Finite element modeling of a parallel aligned wood strand composite
A growing number of structural composite wood products are currently available commercially. These products are typically manufactured from small pieces of wood bonded with a synthetic resin under heat and pressure. The development of these products has not been aided by the use of analytical models, but instead has resulted from expensive trial and error manufacturing exercises. An analytical model capable of predicting the tensile properties of a parallel aligned strand composite was developed. Model development was aided by experimental data obtained from tests of individual strands and small strand assemblies. The model, in computer program form, incorporates a special finite element used to model the strands and resin of the composite, and uses a substructuring routine to take advantage of the composites repeating nature. The analysis of a single board requires substantial effort, thus the program utilizes special vector Fortran code for use on the Cyber 205 supercomputer at Purdue University. Experimental boards were manufactured and tested to check the validity of the model. Based on the experimental results, the model successfully predicted the tensile stiffness and strength of the composite boards. This tension model provides a sound foundation upon which further development can be built. Further advancement of the model to allow prediction of compression and subsequently bending properties is a desirable need. Even at this stage, however, the model could be a valuable tool to investigate some of the many variables involved in product development.
Meyers, Purdue University.
Subject Area
Civil engineering
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