
This spreadsheet is supplemental material for the conference proceeding entitled "Using altmetrics as an engineering outreach tool" which has been accepted for presentation at the 2016 Annual Conference of the American Society of Engineering Education, New Orleans, LA, June 26-29, 2016.

This spreadsheet has not undergone formal peer review. The data contained in it is accurate as of March 6, 2016.


Engineering faculty members are increasingly looking at the pros and cons of the number of research communication tools that are available but are overwhelmed by the variety and lack of evidence that the tools will have a positive influence on research impact, promotion, and tenure. Engineering faculty are drawn to altmetrics for a more complete picture of real world impact while simultaneously dubious of the validity of these emerging measures. This paper reviews the literature on altmetric tools, identifies the existing tools, as well as pros and cons of using those tools. The author investigates how the tools can be used to create an outreach service for faculty members in engineering that supports disciplinary faculty to strategically design an online presence for research impact.

This spreadsheet identifies the currently available altmetric tools, the metrics those tools record, validation studies that have been undertaken on the tools, possible uses of the tools, and whether the tools are subscription services. It supplements the content of the published conference proceeding article.


altmetrics, library and information science, outreach, social media, scholarly communication

Date of this Version

