Post-transition human rights performance in Peru, Uruguay, and South Korea
The literature on transitional justice and international human rights norms has been useful for explaining norm internalization for transitioning states. And yet, the literature could not account for the variations to state behavior after norms were implemented via domestic transitional justice policies of truth-seeking, prosecutions, and reparations. Why have states where great efforts were put into confronting an ugly past relapsed in their behavior? This research fills this lacuna be examining the period after states institute transitional justice policies to determine how states have varied in respecting norms. Taking the case of Peru, Uruguay, and South Korea that have advanced to adopt norms and enact transitional justice policies, this study overviews the status of international norms of human rights. The findings demonstrate the positive influence that transnational advocacy networks have in pushing the state to better its compliance with adopted norms. And additionally, this research points to the continuing impact former regime personnel and domestic political interests have over that of human rights norms. Ultimately, the questions that animate this study relate to broader theoretical debates over the influence of international norms for states and how transitional justice and international politics figures into this relationship.
Clark, Purdue University.
Subject Area
Political science
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