On the Premises and Beyond: Managing Copyright Policy Through Institutional and Technological Change
Copyright issues are important to every library, large and small. Libraries, librarians, and library staff are protected by a host of exceptions and copyright rules that are often not followed correctly or at all. This article discusses easy, simple compliance with the laws protecting libraries from infringements made on the traditional library premises.
Further, the library’s work is increasingly off‐site. From virtual consultations to delivering digitized materials off‐site, copyright law can affect the depth and breadth of online services that would otherwise be equivalent to in‐person patron services. The paper describes “virtual library premises” and discusses the legal ramifications of enhancing access to collections for off‐site patrons.
The paper also explains how offering limited access to digitized in‐copyright collections affects library liability under the Copyright Act. It explores whether library premises are restricted to actual physical spaces or whether the concept of the reading room can be extended beyond the four walls of the traditional library.
On the Premises and Beyond: Managing Copyright Policy Through Institutional and Technological Change
Copyright issues are important to every library, large and small. Libraries, librarians, and library staff are protected by a host of exceptions and copyright rules that are often not followed correctly or at all. This article discusses easy, simple compliance with the laws protecting libraries from infringements made on the traditional library premises.
Further, the library’s work is increasingly off‐site. From virtual consultations to delivering digitized materials off‐site, copyright law can affect the depth and breadth of online services that would otherwise be equivalent to in‐person patron services. The paper describes “virtual library premises” and discusses the legal ramifications of enhancing access to collections for off‐site patrons.
The paper also explains how offering limited access to digitized in‐copyright collections affects library liability under the Copyright Act. It explores whether library premises are restricted to actual physical spaces or whether the concept of the reading room can be extended beyond the four walls of the traditional library.