"Self-regulation to practice: Incorporating the strategy to an early ch" by Kathryn L Szwed

Self-regulation to practice: Incorporating the strategy to an early childhood special education setting

Kathryn L Szwed, Purdue University


Preschool students who display social emotional deficits pose challenging issues for families, caregivers and teachers who educate them. In this study, the effectiveness of an assistive technology based treatment package consisting of video self-modeling and behavior management software was investigated to determine if its combined use would result in increased student self-regulation skills. Using a multiple baseline design, three students used the treatment package to increase self-regulation skills. During the investigation, the accuracy to self-identify behaviors, the documentation of desired and undesired behaviors and the overall impact of the treatment package was studied. Interobserver agreement (IOA) was used to determine accuracy to self-identify behaviors. Results indicated a student increase in identifying undesired and desired behaviors, the percentage of desired behaviors displayed, and the accuracy with self-identifying behavior.




Doughty, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Behavioral psychology|Early childhood education|Special education|Developmental psychology

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