Date of Award

Spring 2015

Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Civil Engineering

First Advisor

Ayhan Irfanoglu

Committee Chair

Ayhan Irfanoglu

Committee Member 1

Arun Prakash

Committee Member 2

Ghadir Haikal

Committee Member 3

Mete Sozen

Committee Member 4

Robert Nowack


Field data gathered after destructive earthquakes indicate that infill walls interact with reinforced concrete (RC) frames in buildings during an earthquake and could cause failure mechanism different than what the frames are originally designed for. A new method to identify the failure modes of RC frames with infill walls is developed. The method requires only the simple geometric and material properties of the elements involved in the frame- wall assembly. The approach checks various possible failure mechanisms, including those that may evolve depending on how the infill wall may fail during strong shaking, for example, the dynamically evolved captive column mode. A new hysteresis model is developed for RC frames with infill walls to investigate the ultimate damage state given a ground motion. The hysteresis model is compared with data from experiments by other researchers. The approach and hysteresis model result in estimates that agree with the failure modes observed in the experiments. The ability of finite element modeling is investigated to predict the performance of RC frames with infill walls. The techniques used to simulate materials and interfaces to estimate the cyclic in-plane response of RC frames infilled with masonry wall are presented. Results from the finite element models are in good agreement with the experimental data.
