno, Vincent Pomme, and Bertrand Truffart
Lophodermium Needlecast, Paul C. Pecknold
Los testamentos indígenas coloniales de Santafé de Bogotá y su realidad colonial, Leidy Johana Barrero
Low-cost and earth-abundant nanocrystal synthesis for solar energy conversion and thermoelectric device applications, Robert B Balow
Low-cost structured-light 3D capture system design, Jing Dong
Low Frequency Variability In Globally Integrated Tropical Cyclone Power Dissipation, Ryan Sriver and Matthew Huber
Low GWP Refrigerants for Air Conditioning and Chiller Applications, Ankit Sethi and Samuel Yana Motta
Low GWP Refrigerants Modelling Study for a Room Air Conditioner Having Microchannel Heat Exchangers, Bo Shen, Mahabir Bhandari, Milind Rane, and Deep Mota
Low molecular weight, high affinity ligand based drug delivery and diagnostic systems, Walter A. Henne
Low molecular weight, high affinity targeting ligands for use in therapeutics and diagnostics systems, Derek D Doorneweerd
Low-noise, wide dynamic range sigma delta sensor interface with applications in microfluidic cell sorting, Benjamin R Geheb
Low-Power ASIC Design with Integrated Multiple Sensor System, Hossein Jafarian
Low Refrigerant Algorithm Detection for Cooling Systems Relying on Trending and Data Analysis, Fadi M. Alsaleem and Amro Quedan
Low-temperature bainite transformation behavior and microstructure and mechanical properties of a medium-carbon high-strength steel for railway forging upper core plate, Xiaofeng Qin, Shihai Cui, and An Wang
Lubrication Analysis of Journal Bearings in R410A Rotary Compressor, Yongjun Fu, Xingbiao Zhou, Hong Guo, and Peipei Mei
Lubrication Tests to Support Optimal Performance Design Guidelines for Thrust Slide-Bearings in Scroll Compressors, Noriaki Ishii, Eiji Nonoguchi, Keiko Anami, Atsushi Sakuda, Yuya Terada, Yusuke Imai, Kiyoshi Sawai, and Charles William Knisely
Luo’s Ethical Experience of Growth in Mo Yan's Pow!, Zhenzhao Nie
Lysis and Amplifciation of Neonatal Sepsis Causing Pathogens, Gregory Berglund, Elizabeth A. Phillips, and Jacqueline C. Linnes
Machine Learning in Medical Diagnosis, Patrick Talley
Machine-to-machine communication for automatic retrieval of scientific data, SricharanLochan Gangaraju
Machine vision assisted In Situ Ichthyoplankton Imaging System, Neeraj Iyer
Magnetic resonance elastography: A comparison between pulse sequences across field strengths, Graham Owen
Magnetism in iron-based superconductors and their parent compounds, Chen Fang
Mainstream Patron-Driven Acquisition: Topicality Over the Scholarly Record…and the Cello Suites, Aaron Wood
Maintaining Signal Performance Metrics, Scott Stevenson
Maintenance Performance Measures for Traffic Signal Systems, Jay Grossman
Makers: Technical Communication in Post-Industrial Participatory Communities, John Timothy Sherrill
Making an IMPACT: Empowering Student via Information Use, Michael Flierl
Making an IMPACT: Transforming academic courses through student-centered teaching, Clarence Maybee
Making meaning in the presence of sub-threshold psychotic symptoms: An investigation of metacognitive capacity in psychometric schizotypy, Beshaun Jamaal Davis
Making Real Time Decisions and Separating Fact from Fiction, Jim Sturdevant and Ed Cox
Making the cut: Indiana school accountability and English learner test performance, April Maria Burke
Malliavin calculus in the Canonical Lévy process: White noise theory and financial applications, Rolando D. Navarro
Management Of Bacterial Wilt On Muskmelon Using Actigard, Fawzia Mumtaz
Management of Drylands: Lessons Learned, Donald Maurice Gabriels and Deyanira Lobo
Management of remnant prairie ecosystems: Soil transfer, fire, and exotic species invasion, Adam R Warrix
Managing, Marketing, and Measuring Open Resources, Trey Shelton, Steven Carrico, Ann Lindell, and Tara T. Cataldo
Managing Risk and Complexity through Open Communication and Teamwork, Phillip K. Tompkins
Managing Swine Manure in Double-Crop Soybean, Donald Joseph Graper
Managing urban wastewater system using complex adaptive system approach, Ahmad Ghazi Altarabsheh
Managing your professional identity: Leveraging social media and emerging metrics to demonstrate professional impact, Megan R. Sapp Nelson
Manganese toxicity: Accumulation in bone, effect on brain neurochemistry, and impact on adult neurogenesis, Stefanie L O'Neal
Manufacture and analysis of a field-level VARTM repair method for composite materials subject to shear loading, Derek M Lucero
Manufacturing & Testing of Air-to-Refrigerant Heat Exchangers Based on 0.8mm Diameter Tubes, Yoram Shabtay, Zhiwei Huang, Vikrant Aute, Vishaldeep Sharma, and Reinhard Radermacher
Mapping and analyzing energy use and efficiency in a modified hydroponic shipping container, Rachel E Sparks
Mapping and Identification of Increased Protein Digestibility in Sorghum, Moriah M Massafaro
Mapping Memory in Tran’s Vietnamerica, Mary A. Goodwin
Mapping Religion and Chinese Society, Jonathan E.E. Pettit
"Marginal and forbidden": Black lesbians, contemporary American culture, and the politics of representation, Stephanie A Allen
Marketing BrowZine in Michigan Universities, Matthew Ismail
Market Power Estimation In The Chilean Cattle Market, Rodirgo A. Vasquez panizza
Markov-based ranking methods, Baback Vaziri
Mass spectrometry analysis of carbohydrate and cholesteryl ester, Jia Ren
Material and device aspects of semiconducting two-dimensional crystals, Han Liu
Materials processing for building high field magnets, Ke Han
Mathematical modelling of soft reduction in Abaqus software with the application of tensile testing under crystallization conditions on Gleeble-3800, Tatiana Zhuchkova, Tatiana Cherkasina, Sergey Aksenov, Valeriy Shaktov, and Igor Mazur
Mathematical model of hot-rolled strip’s camber formation, Sergey Belskiy and Igor Mazur
Maxine Greene on Progressive Education: Toward a Public Philosophy of Education, James M. Giarelli
McCarthy's The Road and Ethical Choice in a Post-Apocalyptic World, Jingjing Guo
Measure Athletes’ Volition—Short: Evidences for Construct Validity and Reliability, Ioannis Proios and Miltiadis Proios
Measurement and analysis techniques for device agnostic electrical characterization of thin film solar cells, James E Moore
Measurement and Mitigation of Passive Intermodulation Distortion, Andrew J Christianson
Measurement of combustion response to transverse modes at high pressure, Matthew Kenneth Wierman
Measurement of Copper Deficiency in Humans: CCS as a Novel Biomarker of Copper Status in Bariatric Surgery Patients, Emily Watson
Measurement of Hydrogen Peroxide Influx Into Cells: Preparation For Measurement Using On-Chip Microelectrode Array, Hannah R. Kriscovich, Sarah M. Libring, Siddarth V. Sridharan, James K. Nolan, Jose F. Rivera, Jenna L. Rickus, and David B. Janes
Measurement Of The Responses Of Polyurethane And Confortm Foams And The Development Of A System Identification Technique To Estimate Polyurethane Foam Parameters From Experimental Impulse Responses, Vaidyanadan Sundaram
Measurement of the ϒ(nS) cross section at CDF, Michael D Meier
Measurements of entropy-layer instabilities over cone-ogive-cylinders at Mach 6, Roger T Greenwood
Measurements of Thermodynamic Properties for R1123 and R1123+R32 Mixture, Yukihiro Higashi and Ryo Akasaka
Measures of cancer-related loneliness and negative social expectations: Development and preliminary validation, Rebecca N Adams
Measuring and Modeling Shared Visual Attention, Jeffrey B. Mulligan and Patrick Gontar
Measuring fluency: Temporal variables and pausing patterns in L2 English speech, Soohwan Park
Measuring the value of African smallholder grain protection: Two essays on storage economics and market valuation of maize attributes in Malawi, Michael S Jones
Measuring Usability in the Database Review Process: Results From a Pilot, Ilana Stonebraker
Measuring word similarity using natural text descriptions, Ivana Donevska
Mechanical behavior and microstructural evolution of nanostructured bainite under high-strain rate deformation, Jer-Ren Yang
Mechanical dispersion of semi-solid binders in high-shear granulation, Nathan J Davis
Mechanical Impact Noise Analysis of Rotary Compressor, Jinquan Zhang, Peizhen Que, Yusheng Hu, Rongting Zhang, and Yuanjie Shang
Mechanical Investigation of Phase-Transforming Cellular and Origami Materials, John M. Cleveland, David Restrepo, Yunlan Zhang, Pablo Zavattieri, and Nilesh Mankame
Mechanical properties of stainless steels with heterogeneous nanostructures, Hiromi Miura, Masakazu Kobayashi, Natuko Sugiura, and Naoki Yoshinaga
Mechanical properties of transgenic silkworm silk at high rate impact, Jou-Mei Chu
Mechanical property and biocompatibility of PLLA coated DCPD composite scaffolds, Nida Tanataweethum
Mechanical Reliability of Implantable Polyimide-Based Magnetic Microactuators for Biofouling Removal, Christian G. Figueroa-Espada, Qi Yang, and Hyowon Lee
Mechanics of columnar joint formation in igneous rocks, James Michael DeGraff
Mechanism and conformational dynamics of the yeast isoprenylcysteine carboxyl methyltransferase, Ste14p, Karen Olsen
Mechanisms leading to the osteopenic appendicular skeletal phenotype observed in Ts65Dn Down Syndrome mice, Joshua David Blazek
Mechanisms of metal mineralization on virus templates for nanorod synthesis, Oluwamayowa O Adigun
Mechanisms of Mycobacterium bovis, strain bacillus Calmette-Guerin, fibronectin attachment protein binding and internalization by bladder tumor cells, Jennifer M Sowa
Mechanistic characterization of acetic acid resistance enzymes of Acetobacer aceti, Jesse R Murphy
Mechanistic investigation of gamma-tocotreinol-mediated anti-inflammatory actions, Yun Wang
Mechanistic Model Of An Oil-Flooded Single-Screw Expander, Davide Ziviani, Ian H. Bell, Michel De Paepe, and Martijn van den Broek
Mechanistic studies of twin screw granulation, Ridade Sayin
Mechanistic Study of NO Oxidation on Copper Zeolites, Atish A Parekh
Media-Centered: Documentary Film, Winifred Fordham Metz
Media-Centered: Independent and Foreign Feature Films, Winifred Fordham Metz
Media-Centered: Sometimes the Best Resources are People, Winifred Fordham Metz
Mental health and human minds: Some theoretical criteria for clinical psychiatry, Natalia T Washington
Mental health and substance-related treatment utilization, dropout, and continuity of care among detained adolescents: A 14-year longitudinal study, Laura Morgan White
Mental Health Clinicians and Students Perceptions of Preparedness to Working with the Aging Population, Elizabeth W Johnson
Mergers and acquisitions in food and agribusiness: Returns, drivers, and long run performance, Josiah M Ringelberg
Metabolic profiling of colorectal cancer and polyps using NMR, and advanced MS methods, Lingyan Liu
Metabolite profiling of breast cancer and its association with obesity by gas chromatography- mass spectrometry, Leiddy Z Alvarado
Metacognitive Instruction in L2 French: An Analysis of Listening Performance and Automaticity, Shannon Becker
Metallic glue in ambient environments—Synergy of numerical simulations, analytical formulation, and experiments, Hanchen Huang
Metal-protein interactions for proteomics applications, Keerthi B Jayasundera
Metamodels of Residual Stress Buildup for Machining Process Modeling, Stuart B. McCrorie and Michael Sangid
Method for Determining Air Side Convective Heat Transfer Coefficient Using Infrared Thermography, Scott S. Wujek, Wayne L. Staats, Stefan W. Elbel, Jeffrey P. Koplow, H. Arthur Kariya, and Predrag S. Hrnjak
Method of Measuring the Vapor Pressure and Concentration of Fluids using VLE and Vibrating Tube Densitometer Apparatuses, Momin Elhadi Abdalla and Siddharth Pannir
Methodology for designing a hydraulic hybrid transmission from real world drive data, Brent E Warr
Methodology on trial: The rhetorical function of Toulminian warrants in expert testimony, Luke Redington
Methodology with applications for native chemical ligation, diazoalkane generation, and toward the total synthesis of Callipeltin A, Ryan M Johnson
Methods to facilitate community participation in humanitarian engineering projects: Laying the foundation for a learning platform, Andrea Mazzurco
MHD modeling of a copper slag cleaning process, Hongkun Yang, Jörg Wolters, Helmut Soltner, Phillip Pischke, Sven Eckert, and Jochen Fröhlich
mHealth to Improve the Diet Among Low-Income Populations Enrolled in an Established U.S. Nutrition Program: Design and Rationale of a Randomized Controlled Trial, Lukas T Ingersoll
Microbial controls on the environmental fate of carbon nanomaterials, Timothy D Berry
Microdamage and titanium particulate release from the grinding of dental implants, Jason S Toler
Micromanipulator-resonator system for selective weighing of individual microparticles, Bin-Da Chan
Micromechanical Failure of Transverse-Plies Laminated Fibrous Composites-Fracture/Manufacture Relation, Ahmed Esmat Hussien
Micromechanical Modeling for Material Design of Durable Infrastructural Materials: The Influence of Aggregate and Matrix Modification on Elastic Behavior of Mortars, Sumanta Das, Amit Maroli, and Narayanan Neithalath
Microscale Pumping Technologies for Microchannel Cooling Systems, V. Singhal, S V. Garimella, and A. Raman
Microscale radiometer based on the Knudsen thermal force, Andrew D Strongrich
Microspike Based Chemical/Electric Thruster Concept for Versatile Nanosat Propulsion, Anthony Cofer, A Venkattraman, and Alina A. Alexeenko
Microstructural evolution in electron beam additive manufactured Ti–6Al–4V build plate: Thermal modeling and microstructural characterization, Jun Cao and Philip Nash
Microstructural evolution of Ni–Mn–Ga microwires during the melt-extraction process, Mingfang Qian and Xuexi Zhang
Microstructure and mechanical property of TiC/VC multilayered coatings from first principles, Tianmo Liu
Microstructure Evolution During Powder Compaction, Carlos E. Fernandez-Caban, Yasasvi R. Bommireddy, and Marcial Gonzalez
Microstructures and properties of sintered Cu–MoS2/Cu functional gradient materials, Aiqin Wang
Middle Miocene Tectonic Boundary Conditions for Use in Climate Models, Nicholas Herold, M. Seton, R. D. Müller, Y. You, and Matthew Huber
Midwest Vegetable Trial Report for 2015, Elizabeth Maynard
Migratory Ecology of Sea Turtles, Nathan Jack Robinson
Millennial matchmaker or just a game? The uses and gratifications of Tinder, Jessica R Snitko
Millimeter-wave power amplifiers in CMOS silicon on insulator technology, Sultan Rifaat Helmi
Mindfulness-based group training with Latino immigrant community, Bridget Sanchez
Mini- and Heirloom Sweet Pepper Variety Performance in High Tunnels, 2015, Elizabeth Maynard and Israel S. Calsoyas
Mining big data to create a tool for empirical observation of continuous safety improvement in a construction company - A progressive case study in the lean environment, Nicolas J Michuda
Mining causal associations from geriatric literature, Anand Krishnan
Minnesota DOT Metro District, Steve Misgen
Miscomprehension in consumers' evaluation of bonus pack sales promotions when framed as "percent free" and "percent more free", Larry Joseph Seibert
Mitigating Madness: How We Authenticate and Authorize Users to Deliver Databases in a Contractually Complicated Context, Jeremy M. Brown and Geoffrey P. Timms
Mitigating the Transfer of Sediment and Pollutants from Soils to Water, John N. Quinton
Mitigation of fouling on hollow fiber membrane using ultrasonic transducer, Xu Li
Mixed mesh/nodal magnetic equivalent circuit modeling of a six-phase claw-pole automotive alternator, Daniel C Horvath
Mode I Fatigue Delamination Onset of Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymer With Novel Post-Cure ThroughThickness Reinforcement, Christopher John Kourloufas
Model-based identification and quantification of metabolites in 1H NMR spectra, Cheng Zheng
Model-based Optimal Control of Variable Air Volume Terminal Box, Fuxin Niu, Zheng O'Neill, Xiaohui Zhou, and Defeng Qian
Model-based powertrain design and control system development for the ideal all-wheel drive electric vehicle, Haotian Wu
Modeled Sensitivity of Upper Thermocline Properties to Tropical Cyclone Winds and Possible Feedbacks on the Hadley Circulation, Ryan L. Sriver and Matthew Huber
Modeling, analysis, and control of Syk-mediated signaling events for B cells and associated cellular response for B cells, Reginald L McGee
Modeling, analysis, and simulation of Muzima fingerprint module based on ordinary and time Petri nets, Archana Eadara
Modeling, analysis, and simulation of two connected intersections using discrete and hybrid petri nets, Omar Seddeq Omar Yaqub
Modeling and analysis of an Air Handling Unit to improve energy efficiency, Jing Li
Modeling and characterization of non-ideal effects in high-performance RF MEMS tuners, Juan Zeng
Modeling and control of hydraulic wind energy transfers, Sina Hamzehlouia
Modeling and Design Optimization of a Microuidic Chip for Isolation of Rare Cells, Spandana Gannavaram
Modeling and Experimental Study of a Heat Pump Water Heater Cycle, Kevin Ruben Deutz, Odile Cauret, Romuald Rullière, and Philippe Haberschill
Modeling and Optimization of Care Transitions, Yuming Mo
Modeling and simulation of an automated parallel parking system using Hybrid Petri nets, Keerthanaa Ramesh
Modeling and simulation of dendrite and porosity evolution during solidification in the molten pool of Al–Cu alloys, Cheng Gu, Yanhong Wei, and Xiaohong Zhan
Modeling and simulation of heat of mixing in Li ion batteries, Zhibin Song
Modeling and simulation of influence of solidification velocity on the structure of lotus-type porous metals, Yuan Liu, Yang Qianqian, and Li Yanxiang
Modeling and simulation of Vehicle to Grid Communication using Hybrid Petri Nets, Cansu Sener
Modeling And Testing The Thermal Effect Of Lubricating Oil Sprayed In Sliding-Vane Air Compressors Using Pressure-Swirl Nozzles, Gianluca Valenti, Stefano Murgia, Ida Costanzo, Giulio Contaldi, and Alessandro Valenti
Modeling consumer-based brand equity for multinational hotel brands: When hosts become guests, Zhuowei Huang
Modeling, Empirics and Policy Implications of Firm Heterogeneity in International Trade, Zeynep Akgul
Modeling fluid interactions with the rigid mush in alloy solidification, Alexander J Plotkowski
Modeling of a Roll-to-roll Plasma CVD System for Graphene, Yudong Chen, Majed A. Alrefae, Anurag Kumar, and Timothy S. Fisher
Modeling of Constriction Resistance in Coated Joints, E. L. Olsen, S V. Garimella, and C. V. Madhusudana
Modeling of Finned-Tube Heat Exchangers: A Novel Approach to the Analysis of Heat and Mass Transfer under Cooling and Dehumidifying Conditions, Hongtao Qiao and Christopher R. Laughman
Modeling of flat-plate solar collector operation in transient states, Ahmad M Saleh
Modeling of High Pressure Radial Piston Pumps, Pulkit Agarwal
Modeling of human perception for near-threshold local distortion in natural images, Yucheng Liu
Modeling of Initially Subcooled Flashing Vortex Flow in the Nozzle for Possible Applications in the Control of Ejector Cooling Cycles, Jingwei Zhu and Stefan Elbel
Modeling of Ion/Target Interactions in Plasma Facing Components of Fusion Reactor, Nicole Neto Godry Farias, Tatyana Sizyuk, and Ahmed Hassanein
Modeling of low illuminance road lighting condition using road temporal profile, Libo Dong
Modeling of subcontinuum thermal transport across semiconductor-gas interfaces, Dhruv Singh, Xiaohui Guo, Alina A. Alexeenko, Jayathi Y. Murthy, and Timothy S. Fisher
Modeling of Viscous Shock Tube Using ES-BGK Model Kinetic Equations, S Chigullapalli, A Venkattraman, and Alina A. Alexeenko
Modeling on tail pinch in finishing rolls during hot strip rolling, Jong-Ning Aoh, Han-Kai Hsu, and Ming-Fa Chen
Modeling orientation evolution of discontinuous fiber composites during processing, Nicholas A Smith
Modeling person-to-person contaminant transport in enclosed environments, Chun Chen
Modeling Preventive Maintenance in Complex Systems, Jessica Rivas
Modeling Reciprocating Compressors Using A Cartesian Cut-Cell Method With Automatic Mesh Generation, David Henry Rowinski and Kenneth Edward Davis
Modeling signal transduction process in cell population application to transfer of drug resistance, Che-Chi Shu
Modeling, simulation, and optimization of traffic intersections using Petri nets, Aja Anjilivelil
Modeling spatial covariance functions, InKyung Choi
Modeling the constitutive relationship of Al–0.62Mg–0.73Si alloy based on artificial neural network, Lianxi Hu, Yu Sun, and Wenhong Ye
Modeling the dynamics and stresses of elongated particles in vertical axis mixers, Xia Hua
Modeling the impacts of movement restriction in classical swine fever outbreak control in Indiana, Shankar Yadav
Modeling the interdependence of electrochemical and mechanical properties in per sulfonate acid proton exchange membranes, Jaya Sangita Malladi
Modeling the Joint Distribution of Scene Events at an Edge, James Elder and Ying Li
Modeling the Miocene Climatic Optimum: Ocean Circulation, Nicholas Herold, Matthew Huber, R. D. Müller, and M. Seton
Modeling the Miocene Climatic Optimum. Part I: Land and Atmosphere, N. Herold, Matthew Huber, and R. D. Müller
Modeling the sustainability objective setting process in the pre-design of buildings, Srinivasa Bhaskar Syam Nookala
Modeling transport phenomena and uncertainty quantification in solidification processes, Kyle S Fezi
Modelling and Preliminary Design of a Variable-BVR Rotary Valve Expander with an Integrated Linear Generator, Sergei Gusev, Davide Ziviani, Jasper de Viaene, Stijn Derammeleaere, and Martijn van den Broek
Modelling And Simulation Of A R744 Based Air Conditioning Unit, Mihir Mouchum Hazarika, Maddali Ramgopal, and Souvik Bhattacharyya
Modelling Of An Automotive Multi-Evaporator Air-Conditioning System, Thomas Gillet, Emmanuelle Andrès, Amin El-Bakkali, Gérard Olivier, Vincent Lemort, Romuald Rullière, and Philippe Haberschill
Modelling of an R-290/POE ISO 22 Variable Speed Air Conditioner System under SEER Conditions, Guilherme B. Ribeiro and Jader Riso Barbosa Jr.
Modelling Response Properties Across the Orientation Map in Visual Cortex, Erin M. Koch, Jianzhong Jin, Jose-Manuel Alonso, and Qasim Zaidi
Modelling Short-Latency Disparity-Vergence Eye Movements Under Dichoptic Unbalanced Stimulation, Agostino Gibaldi, Guido Maiello, Peter J. Bex, and Silvio P. Sabatini
Modelling the evaporation of aluminum in Ti–6Al–4V alloy melted with electron beam and laser, Xuan Wang, Liang Wang, Liang S. Luo, Yan Q. Su, Xin Z. Li, Rui R. Chen, JIng J. Guo, and Heng Z. Fu
Modelling the softening behaviour during galvanizing of various steel grades, Kevin Banks, Rorisang Maubane, and Thabang Makwena
Modelling the softening behaviour during galvanizing of various steel grades, Kevin Banks, Rorisang Maubane, and Thabang Makwena
Model Predictive Control of a Radiant Floor Cooling System in an Office Space, Jaewan Joe, Panagiota Karava, Xiaodong Hou, and Jianghai Hu
Model Selection for Predicting the Return Time from Night Setback, John E. Seem, John M. House, and Carlos F. Alcala
Model Selection Using Gaussian Mixture Models and Parallel Computing, Tian Qiu, Georgios Karagiannis, and Guang Lin
Model Uncertainties in a Sharp Leading-Edge Hypersonic Boundary Layer, Marat Kulakhmetov and Alina A. Alexeenko
Modernizing the current Afghan engineering education system: Challenges and opportunities, Khalilullah Mayar
Modifications to Johanson's roll compaction model for improved relative density predictions, Yu Liu
Modified Relative Strength Effect Analysis In Neural Network Based Hydrologic Modeling, Ningyu Song
Modifying Diruthenium Paddlewheel Compounds via Ligand Exchange Reactions, Stacey Renee Opperwall
Modifying soybean oil chemical structure by application of high voltage atmospheric cold plasma treatment, Ximena V Yepez
Modular Approach to Spintronics, Kerem Yunus Camsari
Modular crosslinking of gelatin based thiol-norbornene hydrogels for in vitro 3D culture of hepatic cells, Tanja L Greene
Modular design of peptide-based kinase biosensors for studying cancer cell signaling, Frank Joy Ankudey
Modular human-in-the-loop design framework based on human factors, Hasan Onan Demirel
Modular protein matrices for cartilage repair, Julie Nicole Renner
Modulating cell differentiation with protein-engineered microenvironments, Yeji Kim
Modulating farnesyltransferase substrate specificity: Tools for altering protein function in vivo, Amanda J Krzysiak
Modulation-Assisted Machining, James B Mann
Modulation of gut microbiota and its environment using starch-entrapped microspheres and cereal arabinoxylans, Amandeep Kaur
Modulation of host phosphatidylinositol phosphates by salmonella effector protein SOPB, Heather L. Piscatelli
Modulation of host vacuolar H+-ATPase by Legionella pneumophila effectors, Li Xu
Moisture and Temperature Effects on Interface Mechanical Properties for External Bonding, Tamon Ueda, Justin Shrestha, Khuram Rashid, and Dawei Zhang
Molecular and cellular mechanisms leading to similar phenotypes in Down and Fetal Alcohol Syndromes, Jeffrey Peter Solzak
Molecular basis and modification of a neural crest deficit in a Down syndrome mouse model, Samantha L Deitz
Molecular characterization of heterogeneous adipogenic progenitors, Yaqin Liu
Molecular cloning and characterization of a cluster of genes involved in the spore coat morphogenesis of Bacillus subtilis, Jianke Zhang
Molecular detection and development of improved serological assays for the diagnosis of Baylisascaris larva migrans, Sriveny Dangoudoubiyam
Molecular dynamics studies of the adsorption behavior of methyl 3-((2-mercaptophenyl)imino)butanoate as corrosion inhibitors on copper surface, Jianlin Sun, Sang Xiong, Xudong Yan, and Yang Xu
Molecular dynamics study of growth of silicon from melt and formation of dislocation, Naigen Zhou, Chi Zhang, Bo Liu, Rongyao Luo, Ke Li, and Lang Zhou
Molecular identification of stem growth habit and disease resistance genes in soybean, Jieqing Ping
Molecular Models for DSMC Simulations of Metal Vapor Deposition, A Venkattraman and Alina A. Alexeenko
Molecular tools for characterization of the legume pod borer Maruca vitrata fabricius (lepidoptera: pyraloidea: crambidae); mode of action of hermetic storage of cowpea grain, Venu Madhav Margam
Molecule Carrier Design: Structuralizing Xanthan Using TMA Chloride, Zijian Wang
Money, Money, Money—Or Not! Budget Realities and Transparency in Collection Development Decision‐Making, Mary Gilbert and Deborah A. Nolan
Monitoring and control of evanescent-mode cavity filters, Mohammad Abu Khater
Monitoring dehydration of Salmonella Montevideo, Amanda Spencer Tuck
More Comprehensive and Inclusive Approaches to Demographic Data Collection, Todd Fernandez, Allison Godwin, Jacqueline Doyle, Dina Verdin, Hank Boone, Adam Kirn, Lisa Benson, and Geoff Potvin
More Government Information Veins from the Hathitrust Catalog, Bert Chapman
Morphological plasticity of invasive silver carp in divergent Midwestern rivers, Katherine F Touzinsky
Morphometric analysis of hippocampal subfields: segmentation, quantification and surface modeling, Shan Cong
Mother-Infant Interactions: How Mothers of Hearing-Impaired Infants Interact With Their Babies Through Touch, Alyssa Begle, Abigail Chapleau, Amber Haga, Mallory Held, Katherine Isbell, Sara Loerch, Jordan Meenan, Danielle Schwalm, Rylie Shrum, Katrina Taivalkoski, and Sara Tordi
Motion pipeline: searching, editing, compact representation, and synthesis, Innfarn Yoo
Motivating learners through information literacy, Clarence Maybee and Michael Flierl
Mould corner radius-related flow and thermal states in bloom continuous casting with a swirling flow nozzle, Shaoxiang Li, Peng Lan, Haiyan Tang, Chenwei Du, Yuan Ji, and Jiaquan Zhang
Movement and Distribution of Bacteria near Surfaces, Daniel A. Quinkert, Adib Ahmadzadegan, and Arezoo M. Ardekani
Moving a Library Can Be Easy, but Planning and Project Management Is Key, Katie Gohn
Moving Beyond Functional Classifications: Street Typologies as a Systemic Approach to Complete Streets, Nick Batta
Moving beyond work-family: Establishing domains relevant to work-life conflict, Erin M Crask
Moving object detection for interception by a humanoid robot, Saltanat B. Tazhibayeva
MPFEM simulation on 2D compaction of core–shell particulate composites, Yu Liu, Fen Huang, Peng Han, Xizhong An, and Haitao Fu
Multi-axial failure of high-performance fiber during transverse impact, Matthew C Hudspeth
Multicyclic detonation initiation studies in valveless pulsed detonation combustors, Masayoshi Shimo
Multidimensional Approach to Comparative Avian Visual Systems, Bret Alan Moore
Multidimensional two-phase flow structure in systems with large diameter, Joshua P Schlegel
Multi-dome forming of a Ti–Al–Mn alloy, Sergey Aksenov, Aleksey Kolesnikov, and Ivan Zakhariev
Multi-level systems modeling and optimization for novel aircraft, Shreyas Vathul Subramanian
Multilingualism, U.S. Acculturation and the Therapeutic Alliance, Florence J. O Lewis
Multimedia learning for increasing knowledge on energy efficiency and promotion of proenvironmental behavior: A study of undergraduate students in Costa Rica, Yoselyn Walsh-Zuniga
Multi-objective optimization and meta-modeling of tape-wound transformers, Ahmed Taher
Multi-objective Optimization under Uncertainty using the Hyper-volume Expected Improvement, Martin Figura, Piyush Pandita, Rohit K. Tripathy, and Ilias Bilionis
Multiphase reaction studies in stirred tank and fixed bed reactors, Shinbeom Lee
Multiphoton instrumentation and applications for protein crystal detection, Jeremy T Madden
Multiphysics modeling in optimization of acoustically tensioned metastable fluid neutron detectors, Alexander R Hagen
Multiple-arm, centrifugally tensioned, metastable-fluid detector: Assessment and development, Nicholas E Hume
Multiple case studies of STEM teachers' orientations to science teaching through engineering design, Madeline Grace Rupp
Multiple Fragments Multiple Threads (MFMT) for Control Flow Irregularity in GPGPUs, Di Mo
Multiplying by Division: Mapping the Collection at University of North Texas Libraries, Karen Harker, Janette Klein, and Laurel Crawford
Multi-scale computational framework for simulation of cellular solids, Xiaowo Wang
Multiscale mathematical modeling of ocular blood flow and oxygenation and their relevance to glaucoma, Lucia Carichino
Multi-scale modeling of high-shear granulation, Daniel A Pohlman
Multiscale modeling of thermal properties for graphene–polymer nanocomposites, Maoyuan Li
Multi-scale simulations for high efficiency low power nanoelectronic devices, Zhengping Jiang
Multiscale strategy for modelling the mechanical performance of hook and loop fasteners based on a detachment process zone model, Vanessa Restrepo Perez
Multi-session Network Coding characterization using new linear coding frameworks, Jaemin Han
Multi-Temperature Heat Pumps - A Literature Review, Cordin Arpagaus, Frédéric Bless, Jürg Schiffmann, and Stefan Bertsch
Multivariate statistical methods applied to the analysis of trace evidence, Cheryl Ann Szkudlarek
Multi-Year Evaluation of R-449A as a Replacement for R-22 in Low Temperature and Medium Temperature Refrigeration Applications, Andrew Pansulla and Charles Allgood
Mutational and Biochemical Analysis of Isoprenylcysteine Carboxyl Methyltransferase, Sahej Bains, Amy L. Funk, and Christine A. Hrycyna
My Life as a Robot, Emily Dreyfuss
Nanobubbles Provide Theranostic Relief to Cancer Hypoxia, Christopher M. Long, Pushpak N. Bhandari, and Joseph Irudayaraj
Nanocomposite based biosensors for physiological sensing, Jin Shi
Nanocrystal synthesis and thin film formation for earth abundant photovoltaics, Nathaniel J Carter
nanoHUB Database Analysis: Using Anomaly Detection Method and Principal Component Analysis, Mengyang Qi
Nano-Modification for High Performance Cement Composites with Cellulose NanoCrystals and Carbon Nanotubes, Yizheng Cao
Nanoparticle depot for intraperitoneal chemotherapy of ovarian cancer, Bo Sun
Nanoparticle Plasmonics with Transition Metal Nitrides, Urcan Guler
Nano Roughness, Tamara J. Moore
Nanoscale phonon thermal conductivity via molecular dynamics, Jonathan M Dunn
Narrating Wartime Rapes and Trauma in a Woman in Berlin, Agatha Schwartz
Narrative Ethics and Alterity in Adichie's Novel Americanah, Nora Berning
National Writers Panel: “Reporting on Emerging Technologies”, Natalie DiBlasio, Emily Dreyfuss, Quentin Hardy, and Katy Steinmetz
Natural user interfaces for engineering sketch understanding, Sundar Murugappan
Nature of Future Jobs: Innovations Designed for Human Instincts, Karthik Kannan
Navigating Business Resources Using Concept Maps, Hal P. Kirkwood Jr
Nd Isotopic Structure of the Pacific Ocean 70-30 and Numerical Evidence for Vigorous Ocean Circulation and Ocean Heat Transport in a Greenhouse World, Deborah J. Thomas, Robert Korty, Matthew Huber, Jessica A. Schubert, and Brian Haines
Near-congruent solidification of castings, Kevin J Chaput
Nearly orthogonal, doppler tolerant waveforms and signal processing for multi-mode radar applications, Uttam Kumar Majumder
Needle‐Moving Collaboration: From Act to Impact, Katherine Skinner
Needs Driven Design Solutions In Railroad Projects, Tom Rueshhoff, Derek Tichy, Justin Cronin, and Matthew J. Spiel
Negotiating War and Peace in Chân Không's Learning True Love and Kingston's The Fifth Book of Peace, Christopher Kocela
Nesting ecology of solitary olive ridleys, Lepidochelys olivacea, within Parque Nacional Marino Las Baulas, Tera C Dornfeld
Nestmate recognition in odorous house ants (Tapinoma sessile): Effects of social plasticity, urbanization, and laboratory maintenance, Timothy J Luttermoser
Net Zero Energy House Evaluation, Meher Taleyarkhan and William Hutzel
Neural activity reveals effects of aging on inhibitory processes during word retrieval, Ranjini Mohan
Neuropilin 1 confers resistance to Her1/2 targeted therapies via epithelial to mesenchymal transition in metastatic breast cancer, Michael J. Badamy
Neuroprotective activities of Nepalese and Native American traditional medicine in Parkinson's disease models, Aurelie de Rus Jacquet
New and Transformed Places: Representations of Home in Books for Children and Adolescents, Charity Cantey and Jacqueline Bach
New Curriculum: Soil & Water Science AND Weather & Climate Science, Natalie Carroll
New developmental functions of WAVE and ARP2/3 genes in Arabidopsis, maize and rice, Vincent Michael Edwards
New experimental and theoretical tools for studying protein systems with elements of structural disorder, Tairan Yuwen
New insight into Rps genes and the management of Phytophthora sojae, David A Smith
New insights into the structure and composition of cement from the common Eastern oyster, Jeremy Russell Burkett
New Platforms and Discovery Tools: Toward 21st‐Century University Presses and Libraries, Angela Careno, Helen Cullyer, Susan Doerr, Ellen Faran, Leila Salisbury, Tyler Walters, and Charles Watkinson
New Strategies To Reveal Protein Candidates In Protein-Protein Interactome Study, Meng-Chieh Chen
Next generation bandwidth-efficient network codes for distributed data storage, Imad Ahmad
Next Steps in Discovery Implementation: User‐Centered Discovery System Redesign, Richard Guajardo, Kelsey Brett, and Frederick Young
Nitrate Removal From Subsurface Drainage By Denitrifying Bioreactor, Erin Chichlowski
Nitrogen Isotope Exchange Between NO and NO2 and Its Implication for 15N Variations in Tropospheric NOx, Damian Simonini
No And No2 Modeling For Diesel Oxidation Catalyst At Different Thermal Aging Levels, Keqin Zhou
Noble metals as vehicles for drug delivery and targeting in human cancers, Brittany A Book
Noise Effects In Capillary Tubes Caused By Refrigerant Flow, Thomas Tannert and Ullrich Hesse
Nondestructive and Strain Testing of Composite Sandwich Panels, Ryan Goyings
Nondestructive Testing and Structural Health Monitoring Based on ADAMS and SVM Techniques, Gang Jiang, Yi Ming Deng, and Ji Tai Niu
Non-destructive testing of defects in the welds with infrared camera, Pu Wang
Non destructive testing of soft body armor, Karan Bhise
Non-Equilibrium Flow Modeling Using High-Order Schemes for the Boltzmann Model Equations, S Chigullapalli, A Venkattraman, Alina A. Alexeenko, and M S. Ivanov
Non-etching Preparation and Stereoselective Semi-hydrogenation of Potassium Trifluoropropynyltrifluoroborate for Vinylogous Trifluoromethylation, Wataru Mitsuhashi
Non-intrusive two-phase flow regime identification and transport characterization in microchannels subject to uniform and non-uniform heat input, Susan N. Ritchey
Nonlinear optical methods for the analysis of protein nanocrystals and biological tissues, Ximeng You Dow
Nonparametric variable selection and dimension reduction methods and their applications in pharmacogenomics, Jingyi Zhu
Normalized Effect Of Condenser Fouling And Refrigerant Charge On Performance Of Vapor Compression Air Conditioning Systems, Mehdi Mehrabi and David Yuill
Notch intensification and deformation mode transition with respect to notch depth in Cu50Zr50 metallic glasses, Gongji Yang, B. Xu, Q. Qi, L. T. Kong, and J. F. Li
Notch signaling regulates adipogenesis and energy metabolism, Pengpeng Bi
Notes from Mosier-In the House of Wind and Rain, Scott A. Smith
Notes from Mosier -- "What Goes Around, Comes Around -- Pricing Models for Print Books", Scott A. Smith
Not So Strange Bedfellows: Information Standards for Librarians AND Publishers, Marti Heyman and Betty Landesman
Novel Airside Heat Transfer Surface Designs Using an Integrated Multi-Scale Analysis with Topology and Shape Optimization, Daniel Bacellar, Vikrant Aute, Zhiwei Huang, and Reinhard Radermacher
Novel closed-loop control strategy for inkjet-based additive manufacturing system, Yunong Shi and Chunsheng Ye
Novel Devices and Fabrication Techniques for Integrated Photonics, Li Fan
Novel Energy Efficient Electrohydraulic Steer-By-Wire Technology, Naseem Daher
Novel insights into the mechanistic gene regulation of STAT3 in bone cells, Kylie A Corry
Novel methods for manipulating ion types in the solution and gas phases for the structural analysis of biomolecules using Mass Spectrometry, Christine M Fisher
Novel nanoparticle synthesis and nano-ink film for photovoltaic applications, Hye Yeon Park
Novel quadrature modulator balancing method, Robert J Smith
Novel Reduced GWP Refrigerant Compositions To Replace R-134a in Stationary Air-conditioning and Refrigeration, Laurent Abbas, Sarah Kim, and Kenneth Schultz
Novel roles for the flavivirus envelope protein in the virus life cycle, Elisa M La Bauve
Novel State-of-Charge Determination in Lithium Ion Batteries, Mark Suchomel
Novel surface activation technique using energy curable material for the production of bioactive packaging, Aparna Kothapalli
Nubian identity in the Bronze Age. Patterns of cultural and biological variation, Michele Buzon
Nuclear magnetic resonance and mass spectrometry based metabolomics, Zhengzheng Pan
Nucleation and detection in tension metastable fluids, Thomas F. Grimes
Numerical analysis of stress-induced and concentrationdependent carbon diffusion in low-temperature surface carburization of austenitic stainless steel, Yawei Peng, Jianming Gong, Yong Jiang, Dongsong Rong, and Minghui Fu
Numerical and experimental characterization of material flow in forged aluminum wheel, Jong-Ning Aoh, Ming-Chiu Li, and Chong-Jin Li
Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Solidification Shrinkage, D. Sun and S V. Garimella
Numerical and experimental investigation of viscous pressure forming (VPF) process for metal bellows, Zhongjin Wang, Nan Xiang, and Chunjun Dai
Numerical Investigation of Power Transmission Efficiency in a RF Plasma, Akshay Ashok, William Stein, and Alina A. Alexeenko
Numerical modeling and simulation of welding residual stresses using finite element method, Jing Zheng and Ayhan Ince
Numerical Modeling of Capillary Compensated Aerostatic Bearing Applied to Linear Reciprocating Compressor, Emilio Rodrigues Hulse and Alvaro Toubes Prata
Numerical Modelling Of Heat And Mass Transfer Processes In Chinese Cabbage Cold Storage Chamber, Miroslawa Kolodziejczyk, Dariusz Butrymowicz, Kamil Smierciew, and Jerzy Gagan
Numerical optimization of a 6-cylinder diesel engine intake and exhaust manifold, Jiabao Liu
Numerical Simulation and Experimental Examination of an Oldham Coupling, Hang Ye, Zhigang Huang, and Jinduo Ye
Numerical simulation and experiments analysis on stiffness control mechanism of hyperboloid shallow shells, Zhao Lihong, Yu Haiping, Xing Zhongwen, Lei Chengxi, and Wu Bin
Numerical Simulation (CFD) to Explore Optimal Vortex Generator Array Configurations in Air Cooled Condensers, Mei Yung Wong, Gregory D Hardy, Anthony M Jacobi, and Predrag Hrnjak
Numerical Simulation for the Internal Flow Analysis of the Linear Compressor with Improved Muffler, Hyunjoo Oh, Sungchul Kong, Wonsik Oh, and Kyeong-bae Park
Numerical simulation for the solidification of magnesium alloy under ultrasonic, Fuze Zhao, Xiaohui Feng, and Yuansheng Yang
Numerical Simulation of 3D Wind Flow in Suburban Environment with Topographical Effects, Rui Zhang
Numerical Simulation of a Suction Valve: Comparison between a 3D Complete Model and a 1D Model, José Luiz Gasche, Allan Demétrio Sales de Lima Dias, Douglas Domingues Bueno, and Jônatas Ferreira Lacerda
Numerical simulation of combustion and unburnt products in dual-fuel compression-ignition engines with multiple injection, Arash Jamali
Numerical simulation of directional solidification of a nickel-based superalloy with applied electric current, Xiaohui Feng, Yingju Li, and Yuansheng Yang
Numerical simulation of fluid flow and inclusion motion in continuous casting mold with electromagnetic stirring, Engang Wang
Numerical simulation of gas-phonon coupling in thermal transpiration flows, Xiaohui Guo, Dhruv Singh, Jayathi Murthy, and Alina A. Alexeenko
Numerical simulation of heat transfer in porous metals for cooling applications, Edgar Avalos Gauna and Yuyuan Zhao
Numerical Simulation of Hydrogen Plasma in Mpcvd Reactor, Di Huang
Numerical simulation of material flow during FSW to predict defect generation based on non-uniform tool–material contact condition, Yu-can Zhu, Gao-qiang Chen, Shuai Zhang, Qi-long Cheng, Qi-long Cheng, Gong Zhang, and Qing-yu Shi
Numerical simulation of mechanical wave propagation during solidification of ZL205A alloy, Wang Rujia, Wu Shi Ping, and Chen Wei
Numerical simulation of residual stress in low-temperature colossal carburized layer on austenitic stainless steel, Dongsong Rong, Yong Jiang, Jianming Gong, and Yawei Peng
Numerical Simulation of the 3d Transient Temperature Evolution Inside a Domestic Single Zone Wine Storage Cabinet With Forced Air Circulation, Johann Hopfgartner, Martin Heimel, Stefan Posch, Erwin Berger, Raimund Almbauer, and Stephan Schlemmer
Numerical simulation of the capillary driven fusion of complex foods as a model system for caking of amorphous food powders, Nirupama A Vaidya
Numerical Simulation of the Flow Inside a Scroll Compressor Equipped with Intermediate Discharge Valves, Alain Picavet and Brian Angel
Numerical simulation of the influence of ceramic preform on the infiltration process of metal matrix composites, Chang-chun Dong, Jian-xin Zhou, Ya-jun Yin, and Xu Shen
Numerical simulation of the through process of aerospace titanium alloy casting filling, solidification, and hot isostatic pressing, Jian-xin Zhou, Zhao Guo, Ya-jun Yin, and Chang-chang Liu
Numerical Simulation on Forced Convection Cooling of Horizontal Ionic Wind with Multi-electrodes, Rong Li, Yijian He, Guangming Chen, and Fengshuo Wen
Numerical Simulation on Heat Transfer Performance of Silicon Carbide/ Nitrate Composite for Solar Power Generation, Ruixin Zhou, Xiaole Chen, Yang Lu, and Bei Guo
Numerical simulation on the combustion characteristic of iron ore sintering with flue gas recirculation, Gan Wang, Zhi Wen, Guofeng Lou, Ruifeng Dou, Xunliang Liu, Fuyong Su, and Sizong Zhang
Numerical Simulations of Supersonic Flow in a Linear Aerospike Micronozzle, A Zilic, D L. Hitt, and Alina A. Alexeenko
Numerical Study on the Design of Microchannel Evaporators for Ejector Refrigeration Cycles, Neal Lawrence and Stefan Elbel
Oak Wilt, Paul C. Pecknold
Observation of R600a flow at subcooled temperature conditions in a vapor compression refrigeration system, Joonyoung Seo, Daesig Shin, and Ji Hwan Jeong
Ofengenden, Ari curriculum vitae, Ari Ofengenden
Of NuMA and chromatin: From the chromatin remodeling ISWI complex BWICH to the transcription factor LEDGF, Swaathi Jayaraman
Ohio River Bridges Project: Communications & Public Outreach, Angela Nichols and Paul Boone
Ohio River Bridges Project P3 Contract Administration and Oversight, Ron Heustis
Oil Effects On Distribution Of Refrigerant In MAC Heat Exchangers, Xuan Liu and Pega Hrnjak
Oil Effects On Performance Of Automobile A/C System, Xuan Liu and Pega Hrnjak
Oil Flow Measurement at the Compressor Discharge, Jiu Xu and Pega Hrnjak
Oil Return Measurements In A Unitary Split System Air Conditioner Using Different Refrigerant Mixtures, Gabriel A. Feichter, Eckhard A. Groll, Orkan Kurtulus, and Ben Meng
On-chip generation, characterization and bandwidth scaling of optical frequency combs, Yang Liu
On-chip microresonator frequency combs: Generation dynamics, power transfer, and time-domain characterization, Pei-Hsun Wang
On computational synthesis and dynamic analysis of nonlinear resonant systems with internal resonances, Astitva Tripathi
One Library’s Successful Venture in Providing Comprehensive Streaming Media Services, Allyson Mower, Mary Ann James, Catherine Soehner, Maria Hunt, Dave Heyborne, and Joni Clayton
One size may not fit all: Exploring the intersection of race and gender and effective role models in STEM companies, Evava S. Pietri, India R. Johnson, and Ezgi Ozgamus
On firms’ willingness to pay for female top managerial talent: An analysis of wage spillovers in top management, Cristian L. Dezső, David Gaddis Ross, and Jose Uribe
Online monitoring of reporter cell biosensors in a multiplexed array format, Benjamin D Gross
Online Naturalization: Evolving Roles in Online Knowledge Production Communities, Jeremy David Foote
Online, Non-Intrusive Composition Measurements Of Circulating Co2 Based Mixtures In An Experimental Heat Pump By Means Of Infra-Red Spectroscopy., Paul Bouteiller, Marie-France Terrier, Maria Isabel Barba-Garrancho, and Pascal Tobaly
Online Simulations For Conceptual Understanding Of Thermoelectric Devices, Maria de Rosario Uribe
On new approaches for variable selection under single index model and DNA methylation status calling, Longjie Cheng
On the 3D point cloud for human-pose estimation, Kai-Chi Chan
On the consequences of skeptical theism, Scott M Coley
On the development of compact, high performance heat exchangers for gas turbine applications, Neal R Herring
On the Effect of Lubricant on Pool Boiling Heat Transfer Performance, Jung-Tsung Hung, Yu-Kai Chen, Ting-Yang Chen, Shou-Ren Sheng, and Chi-Chuan Wang
On the grain refinement of aluminum alloys, Wei D Vian
On the interaction of sublimating gas with cometary bodies, Jordan K Steckloff
On the Jacobian Conjecture and affine lines, Yansong Xu
On the LCF behavior of cast Ni-based superalloy K3 influenced by EB-PVD NiCoCrAlY coating at 1073 K, Tianquan Liang, Yili Wang, Yujie Li, Xiaoming Shen, and Jianmin Zeng
On the microstructure and properties of the PMIG welding joint of A7N01 aluminum alloy enhanced by supersonic wave and aging, Tainquan Liang, Qiumei QIn, Xiaomei Mo, Xiaolian Zhao, and Jianmin Zeng
On the occurrences of motifs in recursive trees, with applications to random structures, Mohan Gopaladesikan
On the Premises and Beyond: Managing Copyright Policy Through Institutional and Technological Change, Brandy Karl
On The Representation Of The Thermal And Visual Behavior Of A Roller Shade Material: Comparison Between Different Simulation Models, Anna Maria Atzeri, Francesca Cappelletti, Andrea Gasparella, and Athanasios Tzempelikos
On the theory of Brownian aggregation in colloidal dispersions, Aniruddha V Kelkar
On the Use of a Parallel Object-Oriented Code for Solving the Heat Transfer in Hermetic Reciprocating Compressors, Lopez Mas, Rigola Joaquim, Lehmkuhl Oriol, and Oliva Assensi
Ontological approach for engineering information retrieval, Zhanjun Li
On variability and reliability of poly-Si thin-film transistors, Chih-Hsiang Ho
Op Ed-590: Local Notes, Steve McKinzie
Op Ed-If Filter Failure is the Problem, Then What Is Filter Success?, John G. Dove
Op Ed -- Pelikan's Antidisambiguation: "Being Careful What We Wish For...", Michael P. Pelikan
Op Ed-Random Ramblings, Bob Holley
Op Ed -- Random Ramblings: Demise of Traditional Collection Development, Bob Holley
Op Ed-Random Ramblings-How Special Are Special Collections?, Bob Holley
Op Ed-Random Ramblings: Is a Theory of Collection Development Possible?, Bob Holley
Op Ed-The Book Library as the Cultural Citadel of Knowledge, Richard Abel
Op Ed-The Continuing Dilemma of Defining Databases: the New Digital Normal, Sue Wiegand
Op Ed-The Ivory Tower vs. the Dark Side: A Rebuttal to "Joining the Dark Side", Katy Ginanni
Op Ed-The Subject Heading Browse Display:Another Essential Component of Information Discovery-A Response to Donald Hawkins on Indexing Data and Indices, Rebecca Kornegay
Open Access Funds: Getting a Bigger Bang for Our Bucks, Robert Glushko, Crystal Hampson, Patricia Moore, and Elizabeth Yates
OpenFlow based load balancing and proposed theory for integration in VoIP network, Shreya Pandita
Operation Analysis on Refrigeration System Combined with Heat Pipe, Haixia He, Wen Wang, Zhaogang Qi, Rui Zhuan, and Qifan Gu
Operation of Cool Thermal Energy Storage to Increase Renewable Energy Utilization, Amy Van Asselt, Douglas T. Reindl, and Gregory F. Nellis
Opportunities for Detector-Free Signal Offset Optimization with Limited Connected Vehicle Market Penetration: A Proof-of-Concept Study, Christopher Day and Darcy Bullock
Opportunities for Detector-Free Signal Offset Optimization with Limited Connected Vehicle Market Penetration: A Proof-of-Concept Study, Christopher M. Day and Darcy M. Bullock
Optical characterization of on-chip silicon nitride microresonators, Abdullah Al Noman
Optical Position Sensing In Free Space Optical Communication, Muhammad Salman Bashir
Optical spectroscopy and langmuir probe diagnostics of microwave plasma in synthesis of graphene-based nanomaterials, Alfredo D. Tuesta
Optimal Control of Unknown Nonlinear System From Inputoutput Data, Xin Jin
Optimal distribution network configuration for the single-commodity, single-supplier, W-distribution point, N-retailer system, Dale Albert Kem
Optimal Heat Source Temperature For Supercritical Organic Rankine Cycle, Wei Liu, Christoph Wieland, Dominik Meinel, and Hartmut Spliethoff
Optimal monitoring and mitigation of systemic risk in lending networks, Zhang Li
Optimal Structural Design of Swing Double-Vane Compressor, Junjie Ma, Xiang Chen, Xu Yang, and Zongchang Qu
Optimisation Of Expansion Valve Control In Refrigeration Appliances Under Cyclic Operation, Marcel van Beek and Hans de Jong
Optimization of a High-Speed X-Ray Imaging System for Studying Sprays, Lane E. Schultz, Mikhail N. Slipchenko, Terrence R. Meyer, and Wilbert C. Slowman
Optimization of Air Source Heat Pump Systems over the Heating Season through the Use of Renewable Energy Sources, Elena Bee, Alessandro Prada, and Paolo Baggio
Optimization of a Residential Air Source Heat Pump using Heat Exchangers with Small Diameter Tubes, Mohamed Beshr, Vikrant Aute, and Reinhard Radermacher
Optimization of carbon nanotube thermal interfaces, Stephen L Hodson
Optimization of Combustion in Homogenous-Charge Compression Ignition Engines, Joshua Patel
Optimization of cross-flow micro-channel heat exchanger module for application in high Mach aircraft gas turbine engines, Brittany A Northcutt
Optimization Of Electricity Make/Buy Decisions For Purdue’s Wade Power Plant, Sugirdhalakshmi Ramaraj, James E. Braun, and W. Travis Horton
Optimization of linker properties for ligand-mediated capture of circulating tumor cells, Danyang Chen
Optimization of modular die design in extrusion process, Tushar P Bakhtiani
Optimization of photovoltaic powered deficit irrigation, Tyler J Williams
Optimization of Thermal Interface Materials for Electronics Cooling Applications, Vishal Singhal, Thomas Siegmund, and Suresh V. Garimella
Optimization of wireless power networks for biomedical applications, Kyle A Thackston
Optimization under Uncertainty Tool for Modeling Porous Lithium-Ion Batteries, Lefei Zhang, Salar Safarkhani, and Guang Lin
Optimized On-Off Controller For Energy Saving In A Household Refrigerator, Ulisses Carvalho de Elian Saffar and Antônio Augusto Torres Maia
Optimizing Greenhouse Rice Production: Do Photoperiod Treatments Hasten Flowering?, Robert T. Eddy, Kevin Acosta, Yisi Liu, and Michael Russell
Optimizing Greenhouse Rice Production: What Is the Best Watering and Fertilization Method?, Robert T. Eddy, Kevin Acosta, Yisi Liu, and Michael Russell
Optimizing integrated airport surface and terminal airspace operations under uncertainty, Christabelle S Bosson
Optimizing Laboratory Mixture Design as It Relates to Field Compaction to Improve Asphalt Mixture Durability, Ali Hekmatfar, Rebecca S. McDaniel, Ayesha Shah, and John E. Haddock
Optimizing the Design of Bridge Deck Overhangs, Adam J Morel
Optimum core design studies for long-life small modular boiling water reactors, Faisal Yousef Odeh
Options to improve energy efficiency for educational building, Mafruha Jahan
Oregon Trails-A Browser's Serendipity, Thomas W. Leonhardt
Oregon Trails-Book and Book Collecting: A Personal View, Thomas W. Leonhardt
Oregon Trails -- Book People I Have Known, Thomas W. Leonhardt
Oregon Trails-Books to Alaska, Thomas W. Leonhardt
Oregon Trails-Collecting What You Read and Why, Thomas W. Leonhardt
Oregon Trails-Make Mine Ham-on-Rye!, Thomas W. Leonhardt
Oregon Trails -- The Ego and I, Thomas W. Leonhardt
Organic synthesis combined with molecular modeling: A powerful approach to map the functional topography of dopamine and serotonin receptors, Jose I. Juncosa
Organizing historical agricultural data and identifying data integrity zones to assess agricultural data quality, Elizabeth Marie Hawkins
O-ring leakage sensor using capacitance technology, Michael Ian McCoy
Oscillation of quenched slowdown asymptotics of random walks in random environment in Z, Sung Won Ahn
Our Next Challenge: Integrating Video into the Academy, Stephen Rhind-Tutt
Out of the Box: Meddling With Medieval Manuscripts, Marissa Hicks and Sabrina Mielczarski
Out of the Classroom and Away from One-to-One Sessions: The Efficacy of Writing Groups for High-Achieving Students, Vicki Kennell, Amy Elliot, and Tammy Conard-Salvo
Out of the Shadows: A Public Face for Acquisitions in Academic Libraries, Lindsey Reno
Outreach, Understanding, and Teamwork in the P-12 Schools, Carrie Anne Thomas
Outsourced and Overwhelmed: Gaining a Grasp on Managing Electronic Resources, Matthew D. Harrington
Overland Park Kansas: Above and Beyond By Design, Shawn Gotfredson
Overt and Covert Shandyism of Nabokov's Nikolai Gogol, Margarit Ordukhanyan
Overview of altmetric Tools Available as of Spring 2016, Megan Sapp Nelson
Overview of Illinois Tollway Precast Panel System, Steve Gillen
Overview of the National Operations Center of Excellence, Thomas Kern and Steven Lavrenz
Overview of UDOT SMP System, Mark Taylor
Overweight Vehicle Permitting Alternatives, Stephanie R Everett
Oxidation and mechanical properties of in situ hybrid (TiCp+TiBw)/Ti6Al4V composites with tailored network microstructure, L. J. Huang, X. P. Cui, Y. Jiao, T. B. Duan, X. T. Li, Y. N. Gao, and L. Geng
Oxidative Coupling of Methane Using Catalysts Synthesized by Solution Combustion Method, Ranjita Ghose
Oxy-fuel combustion: Laboratory experiments and pilot scale tests, Eric J Miklaszewski
Oxytocin as a welfare indicator related to the social environment, Jean-Loup Rault
Pacific Ocean and Cenozoic Evolution of Climate, Mitchell Lyle, John Barron, Timothy J. Bralower, Matthew Huber, Annette Olivarez Lyle, A. Christina Ravelo, David K. Rea, and Paul A. Wilson
“Paganpreneurs”: Demythologizing the gender gap in the “Cult of the Entrepreneur”, Mandy Wheadon and Nathalie Duval-Couetil
PAH Analysis of Sediments from Pleasant Run Creek adjacent to a Former Manufactured Gas Plant, Celeste A. Bronson, Xuda Lin, Amisha D. Shah, Nadya Zyaykina, and Chad Jafvert
Papa Abel Remembers: A Tale of A Band of Booksellers, Fascicle 19: Economic Realities, Richard Abel
Papa Abel Remembers-A Tale of A Band of Booksellers, Fasicle 20: Competition, Richard Abel
Papa Abel Remembers -- The Tale of A Band of Booksellers, Fasicle 18: Costs and Revenues, Richard Abel
Paper-Based Lithium-Ion Batteries using Carbon Nanotube-Coated Wood Microfiber Current Collectors, Nojan Aliahmad
Paracrine and gap junctional communication in breast epithelial cells: Role in diffrentiation and cancer, Hibret A Adissu
Parallel algorithms for nonlinear programming and applications in pharmaceutical manufacturing, Yankai Cao
Parallelized ray casting volume rendering and 3D segmentation with combinatorial map, Wenhan Huang
Parallel Object-Oriented Algorithms for Building Performance Simulation. Application to an existing dwelling., Lopez Joan, Capdevila Roser, Souaihi Oussama, Rigola Joaquim, and Oliva Assensi
Parametrically Constrained Lightness Model Incorporating Edge Classification and increment-Decrement Neural Response Asymmetries, Michael E. Rudd
Parametric approaches to fractional programs: Analytical and empirical study, Chong Hyun Park
Parametric Evaluation of Governing Heat and Mass Transfer Resistances in Membrane Based Heat and Moisture Exchangers, Paul D. Armatis and Brian M. Fronk
Parametric study of ultrafiltration membrane system & development of fouling control mechanism, Nina Zhou
Parental Acceptance of the Human Papillomavirus Vaccination Among South Asian Immigrants Living in the Midwest USA, Samina Shams Khan
Parental involvement during the college transition: Trajectories and associations with academic success, well-being, and individuation, Katie Elizabeth Lowe
Parent involvement as social capital: Promoting the academic achievement of socioeconomically disadvantaged youth, Kathryn E Cullen
Parents served by assertive community treatment: A needs based assessment, Laura Morgan White
Particle adhesion with applications in microelectronics processing, Caitlin M Kilroy
Particle pushing: Reexamine the thermodynamic criterion, Qingyou Han
Particle Swarm Optimization Using Multiple Neighborhood Connectivity And Winner Take All Activation Applied To Biophysical Models Of Inferior Colliculus Neurons, Brandon S. Coventry
Particle swarms in confining geometries, Eric Robert Boomsma
Particle Swarm Transport in Porous Media, Alison R. Hoe and Laura J Pyrak-Nolte
Partners in Haiti, Maggie Del Ponte, Christa Cheatham, Montana Campbell, Rachel Stowers, and Kelli Teskey
Part one. Factors influencing furan formation from monosaccharides using maleic acid Part two. Silyl group migration studies, Eurick S Kim
Passive Visual Analytics of Social Media Data for Detection of Unusual Events, Kush Rustagi and Junghoon Chae
Past Disquiet: From Research to Exhibition, Kristine Khouri and Rasha Salti
Pathway by which Vagus Nerve Stimulation of B Fibers Affects Heart Rate, Kelsey Wasilczuk, Matthew Ward, and Pedro Irazoqui
Patron-Driven Acquisition: An Introduction and Literature Review, Judith M. Nixon, Robert S. Freeman, and Suzanne M. Ward
Patron Driven Acquisitions: Integrating Print Books with eBooks, Andrew Welch and Teri Koch
Patterning the Condenser-Side Wick in Ultra-Thin Vapor Chamber Heat Spreaders to Improve Skin Temperature Uniformity of Mobile Devices, G Patakar, Justin Weibel, and S V. Garimella
Patterns Of Language Use And Language Choice Among The Cuban Community In Russia, Maria Yakushkina
Pax2 overexpression and regulation studies in vertebrate eye, Rachna Sehgal
Pax Populi: Utilizing Technology and Education as a Means to Achieve Peace, Anand Balar
Payload mass improvements of supersonic retropropulsive flight for human class missions to Mars, Maxwell H Fagin
Payment for Watershed Services: It’s Possible, but for which Conservation Policy on Fresh Water and Ecosystem Services?, Alexandre R.C. Andrade Silva and Francis L. Ribeiro
Pedotransfer functions for estimations of soil moisture retention and hydro-limits: The case of Abreha Atsbeha in northern Ethiopia, Gebreyohannes Girmay Woldetensai, Mulugeta Sebhatleab Tesfay, and Tesfay Berihu Gebremichael
Peer Evaluation of Team Member Effectiveness as a Formative Educational Intervention, Nathan Mentzer, Dawn Laux, Angelika Zissimopoulos, and K. Andrew R. Richards
Pelikan's Antidisambiguation-Cathcing Up, Michael Pelikan
Pelikan's Antidisambiguation: Of Glass, Cloud Access, Possession, Knowledge, and Privacy, Michael P. Pelikan
Pelikan's Antidisambiguation: Oyster and McLuhan's Most Important Quotation, Michael P. Pelikan
Pelikan's Antidisambiguation -- "Seeing the World Through New Eyes...", Michael P. Pelikan
Pelikan's Antidisambiguation-Size, Money, Risk, Michael P. Pelikan
Pelikan's Antidisambiguation: The End of the Wax Cylinder as We Know It, Michael P. Pelikan
Pelikan's Antidisambiguation: "What's in a Name?", Michael P. Pelikan
People Profile: Kate Kosturski
People Profile: Mehdi Khosrow-Pour
People Profile: Roula Awad-Harb
Peptide nucleic acid (PNA) hybridization part I application to nanoscale sensors part II self-assembly, Felice N Butler
Perceptual metrics, visualization tools, and machine-learning-based quality prediction for evaluation of page uniformity, Minh Q Nguyen
Performance Analysis of a Reciprocating Compressor under Typical Transients of Refrigeration Systems, Marco Carrilho Diniz and Cesar Jose Deschamps
Performance Analysis of a Vapor Injection Cycle with Flash Tank Using a Low-GWP Inorganic Blend Refrigerant, Jose Vicente Hallak Dangelo, Hugo Valenca de Araujo, Jiazhen Ling, Vikrant Aute, and Reinhard Radermacher
Performance Assessment of Road Barriers in Indiana, Yaotian Zou and Andrew P. Tarko
Performance assessment of road barriers in Indiana, Yaotian Zou
Performance Characteristics of a Refrigerator-Freezer with Parallel Evaporators using a Linear Compressor, Byungchae Min, Sangjin Song, Kiyoul Noh, Geonwoo Kim, Teaseung Yoon, Sangkyung Na, Sanghoon Song, Jangsik Yang, Gyungmin Choi, and Duckjool Kim
Performance Comparison of Air-source Heat Pumps Using Economizer Vapor Injection and Internal Heat Exchanger in Cold Regions, Lei Jin, Xiang Yin, Shengchen Pan, Dongfang Yang, and Feng Cao
Performance Comparison of R32, R410A and R290 Refrigerant in Inverter Heat Pumps Application, Supharuek Konghuayrob and Kornvalee Khositkullaporn
Performance Comparison of Single-stage and Two-stage Hermetic Rotary CO2 Compressor, Li Zhang, Min Yang, and Xiaolong Huang
Performance Evaluation Criteria & Utility Function for Analysis of Compact Air-to-Refrigerant Heat Exchangers, Daniel Bacellar, Vikrant Aute, and Reinhard Radermacher
Performance Evaluation Of A Hp/Orc (Heat Pump/Organic Rankine Cycle) System With Optimal Control Of Sensible Thermal Storage, Carolina Carmo, Olivier Dumont, Mads P. Nielsen, and Brian Elmegaard
Performance Evaluation of a Passive Chilled Beam System and Comparison with a Conventional Air System, Janghyun Kim, James E. Braun, Athanasios Tzempelikos, and W. Travis Horton
Performance Evaluation of Heat pump System using R32 and HFO-mixed Refrigerant in High Ambient Temperature., Shigeharu Taira, Tomoatsu Minamida, Tomoyuki Haikawa, and Fumio Ota
Performance Evaluation Of Peripheral-Finned Tube Evaporators Under Frosting Conditions, Marco Timmermann and Jader Barbosa
Performance Gain for Multiple Stage Centrifugal Compressor by using non-Equal Impeller Configuration, Yuanjie Wu, Chris Thilges, and Philippe Guillerot
Performance-Governing Transport Mechanisms for Heat Pipes at Ultra-thin Form Factors, Y. Yadavalli, J. A. Weibel, and S V. Garimella
Performance Investigation on Electrochemical Compressor with Ammonia, Ye Tao, Yunho Hwang, Reinhard Radermacher, and Chunsheng Wang
Performance Measures without Communication, Howell Li
Performance Modeling of an RF Coaxial Plasma Thruster, William B. Stein, Alina A. Alexeenko, Ivana Hrbud, and Evgeniy Bondar
Performance Model Of Co2 Two-Phase Ejector For Subcritical Conditions, Kamil Smierciew, Dariusz Butrymowicz, and Piotr Baj
Performance of Concrete Patch Repairs: From a Durability Point of View, Choorackal Avirachan Eldho, Ominda Nanayakkar, Jun Xia, and Steve Jones
Performance of Concrete Pavement in the Presence of Deicing Salts and Deicing Salt Cocktails, Prannoy Suraneni, Jonathan Monical, Erol Unal, Yaghoob Farnam, Chiara Villani, Timothy J. Barrett, and W. Jason Weiss
Performance of TF-VLS Grown InP Photovoltaic Cells, Junyan Shi, Yubo Sun, and Peter Bermel
Performance of Warranted Asphalt Pavements: Smoothness and Performance of Indiana Warranted Asphalt Pavements, Leila Sadeghi, Rebecca S. McDaniel, and John E. Haddock
Performance Ranking of Arterial Corridors Using Travel Time and Travel Time Reliability Metrics, Christopher Day, Stephen Remias, Howell Li, Michelle Mekker, Margaret McNamara, Edward Cox, and Darcy Bullock
Performance Ranking of Arterial Corridors Using Travel Time and Travel Time Reliability Metrics, Christopher M. Day, Stephen Remias, Howell Li, Michelle M. Mekker, Margaret L. McNamara, Ed Cox, and Darcy M. Bullock
Performance Testing of a Vapor Injection Scroll Compressor with R407C, Thomas W. Moesch, Ammar M. Bahman, and Eckhard A. Groll
Performance Testing of Unitary Split-System Heat Pump with an Energy Recovery Expansion Device, Nicholas Czapla, Harshad Inamdar, Nicholas Salts, and Eckhard Groll
Periodic screen design, Jin-Young Kim
Peripheral venous retroperfusion: Implications for critical limb ischemia and salvage, Arika D Kemp
Persistence of Trace Organic Contaminants from a Commercial Biosolids-Based Fertilizer in Aerobic Soils, Travis A. Banet, Jihyun R. Kim, and Michael L. Mashtare
Perspectives from the Field-taking a look at library issues from other perspectives, Katina Strauch
Perspectives of Ethical Identity in Ng's Steer toward Rock and Jen's Mona in the Promised Land, Hui Su
PFF/PFP GK-12 Program: Engaging Graduate Students and Post-Docs to integrate their research into middle school classrooms, Christopher Roemmele and Jonathan Harbor
Phage therapy applications: Efficacy and impact on the animal intestinal microbiome, Yingying Hong
Pharmaceuticals And Personal Care Products: Emerging Contaminants In Aquatic Ecosystems, Jenny E. Zenobio
Pharmacist Collaborative Drug Therapy Management in U.S. Hospitals, Pragya Mishra
Pharmacokinetics and Toxicity of the Novel Oral Demethylating Agent Zebularine in Laboratory and Tumor Bearing Dogs, Christopher Michael Fulkerson
Pharmacy Research on Medication Disposal Practices using Service-Learning, Patricia L. Darbishire, Anne Packard, Maryam Noureldin, and Sumaya Bahrami
Phase field modeling of grain growth in porous polycrystalline solids, Karim E Ahmed
Phase field modeling of the defect evolution and failure, Yuesong Xie
Phase Field Modeling of the Physical Vapor Deposition of Thin Film Microstructures, Yunbo Wang
Phase nucleation and evolution mechanisms in heterogeneous solids, Anirudh Udupa
Phase of flight identification in general aviation operations, Valentine Pascale Goblet
Phase Transforming Cellular Materials (PXCMs) Design and Assembly, Nadia N. Aljabi
Phosphoregulation of yeast kinetochore interactions, Ryan A Grove
Phosphorylation state modulates the interaction between spinophilin and neurofilament medium, Andrew C Hiday
Photochemistry of single-walled carbon nanotubes in the aquatic environment, and their extraction from soils, Somayeh BeigzadehMilani
Photoflash and laser ignition of high-nitrogen materials, Narendra N De
Photographing Turkey Run: A Guide to Nature Photography, Daniel P. Shepardson
Photography, Writing, Literature: A Book Review Article of New Work by Brunet and Beckman and Weissberg, Geert Vandermeersche
Photonic metasurfaces for spatiotemporal and ultrafast light control, Amr Mohammad Emadeldin Abdelmaksoud Shaltout
PhotonicsTD-2D: Modeling Light Scattering in Periodic Multilayer Photonic Structures, Alexey Bondarev, Shaimaa Azzam, Zhaxylyk Kudyshev, and Alexander V. Kildishev
Physical Activity Informational Websites: Accuracy, Language Ease, and Fear Appeal, Samantha Rose Paige
Physical and enzymatic modification of starch, Brian Elliot Hickman
Physically based Simulation for Soft Body, Yaqi Zhao
Physical properties, evaporation and combustion characteristics of nanofluid-type fuels, Saad Tanvir
Physical simulation and development of processing of high-strength steels during 25 years, Mahesh Chandra Somani, David Arthur Porter, and Leo Pentti Karjalainen
Physical simulation of girth weld HAZ in high strength pipeline steels, Yu Liu
Physical simulation of hot plastic deformation of TiBw/Ti composites, Lin Geng
Physical simulation of hot rolling of C–Mn steels by two deformation methods, Fulvio Siciliano
Physical simulation of the effect of mechanical vibration on feeding flow during solidification of paste alloy, Chen Wei, Wu Shi Ping, and Wang Rujia
Physics of defect generation in high-k and ferroelectric materials and their reliability implications for advanced electronic devices, Muhammad Masuduzzaman
Physiological functions of glutamine(Q)-rich regions present in yeast endocytic adaptors, Arpita Sen
Piezoelectric and dielectric behaviour of odd nylon blends, Shilpa A. Pande
Pilot Data Information Literacy Competencies Matrix Scaffolded Across Undergraduate, Graduate and Data Steward Levels, Megan R. Sapp Nelson
Pilot Source Study 2015: An Analysis of FAR Part 121 Pilots Hired after Public Law 111-216—Their Backgrounds and Subsequent Successes in US Regional Airline Training and Operating Experience, Guy Smith, Elizabeth Bjerke, MaryJo Smith, Cody Christensen, Thomas Carney, Paul Craig, and Mary Niemczyk
Pilot Source Study 2015: US Regional Airline Pilot Hiring Background Characteristic Changes Consequent to Public Law 111-216 and the FAA First Officer Qualifications Rule, Elizabeth Bjerke, Guy Smith, MaryJo Smith, Cody Christensen, Thomas Carney, Paul Craig, and Mary Niemczyk
Pilot to Program: Demand-Driven E-Books at the Orbis-Cascade Consortium, 1 Year Later, James Bunnelle
Piston / Cylinder Interface Of Axial Piston Machines – Effect Of Piston Micro-Surface Shaping, Ashley M. Wondergem
Planning for the Environmental Process: LPAs Guide, Briana Hope and Chad Costa
Planning to Preserve Your Roads Using Excel Using Excel and GIS for LPAs, Shawn Strange
Plant Phenotyping on Mobile Devices, Ziling Chen, Jian Jin, Zhihang Song, and Jialei Wang
Plasma-Neutral Heat Transfer in Coaxial RF Argon Discharges, William B. Stein, Alina A. Alexeenko, and Ivana Hrbud
Plastic deformation and microstructure evolution of bearing ring blank during cold rolling process, Song Deng
Plutonium disposition by gas dynamic trap, Bryan Thomas Sims
POE Lubricant Candidates For Low GWP Refrigerants, Yu-kai Chen, Jung-Tsung Hung, Hsu-Hua Tang, and Jeng-Shiang Tsaih
Political Determinants of Competition, Mara Faccio
Political football: Race, college football, and a decade to desegregate, Edward D Krzemienski
Pollinator Garden, Paige E. Bradley
Polyethylene-based bio-plastics could be the optimal solution for plastic wastes, Vijaya Sunil Sangawar, Amit Gadre, and Ganesh Yerawar
Polymer Technology for Improving Gene Delivery, Hoyoung Lee
Polyrotaxanes for Bladder Tumor Targeted MRI Contrast, Cheyenne Chaplain
Population genetic analysis of the black blow fly Phormia regina (Meigen) (Diptera: Calliphoridae), John W Whale
Pore Scale Transport of Miscible and Immiscible Fluids in Porous Media, Tolulope O. Odimayomi and Arezoo M. Ardekani
Portable biosensor with coincident imaging and diffractometry, Khalid Mahmood Arif
Portable Modular Conveyor, Purdue ECT Team
Post 9/11 and Narratives of Life Writing, Conflict, and Environmental Crisis, Simon C. Estok
Postcolonial Studies in the Twenty-first Century: A Book Review Article of Literature for Our Times & Reading Transcultural Cities, Alejandra Moreno Álvarez
Post-transition human rights performance in Peru, Uruguay, and South Korea, Nusta Pitushca Carranza Ko
Postural Sway in Infants at Low and High Risk for Autism Spectrum Disorder, Rachel C. Harris
Potential barriers that influence gender Differences in leadership self-efficacy, Aspen Janai Robinson, Enrica N. Ruggs, Yvette Huet, and Adriana Medina
Potential energy savings and benefits to thermal comfort from the effective use of window blinds, Saurabh Sudhakaran
Potential for Alkali–Silica Reaction in Radiation Shielding Concrete Containing Special Aggregates, Daria Jóźwiak-Niedźwiedzka, Michał A. Glinicki, and Karolina Gibas
Potential Impact Of Neonicotinoid Insecticides On Honey Bees (Apis Mellifera) In Muskmelon Production, Kira L. Nixon
Potential release of macronutrients and C sequestration of different land use systems in the Peruvian Amazon, Julio C. Alegre
Potential role of histone deacetylases in the development of the chick and murine retina, Ankita Saha
Potential Roles for Elf3 in Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder and Development, Mark Casey Farrell
Power-efficient high-speed interface circuit techniques, Elkim Felipe Roa Fuentes
Power Electronics Solutions for Uninterrupted Power Supply and Grid-Tie Inverters, Omar N Nezamuddin
Power: The development of the romantic relationship power inventory (RRPI), Marion L Chapman
Pragmatic Urbanism: South Bend's West Side Main Streets, Michael Divita and Roger Nawrot
Precast Concrete Pavement Practices—Generic System Use In Michigan, Texas & California, Shiraz Tayabji
Precast Concrete Pavement Practices Overview, Shiraz Tayabji
Precipitation modeling of multi-component commercial alloys, Weisheng Cao, Fan Zhang, Shuanglin Chen, Chuan Zhang, and Jun Zhu
Precise measurements of perceptual attention filters for features, Peng Sun, Charles Chubb, Charles E. Wright, Stefanie Drew, and George Sperling
Pre-Contract Project Scoping Processes: Synthesis of Practices, Hamed Zamenian and Dulcy M. Abraham
Predicting Future Changes of Rainfall Erosivity and Hillslope Erosion across South-East Australia, Xihua Yang
Predicting lubrication performance between the slipper and swashplate in axial piston hydraulic machines, Andrew T. Schenk
Predicting Surface Temperatures of Roads: Utilizing a Decaying Average in Forecasting, Peter Boyd and Weston Phillips
Predicting the onset of thermoacoustic oscillations in supercritical fluids, Michael Joseph Palumbo
Predicting Two-Phase Flow Distribution and Stability in Systems with Many Parallel Heated Channels, T Van Oevelen, J A. Weibel, and S V. Garimella
Predicting U. S. Presidential Elections: From 1900 until Today, Richard L. Hogan
Prediction of Air-Side Particulate Fouling of HVAC&R Heat Exchangers, H. Inamdar, E. A. Groll, J. A. Weibel, and S V. Garimella
Prediction of Compressor Muffler Frequency Response Function using CFD, Tadeu Tonheiro Rodrigues, Cristiano Stumpf, and Ricardo Mikio Doi
Prediction of Leakage Flow of Radial Clearance in a Rolling Piston Rotary Compressor, Geon-woo Kim, Ki-youl Noh, Byung-chae Min, Sang-jin Song, Sang-kyung Na, Tae-seung Yoon, Kenichiro Teshima, Jang-sik Yang, Gyung-min Choi, and Duck-jool Kim
Prediction of parturition and dystocia in holstein-friesian cattle, and cesarean section in dystocic beef cattle, Wen Han Mark Hiew
Prediction of the graphite morphology and nodularity based on the quantitative sample solidification cooling curves, Han Ye, Chao Li, Qingyou Han, and Xiangjie Yang
Prediction Of The Protein Complex Assembly Pathway Using Multiple Docking Algorithm, Yoichiro Togawa
Prediction Of The Stress At The Inlet Of The Nip Region In A Roll Compactor, Timothy Patterson
Prediction of the welding residual stress and distortion in 10Ni5CrMoV steel considering solid phase transformation effect, Yong Liu, Ping Wang, and Hongyuan Fang
Preface and Acknowledgments, Katina Strauch and Bruce Strauch
Pregnancy in the classroom, Margaret E Wu
Preliminary Analysis of a Fully Solid State Magnetocaloric Refrigeration, Mingkan Zhang, Ayyoub Mehdizadeh Momen, and Omar Abdelaziz
Preparation and evaluation of novel antibacterial dental resin composites, Voon Joe Chong
Preparation & characterization of high purity Cu2 ZnSn(SxSe1-x)4 nanoparticles, Bethlehem G Negash
Preparation of the Annual Report, Bob McCullouch and Etienne Atisso
Preschoolers’ Physical, Social, and Engineering Play Behaviors: Differences in Gender and Play Environment, Zachary S. Gold
Present day plate boundary deformation in the Caribbean and crustal deformation on southern Haiti, Steeve J Symithe
Preservice teacher motivation, Jennifer D Moss
Preservice teachers' perceptions of place and curriculum: An essential link to the realization of critical place‐based education, Lana Lynn Zimmer
Preserving History and Demonstrating Library Excellence at Historically Black College and Universities, Shanesha R. F. Brooks-Tatum
Preserving the Past for the Future: Moving Toward Best Practices and Tools for Thoughtful Monographic Withdrawal, Mary Miller and Jennifer Teper
Prevention and intensification of melt-water explosive interactions, Anthony A Sansone
Price Impacts of Increased Peruvian Table Grape Supply, Jacob W. Iest
Principals' perceptions and experiences of physical education teacher evaluation: A case study, Sookhenlall Padaruth
Principle Of Bio-Inspired Insect Wing Rotational Hinge Design, Fan Fei
Privacy and Information Security: The evolving threat vector of proximity data, Mike Fong
Probabilistic multi-compartment deformable model, application to cell segmentation, Sepehr Farhand
Probabilistic uncertainty quantification and experiment design for nonlinear models: Applications in systems biology, Vu Cao Duy Thien Dinh
Probability Model of Corrosion-Induced Cracking Time in Chloride-Contaminated Reinforced Concrete, Chunhua Lu, Jinmu Yang, and Ronggui Liu
Probe Vehicle Bluetooth Study for Travel Time Savings Estimation, Lucy Richardson, Jijo K. Mathew, W Benjamin Smith, and Darcy M. Bullock
Probing cellular mechano-sensitivity using biomembrane-mimicking cell substrates of adjustable stiffness, Yu-Hung Lin
Probing protein geranylgeranylation: Development of GGPP analog SAR to selectively target GGTase I, Michelle R Mynderse
Probing the Mechanism of Bacillus subtilis Oxalate Decarboxylase, Wen Zhu
Problem-based Learning and Learning Assessment in Information Strategies for HTM Students, Hal P. Kirkwood Jr
Problem Solving as an Encoding Task: A Special Case of the Generation Effect, Jasmin M. Kizilirmak, Berit Wiegmann, and Alan Richardson-Klavehn
Process development for evaluating utility scale solar at a combined heat and power facility, Samuel J Landry
Processing and Characterization of ZR-Based Metallic Glass By Laser Direct Depositon, Heehun Bae
Process optimization of water chamber based on numerical simulation, Yang Jian Ning, Yang Yi, and Yang Gang
Producer Perceptions Of Their Use Of Time And Various Areas Of Risk In Their Business, Kendra Marie Hedge
Producing an Online Undergraduate Literary Magazine: A Guide to Using Problem-Based Learning in the Writing and Publishing Classroom, Amy L. Persichetti
Producing more rice with less greenhouse gas emissions from paddy fields, Weijian Zhang and Dahai Guan
Production and assessment of usefulness of interactive 2-D and stereoscopic 3-D videos as tools for anatomic dissection preparation and examination review, Sereen Mahmoud Al Khalili
Production and degradation of isoprene-derived organic nitrates in the atmosphere, Fulizi Xiong
Production of Porous Alginate Substrates via Membrane Emulsification for Pharmaceutical Applications, Genesis D. Correa-Rivera, David A. Acevedo, and Zoltan K. Nagy
Professional Development for the Integration of Engineering in High School STEM Classrooms, Jonathan E. Singer, Julia M. Ross, and Yvette Jackson-Lee
Professional Surveyor's Role in Design and Construction, Dave Myers
Profile-Elizabeth "Liz" Lorbeer
Profile fitting in crowded astronomical images, Raja Manish
Profile Interview With Faculty Mentor Jane Krause, Elizabeth J. Dowell and Ashley M. Schinker
Profile Interview With Faculty Mentor Lalatendu Acharya, Jill Inderstrodt-Stephens
Profile Interview With Faculty Mentor Lindsey Payne, John Saltanovitz
Profiles of Patricia Tries, Abram N Magner
Profile-Valerie Prescott Adams
Profiling gene expression during early gametophyte development and sex determination in Ceratopteris richardii, Nadia Atallah
Profit-Maximizing Responses To Climate Change In Commodity Agriculture: Does Adaptation Matter?, Sajeev Erangu Purath Mohankumar
Prognosis Based Control Reconfiguration for an Aircraft with Faulty Actuator to Enable Performance in a Degraded State, Vishal V Mahulkar
Prognostics and diagnostics of conflicts and errors with prevention and detection logic, Xin Chen
Programmable cellular materials, David Restrepo Arango
Programmable RNA tile self-assembly, Jinwen Yu
Programs to resolve agricultural and water quality issues - the Kiwi perspective, Thomas A. Cochrane
Progress in Durability Study of FRP Materials, Zeng-Zhu Zhu, Ying-Wu Zhou, Li-Li Sui, Feng Xing, and Jia Du
Progressive Museum Practice: John Dewey and Democracy, Jeremiah Dyehouse
Progress of Carbonation in Chloride Contaminated Concretes, Yaocheng Wang, P. A.M. Basheer, S. Nanukuttan, and Y. Bai
Project-Based Learning and Design-Focused Projects to Motivate Secondary Mathematics Students, Kelly W. Remijan
Project portfolio evaluation and selection using mathematical programming and optimization methods, Hugo Caballero
Proliferation resistance assessment of various methods of spent nuclear fuel storage and disposal, Lenka Kollar
Promoting discussions of a mathematics concept with real-world contexts: Eighth-grade students’ understandings of the area formula, Elizabeth Suazo-Flores
Promoting Effective Teaching in Science Learning through Engineering Design [SLED], Brenda Capobianco, James Lehman, Chell Nyquist, Todd Kelley, and Nancy Tyrie
Properties of Ambiguity Functions, John Mulcahy-Stanislawczyk
Properties that characterize the material X46Cr13 steel, Josip Brnic, Sanjin Krscanski, Marino Brcic, and Jitai Niu
Propogation Of Wind Turbine Noise Through Wakes And Turbulent Atmosphere, Yuan Peng
Proportional-Integral Extremum Seeking for Optimizing Power of Vapor Compression Systems, Daniel J Burns, Christopher R. Laughman, and Martin Guay
Proposing a new system architecture for next generation learning environments, Maziar AboualizadehBehbahani
Prostate Cancer Education in the African American Community: Implcations for Community-Based Health Communication Strategies, Barry Charles Hill
Protein Affinity Extraction Of Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) Using Submicron Spheres, Yao Wang
Proteogenomic insights into the nature of chemoresistance in Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia, Brett M Noel
Psychosocial aspects of chronic pain in a clinical pediatric sample, Megan M Miller
Psychrometric Properties of Humid Air from Multi-Fluid Helmholtz-Energy-Explicit Models, Ian Bell, Eric Lemmon, and Allan Harvey
Pt-Cu Catalysts for Catalytic Dehydrogenation of Alkanes for Energy Production, Zixue Ma, Zhenwei Wu, and Jeffrey T. Miller
Public/Private Partnerships: Expanding the Reach of Traffic Signals, Lynne Yocom
Publisher Profile-Adam Matthew
Publisher Profile: Alexander Street Press
Publisher Profile-Casalini Libri
Publisher Profile: Copyright Clearance Center
Publisher Profile-Grey House Publishing
Publisher Profile-Information Power, Ltd.
Publisher Profile-now publishers
Publisher Profile-Palgrave Macmillan Ltd.
Publisher Profile-Serials Solutions
Publisher Profile: Sustainable Collection Services
Publisher Profile-University of Virginia Press
Publishing Makerspace: A New Approach to Scholarly Publishing, Sylvia K. Miller, David Phillips, Courtney Berger, Marjorie Fowler, Rebecca Kennison, John D. Martin III, John McLeod, and Chelcie Rowell
Publishing Our Own Work: Contributing to the Professional Literature Through Systematizing Sharing of Library Reports, Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe, Sarah E. Crissinger, Emily A. Hardesty, and Aaron S. McCollough
Purchasing E‐Books from Life and Physical Science Society Publishers: Trends and Considerations, Kelli J. Trei and Erin E. Kerby
Purdue Habitat for Humanity International Trip, Zack McCormack
Purdue Libraries in Second Life, Hal P. Kirkwood Jr, Monica Kirkwood, and Victoria Thomas
Purdue Polytechnic Institute and Project Lead The Way (PLTW), Kevin Kaluf
Purdue Science K-12 Outreach: Impact for K-12 Schools in Indiana, Bill Walker, Bill Bayley, Isidore Julien, Phil Sands, David Sederberg, and Steven Smith
Purdue TAP, Carly Turow
Purification and preparation of intrinsically disordered proteins for NMR spectroscopy, Kyle Chamberlain
Push-bending process of stainless-steel tubes: Experiment and simulation, Guoqing Chen, Huimin Wang, Hongxiang Li, Xuesong Fu, and Wenlong Zhou
Python controlled MCNP5 based radiation treatment planning tool, John Oliver Perry
Qualitative Research in PBL in Health Sciences Education: A Review, Jun Jin and Susan Bridges
Qualitative Study of First-Generation Latinas: Understanding Motivation for Choosing and Persisting in Engineering, Dina Verdin, Allison F. Godwin, and Jennifer Morazes
Quality and Safety Attributes of Sun-Dried Raisins from Afghanistan, Stacy A. McCoy
Quality assessment of geogrids used for subgrade treatment, Min Sang Lee
Quality Assurance and Quality Control Correlations for the Dynamic Cone Penetrometer, Eshan Ganju
Quality Changes in Hermetically Stored Corn Caused by Fungi and Sitophilus Zeamais, Nda-Agyima Addae-Mensah K
Quality of non-resident grandparent-grandchild relationship during adolescence and influence on identity status, Anne Marie Schoenherr
Quantification and Characterization of Aluminum Distributions in Commercial Beta and Mordenite Zeolites by Cobalt Exchange, Rebecca L. Reitzel, Claire T. Nimlos, and Rajamani Gounder
Quantifying aesthetics of visual design applied to automatic design, Ali Jahanian
Quantifying Benefits of Signal Timing Maintenance and Optimization Using both Travel Time and Travel Time Reliability Measures, Howell Li, Steven Lavrenz, Christopher Day, Amanda Stevens, and Darcy Bullock
Quantifying Benefits of Signal Timing Maintenance and Optimization using both Travel Time and Travel Time Reliability Measures, Howell Li, Steven M. Lavrenz, Christopher M. Day, Amanda Stevens, and Darcy M. Bullock
Quantifying Groundwater/Surface-water Interactions In Tributaries To The Wabash River Using Radon‐222 And Other Environmental Isotopes, Philine Bogeholz and Marty Frisbee
Quantifying Subsurface Hydrology Effects on Chemical Transport in Agriculture Drainage Ditches Using a 20 Meter Flume, Colton Eugene Yoder
Quantifying the Potential Impacts of Climate Change on Trends in Extreme Weather for Great Lakes Agriculture, Natalie Chin
Quantifying Water Savings with Windbreaks, Thomas A. Cochrane, Tonny T. de Vries, Eric Kilaka, and Jenny Webster-Brown
Quantitative characterization of canopy coverage in the genetically diverse soynam population, Benjamin P Hall
Quantitative Evaluation of the Dependence of Pool Boiling Heat Transfer Enhancement on Sintered Particle Coating Characteristics, S. Sarangi, J A. Weibel, and S V. Garimella
Quantitative Imaging of Radiation Intensity from a Turbulent Sooting Flame, Robert Kapaku
Quantitative kinetic analysis of olefin polymerization by single-site Group IV amine bis-phenolate catalysts, Jeffrey Switzer
Quantitative modeling of spatiotemporal systems: Simulation of biological systems and analysis of error metric effects on model fitting, James Hengenius
Quantitative Risk Evaluation of Obstacle Limitation Surfaces for Final Approaches at Airports, Amila SIlva and Alexandre G. de Barros
Quantitative safety assessment of air traffic control systems through system control capacity, Jingjing Guo
Quantum Dot Lab : Incorporation of Alloys in the Capping Layer of Multi-layer Quantum Dot, Unmesha U. Kale, Prasad Sarangapani, Jim Fonseca, and Gerhard Klimeck
Quantum mechanics in complex systems, Ross Douglas Hoehn
Quantum transport in RTD and atomistic modeling of nanostructures, Zhengping Jiang
Queen bees, mother hens, and king apes: A multi-source and cross-cultural examination of gender differences in supervisor-subordinate relations, Samantha C. Paustian-Underdahl, Eden B. King, Steven G. Rogelberg, Zoa Ordóñez, Ines Weichert, Rena Rasch, and William A. Gentry
Query segmentation for E-Commerce sites, Xiaojing Gong
Questions and Answers-Copyright Column, Laura N. Gasaway
Questions and Answers-Copyright Column, Laura N. Gasaway
Questions and Answers-Copyright Column, Laura N. Gasaway
Questions and Answers-Copyright Column, Laura N. Gasaway
Questions and Answers-Copyright Column, Laura N. Gasaway
Questions and Answers-Copyright Column, Laura N. Gasaway
Questions and Answers-Copyright Column, Laura N. Gasaway
Questions and Answers-Copyright Column, Laura N. Gasaway
Questions and Answers-Copyright Column, Laura N. Gasaway
Questions & Answers -- Copyright Column, Laura N. Gasaway
Questions & Answers -- Copyright Column, Laura N. Gasaway
Quit playing with your watch: Perceptions of smartwatch use, Christopher M Gaeta
R134a Flow Boiling Heat transfer on an Electrically Heated Carbon/Carbon Surface, Luca Doretti, Simone Mancin, Claudio Zilio, and Giovanni A. Longo
R134a Flow Boiling inside a 4.3 mm ID Microfin Tube, Simone Mancin, Claudio Zilio, Giulia Righetti, Luca Doretti, and Giovanni A. Longo
R-32 As An Alternative To Ammonia In Industrial Refrigeration, Andy Pearson
Radiation Diagnostics of High Temperature High Speed Flows, David L Blunck
Radiation Tailored Polymers for Detectors, Adhesive-Coatings and Other Industrial Uses, Anna M. Earley, Alex Bakken, and Rusi P. Taleyarkhan
Railroad Preemption Signals at a Roundabout Interchange: SR 265 & SR 62 in Jeffersonville, IN, Jeromy L. Grenard, Hardik Rajendra Shah, and James Howard
Railway/Highway At-Grade Crossing Surface Management, Jerry G. Rose
Random incidence transmission loss of a metamaterial barrier system, Srinivas Varanasi, J Stuart Bolton, and Thomas Siegmund
Random Ramblings- Does the Focus on Banned Books Subtly Undermine Intellectual Freedom?, Bob Holley
Random Ramblings- In Defense of Wikipedia and Google: When Scholarly Publications Fall Short, Bob Holley
Random Ramblings -- Niche Research, Silos, and Collection Development, Bob Holley
Random Ramblings-Patron-Driven Acquisitions, eBooks, and Economic Self-Interest, Bob Holley
Random Ramblings- The Difference Between a Great and a Good Research Library: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow, Bob Holley
Range-wide Phylogeography of Blanding's Turtle (Emys blandingii), Victoria A Mumaw
Rank constrained homotopies of matrices and the Blackadar-Handelman conjectures on C*-algebras, Kaushika De Silva
Rapid Collections Surveying With Book Traces @ UVa, Kristin Jensen and Carla H. Lee
Rapid Grain Boundary Mobility at Ambient Temperatures, Jarrod M. Lund, R Adam Bilodeau, and Rebecca K. Kramer
Rapid Indirect Trajectory Optimization On Highly Parallel Computing Architectures, Thomas Antony
Rapid Response Tools and Datasets for Hydrological Modeling, Mary E. Miller and William J. Elliot
Rapid transient cooling utilizing flash boiling and desorption on graphitic foams, Jeffrey D Engerer
Rare Earth Elements Purification using Ligand-Assisted Displacement Chromatography, Yingyi Liang, Hoon Choi, and Nien-Hwa Linda Wang
Raspberry Anthracnose, Paul C. Pecknold
Rate of Pedestrian Signal Phase Actuation as a Proxy Measurement of Pedestrian Demand, Christopher M. Day, Hiromal Premachandra, and Darcy M. Bullock
Rate of Pedestrian Signal Phase Actuations a Proxy Measurement of Pedestrian Demand, Christopher Day, Hiromal Premachandra, and Darcy Bullock
Rational Multiparty Computation, John Ross Wallrabenstein
Realization And Evaluation Of A 3-Degrees-Of-Freedom Mouse Model, Udayan Umapathi
Realtime dynamic binary instrumentation, Mike Du
Real-time on-board indirect light-off temperature estimation as a detection technique of diesel oxidation catalyst effectiveness level, Raymond Sutjiono
Real-Time Probe Data Dashboard for Monitoring Detour Route during I-65 N Road Closure, Margaret McNamara, Howell Li, Stephen Remias, Lucy Richardson, Deborah Horton, Ed Cox, and Darcy M. Bullock
Real-Time Probe Data Dashboards for Interstate Performance Monitoring During Winter Weather and Incidents, Margaret McNamara, Howell Li, Stephen Remias, Deborah Horton, Edward Cox, and Darcy Bullock
Real-Time Probe Data Dashboards for Interstate Performance Monitoring During Winter Weather and Incidents, Margaret McNamara, Howell Li, Stephen Remias, Deborah Horton, Ed Cox, and Darcy M. Bullock
Real-Time Temperature and Heat Flux Measurements for Lyophilization Process Design and Monitoring: Part 1, Evan T. Liechty, Nicholas J. Huls, Andrew D. Strongrich, and Alina A. Alexeenko
Real-Time Temperature and Heat Flux Measurements for Lyophilization Process Design and Monitoring: Part 2, Nicholas J. Huls, Evan T. Liechty, Andrew D. Strongrich, and Alina A. Alexeenko
Rearward visibility issues related to agricultural machinery: Contributing factors, potential solutions, Shawn Gregory Ehlers
Reasons to Kill Poets, Josh Kaminski
Rebuilding Soil Health with Forest Industry Residuals, Xiaojun Zhao and Lori A. Hoagland
Recent advances in four-dimensional studies of advanced materials and processing, Jiawei Mi
Recent Updates to INDOT's Highway Lighting Design Practice, David Boruff
Recombinant vaccines for brucellosis, Virendra Kumar Garg
Reconceptualizing and Renovating an Academic Business Library: The Parrish Library of Management & Economics, Hal P. Kirkwood Jr and Tomalee Doan
Reconciling E‐Book Packages at NCSU Libraries, Christee Pascale and Xiaoyan Song
Reconsidering the Emergence of the Gay Novel in English and German, James P. Wilper
Recovery of Waste Thermal Energy in U.S. Residential Appliances, Stephen L. Caskey, Eckhard A. Groll, and Eric J. Bowler
Recursive tree traversal dependence analysis, Yusheng Weijiang
Recycled Asphalt Pavement: What's Going On In There?, Gerry Huber
Reduced order modeling and analysis of combustion instabilities, Gowtham Manikanta Reddy Tamanampudi
Reducing energy consumption for buildings under system uncertainty through robust MPC with adaptive bound estimator, Hao Huang, Lei Chen, and Eric Hu
Reducing Energy Costs for the Pasteurization of Corn and Wheat Straw Bales for Producing Mushrooms in Mexico with a Solar Oven made with Recycled Materials, Israel Ruiz-Gonzalez and Jonathan Dominguez-Aldana
Reducing handoff latency in proxy mobile IPv6, Sumith Dev Vojini
Reducing Landfill Waste: Implementation and Optimization of a Vermicomposting System, John Hemmerling, Jeremy Pan, Sahil Bhalla, and Karan Kedia
Reduction Of Energy Consumption in Air-conditioning Systems employing direct evaporative pre-cooling of Condenser air, Theodore Aganachi Ndukaife and A.G Agwu Nnanna
Reduction of energy consumption in low rise residential space conditioning by retrofitting with evaporative condenser, Theodore Aganachi Ndukaife
Refilled friction stir spot welding of aluminum alloy to galvanized steel, Honggang Dong, Su Chen, Yang Song, Xin Guo, Xiaosheng Zhang, and Zhiyang Sun
Reform and Reformation: Ecumenical Approaches in Light of the Document From Conflict to Communion, Wolfgang Thönissen
“Re-formatio”: The Reformation of the Sixteenth Century and Church Reform Today, Hubertus Blaumeiser
Refrigerant Circuit Optimization of Dual-mode Single-Row Microchannel Heat Exchangers used for R410A Heat Pumps, Sunil Mehendale, Zhenning Li, and Vikrant Aute
Refrigerant Distribution Characteristics in Vertical Header of Flat-Tube Heat Exchanger, Kazuhiro Endoh
Refrigeration Cycle And Compressor Performance For Various Low GWP Refrigerants, Jit Guan Edwin Ong and Kim Tiow Ooi
Refusing to Disappear: The Postmodern Presence of the Author in the Text, Elizabeth N Mobley
Regeneration of Valuable Materials from Poultry Farm Wastes, Atila Caglar, Bahattin Aydinli, and Sefa Pekol
Regional blood flow during cardiopulmonary resuscitation in dogs, W D. Voorhees, Charles F. Babbs, and W A. Tacker
Regional Climate Zone Modeling of a Commercial Absorption Heat Pump Hot Water Heater - Part 1: Southern and South Central Climate Zones, Patrick Geoghegan, Bo Shen, Christopher Keinath, and Michael Garrabrant
Regional soil erosion assessment based on field survey and geostatistics, Shuiqing Yin
Regularity of solutions and the free boundary for a class of Bernoulli-type parabolic free boundary problems with variable coefficients, Thomas H Backing
Regulating belongingness needs: Regulatory focus and responses to social exclusion, Katherine E Adams
Regulation of adipose development and lipid metabolism by natural stilbenoid, piceatannol and resveratrol, Jung Yeon Kwon
Reinventing the Methods Journal: Increasing Reproducibility with Video Journals, Kira Henderson
Relating Design Storm Events to Ordinary High Water Marks in Indiana, Siddharth Saksena and Venkatesh Merwade
Relational analysis of aggregate size distributions and soil organic carbons of the eroded sediments, Gunay Erpul and Selen Deviren Saygın
Relation among images: Modelling, optimization and applications, Bin Shen
Relationships between lexical proficiency and L2 oral proficiency, Yunjung You
Relationships between Tillage Systems associated with Previous Crops and Effects on Corn Productivity in 14 years of Long-term Experiments in Northeastern Brazil, Alceu Pedrotti, Thaisa Menezes M Silva MSc, Richard Matos Souza MSC, Ezio S. Pinto Jr., Sara Julliane Ribeiro Assunção MSc, and Eloy Antonio Pauletto DSc
Relative Contributions of Inelastic Phonon Scattering and Elastic Phonon Scattering to Thermal Boundary Conductance across Solid Interfaces, Mengxi Zhao, Zexi Lu, and Xiulin Ruan
Reliability, Flexibility, and Environmental Impact of Alternative Arterial Offset Optimization Objective Functions, Christopher Day, Thomas Brennan, Alexander Hainen, Stephen Remias, Hiromal Premachandra, James Sturdevant, Greg Richards, Jason Wasson, and Darcy Bullock
Reliability, Flexibility, and Environmental Impact of Alternative Arterial Offset Optimization Objective Functions, Christopher M. Day, Thomas M. Brennan Jr, Alexander M. Hainen, Stephen M. Remias, Hiromal Premachandra, James R. Sturdevant, Greg Richards, Jason S. Wasson, and Darcy M. Bullock
Reliability Guided Resource Allocation for Large-scale Supercomputing Systems, Shruti Umamaheshwaran
Reliable Data Processing Enabled By Program Analysis, Tao Bao
Remembering David M. Lane, Elizabeth Lane
Remembering Mike Arnold, Barry Fast
Remembering Writing Center Partnerships: Recommendations for Archival Strategies, Stacy Nall
Remote sensing of ocean surface using digital communication signals, Rashmi Shah
Removal of Boron from Well Waters for Irrigation of Agricultural Lands, Eusebio Jr Ventura
Removing Obstacles for Pavement Cost Reduction by Examining Early Age Opening Requirements: Material Properties, Federico C. Antico, Hadi S. Esmaeeli, Igor De la Varga, Wesley Jones, Timothy Barrett, Pablo Zavattieri, and W. Jason Weiss
Reply to Comment by R. N. Maue and R. E. Hart on "Low Frequency Variability in Globally Integrated Tropical Cyclone Power Dissipation, Ryan L. Sriver and Matthew Huber
Representation and control of coordinated-motion tasks for human-robot systems, Hyungju Andy Park
Representations of Politicians in Contemporary Ghanaian Hiplife Music, Mark Nartey
Research Data Management, Part One: Self-Help, Jane Kinkus Yatcilla
Research Data Management, Part Two: Data Reuse, Jane Kinkus Yatcilla
Researches on Heat Pump System using Rotary Compressor in Electric Vehicle, Jun-ye Shi, Tian-yuan Gao, Bing-qing Lu, Wan-yong li, Zi-qi Zhang, Bo-wei Cai, Jiang-ping Chen, Le-yan Pan, Tian-ying Wang, and Rui-dong Yan
Research Goes to School - A Model, Lisa P. Kirkham, Kari L. Clase, Gabriela Weaver, Alex Madsen, and Sandra Laursen
Research Goes to School - A Model, Lisa P. Kirkham, Kari L. Clase, Alex Madsen, Gabriela Weaver, and Sandra Laursen
Research of 3D graphene reinforced aluminum matrix composites by semisolid processing, Mei Tang, Zhengbing Xu, Jianmin Zeng, and Guoqiang He
Research of obtaining of composite materials based on aluminum matrix, Dmitry Kuis, Alexandr Volochko, Artem Shegidevich, and Nikolay Svidunovich
Research of the metal flow picture in the upsetting based on computer and physical simulation, Konstantin Nikolaevich Solomonov
Research of Variable Volume and Gas Injection DC Inverter Air Conditioning Compressor, Weimin Xiang, Bin Gao, Hualong Wu, and Yangbo Yu
Research on aseismic behavior of assemble-type composited wall, Yuanyuan zhao
Research on Chloride Penetration Resistance of Hybrid Fiber Reinforced Self-Compacting Concrete, Wu-Jian Long, Zhe-Ming Mai, Jin-Guang Shi, Tian-Tian Zhao, and Wu-Lei Peng
Research on Concrete Durability Improving for Existing Island-Building and Its Application, Mao Jianghong, Zhu Yaofeng, Xu Fangyuan, Jin Weiliang, Xu Yidong, and Chen Xu
Research on Injected Effect and Heat-transfer Characteristics of Narrow-Slit Injection Orifice Used for the Screw Compressor, Jia Xie, Jian Li, Kang Lian, Quanke Feng, and Weifeng Wu
Research On Low Frequency Vibration Of Rotary Compressor, Zhiming Wen, Rongting Zhang, Yaosi Zhang, Huanhuan Gu, and Yusheng Hu
Research on Optimization of Heat exchanger in Heat pump using R32 and HFO-mixed Refrigerant, Toshimitsu Kamada, Tomoyuki Haikawa, and Shigeharu Taira
Research on photocatalytic properties of TiO2–graphene composites with different morphologies, Guang Hu, Jian Yang, Dong Zhao, Ying Chen, and Yan Cao
Research on the impact of geometric parameter on the cross-section precision, Yang Hong Liang, Xing Zhong Wen, and Hao Zhao
Research on the impact of geometric parameter on the cross-section precision in rotary draw bending of high-strength steel tube with rectangular section, Hongliang Yang, Zhongwen Xing, and Zhao Hao
Research on the Operating Characteristics of Floor Heating System with Residential EVI Air Source Heat Pump in China, Xiaoning Chen, Ziqi Zhang, Junye Shi, Zhiyu Yang, and Jiangping Chen
Research on the performance of a high pressure 5.3MPa twin screw compressor, Zhaorui Zhao, Xiaokun Wu, Feng Hou, and Ziwen Xing
Research Progress on Conservation Tillage Project in Guangdong, China, Yinggang Ou
Research, science and technology parks: A global comparison of best practices, Hugo D Ruiz Villacres
Resettlement Struggles of Burmese Refugee Students in U.S. High Schools: A Qualitative Study, Madhavi Tandon Dr.
Residual stresses relaxation in laser beam welded Ti–6Al–4V alloy treated by post-weld local rapid induction heating, Yan Liu and Jin Hu
Resisting the Canon: Maori and the New Zealand Short Story Canon 1953-1984, Rachel LaCasse-Ford
Resizing Plots and Terrace Spacing in Sugarcane Areas, Max Well de Oliveira Rabelo, Nori Paulo Griebeler, and Nilson Clementino Ferreira
Resort vacation activities and recovery experiences: A case of visitors to Thailand, Maneenuch Tanyatanaboon
Respiratory And Laryngeal Function In Teachers Pre- And Posta 1-Hour Vocal Loading Challenge, Nicole E. Herndon
Responses of soybean to cold temperature / Dehydrins in Arabidopsis and soybean, Yuji Yamasaki
Responsible microfinance bundling: Experimental evidence on separating insurance and credit offers, Vance J Larsen
Restricted internalist reliabilism, Hamed Tabatabaei Ghomi
Rethinking reference: Towards a holistic approach to linguistic reference, Libby C Chernouski
Retrofiting LID Practices into Existing Neighborhoods: Is it Worth It?, Timothy Wright
Reversed phase liquid chromatography of intact monoclonal antibody, fragments and aggregates using nonporous silica particles, Oyeleye A Alabi
Reverse-Phase Liquid Chromatography Of Small Molecules Using Silica Colloidal Crystals, Natalya Khanina
Review in Motion: Multi‐Year Electronic Resources Review at UTA Libraries, Peter Zhang and Ashley Zmau
Review of Academic Writing Consulting and WAC: Methods for Guiding Cross-Curricular Literacy Work by Jeffrey Jablonski, Linda Bergmann
Review of Fractal Heat Exchangers, Zhiwei Huang, Yunho Hwang, Vikrant Aute, and Reinhard Radermacher
Review of Temperature and Humidity Control Technology for Heat Pump and Air Conditioning Systems, Xiaojie Lin, Yunho Hwang, Reinhard Radermacher, and Saikee Oh
Review of the Gender and Social Impacts of Improved Seed Technology in Developing Countries: Policy Implications, Preethi Krishnan, Andrew Raridon, Leigh Raymond, and Mangala Subramaniam
Review of Three Recent Geopolitical Studies, Bert Chapman
Review on joining of advanced materials and dissimilar materials in Harbin Institute of Technology, Jun Qu, Yongping Lei, Peng He, and Yunlong Chang
Revisiting Chiara Lubich’s Paradise ’49 in Light of the Letter to the Ephesians, Gérard Rossé
Revisiting Chiara Lubich’s Paradise ’49 in Light of the Letter to the Ephesians, Gérard Rossé
Revisiting Chiara Lubich’s Paradise’49 in Light of the Letter to the Ephesians: Divine Adoption and Divine Design, Gérard Rossé
Revisiting the Boeing B-47 and the Avro Vulcan with implications on aircraft design today, Philip A van Seeters
Reward Modulated Spike Timing Dependent Plasticity Based Learning Mechanism in Spiking Neural Networks, Shrihari Sridharan, Gopalakrishnan Srinivasan, and Kaushik Roy
RFCCD Microthruster Performance via Numerical Simulation, William B. Stein, Alina A. Alexeenko, and Ivana Hrbud
RFID Big Data Warehousing and Analytics in Cloud Computing Environment, Yei-Sol Woo
RF to millimeter-wave power amplifiers in CMOS SOI technology, Sultan Rifaat Helmi
Rheological properties and lubrication performance of clay-based drilling fluids for trenchless technologies, Pao-Tsung Huang
Rheological Properties of Laponite And Chemically Modified Laponite Suspensions, Meng Shen
Rhetoric and feminism in the Americanization Era: The YWCA's rhetorical education program for immigrant women, Gracemarie Mike
Rhetoric for the disciplines: A theory of writing and language instruction for students of interdisciplinary and applied sciences, Justin K Rademaekers
Ringing artifact assessment/reduction and low quality image interpolation, Xiaojun Feng
Riprap Basin Design for a Small Catchment, Joshua Luke Barelli
Rising Substance Abuse and Indiana Families: What are Legislators to do?, Center for Families
Risk Attitudes and Characteristics of Student Pharmacists Across Cohorts, Kristin Rose Villa
Risk-aware virtual resource management for access controlled cloud data centers, Abdulrahaman A Almutairi
Risk-Based Bridge Inspection Practices, Rebecca Reising
Road accident reconstruction and simulation with and without EDR data, Anagha G Modak
Road School: ADA and Title VI: Remaining Eligible for Funding, Erin L. Hall
Road School Luncheon Keynote, Jamie Miller
Robotic near-net-shape manufacturing of composite parts with oriented short fiber reinforcements, Antony Paul
Robust, degradable peg-based collagen hydrogels for elastomeric tissue augmentation, Charles W Peak
Robust hybrid simulation with improved fidelity: Theory, methodology, and implementation, Ge Ou
Role conflict, uncertainty in illness, and illness-related communication avoidance: College students facing familial chronic illness, Meghana Suchak
Role of genetic and environmental factors in determining the chemical attributes of processed tomato juice, Tatsiana U Datsenka
Role of group II metabotropic glutamate receptor subtype 2 (mGluR2) in appetitive and consummatory aspects of ethanol reinforcement, Kyle Allyson Windisch
Role of NS1 in virus replication using Dengue virus and West Nile virus chimeras, Jinsam Chang
Role of resveratrol metabolites in adipose function, Mikaela Lynn Allan
Role of SUMOylation in Mitochondrial Division in Tetrahymena thermophila, Ramya Modi and James Forney
Role of TGF-β activated kinase 1 (TAK1) in chick retinal development, Vagisha Ravi
Romantic characters, Victorian plots: Lyric and the genealogy of British domestic realism, Kenneth C Crowell
Rootwire, Lauren B Mallett
Rotary Compressor Noise Analysis Using Mechanisms and Electromagnetics Coupled Approach, Jinah Chung, Uiyoon Lee, Jeongbae Lee, Unseop Lee, Eunsil Han, and Jinhwan Yoon
Rotor blade operational data analysis methods and applications for condition monitoring of vertical and horizontal axis wind turbines, Joshua Kusnick
Roundabout Maintenance Flipbook, Indiana LTAP
Roundabout Maintenance Manual, Indiana LTAP
Round-Tube and Microchannel Heat Exchanger Modeling at Wet Air Condition, Yang Zou, Huize Li, Ke Tang, and Pega Hrnjak
Routing topology recovery for wireless sensor networks, Rui Liu
RowCore: A Processing-Near-Memory Architecture for Big Data Machine Learning, Nitin ., Mithuna Thottethodi, and T.N. Vijaykumar
Rutting evaluation of full-depth flexible pavement using accelerated pavement testing, Yu Tian
Safe Memory Regions for Big Data Processing, Gowtham Kaki, G Ramalingam, Kapil Vaswani, and Dimitrios Vytiniotis
Safety Professional’s Perception of the Relationship Between Safety Management Systems and Safety Culture, Michael F. Robertson
SAGE White Paper on Discoverability in the Twenty-First Century, Mary M. Somerville
Said and the Mythmaking of Auerbach's Mimesis, Hyeryung Hwang
Sand Detachment with Shallow Asymmetric Corona Formation under Well-Developed Lateral Jets of Wind-Driven Raindrop Impacts, Donald Gabriels, Gunay Erpul, Caglar Sagun, Melis Ozge Pinar, and Wim Cornelius
Śāntiniketan and Modern Southeast Asian Art: From Rabindranath Tagore to Bagyi Aung Soe and Beyond, YIN KER
Savannah State University Innovates to Ensure Excellent Customer Service, Shanesha R. F. Brooks-Tatum
Save the Date: NASIG 29th Annual Conference
Savonius wind turbines: Design and testing of unique blade designs, Paul B McPherson
Scaffolding Early Engineers' Design Learning with a Videogame: Investigating the Influence of Minecraft as a Platform for Design Ideation, Corey T Schimpf
Scalable and QoS Networking Solutions for Telemedicine, Birhan Payli
Scalable Methods for Monitoring Limited Access Roadways using Crowd-Sourced Probe Data, Howell Li, Stephen Remias, Aaron Taylor, and Darcy Bullock
Scalable Methods for Monitoring Limited Access Roadways Using Crowd-Sourced Probe Data, Howell Li, Stephen M. Remias, Aaron Taylor, and Darcy M. Bullock
Scaling Detailed High-Resolution Data Split Performance Measures to Statewide System Level Management, Howell Li, Christopher Day, James Sturdevant, and Darcy Bullock
Scaling Detailed High-Resolution Data Split Performance Measures to Statewide System Level Management, Howell Li, Christopher M. Day, James R. Sturdevant, and Darcy M. Bullock
Scaling effects of a graphene field effect transistor for radiation detection, Zachary Frank Shollar
Scaling in multi-phase flow, Chris A Pommer
Scaling issues and solutions in ultra scaled MOSFETs using predictive modeling, Mehdi Salmani-Jelodar
Scaling of Livestock Heat Stress with Global Mean Surface Temperature Change, Jonathan R. Buzan and Matthew Huber
Science Demonstrations, Steven Smith
Science Express, Bill Bayley 4947861
Scour in regions of flow separation with free-surface effects, John Frederick Newton
Screening Criteria for ILs used in NH3 Based Absorption Heat Pump Systems, Meng Wang and Carlos A. Infante Ferreira
Secondary atomization of inelastic non-newtonian liquid drops in the bag and multimode regimes, Jonathan Rocha
Second language reading and writing connections for K-5 ELLS, Seung Min Lee
Second language writing instructor written feedback practices in an ESL freshman composition class: A complexity theory perspective, Masakazu Mishima
Second-Law Analysis to Improve the Energy Efficiency of Environmental Control Unit, Ammar M. Bahman and Eckhard A. Groll
Second order nonlinear optical imaging of solid state crystallization, Duangporn Wanapun
Second Reaction: A Good Deed Is Never a Waste, Stephanie R. Logan
Second Reaction: A History of Building Community: Empathy, Service, and Jane Addams’s Legacy, Candence Malhiet Robillard
Second Reaction: A Musical and Literary Mélange, Deborah J. Bennett
Second Reaction: An Ordinary Girl Dares to Dream Big, Joanne Sprunger
Second Reaction: Consumed by Mystery in the Mammoth Cave, Elena M. Venegas
Second Reaction: Did She Do It?, Matthew Baker
Second Reaction: Finding Nonfiction That Can Inspire and Motivate Children, Amy Davis
Second Reaction: Inside The Gallery: The Art of Falling Flat, Maggie Roby
Second Reaction: Nonfiction Writing as a Gate to Clarity, Jennifer Snell
Second Reaction: Not Just a Mystery, but a Historical Exploration, Sarah Gellott
Second Reaction: On the Way Home, Jacqueline Bach
Second Reaction: Please, Make Yourself at Home, Michelle Pizzolato Blanchard
Second Reaction: Readers Are Invited to Consider Friendship, Loss, and Growth through the Metaphor of an Empty Glass Jar, Meredith A. Bak
Second Reaction: Second Reactions and Second Readings, J. Ryan Moore
Second Reaction: Spare Thoughts on Spare Parts, Matthew LaVergne
Secure platforms for enforcing contextual access control, Aditi Gupta
Security implications of the Cisco Nexus 1000V, Benjamin D Peterson
Sediment and radiocesium runoff after Fukushima accident, Kazutoshi Osawa
Sediment fingerprinting in nested watersheds cropped to eucalyptus, José M. Reichert Professor
Seeing herself as a leader: an examination of gender-leadership Frames in women’s leader identity development, Beth K. Humberd and Judith A. Clair
Seeking certainty: Are people who are experiencing relational doubt more sensitive to relationship cues?, Christine Ann Daly
Seismic assessment of vulnerable reinforced concrete structures, Cheng Song
Seismic In-Plane Response of Reinforced Concrete Frames with Masonry Infill Walls, Rabab Abdel Karim Al Louzi
Selected Bibliography for the Study of Fiction and Ethics, Wenying Jiang
Selected Bibliography for the Study of Life Writing, Louise O. Vasvari and I-Chun Wang
Selected psychological factors related to parenting: Differences between delayed and typical-timing parents, Suzanne Bufano
Selection and Differentiation Between Populations and Sexes in Brook Trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) and Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), Garrett Justin McKinney
Self-assembly of nucleic acids and their biomedical applications, Seung Hyeon C Ko
Self-Consistent Conversion of a Viscous Fluid to Particles and Heavy-Ion Physics Applications, Zack J Wolff
Self-learning Backlash Inverse Control of Cooling or Heating Coil Valves Having Backlash Hysteresis, Jie Cai and James E. Braun
Self-Publishing: A Bibliographic Essay, Joseph D. Grobelny
Self-Publishing: Breaking Down Barriers?, Bob Nardini and Janice Schnell
Self-Publish or Perish!, John D. Riley
Self-Publish or Traditional? My Experience with Books for Librarians, Walt Crawford
Self-regulation to practice: Incorporating the strategy to an early childhood special education setting, Kathryn L Szwed
Semantics-aware optimization framework for multi-scale computational methods, Muhammad Hasan Jamal
SemCache: Semantics-Aware Caching for Efficient GPU Offloading, Nabeel Al-Saber
Senescence: An Aging based Character Simulation Framework, Suren Deepak Rajasekaran
Sensing platforms based on polymeric microsphere ion selective bulk optodes, Chao Xu
Sensitivity Analysis for the PMV Thermal Comfort Model and the Use of Wearable Devices to Enhance Its Accuracy, Mohammad H. Hasan, Fadi M. Alsaleem, and Mostafa Rafaie
Sensitivity analysis of wear prognosis in an H-infinity controlled F-16 elevator actuator model, Hassan R McGinnis
Separation of Liquid and Vapor in Header of MCHE, Jun Li and Pega Hrnjak
Separation of On-Column Labeled Model Proteins with Packed Capillary Electrophoresis, Yingxu Hao
Sequence Optimization at Signalized Diamond Interchanges Using High-Resolution Event-Based Data, Alexander Hainen, Howell Li, Amanda Stevens, Christopher Day, James Sturdevant, and Darcy Bullock
Sequence Optimization at Signalized Diamond Interchanges Using High-Resolution Event-Based Data, Alexander M. Hainen, Howell Li, Amanda L. Stevens, Christopher M. Day, Jim Sturdevant, and Darcy M. Bullock
Sequential pattern mining with uncertain data, Jiaqi Ge
Servant leadership: Fit and misfit deffects on turnover and conflict. The moderating effect of the subordinate’s gende, Mireia Las Heras and María J. Bosch
Setting Asphalt Content for Hot Mix Asphalt: How Much Is Enough? How Much Is Too Little?, Gerry Huber
Shape Optimization of Lightweight Structures under Blast Loading, Joshua James Israel
Shaping Deep Learning through Rich Engagement with Information, Clarence Maybee and Michael Flierl
Shelf-life improvement of distillers wet grains with solubles, Janie Denise McClurkin-Moore
Shipping configuration optimization with topology-based guided local search for irregular shaped shipments, Xinyue Chang
Short-term effects of a Western diet on the number of brainderived neurotrophic factor immunoreactive neurons in the hypothalamic arcuate, ventromedial and paraventricular nuclei, Kaitlyn Elizabeth Gilland
Signal analysis and radioholographic methods for airborne radio occultations, Kuo-Nung Wang
Signal Controller Peer-to-Peer Communications, Matt Luker
Signal detection reliability of RFID in asset management applications, Vlasis Tsezos
Signal enhancement and data mining for chemical and biological samples using mass spectrometry, Yuezhi Du
Signaling pathways involved in mechanical stimulation and ECM geometry in bone cells, Chang Jiang
Signalized Corridor Assessment, William Benjamin Smith
Signal Performance Metrics Seminole County Florida, Charlie Wetzel
Signal System Performance Measures Based on Conventional Travel Run Data, Zong Tian
Signing for Horizontal Curves, David Boruff
Silent Partners in Collection Development, Judith M. Nixon, Suzanne M. Ward, and Robert S. Freeman
Silent speech recognition in EEG-based Brain Computer Interface, Parisa Ghane