John Hemmerling, a senior in chemical engineering and project leader, Jeremy Pan, a sophomore in computer science, and Sahil Bhalla and Karan Kedia, both freshman in first-year engineering, are a team of four students participating in the Engineering Projects in Community Service (EPICS) Environmental Improvement Initiatives (EII). In this article they describe how they are investigating waste generation reduction at the Retrofit Net-Zero Energy Water and Waste (ReNEWW) house in West Lafayette, Indiana, in conjunction with Whirlpool Corporation. Their work is intended to provide guidance to households on implementing vermicomposting systems so food waste can be diverted from our landfills.
Recommended Citation
Hemmerling, John; Pan, Jeremy; Bhalla, Sahil; and Kedia, Karan
"Reducing Landfill Waste: Implementation and Optimization of a Vermicomposting System,"
Purdue Journal of Service-Learning and International Engagement: Vol. 3
Article 2.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5703/1288284316165