Logic approach to surface-generating problem
A new automatic NC programming method based on logic has been developed. Through this approach, the generalized capability of an NC machine tool is represented by the set of theorems of a First-Order Surface-generating Theory (FOST). A raw workpiece and its finished workpiece are treated as a hypothesis and a conjecture of this FOST, respectively. Then the hypothesis and the conjecture are combined with the axioms of this FOST to form a System Of Simultaneous Clauses (SOCS). Next, the NC program for this machine tool is generated through solving this SOSC. Based on this approach, a Logic-Integrated NC programming (LINC) system has been implemented. This method is also extended to cover a group of machine tools. Similarly, the capability of a group of machine tools is analyzed through a Group Of Surface-generating Theories (GOST). Then the process plans of a surface-generating problem are generated by treating a finished workpiece as a conjecture of a GOST. The procedures of generating process plans are also analyzed.
Liu, Purdue University.
Subject Area
Industrial engineering
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