Molecular basis and modification of a neural crest deficit in a Down syndrome mouse model
Down syndrome (DS) is the result of trisomy of human chromosome 21 (Hsa 21) and occurs in approximately 1/700 live births. Mouse models of DS have been crucial in understanding the gene-phenotype relationships that underlie many DS anomalies. The Ts65Dn mouse model, trisomic for half of the Hsa 21 orthologs, replicates many DS phenotypes including craniofacial alterations such as a small, dysmorphic mandible, midface, and maxilla. Other mouse models, such as the Ts1Rhr which contains a triplication of 33 Hsa 21 orthologs, have been used to better understand the genes responsible for craniofacial alterations. Our laboratory has demonstrated that the postnatal mandibular phenotype found in Ts65Dn mice can be traced back to an original neural crest cell (NCC) deficit in the developing first pharyngeal arch (PA1) at embryonic day 9.5 (E9.5). Furthermore, evidence suggested that both a proliferation deficit in the PA1 and a migration deficit of NCC from the neural tube (NT) could be the mechanism behind this deficit. However, the molecular mechanisms behind these deficits remain to be elucidated. Due to the involvement of the Hsa 21 genes DYRK1A and RCAN1 in regulation of signaling pathways including NFATc (NFAT2), a transcription factor known to influence cellular proliferation and, later, bone development, we hypothesized that dysregulation of these genes could underlie to cellular deficit in the PA1. Furthermore, we hypothesized targeting Dyrk1a by decreasing activity or available protein could ameliorate the established deficits. Through the use of RNA isolation techniques and cell culture systems of cells from the PA1 and NT of E9.5 Ts65Dn, Ts1Rhr, and control embryos, we established that trisomic genes Dyrk1a and Rcan1 are dysregulated in both structures and that these two genes may interact. Furthermore, we established that a proliferation deficit in the Ts65Dn PA1 and a migration deficit in the Ts65Dn PA1 and NT exists at E9.5 and can be rescued to euploid levels in vitro with the addition of the Dyrk1a inhibitor, EGCG, a green tea polyphenol. We also confirmed that harmine, a more highly studied and specific Dyrk1a inhibitor, is capable of similar effects on proliferation of PA1 cells from E9.5 Ts65Dn embryos. Furthermore, when Ts65Dn pregnant mothers were treated with EGCG in vivo, the cellular deficit found in the developing E9.5 embryonic PA1 was rescued to near euploid volume and NCC number. Treatment with EGCG did not adversely impact litter size or embryonic development. Interestingly, euploid embryonic volume increased with EGCG treatment. Expression analysis of the E9.5 PA1 of EGCG treated Ts65Dn and control embryos revealed dysregulation of several genes involved in craniofacial and developmental pathways including Dyrk1a, Rcan1, Ets2 and members of the sonic hedgehog pathway. Our novel results provide a foundation for better understanding the molecular mechanisms of craniofacial development and may provide evidence-based therapeutic options to improve the quality of life for individuals with DS.
Roper, Purdue University.
Subject Area
Genetics|Developmental biology
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