Language testing and World Englishes: Examination of a local English test in South Korea
The purpose of this study is to examine how the study of World Englishes can be related to language testing construction. In order to look into the relationship, existing views on the issue are first examined: how increasing use of the language has brought different norms among different varieties of Englishes, and yet how such changes are not reflected in the testing system. As one of the varieties, what can be referred as "codified variety of Korean English" is examined, which is a result of heavy influence of English on Korean language and society. In the following chapters, whether such variety is reflected on a locally developed English test in South Korea (TEPS) is explored, along with how it differs from international tests like TOEFL. Results indicate that TEPS does not seem to reflect locality of South Korea that would differentiate it from other tests developed in English speaking countries. It can be inferred that it is yet difficult to consider the test as reflecting local use and that the relationship between WE and test construction is still weak in EFL contexts like South Korea. Possible reasons that contribute to limitations are examined in the final chapter, in relation to the possibility and necessity of developing such a local English test. Limitations of existing bias in testing procedure as well as the relationship can also be inferred from the study, considering the various factors that make the procedure a delicate and complicated issue. Although the study only includes one specific example of local English test in one context, its implications bring the issue of considering language testing under the field of World Englishes into question.
Berns, Purdue University.
Subject Area
English as a Second Language|Language
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