Presenter Information

Ted J. Sommer, London Witte Group


Stewart Center 218AB

Session Number


Session Title

Traffic Operations

Track Title

LED Lighting Tariffs and new Advances in Lighting Design

Event Description/Abstract

Cost-Based Rate Tarriffs That Accommodate LED Lighting-- IPL and NIPSCO are both considering LED tariffs, and it is very likely that Duke Energy and perhaps even Vectren will also. The London Witte Group is pushing for this on behalf of the City of Indianapolis and a dozen municipalities in NIPSCO’s service territory. Come join the discussion.


Mar 9th, 1:00 AM Mar 9th, 1:50 AM

LED Rate Tarrifs and New Advances in Lighting Design

Stewart Center 218AB

Cost-Based Rate Tarriffs That Accommodate LED Lighting-- IPL and NIPSCO are both considering LED tariffs, and it is very likely that Duke Energy and perhaps even Vectren will also. The London Witte Group is pushing for this on behalf of the City of Indianapolis and a dozen municipalities in NIPSCO’s service territory. Come join the discussion.