Content Posted in 2014
120 to 12: Reducing Days to Shelf with Vendor Services, Catalog on Receipt, and Automated Bibliographic Overlay Process, Sherle Abramson-Bluhm
15-methylene eburnamonine: A novel therapeutic agent against metastatic breast cancer, Minyi Zheng
1D Phonon BTE Solver (Small Scale Heat Transport Simulation), Joseph A. Sudibyo, Amr Mohammed, and Ali Shakouri
2011 Summary of Highway Revenues, Distributions, & Expenses for Indiana Counties, Cities, & Towns, Indiana LTAP
2012 Dewey Lecture: Making Meaning Together Beyond Theory and Practice, Jim Garrison
2012 Directory of Indiana State, County, City and Town Officials Responsible for Road and Street Work, Indiana LTAP
2013-14 Indiana Interstate Mobility Summary, Steve M. Remias, Howell Li, and Darcy M. Bullock
2013–2014 Indiana Mobility Report: Full Version, Christopher Day, Stephen Remias, Howell Li, Michelle Mekker, Margaret McNamara, Edward Cox, Deborah Horton, and Darcy Bullock
2013–2014 Indiana Mobility Report: Summary Version, Christopher Day, Stephen Remias, Howell Li, Michelle Mekker, Margaret McNamara, Edward Cox, Deborah Horton, and Darcy Bullock
2013 Dewey Lecture: College—What Is It Good For?, David F. Labaree
2013 Directory of Indiana State, County, City and Town Officials Responsible for Road and Street Work, Indiana LTAP
2014 Directory of Indiana State, County, City and Town Officials Responsible for Road and Street Work, Indiana LTAP
2014 Road School, Kevin M. Hetrick
2D carbon allotropes under confinement, Matthew Becton and Xianqiao Wang
3D Bioprinting of functionalized graphene nanoplatelet-doped hydrogel for neural regeneration, Christopher O’Brien
3D buckligami: combinatorial mechanical metamaterials, Martin van Hecke, Corentin Coulais, and Bastiaan Florijn
3D bulk grain evolution in polycrystalline Cu:comparison between HEDM observation and FFT based crystal plasticity simulations, Reeju Pokharel
3D fracture analysis of concrete under uniaxial tension at the mesoscale, Okan Yilmaz and Jean-François Molinari
3DMolNavi: A Web-Based Retrieval and Navigation Tool for Flexible Molecular Shape Comparison., Yu-Shen Liu, Meng Wang, Jean-Claude Paul, and Karthik Ramani
3D printed biomimetic bone model with micronetwork and -nanohydroxyapatite for breast cancer metastasis study, Ben Holmes and Lijie Zhang
3-D Printing, Copyright, and Fair Use: What Should We Know?, Posie Aagaard and Michael A. Kolitsky PhD
3D Reconstruction and Design of Porous Media from Thin Sections, K. K. Bodla and S. V. Garimella
3D Simulation of diffusion induced stress in realistic LiCoO2 electrode particles of lithium ion battery generated by nano-CT, Bo Yan, Cheolwoong Lim, Likun Zhu, and Leilei Yin
3D traction forces of Schwann cells on compliant substrates, Eyal Bar-Kochba
590: Local Notes -- Confessions of a Reluctant Advocate, Steve McKinzie
590: Local Notes -- Developing Libraries which are Sustainable, Engaged and Vibrant, Steve McKinzie
590: Local Notes -- Professional Development & the Academic Librarian: The Best Route, Steve McKinzie
590: Local Notes-Tenure for Academic Librarians: Why It Has to Go, Steve McKinzie
590: Local Notes -- The Secret Life of Walter Mitty at the Reference Desk, Steve McKinzie
802.11AC adoption and considerations in wireless capacity, Harrison Parker Woods
A BAC-Based Physical Map of the Hessian Fly Genome Anchored to Polytene Chromosomes., Rajat Aggarwal, Thiago R. Benatti, Navdeep Gill, Chaoyang Zhao, Ming-Shun Chen, John P. Fellers, Brandon Schemerhorn, and Jeffrey J. Stuart
Ab Initio Modeling of the Herpesvirus VP26 Core Domain Assessed by CryoEM Density., Matthew L. Baker, Wen Jiang, William J. Wedemeyer, Frazer J. Rixon, David Baker, and Wah Chiu
ABM (Anti-Ballistic Missile) Treaty, Bert Chapman
About Paternal Voices in Adoption Narratives, Fu-jen Chen
Absorption Heat Transfer Performance of Ammonia-Water Mixture in 116 Tube Mini-Channel Heat Exchanger, Dennis Marijn van de Bor and Carlos A. Infante Ferreira
Accelerated Thermal Cycling test for Heat Exchangers Used in Reversible Heat Pump, Chad D. Bowers, George Baker, Stefan Elbel, and Predrag S. Hrnjak
'Access as a Service' - Reframing the Service Catalogue and Measures of Success for Information Resources, Maureen Kattau
Access to Research Data: Addressing the Problem through Journal Data Sharing Policies, Paul Sturges, Marianne Bamkin, Jane Anders, and Azhar Hussain
“Access Versus Ownership” Revisited: The Quinnipiac University Libraries Short-Term Loan Project, Charles Getchell, David Swords, and June DeGennaro
Accomplishing sustainability, local contexts, and field positioning: sustainability practitioners' communicative work, Rahul Mitra
Accurate bundle adjustment calibration of multicamera volumetric velocimetry systems, Jesse Belden
Accurate prediction of spectral phonon relaxation time and thermal conductivity of intrinsic and perturbed materials, Tianli Feng
Accurate reduced-order models for structures and materials undergoing large 3D deformations and rotations, Hui Liu and Arun Prakash
A Charism in History as a View from the Center, Piero Coda
A Chemo-Mechanical model of delithiation in high-capacity anode materials, HUI YANG and Sulin Zhang
Achieving high throughput and low delay in wireless networks, Po-Kai Huang
Achieving Optimal Throughput Utility and Low Delay with CSMA-like Algorithms: A Virtual Multi-Channel Approach, Po-Kai Huang and Xiaojun Lin
A College Library, Its Print Monograph Collection and the New Information Ecology, Bob Kieft
A comparative analysis of an original and a post-hoc application of Lean Six Sigma methodology, Jin Qiu
A comparative analysis of open source storage area networks with esxi 5.1, Robert M Trinkle
A Comparative Study of Fat Storage Quantitation in Nematode Caenorhabditis elegans Using Label and Label-Free Methods., Kelvin Yen, Thuc T. Le, Ankita Bansal, Sri Devi Narasimhan, Ji-Xin Cheng, and Heidi A. Tissenbaum
A Comparative Study of Three Sorting Techniques in Performing Cognitive Tasks on a Tabular Representation, Inkyoung Hur, Sung-Hee Kim, Anya Samak, and Ji Soo Yi
A comparison of greenhouse gas emissions and local area pollution of highspeed rail and air travel between Los Angeles and Las Vegas, Damien Mullins
A Comparison of Transient Heat-Pump Cycle Simulations with Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Flow Models, Christopher R. Laughman
A Comprehensive Theoretical Framework for Privacy Preserving Distributed OLAP, Alfredo Cuzzocrea and Elisa Bertino
A Computational Model of the Hypothalamic - Pituitary - Gonadal Axis in Female Fathead Minnows (Pimephales promelas) Exposed to 17α-ethynylestradiol and 17β-trenbolone, Zhenhong Li, Kevin J. Kroll, Kathleen M. Jensen, Daniel L. Villeneuve, Gerald T. Ankley, Jayne V. Brian, Maria S. Sepulveda, Edward F. Orlando, James M. Lazorchak, Mitchell Kostich, Brandon Armstrong, Nancy D. Denslow, and Karen H. Watanabe
A computational study of adhesion between rough surfaces in contact, Srivatsan Hulikal, Nadia Lapusta, and Kaushik Bhattacharya
A computational study of the mechanism for F1-ATPase inhibition by the epsilon subunit, Karen J Thomson
A computer-based approach for identifying student conceptual change, Junchao Yan
Acquiring Unique Collections: Collaborative Approaches to Metadata, Kira Homo
Acquisitiong Archaeology-Competing Interest, Jesse Holden
Acquisitiong Archaeology-Was the CD-ROM DOA?, Jesse Holden
Acquisitiong Archaeology-Year Two From Stratum to Strain, Jesse Holden
Acquisition of neuronal traits in breast cancer cells demonstrates tumor cell plasticity during metastatic colonization, Mukti R Parikh
Acquisitions Archaeology -- It's the Platform, Jesse Holden
Acquisitions Archaeology -- Managing Resources (Vol. 2 No. 1, February 1990), Jesse Holden
Acquisitions Archaeology -- Paradigm Shift, Jesse Holden
Acquisitions Archaeology -- The Inspiration of Unexpected Places (Vol. 3 No. 1, February 1991), Jesse Holden
Acquisitions Archaeology -- The Tipping Point, Jesse Holden
Acquisitions for Newbies, Jeff Bailey, Linda Creibaum, and Kirk Gordon
A CRIS Data Science Investigation of Scientific Workflows of Agriculture Big Data and its Data Curation Elements, Benjamin D. Branch, Peter N. Baker, Jai Xu, and Elisa Bertino
A cross-cultural multigroup study of the nonintellective correlates of cognitive ability in adolescents, Ban Eng Goh
Across the Iron Curtain: Hungarian Jewish Refugees in Austria, 1945-1951, Rebekah Klein-Pejšová
Action-Specific Effects Underwater, Jessica Witt, Donald M. Schuck, and J Eric T. Taylor
Activation of Operational Thinking During Arithmetic Practice Hinders Learning And Transfer, Dana L. Chesney and Nicole M. McNeil
Active Dense Tensegrity Structure: A Novel Concept for Shape Morphing Systems, Zhiwei Wu
Active geometric model: Multi-compartment model-based segmentation & registration, Prateep Mukherjee
Active Hashing with Joint Data Example and Tag Selection, Qifan Wang and Luo Si
Active Learning in the Flipped/Blended Class, Wei Zakharov, Chris Mong, and Akesha Horton
Active self-landmarking to mobile robot camera calibration through wireless communications, Glenn Harden
Acute and Second-Meal Effects of Almond Form in Impaired Glucose Tolerant Adults: A Randomized Crossover Trial, Alisa M. Mori, Robert V. Considine, and Richard D. Mattes
Acute and Second Meal Effects of Peanuts on Glycemic Response and Appetite in Obese Women with High Type 2 Diabetes Risk: A Randomized Crossover Clinical Trial., Caio E.G. Reis, Daniela N. Ribeiro, Neuza M.B. Costa, Josefina Bressan, Rita C.G. Alfenas, and Richard D. Mattes
ADA Focused Construction Inspection, Erik Seef and Eryn Fletcher
ADA PROWAG Status and Common Issues/Solutions, Stephen G. Metzer AICP, PWS
Adaptive data management for self-protecting objects in cloud computing systems, Anna Squicciarini, Giuseppe Petracca, and Elisa Bertino
Adaptive memory: Source memory for mates is primarily determined by emotional evaluation, Joshua E VanArsdall
Adaptive nonlinear control for autonomous ground vehicles, William S Black
Adaptive Nonlinear Control for Autonomous Ground Vehicles, William Spencer Black
Adaptive targeting: Engaging farmers to assess perceptions and improve watershed modeling, spatial optimization, and adoption of agricultural conservation practices, Margaret McCahon Kalcic
Adding PDA for Print? Consider your Options for Implementation, Teresa Koch, Andrew Welch, and Lisa McDonald
Additive factors and stages of mental processes in task networks., Richard Schweickert, Donald L. Fisher, and William M. Goldstein
A decomposition methodology for scheduling complex job shops, Irfan Murat Ovacik
A Demand-Driven-Preferred Approval Plan, Ann Roll
A descriptive, multi-case study of physical education and physical activity within president's challenge demonstration centers, Rhonda M Haag
Adhesive interactions between graphene and substrates, Kenneth Liechti
A Dialogue on PDA, Xan Arch, Rick Anderson, and Sanford G. Thatcher
Adiga's The White Tiger as World Bank Literature, Abdullah M. Al-Dagamseh
Adipose stromal cells enhance keratinocyte survival and migration in vitro, and graft revascularization in mouse wound healing model, Kellen Alexander Knowles
A direct method to extract strain energy release rates using XFEM and Irwin’s integral, Haim Waisman, Gan Song, Mengyu Lan, and Isaac Harari
A discrete damage zone model for mixed-mode delamination of composites under high-cycle fatigue, Stephen Jimenez
A Discussion about the Methodology to Validate the Correlations of Heat Transfer Coefficients and Pressure Drop during the Condensation in a Finned-Tube Heat Exchanger, Alessandro Pisano, Santiago Martinez-Ballester, José M. Corberán, Fernando Hidalgo Monpeán, Ferdando Illán Gómez, and J-Ramón García Cascales
Administrative mechanisms in alliance governance, Shivaram V Devarakonda
Adoption, Maintenance and Diffusion of Stormwater Best Management Practices: Rain Barrels, Cheyenne R. Hoffa, Linda S. Prokopy Ph. D, Nicholas Babin Ph. D, and Allison J. Turner
ADP1 Affects Plant Architecture by Regulating Local Auxin Biosynthesis., Ruixi Li, Jieru Li, Genji Qin, Ondřej Novák, Aleš Pěnčík, Karin Ljung, Takashi Aoyama, Jingjing Liu, Angus Murphy, Hongya Gu, Tomohiko Tsuge, and Li-Jia Qu
Adsorbing for appropriateness: An interdisciplinary evaluation of the implementation of a defluoridation technique in rural Tanzania, Katrin Eitrem Holmgren
ADVANCE 2013 Symposium Keynote Address, Peggy McIntosh
Advanced control strategies for mobile hydraulic applications, Davide Cristofori
Advanced Energy Retrofit - Designing Integrated Design Roadmaps, Franca Trubiano, Meghan Brennan, and Kristen Albee
Advanced high-capacity electrode architectures for lithium-ion batteries, Vilas Pol
Advanced optical diagnostics of multiphase combustion flow field using OH planar laser-induced fluorescence, Kevin Young-jin Cho
Advanced Road Profile Analysis-Fundamental Calculus, Christopher Byrum
Advanced visualization, navigation, and interaction in graphs: Theory, design, and evaluation, Sohaib Ghani
Advances in dynamic network modeling with spatial queue based traffic flow models, Kien Trung Doan
Advances in Fluid and Thermal Transport Property Analysis and Design of Sintered Porous Wick Microstructures, K. K. Bodla, J. A. Weibel, and S V. Garimella
Advances in Fluid and Thermal Transport Property Analysis and Design of Sintered Porous Wick Microstructures, K. K. Bodla, J. A. Weibel, and S V. Garimella
A dynamic magnetic equivalent circuit model for design and control of wound rotor synchronous machines, Xiaoqi Wang
A dynamic multiscale phase-field method for cracks, Vaibhav Agrawal and Kaushik Dayal
A faculty-focused course design/redesign process, Pat Reid
A farm management information system with task-specific, collaborative mobile apps and cloud storage services, Jonathan Tyler Welte
A ferrofluid-based wireless pressure sensor, Girish Chitnis and Babak Ziaie
Affective traits and adiposity: A prospective, bidirectional analysis of the African American health study data, Misty A.W Hawkins
A field guide for the jungle: The empirics of state motivation, Anthony David Rodin
A finite deformation coupled plastic-damage model for simulating fracture of metal foams, Hao Pan and Rashid Abu Al-Rub
A Fire to be Kindled, Matthew Landau
A Five-Factor Measure of Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Traits., Douglas B. Samuel, Ashley D.B. Riddell, Donald R. Lynam, Joshua D. Miller, and Thomas A. Widiger
A Folate Receptor Beta-Specific Human Monoclonal Antibody Recognizes Activated Macrophage of Rheumatoid Patients and Mediates Antibody-Dependent Cell-Mediated Cytotoxicity., Yang Feng, Jiayin Shen, Emily D. Streaker, Michael Lockwood, Zhongyu Zhu, Philip S. Low, and Dimiter S. Dimitrov
A Foray into Library Digital Publishing: The British Virginia Project at Virginia Commonwealth University, Kevin Farley
A formal proximity model for RBAC systems, Aditi Gupta, Michael Kirkpatrick, and Elisa Bertino
A framework for coordinating water distribution system and pavement infrastructure m&r based on lcca, Majed Fedhi Alinizzi
A Framework for Coordinating Water Distribution System and Pavement Infrastructure M&R Based on LCCA, Majed Fedhi Alinizzi
A framework for practical Bayesian analysis of high-dimensional genomic data, Sanvesh Srivastava
A Framework for Quality K-12 Engineering Education: Research and Development, Tamara J. Moore, Aran W. Glancy, Kristina M. Tank, Jennifer A. Kersten, Karl A. Smith, and Micah S. Stohlmann
A framework for synthesizing agent-based heterogeneous population model for epidemic simulation, Madiha Sahar
A Free-Particles-Based Technique for Boiling Heat Transfer Enhancement in a Wetting Liquid, T. Y. Kim, J. A. Weibel, and S V. Garimella
A Fresh Look At Vortex Tubes Used As Expansion Device In Vapor Compression Systems, Muhammad Mohiuddin and Stefan Elbel
A FRET study of PhoR-PhoB two component system in E.coli, Hochan Lee
African Literatures and Border Issues, Chimdi Maduagwu
A general cohesive continuum mechanics framework for constitutive modeling of microdamage healing, Ammar Alsheghri and Rashid Abu-Alrub
A General Correlation to Predict The Flow Boiling Heat Transfer of R410A in Macro/Mini Channels, Nguyen-Ba Chien, Pham-Quang Vu, Kwang-Il Choi, and Jong-Taek Oh
A generalized finite element method with global–local enrichments for the 3D simulation of propagating cohesive fractures, Jongheon Kim and C. Armando Duarte
A generalized operational framework for mass evacuation integrating demand, supply, and disaster characteristics, Yu-Ting Hsu
A generating function approach to the input-to-state stability of discrete time switched linear systems, Vamsi Putta
A Genome-Wide Association Study Identifies a Locus on TERT for Mean Telomere Length in Han Chinese., Yun Liu, Lan Cao, Zhiqiang Li, Daizhan Zhou, Wanqing Liu, Qin Shen, Yanting Wu, Dan Zhang, Xun Hu, Ting Wang, Junyi Ye, Xiaoling Weng, Hong Zhang, Di Zhang, Zhou Zhang, Fatao Liu, Lin He, and Yongyong Shi
Age-related changes to the production of linguistic prosody, Daniel R Barnes
Age-Related Changes to the Production of Linguistic Prosody, Daniel Richard Barnes
A Global Method for Efficient Synchronized Shading Control Using the “Effective Daylight” Concept, Hui Shen and Athanasios Tzempelikos
Agreement Between Parent Questionnaires and Examiner Observations of Toddler Language Skills, Macaela K. Parker
Agricultural and Water Harvesting Opportunities in Kenya, via a Crowd-Sourced, Citizen Science Hybrid Paradigm, Benjamin D. Branch, James Tindall, Rosemary Moki, Peter N. Baker, Jai Xu, and Elisa Bertino
A Guided Tour of Issues and Trends: The Thirteenth Annual Health Sciences Lively Lunch, Wendy Bahnsen, Deborah D. Blecic, Robin Champieux, Elizabeth Ketterman, Ramune K. Kubilius, Marysue Schaffer, Anneliese Taylor, and Andrea Twiss-Brooks
A Heuristic Supply Air Temperature Reset Strategy for VAV Systems Employing Variable-Capacity DX Cooling Equipment, Jie Cai and James E. Braun
A High-Quality Professional Development for Teachers of Grades 3–6 for Implementing Engineering into Classrooms, S. Selcen Guzey, Kristina Tank, Hui-Hui Wang, Gillian Roehrig, and Tamara J. Moore
A high resolution 3D and color image acquisition system for long and shallow impressions in crime scenes, Ruwan Janapriya Egoda Gamage
AHRI Low Global Warming Potential Alternative Refrigerants Evaluation Program (Low-GWP AREP) – Summary of Phase I Testing Results, Xudong Wang and Karim Amrane
Airport Performance and Ownership Structure: Evidence from the United Kingdom, United States, and Latin America, Bijan Vasigh, G. Rod Erfani, and Brian W. Sherman
A journey through performance evaluation, tuning, and analysis of parallelized applications and parallel architectures: Quantitative approach, Dheya G Mustafa
A Junction Tree based Reinforcement Learning Algorithm for Coordinated Multi Agent Systems to Solve Network level Signal Control Problems, Feng Zhu, Husain M. Abdul Aziz, Zinwu Qian, and Satish Ukkusuri
A Justification for Semantic Training in Data Curation Frameworks Development, Xiaogang Ma, Benjamin D. Branch, and Kristin Wegner
Akedah, the Holocaust, and the Limits of the Law in Roth's "Eli, the Fanatic", Aimee L. Pozorski
A land data assimilation system (LDAS) based dataset for regional agro-climatic assessments, Xing Liu
A Land Data Assimilation System (ldas) Based Dataset For Regional Agro-Climatic Assessments, Xing Liu
Aldo giorgini: Computer art legacy, Esteban Garcia Garcia
A lean logistics assessment tool for SMEs in the manufacturing sector, Diana Lorena Sanchez Ramirez
A learning approach for relevance and diversity in federated search, Dung T Hong
A Librarian's View of the UKSG Transfer Code of Practice, Nancy Beals
A Library Approach to Establish an Educational Data Curation Framework (EDCF) that Supports K-12 Data Science Sustainability, Benjamin D. Branch, Kristin Wegner, Steven Smith, Darrell G. Schulze, Venkatesh Merwade, and Jinha Jung
Alice Munro and the craft of short fiction, Paul William Rogalus
A List of Phenylalanine to Protein Ratios for Common Foods, Jieun Kim and Mireille Boutin
Alkali-silica reaction: Chemical mechanism, thermodynamic modeling, and effects of lithium ions, Taehwan Kim
All Hands on Deck: Creating Subject Guidelines, Maureen James and Donna Rose
All-Possible-Couplings Approach to Measuring Probabilistic Context., Ehtibar Dzhafarov and Janne V. Kujala
All-Silicon Technology for High-Q Evanescent Mode Cavity Tunable Resonators and Filters, Muhammad Shoaib Arif and Dimitrios Peroulis
All solid-state-ion-selective electrodes for real-time measurement of relevant physiological phenomena, Michael Anthony Zeitchek
All Two-Dimensional, Flexible, Transparent, and Thinnest Thin Film Transistor, Saptarshi Das, Richard Gulotty, Anirudha V. Sumant, and Andreas Roelofs
Alma in the Cloud: Implementation Through the Eyes of Acquisitions, Denise Branch
A Low Carbon Defrost System, Thomas William Davies and Robin Campbell
A low power wireless transceiver for collaborative communication in wireless sensor networks, Serkan Sayilir
Altered cholesterol metabolism in human cancers unraveled by label-free spectroscopic imaging, Shuhua Yue
Alternate Copies of D1 are Used by Cyanobacteria Under Different Environmental Conditions., Xiaohui Zhang and Louis A. Sherman
Alternatives to Raised Pavement Markers (RPMs), Thomas M. Brennan Jr., Stuart R. Mitkey, and Darcy M. Bullock
Alternative teacher certification: Secondary school principals' perspective in Indiana, Jane Corinne Newblom
Altmetrics is an Indication of Quality Research or Just HOT Topics, Chia Yew Boon and Joan Wee Jee Foon
A mechanism design approach to bandwidth allocation in tactical data networks, Ankur Mour
American women's transnational volunteerism in Czechoslovakia, Erika N. Cornelius Smith
America's Missing Link: Educational Reform and Workforce Development, Sharon A. Weiner, Lana W. Jackman, and Glen Warren
A Metadata Application Profile for ORCID, Dong Joon Lee, Michael Witt, Richard Urban, and Beth Plale
A Meta-heuristic Approach to Reposition Bicycles in a Public Bicycle Sharing System, Binh Luong, Pulkit Parikh, and Satish Ukkusuri
A micromechanical damage and fracture model for polymers based on fractional strain-gradient elasticity, Stefanie Heyden, Michael Ortiz, Kerstin Weinberg, Sergio Conti, and Bo Li
A microstructurally informed dynamic ductile failure model, Justin Wilkerson and KT Ramesh
A Model for Performance Prediction of Brazed Plate Condensers with Conventional and Alternative Lower GWP Refrigerants, Radia Eldeeb, Vikrant Aute, and Reinhard Radermacher
A model for size-effects in steadily flowing granular media: formulation and basic validation, Ken Kamrin
A Model of Cyclic Transciptomic Behavior in the Cyanobacterium Cyanothece sp. ATCC 51142., Jason E. McDermott, Christopher S. Oehmen, Lee Ann McCue, Eric Hill, Daniel M. Choi, Jana Stöckel, Michelle Liberton, Himadri B. Pakrasi, and Louis A. Sherman
A Multi-Criteria Methodology for Measuring the Resilience of Transportation Assets and Prioritizing Security Investments, Michelle S. Dojutrek, Samuel Labi, and J Eric Dietz
A Multilevel Analysis of Problem-Based Learning Design Characteristics, Kimberly S. Scott
A multiscale analysis of deformation mechanisms near grain boundaries, Jennifer Carter and Michael Mills
An ab-initio analysis of the influence of knock-on-atom induced damage on the peak tensile strength of 3C-SiC grain boundaries, Yousung Han and Vikas Tomar
An Academic Author's Perspective on the Google Book Settlement, Pamela Samuelson
An Access Control Framework for WS-BPEL Processes, Federica Paci, Elisa Bertino, and Jason Crampton
An Activity Aimed at Improving Student Explanations of Biological Mechanisms, Caleb M. Trujillo, Trevor R. Anderson, and Nancy J. Pelaez
An Adaptable Model for Improving Accessibility and Success Rates for First-Generation and Low-Income Students., James E. Willis III
An adaptive methodology for monitoring and controlling of precision machining and on-machine inspection, Jong-I Mou
An agent-based modeling approach to predict the impact on the environment of the introduction of cellphones for shepherds in Gujarat, India, David Ortiz Lopez
An algorithm for impacting soft structures, Tengfei Long
An algorithmic pipeline for analyzing multi-parametric flow cytometry data, Ariful Azad MD.
An Alternative Mechanism for the Delivery of Scholarly Journal Articles: ReadCube Access at the University of Utah, Phill Jones and Mark M. England
Analyses of Expressed Sequence Tags from the Maize Foliar Pathogen Cercospora Zeae-Maydis Identify Novel Genes Expressed During Vegetative, Infectious, and Reproductive Growth., Burton H. Bluhm, Braham Dhillon, Erika A. Lindquist, Gert HJ Kema, Stephen B. Goodwin, and Larry D. Dunkle
Analysis and Classification of Volcanic Eruptions, Jithamala Caldera and S C. Wirasinghe
Analysis and Comparison of Two-Phase Ejector Performance Metrics for R134a and CO2 Ejectors, Neal Lawrence and Stefan Elbel
Analysis and control of interleaved Swiss rectifiers, Munadir A Ahmed
Analysis and optimization of cooperative wireless networks, Phuong T Tran
Analysis, detection and classification of signals using scalar and vector sparse matrix transforms, Leonardo R Bachega
Analysis of a Data Center Using Liquid-Liquid CO2 Heat Pump for Simultaneous Cooling and Heating, Supriya Dharkar, Orkan Kurtulus, Eckhard A. Groll, and Kazuaki Yazawa
Analysis of an actuated two segment leg model of locomotion, Nikhil V Rao
Analysis of Carbohydrate Storage Granules in the Diazotrophic Cyanobacterium Cyanothece sp. PCC 7822., David G. Welkie, Debby Sherman, William B. Chrisler, Galya Orr, and Louis A. Sherman
Analysis of Cat Oocyte Activation Methods for the Generation of Feline Disease Models by Nuclear Transfer., Chunmin Wang, William F. Swanson, Jason R. Herrick, Kiho Lee, and Zoltan Machaty
Analysis of cropland switching in general equilibrium modeling: Application to biofuels, Liang Li
Analysis of eye tracking data obtained by customers' product evaluations, Shweta Sanjay Sareen
Analysis of Gene Expression in Resynthesized Brassica napus Allopolyploids Using Arabidopsis 70mer Oligo Microarrays, Robert T. Gaeta, Suk-Young Yoo, J C. Pires, Rebecca W. Doerge, Jeffrey Chen, and Thomas C. Osborn
Analysis of Hepatitis C virus-host protein interactions, Patrick T Dolan
Analysis of IAQ Based on Modeling of Building Envelope Coupled with CFD&HT Room Airflow, Roser Capdevila, Oriol Lehmkuhl, Joaquim Rigola, López Joan, and Assensi Oliva
Analysis of integration sites of transgenic sheep generated by lentiviral vectors using next-generation sequencing technology, Yu-Hsiang Chen
Analysis of Mechanics and Dynamics of Biopolymers in Living Cells, Shubham Agrawal, Peter D. Russel, Abdel-Rahman Hassan, and Taeyoon Kim
Analysis of particle seeding on the performance of a directly-fired furnace, Philip Francis Sullivan
Analysis of rare RNA transcripts using surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy, Ulhas S Kadam
Analysis of sources of variation and relationships among sow productivity traits, Richard L Cutshaw
Analysis Of Sources Of Variation And Relationships Among Sow Productivity Traits, Richard L. Cutshaw
Analysis of the Influence of Organic Corrosion Inhibitors on Corrosion of Reinforcement in Concrete Bridge Structure Under Simulated Field Service Environment, Liang Shi, J. Ye, C. C. Chen, Y. Wu, and J. Z. Liu
Analysis on Parameters of Regeneration Subsystem in Liquid Desiccant Dehumidification Systems, Min Tu, Chengqin Ren, Huanxin Cheng, and Haijia Lin
Analytical and experimental parametric vibration stability studies in elastic mechanisms, Kambiz Farhang
Analytical Model for Concrete Jacketed RC Columns with Precorrosion and Postcorrosion Damages Under Uniaxial Loading, Dawei W. Zhang, Y. X. Zhao, S. J. Shen, W. L. Jin, and T. Ueda
Analytical results for how flexibility affects flapping propulsion, Matthew Nick J. Moore
Analytical Study on the Performance Characteristics of a Liquid Injection Refrigeration Cycle., Yongseok Jeon, Sanghun Lee, Jongho Jung, and Yongchan Kim
Analytical System for Planning of Infrastructure Rehabilitation (ASPIRE), Purdue ECT Team
Analytic bond-order potentials: from the electronic structure to million atom simulations, Ralf Drautz
Analytics readiness: Is your institution primed for success?, Matthew D. Pistilli, Kimberley E. Arnold, and Steven Lonn
Analytics readiness: Is your institution primed for success?, Matthew D. Pistilli, Kimberly E. Arnold, and Steven Lonn
Analyzing Peer Assessment Claims for Team Projects in Engineering Courses, Ryan R. Senkpeil
Analyzing responses to open ended questions for SPIRIT using aspect oriented sentiment analysis, Animesh Jain
An analysis of the impact of storage temperature, moisture content & duration upon the chemical components & bioprocessing of lignocellulosic biomass, Arun Athmanathan
An analysis of underlying competencies and computer and information technology learning objectives for business analysis, Ryan T Quigley
An analysis on causes of late final payment and release of retainage: Electrical subcontractors' view, Xuejing Zhang
An analytical and experimental study of secondary atomization of vibrational and bag breakup modes, Varun Kulkarni
An Analytic Approach to People Evaluation in Crowdsourcing Systems, Mohammad Allahbakhsh, Aleksandar Ignjatovic, Boualem Benatallah, Seyed-Mehdi-Reza Beheshti, and Elisa Bertino
An Animation Stimuli System for Research on Instructor Gestures in Education, Jian Cui, Voicu Popescu, Nicoletta Adamo-Villan, Susan Cook, Katherine Duggan, and Howard Friedman
An Approach to Finding Cyclic Covers in Undirected Graphs Without 2-Cycles, Christopher L. Hanselman
An Asset Management Framework for Addressing the New MUTCD Traffic Sign Retroreflectivity Standards, Eric Hulme, Sarah ML Hubbard, Grant D. Farnsworth, Alexander M. Hainen, Steve M. Remias, and Darcy M. Bullock
And They Were There -- Reports of Meetings, Ramune K. Kubilius
And They Were There-Reports of Meetings, Ramune K. Kubilius
And They Were There-Reports of Meetings-2009 Charleston Conference, Ramune K. Kubilius
And They Were There: Reports of Meetings -- 2010 Charleston Pre-Conference and Conference, Sever Bordeianu
And They Were There: Reports of Meetings -- 29th Annual Charleston Conference, Ramune K. Kubilius
And They Were There -- Reports of Meetings -- 30th Annual Charleston Conference, Ramune K. Kubilius
And They Were There: Reports of Meetings -- ALA Annual 2011 and the 30th Annual Charleston Conference, Lynda M. Kellam and Sever Bordeianu
And They Were There-Reports of Meetings-SALALM 2010 and the final installment of reports from the 2009 Charleston Conference, Sever Bordeianu
And They Were There: Reports of Meetings -- SALALM 56 and the 30th Annual Charleston Conference, Sever Bordeianu
And They Were There: Reports of Meetings -- SALALM, IFLA, and the 29th Annual Charleston Conference, Sever Bordeianu
And They Were There -- Reports of Meetings -- SSP, Computers in Libraries, and 30th Charleston Conference, Sever Bordeianu
An ecological approach to writing center studies, Christopher Dorn
An economic analysis of sizing constraints: Price discrimination and changes in welfare under the New York City soda ban, Brian A Bourquard
An Efficient Certificateless Encryption for Secure Data Sharing in Public Clouds, Seung-Hyun Seo, Mohamed Yoosuf Mohamed Nabeel, Xiaoyu Ding, and Elisa Bertino
An efficient continuum model for the slip–twinning interaction in Magnesium, Yingrui Chang and Dennis Kochmann
An efficient hybrid 2D/3D thin film discrete dislocation dynamics, Siavash Sarrafan and Ray Fertig
An energy-saving control strategy for VRF and VAV combined air conditioning system in heating mode, Yonghua Zhu, Xinqiao Jin, Zhimin Du, Xing Fang, and Bo Fan
An enhanced finite element formulation for the coupled diffusion in gels at a swollen reference configuration, Christian Linder
An epidemic model structured by the time since last infection, Jorge A Alfaro-Murillo
An Epigenetic Look at Atrazine Toxicity: An Analysis of MicroRNA-126 Expression in Developing Zebrafish Exposed to the Herbicide Atrazine, Kelly E. Schlotman
An Eriksonian approach to consumer identity, Sandra R Rathod
An Eulerian framework for modeling and simulating the nonlinear dynamics of soft hyperelastic materials, Robert Lowe
A Neurocomputational Account of Cognitive Deficits in Parkinson's Disease, Sébastien Hélie, Erick J. Paul, and F Gregory Ashby
A Neutralizing Monoclonal Antibody Targeting the Acid-Sensitive Region in Chikungunya Virus E2 Protects from Disease., Suganya Selvarajah, Nicole R. Sexton, Kristen M. Kahle, Rachel H. Fong, Kimberly-Anne Mattia, Joy Gardner, Kai Lu, Nathan M. Liss, Beatriz Salvador, David F. Tucker, Trevor Barnes, Manu Mabila, Xiangdong Zhou, Giada Rossini, Joseph B. Rucker, David Avram Sanders, Andreas Suhrbier, Vittorio Sambri, Alain Michault, Marcus O. Muench, Benjamin J. Doranz, and Graham Simmons
An Evaluation of the Environmental Impact of Different Commercial Supermarket Refrigeration Systems Using Low Global Warming Potential Refrigerants, Mohamed Beshr, Vikrant Aute, Omar Abdelaziz, Brian Fricke, and Reinhard Radermacher
An Evolving Model for Consortial Print and E-Book Collections: Triangle Research Libraries Network, Oxford University Press, YBP Library Services Pilot, Ann-Marie Breaux, Lisa Croucher, Teddy Gray, Cotina Jones, Rebecca Seger, and Luke Swindler
A new adaptive trilateral filter for in-loop filtering, Akitha Kesireddy
A new chemical synthesis for vanadium sulfide as high performance cathode, Wen Chao Lee
A New Dynamic Heat Exchanger Model with Frosting and Defrosting, Hongtao Qiao, Vikrant Aute, and Reinhard Radermacher
A new family of DC-DC-AC power electronics converters, Mostafa Darabi
A New Method for Calculating Viscosity and Solubility of Lubricant- Refrigerant Mixtures, Jung-Tsung Hung, Jeng-Shiang Tsaih, and Hsu-Hua Tang
A New Model for the Analysis of Performance in Evacuated Tube Solar Collectors, Ahmed Aboulmagd, Andrea Padovan, Rejane De Césaro Oliveski, and Davide Del Col
A New Strategy of Drug Delivery: Electric Field Distribution in Brain Tumor Due to Electroporation, Junxing Shi
An Examination of Long-Term Working Memory Capacity, Randall L. Triplett; Joseph M. Jaworski; and Kelly J. Neville, Ph.D.
An Examination of Targeted Gene Neighborhoods in Strawberry, Thomas M. Davis, Melanie E. Shields, Qian Zhang, Denise Tombolato-Terzić, Jeffrey L. Bennetzen, Ana C. Pontaroli, Hao Wang, Qin Yao, Phillip SanMiguel, and Kevin M. Folta
An Existential Proof of God, Anthony Malagon
An experimental and theoretical study of carbon gasification and synthesis reactions, Anup V Sane
An Experimental Comparison of the Refrigerant Flow through Adiabatic and Non-Adiabatic Helical Capillary Tubes, Puya Javidmand and Masoud Zareh
An experimental investigation of wind turbine aerodynamic interaction, Brandon Lee Ennis
An Experimentally Validated Model for Microchannel Heat Exchanger Incorporating Lubricant Effect, Huize Li and Predrag S. Hrnjak
An experimental study of subcooled choked flow through steam generator tube cracks, Ram Anand Vadlamani
An experimental study of the momentum rate of a submerged multi-phase jet issuing into a high pressure environment, Heather E Finney
An Experimental Study on the Capillary Tube Flow and its Effect on the Acoustic Behavior of Household Refrigerators, Daniel Hartmann and Cláudio Melo
An expert consensus approach to relating the proposed DSM-5 types and traits., Douglas B. Samuel, Donald R. Lynam, Thomas A. Widiger, and Samuel A. Ball
An exploration of enhancing interaction design in visual analytics systems with evaluation studies, Yinghuan Peng
An exploratory analysis of fruit and vegetable consumption in Black men, Jacqueline M Reiter
An exploratory forensic acquisition and analysis of digital evidence on the Amazon Kindle, Marcus A Thompson
An exploratory study of diversified mentoring relationships among graduate students and their advisors in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics fields, Krystin R Bodden
An improved analysis-by-synthesis/overlap-add sinusoidal model for speech modification, Sudhendu Raj Sharma
An Improved Moving Boundary Heat Exchanger Model with Pressure Drop, Hongtao Qiao, Vikrant Aute, and Reinhard Radermacher
An Inexpensive Retrofit Technology for Reducing Peak Power Demand in Small and Medium Commercial Buildings, James Nutaro, Teja Kuruganti, David Fugate, and Michael Starke
An inner-rotor flux-modulated permanent-magnet machine for low-speed high-torque applications, Jonathan M Crider
An Instructional Model to Support Problem-Based Historical Inquiry: The Persistent Issues in History Network, Thomas Brush and John Saye
An integrative analysis of an extensive green roof system: A case study of the Schleman green roof, Fushcia-Ann E Hoover
An interface-enriched generalized finite-element method for efficient electromagnetic analysis of composite materials, Kedi Zhang, Ahmad Raeisi Najafi, Jian-Ming Jin, and Philippe H. Geubelle
An International GIS and Data Curation Dissemination Framework Using Mobile Devices: A Purdue-Aalto University Example, Benjamin D. Branch and Antti M. Rousi
An investigation of green supply chain management practices and their performance outcomes, Shaharyar Masood
An investigation of parity and time-reversal symmetry breaking in tight-binding lattices, Derek Douglas Scott
An Investigation of Starting Point Preferences in Human Performance on Traveling Salesman Problems, James N. MacGregor
An investigation of the cooling power requirements for displacement-controlled multi-actuator machines, Enrique Busquets
Anisotropy of the elastic properties of crystalline cellulose I-beta from first principles density functional theory with Van der Waals interactions, Fernando L. Dri, Louis G. Hector Jr, Robert J. Moon, and Pablo D. Zavattieri
Annual IMPACT Report 2014: A report by the IMPACT Data Collection and Analysis Team, Executive Summary, IMPACT Management Team and IMPACT Assessment Team
Annual IMPACT Report 2014: A report by the IMPACT Data Collection and Analysis Team, Part 1, IMPACT Management Team and IMPACT Assessment Team
Annual IMPACT Report 2014: A report by the IMPACT Data Collection and Analysis Team, Part 2, IMPACT Management Team and IMPACT Assessment Team
Annual IMPACT Report 2014: A report by the IMPACT Data Collection and Analysis Team, Part 3, IMPACT Management Team and IMPACT Assessment Team
Annual Performance Of A Solar Assisted Heat Pump Using Ice Slurry As A Latent Storage Material, Justin Tamasauskas, Michel Poirier, Radu Zmeureanu, Martin Kegel, and Roberto Sunye
A nonlinear interface formulation for soil–structure interaction systems, Ghardir Haikal and Ghardir Haikal
An Optimal Control Theory Approach to Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions, Feng Lin, Kumar Muthuraman, and Mark Lawley
A novel approach for design of acoustical enclosure of projectors, Sara Panahkhahi
A novel autonomous lane navigation method for mobile robots, Wajahat Afsar
A Novel Human Machine Interface for Advanced Building Controls and Diagnostics, Ritesh Khire, Francesco Leonardi, Paul Quimby, and Soumik Sarkar
A Novel Mode of Chromosomal Evolution Peculiar to Filamentous Ascomycete Fungi., James K. Hane, Thierry Rouxel, Barbara J. Howlett, Gert HJ Kema, Stephen B. Goodwin, and Richard P. Oliver
A novel multiblock immersed boundary method enabling high order large eddy simulation of pathological and medical device hemodynamics, Kameswararao Anupindi
A novel multistage image registration technique with graph-based region descriptors, Francis Bowen
A novel three degree-of-freedoms oscillation system of insect flapping wings, Yi Qin
An Overview of Joint Deterioration in Concrete Pavement: Mechanisms, Solution Properties, and Sealers, Wesley Jones, Yaghoob Farnam, Paul Imbrock, Jeff Spiro, Chiara Villani, Jan Olek, and W. Jason Weiss
An OWL Abroad: A Descriptive Study of OWL Use in the EFL Context, Joshua Paiz
Ant: A framework for increasing the efficiency of sequential debugging techniques with parallel programs, Jae-Woo Lee
Anterior cruciate ligament biomechanics: characterization and computational modeling within a full knee model, Kaitlyn Mallett and Ellen Arruda
Antibiotic resistance profile in chicken products and the efficacy of bacteriophage to control foodborne pathogens, Jiayi Zhang
Anticipatory and reactive responses to chocolate restriction in frequent chocolate consumers, Chelsey L Keeler
Anti-Malarial Activity of Geldanamycin Derivatives in Mice Infected with Plasmodium yoelii, Rubul Mout, Zhi-Dong Xu, Angela KH Wolf, Vincent J. Davisson, and Gotam K. Jarori
Antimony environmental interactions and sequestration associated with amendments at small arms firing ranges, William Andrew Martin
Antitrust Issues in Road Construction, Darren Craig
A NURBS-based interface-enriched generalized finite element scheme for the computational analysis and design of high temperature microvascular composites, Marcus Hwai Yik Tan, Ahmad R. Najafi, Masoud Safdari, and Philippe H. Geubelle
Any Pair of 2D Curves is Consistent with a 3D Symmetric Interpretation., Tadamasa Sawada, Yunfeng Li, and Zygmunt Pizlo
A PD Law Based Fuzzy Logic Control Strategy For Simultaneous Control Of Indoor Temperature And Humidity Using A Variable Speed Direct Expansion Air Conditioner, Zhao Li, Xiang Guo Xu, Shi Ming Deng, and Dong Mei Pan
A Performance-Based Framework for Structural Resilience to Blast-Induced Damage, Shalva Marjanishvili, Spencer Quiel, and Brian Katz
A performance-oriented multi-loop control of systems with constraints and uncertainties, Lu Lu
Apollo Lunar Module: How a Complex and Novel Design Project Evolved Over Time and Across Perspectives, Robin Adams
Appetitive and Dietary Effects of Consuming an Energy-Dense Food (Peanuts) with or Between Meals by Snackers and Non-Snackers., A A. Devitt, A Kuevi, S B. Coelho, A Lartey, P Lokko, N Costa, J Bressan, and Richard D. Mattes
Applicability of continuum fracture mechanics in atomistic systems, Shao-Huan Cheng
Application and timing effects of QoI and DMI fungicides and a foliar fertilizer on overall plant health and grain yield in corn, Jason Phillip Geis
Application of 3D Zernike Descriptors to Shape-Based Ligand Similarity Searching., Vishwesh Venkatraman, Padmasini Ramji Chakravarthy, and Daisuke Kihara
Application of finite element modeling and viscoelasticity theory in characterization and prediction of dielectric relaxation process in polymer nanodielectrics, He Zhao, Yang Li, Xiaolin Li, L. Catherine Brinson, Yanhui Huang, Timothy M. Krentz, Ke Wu, Curt Breneman, and Linda Schadler
Application of Nanomechanical Methods in Investigation of C–S–H Gel/Cement Grain Interface, Jing Xu, David J. Corr, and Surendra P. Shah
Application of Near-Optimal Tower Control and Free Cooling on the Condenser Water Side for Optimization of Central Cooling Systems, Rita Cristina Jaramillo, James E. Braun, and W. Travis Horton
Application of Neural Network for Concrete Carbonation Depth Prediction, Daming Luo, Ditao Niu, and Zhenping Dong
Application Of Oil Flooded Compression With Regeneration To A Packaged Heat Pump System, Bin Yang, Timothy N. Blatchley, Christian K. Bach, James E. Braun, W. Travis Horton, and Eckhard A. Groll
Application of quantitative analysis in treatment of osteoporosis and osteoarthritis, Andy Bowei Chen
Application of single-molecule fluorescence resonance energy transfer to maltose transporter, Shiming Huang
Application of the Resistivity in Quality Control of Concrete Durability for the Hong Kong–Zhuhai–Macao Bridge, Jianbo Xiong, Guihong Dong, Shengnian Wang, and Rui Chai
Applications of calculated second harmonic generation tensors on monomolecular and bimolecular systems, Gregory R Snyder
Applications of CFD for the design and evaluation of a novel viscous impeller heart pump, Jonathan E DeGan
Appreciating Episodic Mentoring: Reconsiderations of and Interventions for a Comprehensive Mentoring Process for Engineering Faculty, Patrice M. Buzzanell, Ziyu Long, Klod Kokini, Lindsey B. Anderson, and Jennifer C. Batra
A practical approach for provenance transmission in wireless sensor networks, S.M.I. Alam and Sonia Fahmy
A practical approach for provenance transmission in wireless sensor networks, S.M. Iftekharul Alam and Sonia Fahmy
A preliminary development and validation of a measure of safety performance, Zhenyu Yuan
A preliminary examination of factors related to the comprehensiveness of sexual violence prevention efforts at Indiana institutions of higher education, Lindsey Anne Vacek Stolley
A Pre-mRNA-Splicing Factor Is Required for RNA-Directed DNA Methylation in Arabidopsis., Chao-Feng Huang, Daisuke Miki, Kai Tang, Hao-Ran Zhou, Zhimin Zheng, Wei Chen, Ze-Yang Ma, Lan Yang, Heng Zhang, Renyi Liu, and Jian-Kang Zhu
A Proposal to Improve and Expand Access to Electronic Resources through Per-Use Pricing, Peter McCracken
A Publisher's Perspective on PDA, Rebecca Seger and Lenny Allen
A pulsed jet for generation of turbulent spots in a mach 6 boundary layer, Andrew D Abney
A Pulsed Jet for Generation of Turbulent Spots in a Mach 6 Boundary Layer, Andrew Daniel Abney
A Qualitative Analysis of Coronary Heart Disease Patients’ Views of Dietary Adherence and of Web-Based and Mobile-Based Nutrition Tools, Karen S. Yehle, A M. Chen, Kimberly Plake, J S. Yi, and A R. Mobley
Arab Women Writers as Revolutionary Orators and Catalytic Agents of Emancipation, Safaa S. Nasser
A Raman spectroscopy-based investigation of thermal conductivity and role of surface stress in deformation of stressed silicon microcantilevers at high temperatures, Ming Gan and Vikas Tomar
A rat model of mild blast-induced head trauma with structural and biochemical abnormalities in the absence of motor deficits, Michael Kelso Walls
Arch Bridges over k entucky Lake and Lake Barkley: Challenges & Opportunities, James Williams
Architecting delay-sensitive applications for the cloud, Mohammad Yousef Hajjat
A Relational Framework for Higher-Order Shape Analysis, Gowtham Kaki and Suresh Jagannathan
Are Midsize Academic Libraries on the Right E-Book Train?, Allan Scherlen and John P. Abbott
A Replication and Extension of the Anti-Symmetry Effect in Pigeons, Peter J. Urcuioli and Melissa Swisher
Are School and Family Experiences Related to Multiracial Adolescents’ Ethnic Identity Development?, Renata Ximenes
ARES Conference - Message from ARES Conference Officers, Elisa Bertino, A Min Tjoa, and Gerald Quirchmayr
Are These Two Versions the Same? Functional Equivalence and Article Version, Todd Carpenter
Are the U.S. crop insurance premiums fair across regions and crops?, Zhihua Hu
A Reusable Unsupported Rhenium Nanocrystalline Catalyst for Acceptorless Dehydrogenation of Alcohols through gamma-C-H Activation, Jing Yi, Jeffrey T. Miller, Dmitry Zemlyanov, Ruihong Zhang, Paul J. Dietrich, Fabio H. Ribeiro, Sergey Suslov, and Mahdi M. Abu-Omar
A Review of Graphene-Based Electrochemical Microsupercapacitors, Guoping Xiong, Chuizhou Meng, Ronald G. Reifenberger, Pedro Irazoqui, and Timothy Fisher
A Review of Thermal Analysis on Novel Roofing Systems, Yuanpei Song and Ming Qu
Are We Too Smart for Our Own Good?: How Large-Scale Machine Learning Systems Can Vastly Exceed Human Level Decision-Making Abilities, Jennifer Neville
Argentine women and technology: An analysis of gendered genre evolution from interdisciplinary perspectives, Kelly Ann Keith Suero
Armchair Discussion: What Do You Need to Know about AI?, James Barrat and Gary Bertoline
Army, Russian (1991-), Bert Chapman
A Roadmap for Privacy-Enhanced Secure Data Provenance, Elisa Bertino, Salmin Sultana, Murat Kantarcioglu, Bhavani Thuraisingham, Gabriel Ghinita, Ravi Sandhu, Jae Park, Shxu Xu, and D Nguyen
A Rock and a Hard Place: Print Collections and Faculty Attitudes, Ross Housewright
A Rosetta stone on slavery's doorstep: Eleutherian College and the lost antislavery history of Jefferson County, Indiana, Mark Allan Furnish
Art and Politics in Latin America: A Book Review Article of New Work by Van Delden and Grenier, Sánchez, and Cohn, Nicole L. Sparling
Artaud, Barney, and the Total Work of Art from Avant-Garde to the Posthuman, Matteo Colombi and Massimo Fusillo
Artificial Intelligence and the Appearance of Wisdom: Connecting AI with Our Knowledge of What is Good, Patrick Kain
ARTL@ S and BasArt: A loose coupling strategy for digital humanities, Sorin Matei
A sandbox development for demonstrating BOM transmission in a PLM and ERP integrated system, Zhen Zeng
A Scholar Contemplates the Google Book Settlement, James O'Donnell
ASE, GPAW, CMR, and that kind of tools, Karsten W. Jacobsen
A Semi-Nonparametric Mixture Model for Selecting Functionally Consistent Proteins., Lianbo Yu and Rebecca W. Doerge
A sensor ontology for the domain of firefighting robots, Amy R Wagoner
A Service Learning Experience for Pharmacy Students Involving Unwanted Medication Collection, Patricia L. Darbishire
A simplified model of CaMKII activation in the cytosol of dendritic spines, Matyas Matolcsi
A single-input, single-output electromagnetically-transduced microresonator array, Andrew B. Sabater, A. G. Hunkler, and Jeff F. Rhoads
As I See It! -- Displacing Anxieties: Addressing New Worries by Solving Old Concerns, John Cox
As I See It-Journal Pricing In An Electronic Environment, John Cox
A Social Ecological Approach of Community Efforts to Promote Physical Activity and Weight Management, Elizabeth Richards, Mary E. Riner, and Laura P. Sands
A spatially explicit watershed scale optimization of cellulosic biofuels production, Jingyu Song
A spatial temporal information model for construction planning, Xing Su
Aspects of Household Cooling Technology, Matthias Mrzyglod and Stefan Holzer
Asphalt Rejuvenation for Preservation Focused Agencies, Jim Brownridge
Assembling the Orchestra: The Role of Librarians in an e-Science Environment, Sally A. Gore
Assessing an animal humane society using McKinsey's 7s framework to make recommendations for organizational improvement, Tandreia S Dixon
Assessing and Removing Implicit Bias of CIC AGEP, Aman Yadav
Assessing Data Linking in Transportation Technical Reports, Lisa Zilinski, Paul Bracke, and David Scherer
Assessing Engineering Students' Information Literacy Skills: An Alpha Version of a Multiple-choice Instrument, Ruth EH Wertz, Meagan Ross, Senay Purzer, Michael Fosmire, and Monica Cardella
Assessing mesh convergence in discrete-fracture simulations that use random meshes, Joseph Bishop
Assessing MWCNT-graphene surface energy through in situ SEM peeling, Michael R. Roenbeck, Xiaoding Wei, Allison M. Beese, Mohammad Naraghi, Al’ona Furmanchuk, Jeffrey T. Paci, George C. Schatz, and Horacio D. Espinosa
Assessing personality in the DSM-5: The utility of bipolar constructs., Douglas B. Samuel
Assessing Returns and Risks of Three Subgroups of Agriculture Equities, Anbo Wang
Assessing the Economic Value of the Spanish Language, Isabel Dulfano
Assessing the efficacy of acceptance and commitment therapy in reducing schema-enmeshment in fibromyalgia syndrome, Jennifer Leah Steiner
Assessing the Impact of Publications Saved by Mendeley Users: Is There Any Different Pattern Among Users?, Zohreh Zahedi, Rodrigo Costas, and Paul Wouters
Assessing the Intra-Departmental Social Networks of Male and Female STEM Faculty: A Preliminary Analysis, Stacie F. Holloway PhD, Rachel Kallen PhD, Steve Howe PhD, and Brian Eiler
Assessing the Need for Digital Information Literacy (DIL) for Graduate Students at the University of Notre Dame, Mandy Havert and Parker Ladwig
Assessing the preparedness of the veterinary profession to communicate with limited English proficient Spanish-speaking pet owners, Ruth Ellen Landau
Assessing the Role of Online Technologies in Project-based Learning, Jason Ravitz and Juliane Blazevski
Assessing the transferability of ReaxFF for alumina polymorphs, Shawn P. Coleman and Douglas E. Spearot
Assessing the user experience when using mobile augmented reality in advertising, Shanshan Li
Assessing tourist experience satisfaction with a heritage destination, Yuan Yao
Assessing variability in microstructural influence on fatigue crack growth behavior, Matthew Durbin
Assessing Variability in Microstructural Influence on Fatigue Crack Growth Behavior, Matthew James Durbin
Assessment and Recommendations for Using High-Resolution Weather Information to Improve Winter Maintenance Operations, Michael Baldwin, Kimberly Hoogewind, Derrick Snyder, Matthew Price, and R. Jeffrey Trapp
Assessment of Environmentally Friendly Refrigerants for Window Air Conditioners, Bo Shen and Pradeep Bansal
Assessment Of Life Cycle Climate Performance (LCCP) Tools For HVAC&R Applications With The Latest Next Generation Refrigerant Technology, Stephen Anthony Kujak, Panayu Robert Srichai, and Kenneth Schultz
Assessment Of Long-Term Visual And Thermal Comfort And Energy Performance In Open-Space Offices With Different Shading Devices, Anna Maria Atzeri, Francesca Cappelletti, Andrea Gasparella, Hui Shen, and Athanasios Tzempelikos
Assessment of the Impact of the Geriatric Medication Game© on Pharmacy Students’ Attitudes Toward Older Adults, Aleda M.H. Chen, Kimberly S. Plake, Karen S. Yehle, and Mary E. Kiersma
Assessment of Water Droplet Evaporation Mechanisms on Hydrophobic and Superhydrophobic Substrates, Zhenhai Pan, Susmita Dash, Justin A. Weibel, and Suresh V. Garimella
Associative Concept Learning in Animals, Thomas R. Zentall, Edward A. Wasserman, and Peter J. Urcuioli
Associative Symmetry and Stimulus-Class Formation By Pigeons: The Role of Non-Reinforced Baseline Relations, Peter J. Urcuioli
A State-Space Modeling Approach and Subspace Identification Method for Predictive Control of Multi-Zone Buildings with Mixed-Mode Cooling, Jianjun Hu and Panagiota Karava
A strange speech of an estranged people: Theory and practice of antebellum African-American Freedom Day orations, Detine Lee Bowers
A strategy for minimizing Parkinsonian noise from a joystick controlled wheeled mobile robot, Fabian Just
A Strategy for Minimizing Parkinsonian Noise from a Joystick Controlled Wheeled Mobile Robot, Fabian Just
A structured analysis and quantitative measurement of task complexity in human-computer interaction, Baijun Zhao
A study of accuracy and reliability of CBIR-based phishing filter, Zexing Luo
A Study of Critical Heat Flux during Flow Boiling in Microchannel Heat Sinks, T. Chen and S V. Garimella
A Study of Critical Heat Flux during Flow Boiling in Microchannel Heat Sinks, T. Chen and S V. Garimella
A study of deformation and phase transformation coupling for TRIP-assisted steels, Anxin Ma, Aenne Koester, Satya Gupta, and Alexander Hartmaier
A Study of Ghiselli’s Hobo Syndrome, Sang Eun Woo
A study of innovation processes used in the United States healthcare system, Jon R Padfield
A study of molybdenum complexes supported by alpha-diimines and amine-bis(phenols) and their applications towards oxygen atom transfer reactions, Isaac Richard Corn
A study of perceptions, usability and future adoption of an electoral database, Romina Laura Bot
A study of stress gradients in a titanium alloy, Kamalika Chatterjee, Armand Beaudoin, Jonathan Lind, Robert M. Suter, Peter Kenesei, and Jun-Sang Park
A study of teacher effectiveness evaluation models in american schools, Lacey Bowman
A Study of Teacher Effectiveness Evaluation Models in American Schools, Lacey Bowman
A study of the effects of computer animated character body style on perception of facial expression, Katie Cissell
A Study of the tenability of Pólya urn schemes, Allison T Davidson
A Study on a New Performance Rating Approach for a Multi-Split (VRF) Air-Conditioning System, Xiaogen Su and Qiang Liu
A Study on Performance Design Using a Sprinkler System for Fire-Spread Prevention of a Building Exterior, Seung Un Chae, Heung-You Kim, Uh-Sang Kwon, and Bum-Yean Cho
A Study on the Fire Safety Issues for Large Window Openings in Supertall Residential Buildings in Hong Kong, K.W. Lau and W.K. Chow
A study on the sensitivity of Drucker–Prager cap model parameters during die compaction of pharmaceutical powders, Shrikant Swaminathan and Carl Wassgren
A Supermodularity-Based Differential Privacy Preserving Algorithm for Data Anonymization, Mohamed R Fouad, Khaled Elbassioni, and Elisa Bertino
A Survey of Twentieth-century Literary Theory and Criticism in Chinese, Xiaoming Chen and Anfeng Sheng
A symbolic framework, tradeoff matrix, and empirical studies of procedures and procedure following, Deepti Surabattula
Asymptotic behavior of positive harmonic functions in certain unbounded domains, Koushik Ramachandran
A Synergistic Antiproliferation Effect of Curcumin and Docosahexaenoic Acid in SK-BR-3 Breast Cancer Cells: Unique Signaling Not Explained by the Effects of Either Compound Alone., Jeffrey D. Altenburg, Andrew A. Bieberich, Colin Terry, Kevin A. Harvey, Justin F. VanHorn, Zhidong Xu, Vincent J. Davisson, and Rafat A. Siddiqui
A synthetic DNA motor that transports nanoparticles along carbon nanotubes, Tae-Gon Cha, Jing Ping, Haorong Chen, Janette Salgado, Xiang Li, Chengde Mao, and Jong Hyun Choi
A Systematic Approach to Identifying Traffic Safety Needs and Intervention Programs for Indiana: Volume II—SNIP2 User Manual, Andrew P. Tarko, Mingyang Li, Mario Romero, and Jose Thomaz
A Systematic Approach to Identifying Traffic Safety Needs and Intervention Programs for Indiana: Volume I—Research Report, Andrew P. Tarko, Mingyang Li, Mario Romero, and Jose Thomaz
A systematic examination of cortisol missingness in a sample of preschoolers, Evelyn Mercado
A Systemic Gene Silencing Method Suitable for High Throughput, Reverse Genetic Analyses of Gene Function in Fern Gametophytes., George Rutherford, Milos Tanurdzic, Mitsuyasu Hasebe, and Jo Ann Banks
A Tale of Two Satterfields: The Power of a Purdue Education, Eden Holmes
At Brunning: People and Technology-At the Only Edge that Means Anything/How We Understand What We Do, Dennis Brunning
At Brunning: People and Technology-At the Only Edge that Means Anything/How We Understand What We Do, Dennis Brunning
At Brunning: People and Technology-At the Only Edge that Means Anything/How We Understand What We Do, Dennis Brunning
A technique to actively reduce cryogenic pressure fluctuations, Joshua Andrew Kaluzny
A Tensor-product approach for large scale electronic structure calculations using Kohn–Sham density functional theory, Phani Motamarri, Vikram Gavini, and Thomas Blesgen
A Tetrahedral Version of the MACH Model for Explaining Biological Mechanisms, Caleb M. Trujillo, Trevor R. Anderson, and Nancy J. Pelaez
ATG Interviews Alison Mudditt, Tom Gilson and Katina Strauch
ATG Interviews Bipin Patel, CIO, ProQuest, Katina Strauch and Leah Hinds
ATG Interviews Corey Williams, Tom Gilson and Katina Strauch
ATG Interviews Dave Kochalko, ORCID Director, Vice President, Strategy & Business Development, Thomson Reuters, Katina Strauch
ATG Interviews David Burleigh, Tom Gilson and Katina Strauch
ATG Interviews Deborah Kahn, Katina Strauch
ATG Interviews Douglas H. Wright, Katina Strauch
ATG Interviews Glenda Alvin, Katina Strauch
ATG Interviews John G. Dove, Tom Gilson and Katina Strauch
ATG Interviews John R. McHugh, Publishing Advisor and Consultant, Katina Strauch
ATG Interviews Joyce Dixon-Fyle, Katina Strauch
ATG Interviews Jud Dunham, Senior Product Manager Science and Technology, Elsevier, Katina Strauch
ATG Interviews Knut Dorn, Katina Strauch
ATG Interviews Marilyn Johnson, Dennis Brunning
ATG Interviews Michael Cairns, Dennis Brunning
ATG Interviews Moshe Pritsker, CEO and Co-Founder, JoVE, Katina Strauch
ATG Interviews Patrick C. Sommers, Katina Strauch
ATG Interviews Phoebe Ayers, Katina Strauch and Tom Gilson
ATG Interviews Randy Petway, Tom Gilson and Katina Strauch
ATG Interviews Rich Rosy, Katina Strauch
ATG Interviews Sam Brooks, Tom Gilson and Katina Strauch
ATG Interviews Springer, Tom Gilson and Katina Strauch
ATG Interviews Stephen Rhind-Tutt, Tom Gilson and Katina Strauch
ATG Interviews Tim Babbitt and Kevin Sayar, Tom Gilson and Katina Strauch
ATG Interviews Tina Feick, Director of Sales and Marketing, Harrasowitz Booksellers & Subscription Agents, Katina Strauch
ATG Special Report -- Back to the Future: Old Models for New Challenges, Sanford G. Thatcher
ATG Special Report-How the Emergence of Digital Content is Transforming the Publishing Industry, Delores Meglio
ATG Special Report -- Looking Beyond eTextbooks and Tapping into the Personal Learning Experience, William Rieders
ATG Special Report-The Dual Mission Paradigm: A Ranganathian Critique, Patrick L. Carr
ATG Special Report-The Future of the Textbook, Sara Killingsworth and Martin Marlow
A theory and a simulation capability for the growth of a solid electrolyte interphase layer at anode particles in lithium ion batteries, Elisha Rejovitzky, Claudio Di Leo, and Lallit Anand
A theory of a contemporary Islamic state: History, governance, and the individual, Joseph J Kaminski
A theory of state justice: Human rights as the basis of political legitimacy, Craig Titus
A Thermodynamic Property Model for the R-134a/245fa Mixture, Ryo Akasaka and Yukihiro Higashi
A three-dimensional investigation of steady-state fatigue crack closure behavior for through-thickness and part-through flaws, Suvendoo Kumar Ray
A Time Series Model of the Occurrence of Gastric Dilatation-Volvulus in a Population of Dogs, Michael Levine and George E. Moore
Atomic level study of water-gas shift catalysts via transmission electron microscopy and x-ray spectroscopy, Mehmed Cem Akatay
Atomic-scale investigation of deformation mechanisms in Mg alloys, Maryam Ghazisaeidi
Atomic-scale modeling of cellulose nanocrystals, Xiawa Wu
Atomic Weapons Program, Soviet, Bert Chapman
Atomistic investigation of grain boundary triple junctions energetic in face centered cubic materials, Ilaksh Adlakha
Atomistic modeling of the generation of crystal defects and microstructure development in short pulse laser processing of metals, Chengping Wu and Leonid Zhigilei
Atomistic simulation and modeling of the interface between -cellulose nanocrystal elementary fibrils, Robert Sinko and Sinan Keten
Atomistic simulation of plasma interaction with plasma facing components in fusion reactors, Xue Yang
Atomistic simulations of materials chemistry: from nanoelectronics to energetic materials, Alejandro Strachan
Atomistic studies of material dynamics: from petascale to exascale, Timothy Germann
Atomistic-to-continuum coupling based on goal-oriented adaptivity and quasi-continuum approximation, Arash Memarnahavandi, Fredrik Larsson, and Kenneth Runesson
Attached-growth system for nitrification at low temperature, Zhe Sun
Attachment representations and mother-child dialogue, Baiba Barene
Attaining Sustainable Growth of a Business Chinese Program Through Utilization-Focused Evaluation, Haidan Wang
At the periphery of architectural history – looking at Eastern Europe, Carmen Popescu
Attitudes towards the use of violence and partner directed aggression, Joel G Sprunger
Attuned advocacy: Rhetorics of engagement in urban Appalachia, Kathryn Trauth Taylor
Augmented finite element method for progressive damage in complex heterogeneous materials, Qingda Yang and Mehdi Naeri
A unified 3D phase diagram of growth induced surface instabilities, Qiming Wang and Xuanhe Zhao
A Unified Analysis of Classifiers and Reduplication Across Nominal and Verbal Domains, Charles Lam
A unified framework for transparent parallelism and fault-tolerance in distributed systems, Sunghwan Yoo
A universal quantum circuit scheme for finding complex eigenvalues, Anmer Daskin, Ananth Grama, and Sabre Kais
A User Study on Route Evaluation, Renjun Zheng, Jieqiong Zhao, and David Ebert
Authenticated Top-K Aggregation in Distributed and Authenticated Top-K Aggregation in Distributed and, Sunoh Choi, Hyo-Sang Lim, and Elisa Bertino
Author Impact Factor: Tracking the Dynamics of Individual Scientific Impact, Santo Fortunato
Autoignition of R32 and R410 Refrigerant Mixtures with Lubricating Oil, Adam Boussouf, Vivien R. Lecoustre, Hao Li, Robert By, and Peter B. Sunderland
Automated failure explanation through execution comparison, William N Sumner
Automated patch point placement for autonomous spacecraft trajectory targeting, Galen K Harden
Automatically optimizing tree traversal algorithms, Youngjoon Jo
Automatic identification of metaphoric utterances, Jonathan Edwin Dunn
Automatic scaling of OpenMP applications beyond shared memory, Okwan Kwon
Automatic Sharing Classification and Timely Push for Cache-coherent Systems, Malek Musleh and Vijay Pai
Autonomous Indoor Localization for Fire Safety and Resource Location via Field Mapping Techniques, Jaeyoung Kim, Kartik Ariyur, Yan Cui, Benjamin D. Branch, and Joshua Ebung Umo
Autonomous Indoor Localization for Fire Safety and Resource Location via Field Mapping Techniques (Android Version), Joshua Ebung Umo, Yan Cui, Kartik Ariyur, Benjamin D. Branch, and Jaeyoung Kim
Autonomous Indoor Localization via Field Mapping Techniques, with Agricultural Big Data Application, Yan Cui, Kartik Ariyur, and Benjamin D. Branch
Autonomous orientation and geolocation via celestial objects, Cheng Liu
Autonomous Orientation and Geolocation via Celestial Objects, Cheng Liu
Avalanches and fractals at elastic–plastic–brittle transitions in disordered media, Martin Ostoja-Starzewski
A Vision for Change in Bioscience Education: Building on Knowledge from the Past, Nancy J. Pelaez, Trevor R. Anderson, and Samuel N. Postlethwait
Awash in E-Journal Data: What It Is, Where It Is, and What Can Be Done with It (Is It “Too Much” or “Not Enough?”), David P. Brennan and Nancy J. Butkovich
A Wind-Derived Upwelling Index for Lake Michigan, Stephen B. Davis, Rebecca Essig, and Cary Troy
Axisymmetric thermo-mechanical analysis of laser-driven noncontact transfer printing, Yonggang Huang
A yield criterion for porous single crystals based on limit analysis, Renald Brenner
Back Talk, Anthony W. Ferguson
Back Talk -- Censorship and Google, Anthony (Tony) W. Ferguson
Back Talk -- Cloud Computing, Anthony (Tony) W. Ferguson
Back Talk -- Ideas Worth Selling, Anthony (Tony) W. Ferguson
Back Talk -- Obama and Collection Development, Anthony (Tony) W. Ferguson
Back Talk-Reminiscences and Looking Forward, Anthony W. Ferguson
Back Talk -- Under the White Nights of St. Petersburg, Anthony (Tony) W. Ferguson
Back Talk -- Virtual and Real Reference, Anthony (Tony) W. Ferguson
Back Talk -- "What a difference a day makes:" The WEB and Digital Publishing in Hong Kong, Anthony (Tony) W. Ferguson
Back to the Basics: Supplying Basic Necessities for Three Honduran Rural Schools, Laura Capps
Basics of a Good Road:, Dudley Bonte
Basics of a Good Road: Asphalt and Aggregates, Gerry Huber
Basics of a Good Road - Concrete Pavements: Road Scholar Program Part I, Richard Domonkos and Mike Byers
Basics of a Good Road - Concrete Pavements: Road Scholar Program Part II, Richard Domonkos and Mike Byers
Basque relative clauses: Head raising, case and micro-variation within Bizkaiera, Ager Gondra
BATF Regulates the Development and Function of IL-17 Producing iNKT Cells., Kimberly L. Jordan-Williams, Stacie Poston, and Elizabeth J. Taparowsky
Bayesian Calibration Tool, Sveinn Palsson, Martin Hunt, and Alejandro Strachan
BCM10001 Introduction to Construction Management, Daphene Koch
BCM 475: Construction Cost Control, Joseph Orczyk
Behavioral responses of two syntopic snakes (genus Thamnophis) to roads and culverts, Bryan Eads
Behavior and Behavior Assessment, Christopher Agnew and Janice Kelly
Behavior and Miracles, Christopher Agnew, Donal Carlston, William Graziano, and Janice Kelly
Behavior of a Viscoelastic Valveless Pump: a Simple Theory with Experimental Validation, Charles F. Babbs
Behavior of CFRP Plate in Simulated ICCP System of Concrete Structures, Jihua Zhu, Miaochang Zhu, Ningxu Han, Feng Xing, Wei Liu, and Luca Bertolini
Behavior of Steel–Concrete Composite Beams with Corroded Shear Studs Under Negative Bending Moment, Ju Chen, A. Jiang, and W. Jin
Behind our sociality (or social capital): Evolution, the Rule of 150, and reading others, Jeffrey J Alcoser
Best Practices & Resources for Teaching ESL Written Communication, Linda S. Bergmann and Vicki Kennell
Bet You Missed It -- Press Clippings -- In the News -- Carefully Selected by Your Crack Staff of New Sleuths, Bruce Strauch
Bet You Missed It -- Press Clippings -- In the News -- Carefully Selected by Your Crack Staff of News Sleuths, Bruce Strauch
Bet You Missed It: Press Clippings -- In the News -- Carefully Selected by Your Crack Staff of News Sleuths, Bruce Strauch
Bet You Missed It: Press Clippings -- In the News -- Carefully Selected by Your Crack Staff of News Sleuths, Bruce Strauch
Bet You Missed It: Press Clippings -- In the News -- Carefully Selected by Your Crack Staff of News Sleuths, Bruce Strauch
Bet You Missed It: Press Clippings -- In the News -- Carefully Selected by Your Crack Staff of News Sleuths, Bruce Strauch
Bet You Missed It: Press Clippings -- In the News -- Carefully Selected by Your Crack Staff of News Sleuths, Bruce Strauch
Bet You Missed It: Press Clippings -- In the News -- Carefully Selected by Your Crack Team of News Sleuths, Bruce Strauch
Bet You Missed It: Press Clippings -- In the News -- Carefully Selected by Your Crack Team of News Sleuths, Bruce Strauch
Bet You Missed It-What do Apple, Amazon and the French have in common?, Bruce Strauch
Bet You Missed It-What do old books and tv writers have in common?, Bruce Strauch
Beyond COUNTER: Using IP Data to Evaluate Our Users, Timothy R. Morton
Beyond Demand Driven: Incorporating Multiple Tools in a Consortial Collection Strategy, Karen H. Wilhoit
Beyond Inspec - Building a Semantic Enrichment Service to Explore How the IET can Better Support Academic and Commercial Researchers, Allison Haggar and Richard Hollis
Beyond JEE: Finding Publication Venues to Get your Message to the ‘Right’ Audience, Amy S. Van Epps
Beyond the Article: Publishing Essential Content, Jake R. Carlson and Karen Estlund
Beyond the imperial walls, Tiffany Chiang
Biaxial shear/tension failure criteria of spectra single fibers, Jianzhuo Sun
Bibliography for the Study of Phillip Roth's Works, Gustavo Sánchez-Canales and Victoria Aarons
Bibliometric Services in Research Evaluation: A New Task Area Strengthening the Jurisdiction of Academic Librarians, Sabrina Petersohn
Bicistronic and fused monocistronic transcripts are derived from adjacent loci in the Arabidopsis genome, Jyothi Thimmapuram, Hui Duan, Lei Liu, and Mary A. Schuler
Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities: Bike/Ped Planning as Part of the Context Sensitive Solutions for US 31 Hamilton County Major Moves Project, Dawn Kroh and Scott Minor
Binary classification with adiabatic quantum optimization, Vasil S Denchev
Binding of an Indenoisoquinoline to the Topoisomerase-DNA Complex Induces Reduction of Linker Mobility and Strengthening of Protein-DNA Interaction., Giordano Mancini, Ilda D'Annessa, Andrea Coletta, Giovanni Chillemi, Yves Pommier, Mark S. Cushman, and Alessandro Desideri
Bioaccessibility and tissue distribution of carotenoids and vitamin D from fortified foods, Tristan E Lipkie
Bioarchaeology of the everyday: Analysis of activity patterns and diet in the Nile Valley, Sarah A Schrader
Biochar and vermicompost amendments in vegetable cropping systems:Impacts on soil quality, soil-borne pathogens and crop productivity, Nathan L Shoaf
BioDynamic Imaging of living tissue, Ran An
Bioinformatics Research in the Asia Pacific: A 2007 Update, Shoba Ranganathan, Michael Gribskov, and Tin Wee Tan
Bio-inspired Helicoidal Composites: 3D Printing and Experiments, Michael E. Jones, Pablo Zavattieri, and Nobphadon Suksangpanya
Biological cells adhesion mediated by receptors–ligands binding, Ben Nadler
Biological ferroelectricity – phenomena, mechanism, and implications, Jiangyu Li
Biological Implications of Satellite Cells for Scaffold-based Muscle Regenerative Engineering, Maggie R. Del Ponte, Charter Chain, Meng Deng Dr., Feng Yue Dr., and Shihuan Kuang Dr.
Biomass production and hydrological/water quality impacts of perennial crop production on marginal land, Qingyu Feng
Biomass Production and Hydrological/Water Quality Impacts of Perennial Crop Production on Marginal Land, Qingyu Feng
Biomechanical comparison of fatigue and load-bearing -performance of elastic stable intramedullary nailing, Leopold Berger, Andreas Kolbitsch, Stefan Fischerauer, Christoph Castellani, and Annelie Weinberg
Biomechanics and relaxivity for functional imaging of articular cartilage injury and degradation, Kateri Elizabeth Fites
Biophysical studies of cholesterol in unsaturated phospholipid model membranes, Justin Adam Williams
Birck Nanotechnology Center Technical Overview, Purdue University Office of Research and Partnerships and Ron Reger
Bistability Versus Bimodal Distributions in Gene Regulatory Processes From Population Balance., Che-Chi Shu, Anushree Chatterjee, Gary Dunny, Wei-Shou Hu, and Doraiswami Ramkrishna
Bitter Coffee and Watered-Down Bourbon: Lessons for Libraries from Chase and Sanborn Coffee and Maker’s Mark, Corey Seeman
Biz of Acq -- Acquisitions and the Digital Repository, Steven Douglas and Michelle Flinchbaugh
Biz of Acq -- Am I Still Selecting?, Keith Cochran and Michelle Flinchbaugh
Biz of Acq -- Byte 181 or, Sweating the Small Stuff, Caroline Norton and Michelle Flinchbaugh
Biz of Acq -- Collecting in the Cloud, Korey Brunetti, Lori Townsend, and Michelle Flinchbaugh
Biz of Acq -- Constant Change in Acquisitions, Amy Faltinek
Biz of Acq-How Do You Eat an Elephant? Or eContent and the Future of the Academic Book Vendor, Michael Zeoli and Michelle Flinchbaugh
Biz of Acq -- Millions from eBooks!, Michael Zeoli and Michelle Flinchbaugh
Biz of Acq -- Serials Departments Aren't What They Used to Be: Providing Public Service to Users from Behind the Scenes, Denise M. Branch and Michelle Flinchbaugh
Biz of Acq -- The Getting It System Toolkit (GIST) and Changing Workflow in Acquisitions and Collection Development, Kate Pitcher and Michelle Flinchbaugh
Biz of Acq -- Video Streaming Services at Indiana University Bloomington, Jo McClamroch, Monique Threatt, and Michelle Flinchbaugh
Biz of Acq -- Where's the Backlog?, Kim Wallis, Mary Dolan, and Michelle Flinchbaugh
Biz of Acq-Where's Web?, Aline Soules and Michelle Flinchbaugh
Biz of Acq-Workflow in Paradise: eBooks, Acquisitions and Cataloging, Antje Mays
Blade performance analysis and design improvement of a small wind turbine for rural areas, Veronica Cabanillas Sanchez
Blanchot's "Impossible" Kafka, Antoine J. Polgar
Blast energy mitigation in porous rocks, Brittany C Essink
Boiling Heat Transfer and Flow Regimes in Microchannels – a Comprehensive Understanding, T. Harirchian and S V. Garimella
Booklover -- Africa, Donna Jacobs
Booklover-Age of Iron, Donna Jacobs
Booklover -- First and French, Donna Jacobs
Booklover -- Politics & Religion, Donna Jacobs
Booklover -- Road Trip, Donna Jacobs
Booklover -- Sea, Donna Jacobs
Booklover -- Sheep, Donna Jacobs
Booklover -- Simple Letters, Donna Jacobs
Booklover-Sustainability, Donna Jacobs
Booklover-Writing, Donna Jacobs
Book Review: Between the “Mysticism of Politics” and the “Politics of Mysticism”, Brendan Purcell
Book Review: Colin Koopman, Pragmatism as Transition: Historicity and Hope in James, Dewey and Rorty, Erin C. Tarver
Book Review: John McGowan, Pragmatist Politics: Making the Case for Liberal Democracy, Christopher Voparil
Book Review: Omar Swartz (Ed.), Communication and Creative Democracy: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Susan Dieleman
Book Review: Paul Fairfield, Education After Dewey, Jeremiah Dyehouse
Book Reviews -- Monographic Musings, Debbie Vaughn
Book Reviews -- Monographic Musings, Debbie Vaughn
Book Reviews -- Monographic Musings, Debbie Vaughn
Book Reviews -- Monographic Musings, Debbie Vaughn
Book Reviews -- Monographic Musings, Debbie Vaughn
Book Reviews -- Monographic Musings, Debbie Vaughn
Book Reviews -- Monographic Musings, Debbie Vaughn
Book Reviews -- Monographic Musings, Debbie Vaughn
Book Reviews -- Monographic Musings, Debbie Vaughn
Book Reviews-Monographic Musings, Debbie Vaughn
Book Reviews-Monographic Musings, Debbie Vaughn
Book Reviews-Monographic Musings, Debbie Vaughn
Book Review: Walking Together, John T. Pawlikowski
Box Culvert Design, John Susong, Josh Beakley, and Steve Smart
Brain bioavailability of polyphenols: Implications for delivery of brain health benefits, Tzu-Ying Chen
Branched nanowire arrays as bulk-like thermoelectric materials, Yuefeng Wang
Breakthrough of sub-Saharan Africa's agricultural production in the 21st century: The role of foreign aid, Jiangyi Qian
Bridging the omega-3 gap: The disparity between actual and target intakes of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) in children, Lyndsey Rae Herdzina-Huss
Brief Introduction to the DIL Project Video, Jake Carlson
@Brunning: People & Technology, Dennis Brunning
@Brunning: People & Technology -- At the Only Edge that Means Anything / How We Understand What We Do, Dennis Brunning
@Brunning: People & Technology: At the Only Edge that Means Anything / How We Understand What We Do, Dennis Brunning
@Brunning: People & Technology: At the only Edge that Means Anything / How We Understand What We Do, Dennis Brunning
@Brunning: People & Technology: At the Only Edge that Means Anything / How We Understand What We Do, Dennis Brunning
@Brunning: People & Technology: At the Only Edge that Means Anything / How We Understand What We Do, Dennis Brunning
@Brunning: People & Technology: At the Only Edge that Means Anything / How We Understand What We Do, Dennis Brunning
@Brunning: People & Technology: At the Only Edge that Means Anything / How We Understand What We Do, Dennis Brunning
@Brunning: People & Technology: At the only Edge that Means Anything/How We Understand What We Do, Dennis Brunning
Buckling of stiff thin film on a prestrained bilayer substrate, Huanyu Cheng and Yonggang Huang
Building access control policy model for Privacy Preserving and Testing Policy Conflicting Problems, Elisa Bertino, Hua Wang, and Lili Sun
Building a Framework for Indiana Geospatial Education, Benjamin D. Branch and Kathy L. Kozenski
Building airflow simulations with fast fluid dynamics, Mingang Jin
Building and Maintaining Knowledge Bases for Open URL Link Resolvers -- Processes, Procedures, and Challenges, Christine Stohn, Sherrard Ewing, Sheri Meares, and Paul Moss
Building Library Collections in the 21st Century-Acquisitions Departments as Whirling Dervishes, Arlene Moore Sievers-Hill
Building Library Collections in the 21st Century-How Goes the Book Approval Plan in the Days of the ebook?, Arlene Moore Sievers-Hill
Building Library Collections in the 21st Century -- It's 1066 All Over Again; The eBook Invaders Have Won., Arlene Moore Sievers-Hill
Building Library Collections in the 21st Century -- Making Hay While the Sun Shines, or Being Laid up When the Snow Falls, Arlene Moore Sievers-Hill
Building Library Collections in the 21st Century-The Finer Points of Being an Acquisitions Librarian/Library Liaison, Arlene Moore Sievers-Hill
Building Library Collections in the 21st Century -- There's Gold in Them There Shelves, Arlene Moore Sievers-Hill
Building Predictive Chemistry Models, Christopher Browne, Nicolas Onofrio, and Alejandro Strachan
Building Resilience in a Major City Evacuation Plan Using Simulation Modeling, Adam Kirby, James Eric Dietz, Eric Matson, Joseph Pekny, and Clifford Wojtalewicz
Building Sustainable Libraries Preliminary Survey Results, Justin Miller
Building Transportation and the Economy, Ernie Perry and Teresa Adams
Bulk-Like Laminated Nitride Metal/Semiconductor Superlattices for Thermoelectric Devices, Jeremy L. Schroeder, David A. Ewoldt, Reja Amatya, Rajeev J. Ram, Ali Shakouri, and Timothy D. Sands
“Buoyancy” in granular medium: how deep can an object sink in sand?, Qingfan Shi, Ram Chand, Sithi Vinayakam Muniandy, and Kunquan Lu
Business and Financial Management and Audit Control for Large Research Proposals, Purdue University Office of Research and Partnerships
Business Language Studies and Study Abroad in “A Changed World”, Deb S. Reisinger
Buy America and Utilities Federal Law and FHWA Policy, Ken Leuderalbert and Kenny Franklin
C1-continuous spectral elements and time integration algorithms, Lichen Ni
Cabeza de Tehuana: Tehuantepec: The Theoretical Conservation of a Distressed Diego Rivera Painting, Clair Emma Smith
Calcium and Vitamin D Increase mRNA Levels for the Growth Control hIK1 Channel in Human Epidermal Keratinocytes but Functional Channels are Not Observed., Vlasios Manaves, Wuxuan Qin, Amy L. Bauer, Sandra S. Rossie, Masakazu Kobayashi, and Stanley G. Rane
Call for Special Issue Proposals, Krista Glazewski
Cancer Prevention Interdisciplinary Education Program at Purdue University: Overview and Preliminary Results, D. Teegarden, Ji-Yeon Lee, Omolola A. Adedokun, Amy Childress, Loran C. Parker, Wilella D. Burgess, Julie Nagel, Deborah W. Knapp, Sophie A. Lelievre, Christopher Agnew, Cleveland G. Shields, James F. Leary, Robin Adams, and Jakob D. Jensen
Can Current Moisture Responses Predict Soil CO2 Efflux Under Altered Precipitation Regimes? A Synthesis of Manipulation Experiments, S Vicca, M Bahn, M Estiarte, E.E. van Loon, R Vargas, G Alberti, P Ambus, M.A. Arain, C Beier, L.P. Bentley, W Borken, N Buchmann, S.L. Collins, G de Dato, Jeffrey S. Dukes, C Escolar, P Fay, G Guidolotti, P.J. Hanson, A Kahmen, G Kröel-Dulay, T Ladreiter-Knauss, K.S. Larsen, E Lellei-Kovacs, E Lebrija-Trejos, F.T. Maestre, S Marhan, M Marshall, P Meir, Y Miao, J Muhr, P.A. Niklaus, R Ogaya, J Peñuelas, C Poll, L.E. Rustad, K Savage, A Schindlbacher, I.K. Schmidt, A.R. Smith, E.D. Sotta, V Suseela, A Tietema, N van Gestel, O van Straaten, S Wan, U Weber, and I.A. Janssens
Canonical Wnt Signaling Induces BMP-4 to Specify Slow Myofibrogenesis of Fetal Myoblasts, Kazuki Kuroda, Shihuan Kuang, Makoto M. Taketo, and Michael A. Rudnicki
Capsaicin supplemented feed and its effects on stress modulation in Nile tilapia and Coho salmon, Paul D McCain
Carbon-based nanostructured surfaces for enhanced phase-change cooling, Arun Selvaraj Kousalya
Career intentions of international master students in hospitality and tourism management, Wenjun Li
Caring for aging parents: The influence of family coping, spirituality/religiosity, and hope on the marital satisfaction of family caregivers, Jennie L Sawyer
Case assignment in typically developing English-speaking children: A paired priming study, Lisa Marie Wisman Weil
Case History S.R. 237 in Perry County, Indiana, Malek Smadi and Joey Franzino
Cases of Note -- Copyright: Chain of Title -- Talkartoon Betty, Bruce Strauch
Cases of Note -- Copyright: First Sale Doctrine -- Mountains From Molehills, Bruce Strauch
Cases of Note -- Copyright: Flunking the Incredibly Low Feist Test, Bruce Strauch
Cases of Note -- Copyright: Right to Publicity -- SLAPP and Anti-SLAPP, Bruce Strauch
Cases of Note -- Copyright: Situs of Injury for Intellectual Property Infringement -- Who the Heck Knows?, Bruce Strauch
Cases of Note-Copyright-Those Dreaded Statutory Damages, Bruce Strauch, Bryan M. Carson, and Jack M. Montgomery
Cases of Note -- Copyright v. Implied Contract, Bruce Strauch
Cases of Note-Lanham Act and Jurisdiction, Bruce Strauch
Cases of Note -- Trademark: If It Quacks Like a DUKW..., Bruce Strauch
Caste- and Development-Associated Gene Expression in a Lower Termite., Michael E. Scharf, Dancia Wu-Scharf, Barry R. Pittendrigh, and Gary W. Bennett
Catalysis in Petroleum Coking, Robert Khakimov, Anya Heinimann, Enrico Martinez, and Hyun-Tae Hwang
Catalytic conversion of chlorite to chlorine dioxide using water-soluble heme and non-heme manganese complexes, Scott D Hicks
Catastrophic Response and Disaster Recovery: An Industry Panel on Best Practices, G Pete Consigli
Catechin stability in powder and solution systems, Na Li
Cavitation in rubber: an elastic instability or a fracture phenomenon?, Victor Lefevre, Oscar Lopez-Pamies, and Krishnaswamy Ravi-Chandar
Cdc5 Influences Phosphorylation of Net1 and Disassembly of the RENT Complex., Wenying Shou, Ramzi Azzam, Susan L. Chen, Michael J. Huddleston, Christopher Baskerville, Harry Charbonneau, Rolan S. Annan, Steve A. Carr, and Raymond J. Deshaies
CDM modeling for corrosion–fatigue life prediction of aluminum alloys, Mehdi Amiri
CEE and Life as an English Educator, Janet Alsup
Cellphone Camera Imaging of a Periodically Patterned Chip as a Potential Method for Point-of-Care Diagnostics, Ritu Gupta, Ronald G. Reifenberger, and Giridhar U. Kulkarni
Cells as strain-cued automata, Brian Cox
Cellular Expression of Smarca4 (Brg1)-Regulated Genes in Zebrafish Retinas, Monica R. Hensley, Farida Emran, Sylvia Bonilla, Liyun Zhang, Wenxuan Zhong, Paul Grosu, John E. Dowling, and Yuk Fai Leung
Cellular Uptake of Drug Nanocrystals, Alexandra R. Seybold, Tonglei Li, and Yan Chen
Cell uptake of one-dimensional nanomaterials, Xin Yi
Centering Our Stories: Applying Spatial Metaphors to Writing Center Publicity, Stacy O. Nall
Cercle et Carré, and Seuphor's Partaking in Revival of Geometric Abstraction, Catherine Dossin
Certified Roads, GIS and HPMS Attribution, Eric Conklin and Paul McBride
Cervantes and the World's Literatures: A Book Review Article on Hagedorn's Don Quixote Volumes, José Manuel Lucía Megías
Cervantes' heritage in Latin America: A reading of Machado de Assis' and Jorge Luis Borges' Cervantine literature, Paulo Roberto de Souza Dutra
CFD-Based Correlation Development For Air Side Performance Of Finned And Finless Tube Heat Exchangers With Small Diameter Tubes, Daniel Bacellar, Vikrant Aute, and Reinhard Radermacher
CFD modeling of biomedical and mechanical systems involving rotating machinery, Bryan W Reuter
CGT 256: User-Centered (Re)Design, Mihaela Vorvoreanu
Ch. 10 Resources: Life Beyond Graduate School, Mark J.T. Smith
Ch. 1 Resources: Locating and Securing Funding, Mark J.T. Smith
Ch. 2 Resources: The First Year of Graduate School: Navigating the Hurdles, Mark J.T. Smith
Ch. 3 Resources: Choosing a Thesis Advisor: Surprise and Success, Mark J.T. Smith
Ch. 4 Resources: Choosing a Thesis Advisor: Familiar Paths and Unexpected Curves, Mark J.T. Smith
Ch. 5 Resources: Working with Committee Members, Mark J.T. Smith
Ch. 6 Resources: Balancing Graduate School and Family, Mark J.T. Smith
Ch. 7 Resources: Collaborative Research, Mark J.T. Smith
Ch. 8 Resources: Graduate Student Support Programs, Mark J.T. Smith
Ch. 9 Resources: Publishing While Completing the PhD, Mark J.T. Smith
Challenges and Opportunities for Federal Depository Libraries in the Digital Age, Judith C. Russell
Challenges and Possibilities for World Literature, Global Literature, and Translation, Kathleen Shields
Challenges Predicting Ligand-Receptor Interactions of Promiscuous Proteins: The Nuclear Receptor PXR., Sean Ekins, Sandhya Kortagere, Manisha Iyer, Erica J. Reschly, Markus A. Lill, Matthew R. Redinbo, and Matthew D. Krasowski
Chances and Limitations of a Hybrid Refrigerant System for Vehicle Air Conditioning, Ullrich Hesse
Change Management in Libraries: An Essential Competency for Leadership, Catherine B. Soehner
Change Orders Related to Geotechnical Engineering, Athar Khan
Changes in the Acquisition Process at NTNU University Library, Rune Brandshaug
Changing Operations of Academic Libraries, Allen McKiel, Jim Dooley, and Robert Murdoch
Chaotic signals for digital communication, Ghobad Heidari-Bateni
Characteristics and practices that may lead to Listeria monocytogenes contamination in retail delis, Jingjin Wang
Characteristics of fibrous tissue at high rates of tensile loading, Benjamin J Claus
Characterization, analysis and simulation of Electro Magnetic Interference (EMI) in HVAC motors, Sathwik Madishetti
Characterization and delivery of localized antithrombotics for treatment of restenosis, Rebecca A Scott
Characterization and identification of Phytophthora resistance in soybean, Feng Lin
Characterization and mapping of buoyant river plumes in southern Lake Michigan, Emily Grimm
Characterization and modeling of materials used in improvised explosive devices, Jelena Paripovic
Characterization and modeling of variability and reliability in CMOS/poly-Si technology, Soo Youn Kim
Characterization of adult plant resistance in the maize-Cochliobolus carbonum race 1 pathosystem revealed a close connection between plant immunity and metabolism, Sandeep Reddy Marla
Characterization of a fatty acid elongase condensing enzyme by site-directed mutagenesis and biochemical analysis, Selene Hernandez Buquer
Characterization of cax-ck31, a bacterial calcium/proton, Marc Robert Ridilla
Characterization of fractures subjected to normal and shear stress, Min-Kwang Choi
Characterization of grain boundary deformation processes in commercial purity titanium using nanoindentation and crystal plasticity modeling, Yang Su, Thomas Bieler, Philip Eisenlohr, Martin Crimp, Claudio Zambaldi, and David Mercier
Characterization of head impacts, neurocognitive testing, and helmet force attenuation in collegiate football players, Katherine M Breedlove
Characterization of heat and mass transport in magnesium hydride hydrogen storage systems, Jennifer Dadson
Characterization of Heat and Mass Transport in Magnesium Hydride Hydrogen Storage Systems, Jennifer Anne Dadson
Characterization of lignins isolated from liquid hot water pretreated hardwood, Ja Kyong Ko
Characterization of Mechanical Properties Displayed in Body Armor Ballistic Fibers, Dawei Li, Matthew Hudspeth, and Weinong Wayne Chen
Characterization of microstructural effects on small fatigue crack growth mechanisms in Ti-6242S, Jason Geathers, J Wayne Jones, and Samantha Daly
Characterization of Non-Host Resistance in Broad Bean to the Wheat Stripe Rust Pathogen., Yulin Cheng, Hongchang Zhang, Juanni Yao, Xiaojie Wang, Jin-Rong Xu, Qingmei Han, Guorong Wei, Lili Huang, and Zhensheng Kang
Characterization of oxidative aging in asphalt concrete using a noncollinear ultrasonic wave mixing approach, Henrique Reis, Megan McGovern, and William Buttlar
Characterization of protein-protein interactions mediated by the second exon of the varicella-zoster virus ORF45/42 terminase subunit, Elizabeth A Syster-Clevenger
Characterization of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Protein Ser/Thr Phosphatase T1 and Comparison to its Mammalian Homolog PP5., Jee-Yeong Jeong, Jeremiah Johns, Christopher Sinclair, Jung-Min Park, and Sandra S. Rossie
Characterization of "savory" aroma compounds in aged red wines via gas chromatography-olfactometry and descriptive analysis, Alyssa Mae Beatty
Characterization of Surface Proteins of Cronobacter Muytjensii Using Monoclonal Antibodies and MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry, Ziad W. Jaradat, Abrar M. Rashdan, Qotaiba O. Ababneh, Saied A. Jaradat, and Arun K. Bhunia
Characterization of Swelling Ratio and Water Content of Hydrogels for Cartilage Engineering Applications, Emily E. Gill, Renay S.-C. Su, and Julie C. Liu
Characterization of the human cytoplasmic protein tyrosine phosphatases in breast cancer and the crystallographic analysis of an ENTH domain from yeast epsin Ent2, Gregory Thomas Costakes
Characterization of thermal and mechanical properties of porous material for electronic cooling applications, Ninad T Trifale
Characterization of the S-adenosyl-L-methionine (SAM) binding domain of the yeast isoprenylcysteine carboxyl methyltransferase, Ste14p, Amanda R Logue
Characterization of the specificity and functions of the protein phosphatase Cdc14, Christie L Eissler
Characterizing habituation using the time-on-task metric in an iris recognition system, Jacob Andrew Hasselgren
Characterizing New Calibration Sources in Liquid Xenon Dark Matter Searches, Evan P. Bray, Rafael Lang, and Sean MacMullin
Characterizing Reliability of Manual Intersection Turning Movement Counts Using Modern Data Collection Technology, Gary Shoup, Steve M. Remias, Alexander M. Hainen, Gannon Grimmer, and Alexander D. Davis
Characterizing software components using evolutionary testing and path-guided analysis, Scott Edward McNeany
Characterizing the elastic property distribution of soft materials nondestructively, Sevan Goenezen and Yue Mei
Characterizing the intra-warp address distribution and bandwidth demands of GPGPUs, Calvin R Holic
Characterizing the Pore Structure of Carbonated Natural Wollastonite, Chiara Villani, Robert Spragg, Raikhan Tokpatayeva, Jan Olek, and W. Jason Weiss
Characterizing the viscoelastic stiffness and damping of ferroelectrics during electric field cycling: experiments and modeling, Charles Wojnar, Jean-Briac le Graverend, and Dennis Kochmann
Charleston Conference 2010: Issues in Book and Serial Acquisition
Charleston Observatory and the Global Library, Allen McKiel Ph.D.
Chemical Compatibility of High-Performance Engineering Thermoplastics in Compressor Environments, Vandita Pai-Paranjape
Chemical consequences of Chicxulub impact ejecta reentry, Devon Parkos
Chemical derivatization of biomolecules and biomolecular ions to access new dissociation pathways in the gas phase, William M McGee
Chemically-mediated host colonization and mating behavior of bark and ambrosia beetles (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) affecting native hardwoods, Nicole R VanDerLaan
Chemical Restoration of Damaged Hard Drives, Brian Curnett, Talin Darian, Kevin Wojcik, and Sean McCarthy
Chemoenvironmental modulators of single-cell fluidity and stiffness, John Maloney and Krystyn Van Vliet
Chemometrics applied to the discrimination of synthetic fibers by microspectrophotometry, Eric Jonathan Reichard
Chemo-thermo-mechanics of ion-transport ceramic membranes, Claudio Di Leo and Lallit Anand
Chevy in the Hole, Kelsey J Ronan
Chiara Lubich and the Theology of Jesus: The Trinity as Place, Method, and Object of Thinking, Piero Coda
Chicana Rhetoric, Community and Professional Writing Studies, Kendall Leon
Child Care for Working Poor Families: Child Development and Parent Employment Outcomes, James Elicker
Child nutrition, agricultural production and satellite remotely sensed images: Exploring linkages in nepal, Celeste Sununtnasuk
China's Nine-Dashed Map: Maritime Source of Geopolitical Tension, Bert Chapman
Chinese hotel general managers' perspectives on energy-saving practices, Yidan Zhu
Chlorine dioxide gas treatment of cantaloupe and residue analysis, Simran Kaur
Chlorine Dioxide Gas Treatment of Cantaloupe and Residue Analysis, Simran Kaur
Chronic airway inflammation in the horse: The role of environmental exposure, Kathleen Marie Ivester
Chronic brain stimulation using Micro-ECoG devices, Hayden C. Carney, Roy Lycke, Kevin J. Otto, Amelia A. Schendel, and Justin Williams
Chronic Proliferative Dermatitis in Sharpin Null Mice: Development of an Autoinflammatory Disease in the Absence of B and T Lymphocytes and IL4/IL13 Signaling., Christopher S. Potter, Zhe Wang, Kathleen A. Silva, Victoria E. Kennedy, Timothy M. Stearns, Lisa Burzenski, Leonard D. Shultz, Harm HogenEsch, and John P. Sundberg
Chronological and Pedagogical Analysis of Global Real-time Assessment Tool for Teaching Enhancement (G-RATE), Syafiah Mahfuzah Johari, Monica Cox, and Nikitha Sambamurthy
CIC AGEP Post Doctoral Mentoring, Mark Smith
Circuits and systems for hybrid inter- and intra-chip interconnects, Hsin-Lin Julia Lu
Citizenship, legitimacy, whiteness, and respectability: Mexican and Puerto Rican demands for recognition and rights in the Midwest, 1920-1980, Heather A Akin
Clark Ashton Smith's new noise: New aesthetics for the real people, Eric M Orzechowicz
Classical string solutions in the AdS/CFT correspondence, Andrew W Irrgang
Classifying the mechanisms of electrochemical shock in ion-intercalation materials, William Woodford, W. Craig Carter, and Yet-Ming Chiang
Clausal complements to attitude predicates cross-linguistically: Being glad about what you thought you knew, Eric Anthony Follett
CLCWeb Best Practices, Steven Tötösy de Zepetnek
Climate change in Malawi: Household level impacts and adaptations, Aaron Matthew Cook
Climate change in Native American communities: Challenges of comprehension, context, & communication, Patrick A Freeland
Cloning, Annotation and Developmental Expression of the Chicken Intestinal MUC2 Gene., Zhengyu Jiang, Todd J. Applegate, and Amy C. Lossie
Closed-form solutions for bonded elasticallycompressible layers, Nanshu Lu
Cloud computing in nanoHUB powering education and research, Tanya Faltens
Cloud computing in nanoHUB powering education and research, Alejandro Strachan
Cloud computing in nanoHUB powering education and research, Krishna Madhavan
Cloud computing in nanoHUB powering education and research, Marisol Koslowski, A. Strachan, M Hunt, and Lei Cao
Cloud computing in nanoHUB powering education and research, Benjamin Haley
Cloud computing in nanoHUB powering education and research, Alina A. Alexeenko
Cloud computing in nanoHUB powering education and research, Arvind Raman
Cloud computing in nanoHUB powering education and research, R. Edwin García
Cloud computing in nanoHUB powering education and research, Ellad Tadmor, Ryan Elliott, and Ronald Miller
Cloud computing in nanoHUB powering education and research, Michael McLennan
Cloud computing in nanoHUB powering education and research, Gerhard Klimeck
Cloud-radiative and microphysical impacts from precipitating hydrometeors in South Asian summer monsoon, Wanchen Wu
Cloud Services: Developing An Integrated Strategy for Faculty Support, Constance A. Harris, Gregory W. Hedrick, and Akesha Horton
Cloud to cloud registration for 3D point data, Darion Shawn Grant
CO2 Sequestration in Cement-Based Materials During Mixing Process Using Carbonated Water and Gaseous CO2, Jacek Kwasny, P. A. Muhammed Basheer, Mark I. Russell, William Doherty, Kieran Owens, and Neil Ward
Coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulation of thermal and mechanical behaviors of rocksalt, Zhen Zhang, Jiaoyan Li, and James Lee
Coarse-grained simulation of recovery in thermally activated shape-memory polymers, Brendan Abberton, Wing Kam Liu, and Sinan Keten
Coarse-grained simulations of material shock compression: interplay between mechanics, thermals, and chemistry, Edwin Antillon
Coarse-Graining KS-DFT, Mauricio Ponga, Michael Ortiz, and Kaushik Bhattacharya
Coarse grain model for coupled thermo-mechano-chemical processes and its application to pressure-induced endothermic chemical reactions, Edwin Antillon, Kiettipong Banlusan, and Alejandro Strachan
Coastal Defenses, U.S., Bert Chapman
Co-Creating a Research Landscaping and Visualization Service for Aalto University Library, Johanna Bragge, Heli Yamaguchi, and Anne Sunikka
Co-Design of Multi-Band High-Efficiency Power Amplifier and Three-Pole High-Q Tunable Filter, Kenle Chen, Tsung-Chieh Lee, and Dimitrios Peroulis
Coherent antistokes Raman scattering diagnostics of plasma in synthesis of graphene-based materials, Robert Lucht, Alfredo Tuesta, Aizaz Bhuiyan, and Timothy Fisher
Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Scattering Imaging of Lipids in Cancer Metastasis., Thuc T. Le, Terry B. Huff, and Ji-Xin Cheng
Cohesive fracture simulations on polygonal finite element meshes, Joe Bishop and N. Sukumar
Cold atmospheric plasma modified nanocomposite cartilage scaffold, Wei Zhu
Cold climate field test analysis of an air-source heat pump with two-stage compression and economizing, Stephen Lance Caskey
Cold Climate Field Test Analysis of an Air-Source Heat Pump with Two-Stage Compression and Economizing, Stephen Lance Caskey
Collaboration Success in the Dataverse Libraries as Digital Humanities Research Partners, Sue Owen, Deb Verhoeven, Anne Horn, and Sabina Robertson
Collaborators in Course Design: A Librarian and Publisher at the Intersection of Information Literacy & Scholarly Communication, Catherine Fraser Riehle
Collecting to the Core -- Financial Crises, Peter Z. McKay and Anne Doherty
Collecting to the Core -- Nature Field Guides, Flora G. Shrode and Anne Doherty
Collecting to the Core -- The Greco-Persian Wars, Fred W. Jenkins and Anne Doherty
Collecting to the Core -- Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism, Marcus Elmore and Anne Doherty
Collecting to the Core -- Urban Studies, Janice Matthews and Anne Doherty
Collecting to the Core -- Visual Arts, Edward H. Teague and Anne Doherty
Collection Assessment: A Dubious Investment, Cindy Craig
Collection Development and Sustainability at the University of Florida, Merliyn Burke
Collection Development in the Context of Research Data, Michael Witt, Courtney Earl Matthews, Nastasha Johnson, Amy Barton, Charlotte Erdmann, and Marianne Stowell Bracke
Collection Development Policies for the Twenty-First-Century Academic Library: Creating a New Model, Steve Alleman and Daniel C. Mack
Collection Management and Sistainability in the Digital Age: Chasing the Holy Grail, Tony Horava
Collections Are for Collisions: Let Us Design It into the Experience, Steven J. Bell
Collective Collection Building and DDA, Kerry Scott, Jim Dooley, and Martha Hruska
Collective nature of plasticity in mediating phase transformation under shock compression, Turab Lookman
Collective nature of plasticity in mediating phase transformation under shock compression, Xiangdong Ding
College students and seasonal flu vaccination intent: Comparing the health belief model and the theory of planned behavior, Jessica R McKinley
Column replacement algorithms and under-determined linear systems, Zhengbo Zhu
Combined experimental–numerical investigation of ductile fracture toughness of high purity fine-grained nickel through small-size notched tensile specimens, Lukasz Farbaniec, Herve Couque, and Guy Dirras
Combined Rankin and Organic Rankin Cycles with Screw Expenders, Yan Tang
Combining Affymetrix Microarray Results., John R. Stevens and Rebecca W. Doerge
Combustion characteristics of SMX and SMX based propellants, David A Reese
Coming Out: Making the Virtual Library Visible in Today's World, Grace Saw and Janine Schmidt
Coming soon to a university near you: e-texts and e-textbooks, V Getis, G Morgan, and Pat Reid
Comminution of solids due to kinetic energy of high-rate shearing: impact, shock, and shale fracturing, Zdenek P Bazant, Yewang Su, Marco Salviato, and Ferhun Caner
Commitment, Theories and Typologies, Christopher Agnew
Committed to Oprah, Homer, or House: Using the Investment Model to Understand Parasocial Relationships, Sara E. Branch, Kari M. Wilson, and Christopher R. Agnew
Common Hydraulics Submittal Errors, Crystal Weaver
Communication and Collaboration Issues Between Educators and Parents, Blake Hurd
Communication behaviors, idealization, and relationship satisfaction in long distance dating relationships, Ozlem Kose
Community as client: Defining social design as a means of designing for good, Ryan Kough Gibboney
Community Involvement at an Elementary School: Cultural Differences and Their Effect on Education, Tanner Givens
Comparative Analysis of Fungal Genomes Reveals Different Plant Cell Wall Degrading Capacity in Fungi, Zhongtao Zhao, Huiquan Liu, Chenfang Wang, and Jin-Rong Xu
Comparative Analysis of the Genomes of Two Field Isolates of the Rice Blast Fungus Magnaporthe oryzae., Minfeng Xue, Jun Yang, Zhigang Li, Songnian Hu, Nan Yao, Ralph A. Dean, Wensheng Zhao, Mi Shen, Haiwang Zhang, Chao Li, Liyuan Liu, Lei Cao, Xiaowen Xu, Yunfei Xing, Tom Hsiang, Ziding Zhang, Jin-Rong Xu, and You-Liang Peng
Comparative analysis of the true profitability between genetic multiplication and terminal pig production, Nicholas H DeKryger
Comparative Analysis on Energy Consumption of Commercial Buildings Based on Sub-metered Data, Mingjin Guo, Jianjun Xia, Qi Shen, and Le Yang
Comparative Effects of Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) on Blood Pressure in Patients with Hypertension, Hisham Aljadhey, Wanzhu Tu, Richard A. Hansen, Susan J. Blalock, D Craig Brater, and Michael D. Murray
Comparative Literature, Ancient Rome, and the Crisis of Modern European History, Lucia Boldrini
Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies: A Book Review Article about Wang's Work, Tian Zhang
Comparative Literature, (Comparative) Cultural Studies, Aesthetic Education, and the Humanities, Sonja Stojmenska-Elzeser
Comparative Literature in Chinese: A Survey of Books Published 2000-2013, Miaomiao Wang
Comparative Study of Alkali-Activated Fly Ash Manufactured Under Pulsed Microwave Curing and Thermal Oven Curing, Shi Shi, Yun Bai, H. Li, D. L. Xu, and P. A. Muhammed Basheer
Comparative study of intersubband absorption in AlGaN/GaN and AlInN/GaN superlattices: Impact of material inhomogeneities, Collin C. Edmunds, Liang Tang, Mayra D. Cervantes, Mohammadali Shirazi, A. Grier, A. Valavanis, J. D. Cooper, Geoff C. Gardner, D. N. Zakharov, Z. Ikonic, D. Indjin, P. Harrison, Michael J. Manfra, and Onana Malis
Comparativist Imagology and the Phenomenon of Strangeness, Małgorzata Świderska
Compare and Contrast Major Nuclear Power Plant Disasters: Lessons Learned from the Past, Sayanti Mukhopadhyay, Makarand Hastak Dr., and Jessica Halligan
Comparing COP Optimization with Maximizing the Coefficient of System Performance for Refrigeration Systems in Supermarkets, Martin R. Braun, Stephen B. M. Beck, and Ha?im Altan
Comparing R1233zd And R245fa For Low Temperature ORC Applications, Bala V. Datla and Joost J. Brasz
Comparing Technology-supported Teacher Education Curricular Models for Enhancing Statistical Content Knowledge, Dionne Cross Francis, Rick Hudson, Crystal Vesperman, and Arnulfo Perez
Comparing the predictions of a non-Schmid crystal plasticity model with phenomenological hardening and dislocation density hardening rules for superconducting cavities used in particle accelerators, Aboozar Mapar, Thomas Bieler, and Farhang Pourboghrat
Comparing the temporal stability of self-report and interview assessed personality disorder., Douglas B. Samuel, Christopher J. Hopwood, Emily B. Ansell, Leslie C. Morey, Charles A. Sanislow, John C. Markowitz, Shirley Yen, M Tracie Shea, Andrew E. Skodol, and Carlos M. Grilo
Comparison and Contrast of Genes and Biological Pathways Responding to Marek’s Disease Virus Infection Using Allele-Specific Expression and Differential Expression in Broiler and Layer Chickens., Sudeep Perumbakkam, William M. Muir, Alexis Black-Pyrkosz, Ron Okimoto, and Hans H. Cheng
Comparison and Evaluation of a New Innovative Drive Concept for the Air Conditioning Compressor of Electric Vehicles, Joerg Aurich, Rico Baumgart, Christoph Danzer, and Jan Ackermann
Comparison and Generalization of R410A and R134a Distribution in the Microchannel Heat Exchanger with the Vertical Header, Yang Zou and Predrag S. Hrnjak
Comparison between HFC-134a and Alternative Refrigerants in Mobile Air Conditioners using the GREEN-MAC-LCCP© Model, Stella Papasavva and William Moomaw
Comparison of DNA Extraction Kits for PCR-DGGE Analysis of Human Intestinal Microbial Communities From Fecal Specimens, Merlin W. Ariefdjohan, Dennis A. Savaiano, and Cindy H. Nakatsu
Comparison of Engineers Australia Online Library Offerings with Services of Equivalent International Engineering Organisations, Elena Vvedenskaia
Comparison of genomic and proteomic data in recurrent airway obstruction affected horses using ingenuity pathway analysis, Julien Racine, Vinzenz Gerber, Marybeth Miskovic Feutz, C Paige Riley, Jiri Adamec, June E. Swinburne, and Laurent Couetil
Comparison of Linkage Disequilibrium and Haplotype Diversity on Macro- and Microchromosomes in Chicken., Hendrik-Jan Megens, Richard PMA Crooijmans, John WM Bastiaansen, Hindrik HD Kerstens, Albart Coster, Ruud Jalving, Addie Vereijken, Pradeepa Silva, William M. Muir, Hans H. Cheng, Olivier Hanotte, and Martien AM Groenen
Comparison of the Accuracy of Traffic Counting Devices, Rodrigo Netto de Souza and Laura Slusher ,P.E.
Comparison of Thermal and γ-photon Induced Degradation in Polylactic Acid for Potential as a Solid-State Radiation Detector, Nathan M. Boyle, Alex Bakken, and Rusi P. Taleyarkhan
Complete Genome Sequence of Mycoplasma suis and Insights into Its Biology and Adaption to an Erythrocyte Niche, Ana MS Guimaraes, Andrea P. Santos, Phillip SanMiguel, Thomas Walter, Jorge Timenetsky, and Joanne Messick
Complete Streets: The Columbus Experience, Peter Fritz and David Hayward
Complexity, Hybridity, and Comparative Literature, Marina Grishakova
Compliant, heterogeneously integrated micro-VCSELs, Jongseung Yoon
Composing the Party Line: Music and Politics in Early Cold War Poland and East Germany, David G. Tompkins
Composite propellant aluminum agglomeration reduction using tailored Al/PTFE particles, Travis R Sippel
Compositionality in vision and language, Siddharth Narayanaswamy
Composition, microstructure, and mechanical properties of Megalops atlanticus scales, Santiago Gil Duran, Ossa H., and Dwayne Arola
Comprehensive computational modeling of hypergolic propellant ignition, Swanand Sardeshmukh
Comprehensive Identification of Protein Substrates of the Dot/Icm Type IV Transporter of Legionella pneumophila., Wenhan Zhu, Simran Banga, Yunhao Tan, Cheng Zheng, Robert E. Stephenson, Jonathan Gately, and Zhao-Qing Luo
Compression of fibrin networks modeled as a foam, Prashant Purohit
Computational development of regulatory gene set networks for systems biology applications, Chayaporn Suphavilai
Computational homogenization of the debonding of rigid-particle reinforced elastomers: considering interphases, Daniel Spring and Glaucio Paulino
Computational modeling approach to predicting the shape and mechanical properties of DNA-based nanostructures, Do-Nyun Kim
Computational modeling of biomechanics: biological growth and morphogenesis, Jiaoyan Li, Lijie Zhang, and James Lee
Computational modeling of cell–cell interaction and multicell migration, Xiaowei Zeng
Computational modeling of dislocation evolution and strain hardening in deformed metals, Shengxu Xia and Anter El-Azab
Computational study of heterojunction graphene nanoribbon tunneling transistors with p-d orbital tight-binding method, Sung Geun Kim, Mathieu Luisier, Timothy B. Boykin, and Gerhard Klimeck
Computational synthesis and analysis of internal resonances in transverse vibrations of hyperelastic plates, Astitva Tripathi
Computational systems biology analysis of changes in gene regulation during Flaviviridae virus infection, Minming Li
Computational viewpoints of interaction between -nanoparticle and cell membrane, Liuyang Zhang and Xianqiao Wang
Computer modeling and simulation of implantable medical device heating due to MRI gradient coil fields, Bryan Stem
Computing stress intensity factors for curvilinear fractures, Adrian Lew
Computing third-order models of effective material behavior for polydisperse particulate composites using well-resolved higher order statistical descriptors, Andrew Gillman and Karel Matouš
Conceptual Changes to the Definition of Borderline Personality Disorder Proposed for DSM-5, Douglas B. Samuel, Joshua D. Miller, Thomas A. Widiger, Donald R. Lynam, Paul A. Pilkonis, and Samuel A. Ball
Conceptualizing community identity through ancient textiles: Technology and the uniformity of practice at Hualcayán, Peru, Marie Elizabeth Gravalos
Concise Handbook for Temporary Traffic Control, Indiana LTAP and Ohio Department of Transportation
Concrete Carbonation and Chloride Resistance Under Initial Hot Water Curing, Guo Li, Xiaoling L. Li, Rongrong R. Wei, Jianmin M. Du, and Xiaosuo S. Wu
Concrete Conductivity: Effects of temperature, saturation and air content, Parth Panchmatia, Jan Olek, Nancy Whiting, Mike Byers, and Tommy Nantung
Concrete Durability and the Value of Electrical Testing, Robert Spragg, Tommy Nantung, Tony Zander, and Jason Weiss
Concurrent Identity Training is not Necessary for Associative Symmetry in Successive Matching, Heloísa Cursi Campos, Peter J. Urcuioli, and Melissa Swisher
Concurrent topology optimization of structures and materials, Kai Liu
Condensation and Evaporation of R134a, R1234ze(E) and R1234ze(Z) Flow in Horizontal Microfin Tubes at Higher Temperature, Chieko Kondou, Fumiya Mishima, JinFan Liu, and Shigeru Koyama
Condensation and Evaporation of R744/R32/R1234ze(E) Flow in Horizontal Microfin Tubes, Chieko Kondou, Fumiya Mishima, JinFan Liu, and Shigeru Koyama
Conexiones: Fostering Socioscientific Inquiry in Graduate Teacher Preparation, Krista Glazewski, Michele I. Shuster PhD, Thomas Brush, and Andrea Ellis
Configurational optimization for optimal topological and fracture-resistant designs of solids, Hung-Yun Lin
Confined Jet Impingement with Boiling on a Variety of Enhanced Surfaces, M. Rau and S V. Garimella
Conjugate-directions meshes for cohesive element models: the three-dimensional case, Julian J. Rimoli, Alejandro Mota, James Foulk, and Jakob Ostien
Connecting Cultures Through Communication: A Speech Language and Hearing Science Journey, Megan O'Connell
Conscience's De Leeuw van Vlaanderen (The Lion of Flanders) and Its Adaptation to Film by Claus, Gertjan Willems
Conscientiousness and Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder, Douglas B. Samuel and Thomas A. Widiger
Conservation and the rural landowner: Understanding the human dimensions of environmental stewardship, Rebecca Perry-Hill
Conservative Evolution, Sustainability, and Culture, Gábor Náray-Szabó
Consideration of different hardening mechanisms in a higher-order crystal plasticity theory, Eduardo Bittencourt and Prabhat Agnihotri
Consistent Squeeze, Gary Geer
Constitutive modeling and characterization of nanocomposite hydrogel for blast resistant materials, Muhammed Imam and Trisha Sain
Constructing Patch-Based Ligand-Binding Pocket Database for Predicting Function of Proteins., Lee Sael and Daisuke Kihara
Constructing Representative Social Networks for Disease Simulation, Tao Yang and Mario Ventresca
Constructing Separating Halfspaces for Plane/Quadric and Quadric/Quadric Intersection, Christoph M. Hoffmann and Neelam Jasuja
Construction and demonstration of a tandem mass spectrometer based instrument for cold ion spectroscopy, James Gerhardt Redwine
Construction, characterization, and application of the bioluminescent bioreporter Pseudomonas fluorescens M3A, Phillip Robert Myer
Construction of a Bacterial Artificial Chromosome Library From the Spikemoss Selaginella moellendorffii: a New Resource for Plant Comparative Genomics., Wenming Wang, Milos Tanurdzic, Meizhong Luo, Nicholas Sisneros, Hye Ran Kim, Jing-Ke Weng, Dave Kudrna, Christopher Mueller, K Arumuganathan, John Carlson, Clint Chapple, Claude de Pamphilis, Dina Mandoli, Jeff Tomkins, Rod A. Wing, and Jo Ann Banks
Consumer perceptions of child-friendly shaped healthy fruit and vegetable snacks, Selena Lauren Baker
Consumers' attitudes towards nutrition labeling on food packages and in restaurants in China, Yindong Xu
Consumer's restaurant choices: How we trade-off quality and price, Jae Man Jung
Contemplating E-Scores: Open Ruminations on the E-Score, the Patron, the Library, and the Publisher, Lisa Hooper
Contending with foreign accent variability in early lexical acquisition., Rachel Schmale, George Hollich, and Amanda Seidl
Content analysis concerning state green lodging certification programs in the united states, Yue Yu
Content Analysis Regarding Faculty Perceptions of Data Information Literacy Skill Levels, Megan R. Sapp Nelson
Content, Services, and Space: The Future of the Library as Lines Blur, David Parker, Rick Anderson, Stephen Rhind-Tutt, Nancy Gibbs, and Heather Staines
Context based image analysis with application in dietary assessment and evaluation, Ye He
Contextualized measurement of self-efficacy and college students' perceived sources of self-efficacy in introductory plant science courses, Lisa Madalon Keefe
Continued progress towards efficient syntheses of cephalostatin North 1 analogs, Daniel P Jamieson
Continuous Analysis of Many Internet Connected Cameras, Seth Bontrager, Ahmed Kaseb, and Yung-Hsiang Lu
Continuous compressed sensing and its applications to communication, Mu-Sheng Lin
Continuum mechanics beyond the second law of thermodynamics, Martin Ostoja-Starzewski
Continuum modeling of size effects in dense granular flows: numerical solutions and comparison to experiments, David Henann and Ken Kamrin
Contribution to defining a geodetic reference frame for Africa (AFREF): Geodynamics implications, Elifuraha E Saria
Controlling errors and improving performance of transient simulations using multitime-step integration, Gregory Bunting, Arun Prakash, and Shirley Dyke
Controlling microstructure and texture in magnesium alloy sheet by shear-based deformation processing, Dinakar Sagapuram
Controlling protein release using biodegradable microparticles, Benjamin Patrick Kline
Control Method Of Circulating Refrigerant Amount For Heat Pump System, Jin Woo Yoo, Dong Ho Kim, Mo Se Kim, and Min Soo Kim
Control of impacting dynamical systems, Akhil Salunke
Control-theoretic decision support for mitigation of modeled software project cost overruns, Scott D Miller
Controversial Issue Instruction in Context: A Social Studies Education Response to the Problem of the Public, Thomas Misco
Coordinated Distributed Experiments: an Emerging Tool for Testing Global Hypotheses in Ecology and Environmental Science., Lauchlan H. Fraser, Hugh AL Henry, Cameron N. Carlyle, Shannon R. White, Carl Beierkuhnlein, James F. Cahill Jr, Brenda B. Casper, Elsa Cleland, Scott L. Collins, Jeffrey S. Dukes, Alan K. Knapp, Eric Lind, Ruijun Long, Yiqi Luo, Peter B. Reich, Melinda D. Smith, Marcelo Sternberg, and Roy Turkington
Coping with emotions during reintegration: An evaluation of service members' psychological health, Christina M Marini
Copper nanorod array assisted silicon waveguide polarization beam splitter, Sangsik Kim and Minghao Qi
Copyediting's Role in an Open-Access World, Sanford G. Thatcher
Core Journals in Library and Information Science: Developing a Methodology for Ranking LIS Journals, Judith M. Nixon
Corporate poetics and the Virginia Company of London, 1607-1655, Nicholas K Mohlmann
Correction: Comparative Analysis of Fungal Genomes Reveals Different Plant Cell Wall Degrading Capacity in Fungi, Zhongtao Zhao, Huiquan Liu, Chenfang Wang, and Jin-Rong Xu
Correlation Between Information Needs and the Library Collection: A Citation Analysis Study of Doctoral Theses at Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina Library, Maria Bernardete Martin Alves, Karyn Munyk Lehmkuhl, Liliane Vieira Pinheiro, and Dirce Maris Nunes da Silva
Correlation of biomass quality using htp assay to enzymatic hydrolysis and micropyrolysis products and the importance to the biofuel industry, Kyle Andrew Vester
Cosmogenic beryllium cycling in a natural forest setting, Grace Conyers
Cosmogenic Radionuclides In Ice Cores From West Antarctica, Zhijie Chen, Thomas Edward Woodruff, and Marc W. Caffee
Cost- and Energy-Efficient (LED, Induction and Plasma) Roadway Lighting, Shuo Li, Yi Jiang, Bowen Guan, Guangyuan Zhao, and Aaron Thompson
Cost-effective and accurate protein quantification for large-scale targeted proteomics, Ching-Yun Chang
Costs and Revenues Associated With Overweight Trucks in Indiana, Anwaar Ahmed, Bismark R. D. K. Agbelie, Steven Lavrenz, Michael Keefer, Samuel Labi, and Kumares C. Sinha
Coupled Eulerian–Lagrangian extended finite element approach to simulating the mechanics and growth of biofilm, cells, and tissues, Ravindra Duddu, Anup Aryal, Louis Foucard, and Franck Vernerey
Coupled mechanical–geophysical monitoring of rock fractures and damage, Ahmadreza Hedayat
Coupled multiphysics modeling of gas hydrate bearing sediments, Marcelo Sanchez, Xuerui Gai, and J. Carlos Santamarina
Coupled, multiple cracking systems in multilayered composite materials, Qingda Yang
Coupled Thermal and Electromagnetic Induced Decomposition in the Molecular Explosive alpha HMX; A Reactive Molecular Dynamics Study, Mitchell A. Wood, Adri C.T. van Duin, and Alejandro Strachan
Coupling discrete dislocation dynamics with polycrystal plasticity, Richard LeSar and Anthony Rollett
Coupling of dislocations and precipitates: impact on the mechanical behavior of Al 7xxx alloys at the submicron length scale, Julie Schoenung
Coupling the vesicle dynamics to a transmembrane inclusion, Yuan Young
Course Signals at Purdue: Using analytics to improve student success, Matthew D. Pistilli
Cover crop and tillage effects on soils transitioning to organic production, Jessica F Garvert
Cover crop bicultures and their effects on phosphorus cycling and soil conservation, Jason S Cavadini
Cowbird behavioral responses to lights tuned to their visual system: Implications for bird-aircraft collisions, Megan S Doppler
Cowbird Behavioral Responses to Lights Tuned to Their Visual System: Implications for Bird-Aircraft Collisions, Megan S. Doppler
Crack detection on wind turbine blades using a vibro-acoustic modulation technique, Sungmin Kim
Crack propagation in bone on the scale of mineralized collagen fibrils: role of polymers with sacrificial bonds and hidden length, Ahmed Elbanna and Wenyi Wang
Crack propagation in thermal barrier coating systems, Philipp Seiler, Martin Bäker, and Joachim Rösler
Crack Propagation Simulation Tool, Nilofer Rajpurkar, Hojin Kim, and Alejandro Strachan
Crafting customer experience through cultural theming: A case of a cultural themed hotel in China, Xin Liu
Creating a Multimedia Enhanced Problem-Based Learning Environment for Middle School Science: Voices from the Developers, Min Liu, Lucas Horton, Jaejin Lee, Jina Kang, Jason Rosenblum, Matthew O’Hair, and Chu-Wei Lu
Creating a New Collections Allocation Model for These Changing Times: Challenges, Opportunities, and Data, Gregory A. Crawford and Lisa German
Creating a Richer Patron-Driven Acquisitions Experience for Your Users: How the University of Arizona Forced Three PDA Programs to Play Nicely Together, Teresa C. Hazen
Crepenynate-derived specialized natural products, Michael Ronald Shepard Jr.
Crew Resource Management Application in Commercial Aviation, Frank Wagener and David C. Ison
CRIS — Computational research infrastructure for science, Eduard Dragut, Peter Baker, Jai Xu, Muhammed Sarfraz, Elisa Bertino, Raghu Agarwal, Aamer Mahmood, and Sangchun Han
Cross-Domain and Cross-Category Emotion Tagging for Comments of Online News, Ying Zhang, Ning Zhang, Luo Si, Yanshan Lu, Qifan Wang, and Xiaojie Yuan
Cross-plane electrical and thermal transport in oxide metal/semiconductor superlattices, Pankaj Jha
crw1 - A Novel Maize Mutant Highly Susceptible to Foliar Damage by the Western Corn Rootworm Beetle., Bala Puchakayala Venkata, Nick Lauter, Xu Li, Clint Chapple Dr., Christian H. Krupke, Gurmukh Johal, and Stephen Moose
Cryo-EM Structure of a Novel Calicivirus, Tulane Virus., Guimei Yu, Dongsheng Zhang, Fei Guo, Ming Tan, Xi Jiang, and Wen Jiang
Crystallizable triple shape memory polymers: constitutive modeling and numerical simulations, Swapnil Moon, I. Joga Rao, and Shawn A. Chester
Crystal plasticity analysis of deformation behavior of nanocrystalline nickel, Caizhi Zhou, Rui Yuan, and Irene Beyerlein
Crystal Structure of Aura Virus Capsid Protease and Its Complex with Dioxane: New Insights into Capsid-Glycoprotein Molecular Contacts., Megha Aggarwal, Satya Tapas, Preeti, Anjul Siwach, Pravindra Kumar, Richard J. Kuhn, and Shailly Tomar
Cultural Discourse in Taiwan. Ed. Chin-Chuan Cheng, I-Chun Wang, and Steven Tötösy de Zepetnek., Chin-Chuan Cheng, I-Chun Wang, and Steven Tötösy de Zepetnek
Culture-based interpretation of projected destination images: A semantic network analysis, Menglu Gao
Culture-centered coalitions as social change agents: An organizational ethnography of 'Voices of hunger', Christina L Jones
Culture in the Magisterium of Pope John Paul II: Evangelization through Dialogue and the Renewal of Society R. Jared Staudt, R. Jared Staudt
Curating Collective Collections -- Prospectus for a New ATG Column, Sam Demas
Cure monitoring of composites with embedded piezoelectric sensors, Colleen Rosania and Fu-Kuo Chang
Current and Noise Properties of InAs Nanowire Transistors With Asymmetric Contacts Induced by Gate Overlap, Collin J. Delker, Yunlong Zi, Chen Yang, and David B. Janes
Cyber attack analysis on cyber-physical systems: Detectability, severity, and attenuation strategy, Cheolhyeon Kwon
Cyclic performance of silicon as anode material in lithium ion batteries, Seongseop Kim, Maenghyo Cho, and Min Zhou
CZTSSe thin film solar cells: Surface treatments, Chinmay Sunil Joglekar
Damage evolution assessment and modeling for CBN grinding wheel wear, Tianyu Yu, Ashraf F. Bastawros, and Abhijit Chandra
Damage evolution in a bonded nonwoven glass fiber network under cyclic compression, Thomas Siegmund and YingLong Chen
Damage-growth-induced evolution of contact resistance of a RF MEMS switch, Yu-Chiao Wu, Wei Yang, and Dimitrios Peroulis
Databib: IMLS LG-46-11-0091-11 Final Report (White Paper), Michael Witt and Michael J. Giarlo
Data Center Site Redundancy, H M. Brotherton and J. Eric Dietz
Data-driven approaches to improve dependability of cloud services, Rahul Potharaju
Data Information Literacy from the Perspective of a University Administrator and an Academic Librarian, Karen L. Plaut and Marianne S. Bracke
Data Management and Curation at NEEShub, Stanislav Pejša and Cheng Song
Data Narratives: Increasing Scholarly Value, Line C. Pouchard, Amy Barton, and Lisa Zilinski
Data Preparation for Validation Study of Hazus Canada Flood Model, Heather McGrath, Emmanual Stefanakis, M McCarthy, and Miroslav Nastev
Data resource and calculation methodology for Indiana poultry manure production, Jeffrey Wells Lai
Data to Decisions: Shared Print Retention in Maine, Becky Albitz and Deb Rollins
Daylight Glare Probability Measurements And Correlation With Indoor Illuminances In A Full-Scale Office With Dynamic Shading Controls, Iason Konstantzos and Athanasios Tzempelikos
Deadly connections: The role of IGO membership in state vulnerability to transnational terrorism, Crystal E Shelton
Decision support for reducing 30-day readmissions: General medicine patients in community hospitals, Ramez L Ayoub
Decision Support for Reducing 30-Day Readmissions: General Medicine Patients in Community Hospitals, Ramez Labib Ayoub
Decision support system for project cost control strategy and planning, Makarand Hastak
Decision to Use an Airframe Parachute in a Flight Training Environment, Scott R. Winter, Richard O. Fanjoy, Chien-Tsung Lu, Thomas Q. Carney, and James P. Greenan
Decoding the chemomechanics of friction and scratch in complex granular hydrated oxides, Rouzbeh Shahsavari and Soroosh Jalilvand
Deep Sequencing and Genome-Wide Analysis Reveals the Expansion of MicroRNA Genes in the Gall Midge Mayetiola Destructor, Chitvan Khajuria, Christie Williams, Mustapha El Bouhssini, R. Jeff Whitworth, Stephen Richards, Jeffrey J. Stuart, and Ming-Shun Chen
Defects controlled wrinkling and topological design in graphene, Teng Zhang, Huajin Gao, and Xiaoyan Li
Defects nucleation and its relation to internal stress in nanocrystalline materials, Mo Li
Defenders of the home front: State militias, home guards, emergency troops, and home protection in the Civil War north, John Michael Foster
Defining and Deploying an Institutional Data Repository Service at Purdue (PURR), Michael Witt
Deformation and failure analysis of pinch-torsion based thermal runaway risk evaluation method of Li-ion cells, Yuzhi Xia, Yanfei Gao, Tianlei Li, Fei Ren, and Hsin Wang
Deformation and fracture of silicon electrodes in lithium-ion batteries, Joost Vlassak, Matt Pharr, and Yong Seok Choi
Deformation induced grain rotations in single crystal tantalum, Jay Carroll, Hojun Lim, Mark Rodriguez, Corbett Battaile, Brad Boyce, and Thomas Buchheit
Deformation mechanisms in bulk nanostructured metals and strategies to improve their ductility, Enrique Lavernia and Haiming Wen
Degree program changes and curricular flexibility: Addressing long held beliefs about student progression, George Dante Ricco
Delphi Stellar Communities Program Overview, Randy Strasser
Democracy and the Intersection of Religion and Traditions, Sor-hoon Tan
Demo Overview: Privacy-Enhancing Features of IdentiDroid, Daniele Midi, Oyindamola Oluwatimi, Bilal Shebaro, and Elisa Bertino
Dengue Virus Infection Perturbs Lipid Homeostasis in Infected Mosquito Cells., Rushika Perera, Catherine Riley, Giorgis Isaac, Amber S. Hopf-Jannasch, Ronald J. Moore, Karl W. Weitz, Ljiljana Pasa-Tolic, Thomas O. Metz, Jiri Adamec, and Richard J. Kuhn
Dependence-based source level tracing and replay for networked embedded systems, Man Wang
Dependence of polymer thin film adhesion energy on cohesive interactions between chains, Wenjie Xia, David Hsu, and Sinan Keten
Deploying and Testing Integrated Design Roadmaps for Advanced Energy Retrofits, Kristen Albee, Franca Trubiano, and Meghan Brennan
Desai's Hullabaloo in the Guava Orchard as Global Literature, Erin M. Fehskens
Design, analysis, and simulation of a humanoid robotic arm applied to catching, Garrett Scot Yesmunt
Design and assembly of nanostructured complex metal oxide materials for the construction of batteries and thermoelectric devices, Gautam Ganapati Yadav
Design and Fabrication of a Novel Electrospinning System for Musculoskeletal Tissue Regeneration, Carter L. Chain, Maggie R. Del Ponte, Meng Deng, Feng Yue, and Shihuan Kuang
Design and Setup of the Micro-Turboexpander Transcritical CO2 System, Y. Hou, C.H. Liu, J.L. Ma, J. Cao, and S.T. Chen
Design and use of an adjustable clearance flailing knife biomass shredder to mechanically increase particle surface area, Shawn G Ehlers
Design And Use Of An Adjustable Clearance Flailing Knife Biomass Shredder To Mechanically Increase Particle Surface Area, Shawn Gregory Ehlers
Design & Construction Guidelines for Chemical Modification, Nayyar Siddiki
Design, development and experimentation of a discovery service with multi-level matching, Lahiru Sandakith Pileththuwasan Gallege
Design, development, and testing of a conformal power control interface for thrust vectoring aircraft, David Rozovski
Designing And Testing An Air-PCM Heat Exchanger For Building Ventilation Application Coupled To Energy Storage, Bertrand Dechesne, Samuel Gendebien, Jonathan Martens, and Vincent Lemort
Designing an L-THIA Model for ArcGIS 10.2 Using Python 2.7, Nicholas M. Flanagan, Karl F. Theller, Youn Shik Park, and Bernard Engel
Designing bioinspired ondemand displays by electroactivating mechanochemically responsive elastomers, Qiming Wang, Gregory Gossweile, Stephen Craig, and Xuanhe Zhao
Designing Constructed Wetlands for Water Purification in Tanzania, Danielle McNeely, Michael Sheehan, and John Lumkes
Designing electrically tougher materials, Wei Hong
Designing long-life lithium-ion cells, Daniel Abraham
Designing the energy landscape of folded structures, Scott Waitukaitis and Martin van Hecke
Designing the wheel: Building technology in at the beginning., Pat Reid and Donalee Attardo
Designing the Wheel: Building Technology in at the Beginning., Pat Reid
Design of Accelerated Fatigue Tests for Flame Free Refrigeration Fittings, Michael Wilson and Chad D. Bowers
Design of a Heat Pump Assisted Solar Thermal System, Kyle G. Krockenberger, John M. DeGrove, William J. Hutzel, and J. Christopher Foreman
Design of a Non-intrusive Electrical Impedance-Based Void Fraction Sensor for Microchannel Two-Phase Flows, P. Valiorgue, S. N. Ritchey, Justin Weibel, and S V. Garimella
Design of a running robot and the effects of foot placement in the transverse plane, Timothy Sullivan
Design of a SiO2 top-cladding and compact polarization splitter-rotator based on a rib directional coupler, Jing Wang, Ben Niu, Zhen Sheng, Aimin Wu, Xi Wang, Minghao Qi, Fuwan Gan, and Shichang Zou
Design of a Small Scale Roll to Roll Device, Amon A. Pereira, Edward White, and Rebecca Krone Kramer
Design Of A Turgo Two-Phase Turbine Runner, Youssef Aaraj, Sorina Mortada, Denis Clodic, and Maroun Nemer
Design of cycler trajectories and analysis of solar influences on radioactive decay rates during space missions, Blake A Rogers
Design of Multi-Chamber Silencers with Microperforated Elements, J Stuart Bolton, Seungkyu Lee, and Paul A. Martinson
Design of multilayer electrolyte for next generation lithium batteries, Nina Mahootcheian Asl
Design of steel concrete composite wall-to-wall joints for safety-related nuclear facilities, Jungil Seo
Design Optimization of Variable Geometry Microchannel Heat Exchangers, Long Huang, Vikrant Aute, and Reinhard Radermacher
Design Practices of Preservice Elementary Teachers in an Integrated Engineering and Literature Experience, Kristen Bethke Wendell
Design stiff, tough and stretchy hydrogels via nanoscale hybrid crosslinking and macroscale fiber reinforcement, Shaoting Lin and Xuanhe Zhao
Design strategy for the development of applications for autism instruction, Nancy Rasche
Design, synthesis, and biological evaluation of Src family SH2 domain ligands bearing a stereodiversified cis-enediol scaffold, Christine Marian
Design, synthesis, and evaluation of molecular inhibitors for biologically relevant enzymes, Sarah Emma St. John
Design techniques for low-power magnetic-tracking biomedical circuits and systems, Wing Fai Loke
Design tough and resilient hydrogels for artificial cartilage and heart valve, Xuanhe Zhao
Desorption Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry Reveals Lipid Metabolism of Individual Oocytes and Embryos., Andrés Felipe González-Serrano, Valentina Pirro, Christina R. Ferreira, Paolo Oliveri, Livia S. Eberlin, Julia Heinzmann, Andrea Lucas-Hahn, Heiner Niemann, and Robert Graham Cooks
Detailed Analysis of a Contiguous 22-Mb Region of the Maize Genome., Fusheng Wei, Joshua C. Stein, Chengzhi Liang, Jianwei Zhang, Robert S. Fulton, Regina S. Baucom, Emanuele De Paoli, Shiguo Zhou, Lixing Yang, Yujun Han, Shiran Pasternak, Apurva Narechania, Lifang Zhang, Cheng-Ting Yeh, Kai Ying, Dawn H. Nagel, Kristi Collura, David Kudrna, Jennifer Currie, Jinke Lin, HyeRan Kim, Angelina Angelova, Gabriel Scara, Marina Wissotski, Wolfgang Golser, Laura Courtney, Scott Kruchowski, Tina A. Graves, Susan M. Rock, Stephanie Adams, Lucinda A. Fulton, Catrina Fronick, William Courtney, Melissa Kramer, Lori Spiegel, Lydia Nascimento, Ananth Kalyanaraman, Cristian Chaparro, Jean-Marc Deragon, Phillip SanMiguel, Ning Jiang, Susan R. Wessler, Pamela J. Green, Yeisoo Yu, David C. Schwartz, Blake C. Meyers, Jeffrey L. Bennetzen, Robert A. Martienssen, W. Richard McCombie, Srinivas Aluru, Sandra W. Clifton, Patrick S. Schnable, Doreen Ware, Richard K. Wilson, and Rod A. Wing
Detailed finite element analysis and preliminary study of the effects of friction and fastener pre-tension on the mechanical behavior of fastened built-up members, Francisco Javier Bonachera Martin
Detecting air traffic controller interventions in recorded air transportation system data, Yul Kwon
Detecting and quantifying damage in buildings using earthquake response data and capacity curves, Jeffrey David Dowgala
Detecting mobile malware threats to homeland security through static analysis, Seung-Hyun Seo, Aditi Gupta, Asmaa Mohamed Sallama, and Kangbin Yimb
Detection of brain abnormalities in football players through diffusion weighted imaging, Allan E. Diaz Gaez
Detection of Brain Abnormalities in Football Players Through Diffusion Weighted Imaging, Allan Emilio Diaz Gaez
Detection of non-esterified fatty acids in the oral cavity, Robin M Tucker-Falconer
Determinants of energy efficiency across countries, Guolin Yao
Determination of Refrigerant Path Number for Fin-tube Condenser Considering Heat Transfer Performance and Pumping Power, Won Jong Lee and Ji Hwan Jeong
Determining local mechanical properties of biological scaffolds, Christian Franck
Determining Return on Investment: The Importance and Development of Statistics Collection for Information Literacy Training at CPUT Libraries, Janine Lockhart and Deborah Becker
Determining the Binding Between SAGA Subunits and Spliceosomal Components, Peyton J. Spreacker, Rachel L. Stegeman, and Vikki M. Weake
Determining the Moisture Content of Pre-Wetted Lightweight Aggregate: Assessing the Variability of the Paper Towel and Centrifuge Methods, Albert E. Miller IV, Robert Spragg, F. C. Antico, W. Ashraf, T. Barrett, A. Behnood, and Q. Tian
Determining the Role of DNTTIP1: Piecing Together the Callipyge Sheep Muscle Hypertrophy Pathway, Kimberly Lutz
Detroit wild: Race, labor, and postwar urban environmentalism, Brandon Michael Ward
Developing a data publication workflow: collaboration between units at Purdue, Lisa Zilinski
Developing a drug delivery system for treatment of vocal fold scarring, Aaron M Kosinski
Developing a framework for determining the contribution of transportation project to sustainable development, Karim Abdel Warith
Developing a hardware platform for a low-power, low-cost, size-constrained biomechanical telemetry system, Aditya Balasubramanian
Developing a Model for Long-Term Management of Demand-Driven Acquisitions, Michael Levine-Clark
Developing an Approach for Assessment, Michael Fosmire
Developing an Assessment Strategy Worksheet, DIL Project Team
Developing an embedded system solution for high-speed, high-capacity data logging for a size-constrained, low-power biomechanical telemetry system and investigating components for optimal performance, Brandon Blaine Gardner
Developing an unstructured model to investigate the effect of ethanol on product yields for glucose and xylose cofermentation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae 424A (LNH-ST), Shane Clingenpeel
Developing a Policy for Kindle and iPod Content: One's Library Experience, Margaret Foote
Developing a Statewide Print Repository in Florida: The UCF Experience with FLARE, Michael Arthur and Ying Zhang
Developing Compact Models for Passive Devices on IBM 45nm CMOS SOI Technology, Yufei Feng, Yanfei Shen, and Saeed Mohammadi
Developing Data Information Literacy Programs - Approaches and Techniques, Brian Westra, Marianne S. Bracke, Lisa Johnston, Megan R. Sapp Nelson, Sarah J. Wright, Heather Coates, Stacy Konkiel, and Brianna Marshall
Developing Data Literacies for Graduate Students in the Social Sciences, Hailey Mooney and Jake R. Carlson
Developing Engineering Internships in France, Lars O. Erickson
Developing Learning Objectives, Camille Andrews
Developing Professional Skills in STEM Students: Data Information Literacy, Lisa Zilinski, Megan R. Sapp Nelson, and Amy S. Van Epps
Developing Standards Across the Scholarly Information Chain, Bev Acreman
Developing Statistical Limits for Using the Light Weight Deflectometer (LWD) in Construction Quality Assurance, Matthew Volovski, Mohammad Arman, and Samuel Labi
Developing strategies to mitigate and control environmental Listeria monocytogenes in retail delis, Susan R Hammons
Development and annotation of perennial Triticeae ESTs and SSR markers., B.S. Bushman, S R Larson, I W Mott, P F Cliften, R R Wang, N J Chatterton, A G Hernandez, S Ali, R W Kim, Jyothi Thimmapuram, G Gong, L Liu, and M A Mikel
Development and application of coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering systems in reacting flows, Aman Satija
Development and application of quantitative proteomic strategy for kinase substrate screening, Liang Xue
Development and application of the time-domain panel method, Maxwell Blair
Development and enhancement of web-based tools to develop Total Maximum Daily Load, Youn Shik Park
Development and preliminary validation of the romantic relationship functioning scale, Kelsey A Bonfils
Development and Psychometric Testing of the Dogs and WalkinG Survey (DAWGS), Elizabeth Richards, Meghan H. McDonough, Nancy E. Edwards, Roseann M. Lyle, and Philip J. Troped
Development and Validation of a Rubric for Diagnosing Students' Experimental Design Knowledge and Difficulties, Annwesa Dasgupta, Trevor R. Anderson, and Nancy Pelaez
Development and validation of pre-service teachers' personal epistemologies of teaching scale (PT-PETS), Ji Hyun Yu
Development and validation of the affective and cognitive measure of empathy (ACME), David Vachon
Development of a counter rotating vortex pair (CVP) mixer for aerospace applications, Jeongmoon Park
Development of a Façade Retrofit Performance Guide Using Climate-based Analysis Including Dynamic Façade Systems, Hui Shen, Ying-Chieh Chan, and Athanasios Tzempelikos
Development of a field-portable miniature mass spectrometer designed for in-situ analysis and ion trap miniaturization, Paul Isaac Hendricks
Development of a Game‐Based‐Learning App for Exposing Students to Chemistry and Life Science as a Research Endeavor, Thanuci Silva, Eduardo Galembeck, Nancy Pelaez, and Trevor R. Anderson
Development of a mobile sensor for potable water quality monitoring, Ruoxi Wu
Development of a multiscale atomistic code to investigate self-organized pattern formation induced by ion irradiation, Zhangcan Yang
Development of a murine model of biofilm-infected diabetic pressure ulcers, Elizabeth A Swanson
Development of a Nanomanufacturing Process to Produce Atomically Thin Black Phosphorus, Andrew Stephens, Zhe Luo, and Xianfan Xu
Development Of An Industrial High Temperature Heat Pump With Twin Screw Compressor, Yongning He, Dongfang Yang, Feng Cao, and Gang Li
Development of a side-impact pulse-shaping torsional Kolsky bar, Benjamin Claus, Wayne Chen, Xu Nie, and Brad Martin
Development of a starch-based mussel-mimetic adhesive polymer, Jeffrey Kazimir de Kozlowski
Development of a Starch-Based Mussel-Mimetic Adhesive Polymer, Jeffrey Kazimir de Kozlowski
Development of Combined Dual-Pump Vibrational and Pure-Rotational Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Scattering (DPVCARS and PRCARS) System, Shenli Yuan, Aman Satija, and Robert Lucht
Development of Dropwise Additive Manufacturing of Pharmaceutical Products, Laura Janine Hirshfield
Development of Economic Impact Models for RTU Economizer Faults, Andrew L. Hjortland and James E. Braun
Development of Electron Microscopy Analysis and Simulation tools for nanoHUB, Mingxuan Lu, Chang Wan Han, Benjamin P. Haley, and Volkan Ortalan
Development of Flat Tube Heat Exchanger for Heat Pump Air Conditoner, Takuya Matsuda, Akira Ishibashi, Takashi Okazaki, Keisuke Hokazono, Daisuke Shimamoto, and Hiroki Okazawa
Development of Guidelines for the Deployment of Flashing Yellow Arrow (FYA) Traffic Signals in Indiana – SPR#3725, Robert Rescot
Development of Guidelines for the Rating, Inspection, and Acquisition of Railroad Flatcars for Use as Highway Bridges on Low-Volume Roads, Jason T. Provines and Robert Connor
Development of Improved Electrodeposition Method for Repair of Reinforced Concrete Structures, Takahiro Nishida, Nobuaki Otsuki, and Atsushi Saito
Development of Integration Software for Multiple Inkjet Functionalization Systems, Jieyu Lu, J. William Boley, and George T.-C. Chiu
Development of interactive programs for learning genetics, Yifan Cai
Development of in vitro three dimensional tumor models, Crystal S Shin
Development of isotags for NMR based metabolite profiling and applications, Fariba Tayyari
Development of mass spectrometry methodology and instrumentation for analysis of complex mixtures, Tiffany Mae Jarrell
Development of PVE Refrigeration Lubricants for R32, Tomoya Matsumoto and Yasuhiro Kawaguchi
Development of quantitative FT-IR methods for analyzing the cure kinetics of epoxy resins, Sang Ha Son
Development of refrigeration oil for use with R32, Hitoshi Takahashi, Katsuya Takigawa, and Takeshi Okido
Development of Resilience Index in Transport Systems, Seungjae Lee, Jooyoung Kim, Shinhae Lee, and Yan Chang-Richards
Development Of Sets Of Simplified Building Models For Building Simulation, Giovanni Pernigotto, Alessandro Prada, Andrea Gasparella, and Jan L. M. Hensen
Development of tools to enable high-throughput elemental analysis and their application to soybean mutant identification and genome wide association studies, Gregory R Ziegler
Development of Transgenic North American White Ash (Fraxinus americana) Expressing a Bacillus thuringiensis Protein for Management of the Emerald Ash Borer, Eric A. Dean, Paula M. Pijut PhD., and Micah E. Stevens
Development of tyrosine kinase peptide biosensors and methods for detection, Andrew Michael Lipchik
Development, validation, and implementation of an evidence-based instructor curriculum for the agricultural hazardous occupations order certification program, Shannon Christian Snyder
Dielectric elastomer actuator with dual mechanical stiffness response, William Lai, Ashraf Bastawros, Wei Hong, and Alexander Jennings
Dielectric elastomer composites: A general closed-form solution in the small-deformation limit, Stephen Spinelli, Victor Lefevre, and Oscar Lopez-Pamies
Dielectric elastomer composites: the critical role of interphasial phenomena, Oscar Lopez-Pamies
Dietary Fat and Not Calcium Supplementation or Dairy Product Consumption is Associated with Changes in Anthropometrics During a Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Energy-Restriction Trial., Jennifer T. Smilowitz, Michelle M. Wiest, Dorothy Teegarden, Michael B. Zemel, J Bruce German, and Marta D. Van Loan
Dietary Fat Content and Fiber Type Modulate Hind Gut Microbial Community and Metabolic Markers in the Pig, Hui Yan, Ramesh Potu, Hang Lu, Vivian Vezzoni de Almeida, Terry Stewart, Darryl Ragland, Arthur Armstrong, Olayiwola Adeola, Cindy H. Nakatsu, and Kolapo M. Ajuwon
Dietary Heterogeneity Among Western Industrialized Countries Reflected in the Stable Isotope Ratios of Human Hair., Luciano O. Valenzuela, Lesley A. Chesson, Gabriel J. Bowen, Thure E. Cerling, and James R. Ehleringer
Dietary Quercetin Supplementation in Mice Increases Skeletal Muscle PGC1α Expression, Improves Mitochondrial Function and Attenuates Insulin Resistance in a Time-Specific Manner., Tara M. Henagan, Natalie R. Lenard, Thomas W. Gettys, and Laura K. Stewart
Differences between Academic and Business Writing, Félix S. Vásquez
Differential Effects of Peptidoglycan Recognition Proteins on Experimental Atopic and Contact Dermatitis Mediated by Treg and Th17 Cells., Sin Yong Park, Dipika Gupta, Chang H. Kim, and Roman Dziarski
Differential Gene Expression in Male and Female Rainbow Trout Embryos Prior to the Onset of Gross Morphological Differentiation of the Gonads, Matthew C. Hale, Peng Xu, Julie Scardina, Paul A. Wheeler, Gary H. Thorgaard, and Krista M. Nichols
Differential Impacts of Juvenile Hormone, Soldier Head Extract and Alternate Caste Phenotypes on Host and Symbiont Gene Expression in the Gut of the Termite Reticulitermes flavipes., Ruchira Sen, Rhitoban Raychoudhury, Yunpeng Cai, Yijun Sun, Verena-Ulrike Lietze, Drion G. Boucias, and Ruchira E. Sen
Differential Mitochondrial Toxicity Screening and Multi- Parametric Data Analysis, Maria V. Tsiper, Jennifer Sturgis, Larisa V. Avramova, Shilpa Parakh, Raymond Fatig, Ana Juan-García, Nianyu Li, Bartek Rajwa, Padma Narayanan, C. W. Wualls Jr., Joseph P. Robinson, and Vincent J. Davisson
Differential relationships of internal and external networking behaviors with turnover, Caitlin M Porter
Differential transcriptional analysis of the cyanobacterium Cyanothece sp. ATCC 51142 during light-dark and continuous-light growth., Jörg Toepel, Eric Welsh, Tina C. Summerfield, Himadri B. Pakrasi, and Louis A. Sherman
Diffusion–reaction–induced stress in moving boundary cylindrical Li-ion battery electrodes, Tao Zhang, Zhan-Sheng Guo, Jianyu Zhu, and Yuhui Wang
Digital Archiving Challenges and Solutions: A Personal Perspective, Robert W. Boissy
Digital identities: Revisiting the rhetorical situation in first year composition, Brandy R Dieterle
Digitally-assisted RF IC design techniques for reliable performance, Jang Joon Lee
Digital Nature, Bryan C. Pijanowski
DIL Symposium Day 1 Keynote Address: Teaching Data Management, Elaine R. Martin
DIL Symposium Day1 Slides, DIL Project Team
DIL Symposium Day 2 Keynote: Engage in Culture Change: Fundamentals for Working in a Data Centric World, Viv Hutchison
DIL Symposium Day 2 Slides, DIL Project Team
DIL Symposium Program Assessment Worksheet, DIL Project Team
DIL Symposium Program Development Exercise: Engineering, Jake Carlson, Camille Andrews, Marianne S. Bracke, Michael Fosmire, Jon Jeffryes, Lisa Johnston, Megan R. Sapp Nelson, Dean Walton, Brian Westra, and Sarah J. Wright
DIL Symposium Program Development Exercise: Interdisciplinary Center, Jake Carlson, Camille Andrews, Marianne S. Bracke, Michael Fosmire, Jon Jeffryes, Lisa Johnston, Megan R. Sapp Nelson, Dean Walton, Brian Westra, and Sarah J. Wright
DIL Symposium Program Development Exercise: Life Sciences, Jake Carlson, Camille Andrews, Marianne S. Bracke, Michael Fosmire, Jon Jeffryes, Lisa Johnston, Megan R. Sapp Nelson, Dean Walton, Brian Westra, and Sarah J. Wright
DIL Symposium Program Development Exercise: Physical Sciences/Chemistry, Jake Carlson, Camille Andrews, Marianne S. Bracke, Michael Fosmire, Jon Jeffryes, Lisa Johnston, Megan R. Sapp Nelson, Dean Walton, Brian Westra, and Sarah J. Wright
DIL Symposium Program Development Exercise: Social Sciences, Jake Carlson, Camille Andrews, Marianne S. Bracke, Michael Fosmire, Jon Jeffryes, Lisa Johnston, Megan R. Sapp Nelson, Dean Walton, Brian Westra, and Sarah J. Wright
Direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions from biomass storage: Implications for life cycle assessment of biofuels, Isaac R Emery
Direct Effects of HIV-1 Tat on Excitability and Survival of Primary Dorsal Root Ganglion Neurons: Possible Contribution to HIV-1-Associated Pain., Xianxun Chi, Tohti Amet, Daniel Byrd, Kuei-Hua Chang, Kavita Shah, Ningjie Hu, Ayslinn Grantham, Sishun Hu, Jianhong Duan, Feng Tao, Grant Nicol, and Qigui Yu
Direct images as Hilbert fields and their curvatures, Dat Vu Tran
Direct measurement of the role of confinement and chemistry on local physical and mechanical properties of polymers, Min Zhang and Shadid Askar
Direct Observation of Nanoscale Peltier and Joule Effects at Metal-Insulator Domain Walls in Vanadium Dioxide Nanobeams, Tela Favaloro, Joonki Suh, Bjorn Vermeersch, Kai Liu, Yijia Gu, Long-Qing Chen, Kevin X. Wang, Junqiao Wu, and Ali Shakouri
Direct Simulation of Thermal Transport through Sintered Wick Microstructures, K. K. Bodla, J. Y. Murthy, and S V. Garimella
Direct simulation of transport through stochastic porous media, Karthik Kumar Bodla
Disaster Response After Hurricane Katrina: A Model for an Academic-Community Partnership in Mississippi., Elizabeth Richards, Julie Cowan Novak, and Lynn Davis
Discovering a Gold Mine of U.S. Government Information: Exploring the HathiTrust Catalog and its Rich Veins, Bert Chapman
Discovery enabled by in-situ synchrotron X-ray techniques, Yugang Sun
Discovery of E-Resources and Media: What Will It Take?, Carlen Ruschoff
Discovery of Induced Point Mutations in Maize Genes by TILLING, Bradley J. Till, Steven H. Reynolds, Clifford F. Weil, Nathan Springer, Chris Burtner, Kim Young, Elisabeth Bowers, Christine A. Codomo, Linda C. Enns, Anthony R. Odden, Elizabeth A. Greene, Luca Comai, and Steven Henikoff
Discovery or Displacement? A Large-Scale Longitudinal Study of the Effect of Discovery Systems on Online Journal Usage, Michael Levine-Clark, Jason Price, and John McDonald
Discovery Park General Facilities Description, Purdue University Office of Research and Partnerships and Cliff Wojtalewicz
Discrete dislocation plasticity simulations of rate effects with solute and vacancy diffusion, Srinath Chakravarthy and Run Zhu
Discrimination of color copier/laser printer toners by Raman spectroscopy and subsequent chemometric analysis, Jeanna Marie Feldmann
Disease-on-a-chip: mimicry of tumor growth in mammary ducts, Pierre-Alexandre Vidi, Teimour Maleki, Manuel Ochoa, Lei Wang, Sara M. Clark, James F. Leary, and Sophie A. Lelievre
Disk diffusion breakpoint determination using a Bayesian nonparametric variation of the errors-in-variables model, Glen DePalma
Dislocation processes accompanying the Portevin-Le Chatelier effect in Al–Mg alloys, Josh Kacher, Andrew Minor, and Raja Mishra
Disruption of Zebrafish Cyclin G-Associated Kinase (GAK) Function Impairs the Expression of Notch-Dependent Genes During Neurogenesis and Causes Defects in Neuronal Development., Ting Bai, Jamie L. Seebald, Kyu-Eui Kim, Hong-Mei Ding, Daniel P. Szeto, and Henry C. Chang
Dissecting the function of Ack family kinases in Drosophila through understanding their interactions with Dock and Cdc42, Abbas M Abdallah
Dissociations among measures of mental workload: Effects of experimenter-induced inadequacy, Patricia Ann Casper
Distinct Timing Mechanisms Produce Discrete and Continuous Movements, Raoul Huys, Breanna E. Studenka, Nicole L. Rheaume, Raoul N. Huys, and Viktor K. Jirsa
Distinguished Library Leader -- Dr. Edward Holley Dies Peacefully at Age 82
Distributed digital forensics on pre-existing internal networks, Jeremiah J Nielsen
Distributed Model Predictive Control for building HVAC systems: A Case Study, Vamsi Kalyan Putta, Donghun Kim, Jie Cai, Jianghai Hu, and James E. Braun
Diverse Lifestyles and Strategies of Plant Pathogenesis Encoded in the Genomes of Eighteen Dothideomycetes Fungi., Robin A. Ohm, Nicolas Feau, Bernard Henrissat, Conrad L. Schoch, Benjamin A. Horwitz, Kerry W. Barry, Bradford J. Condon, Alex C. Copeland, Braham Dhillon, Fabian Glaser, Cedar N. Hesse, Idit Kosti, Kurt LaButti, Erika A. Lindquist, Susan Lucas, Asaf A. Salamov, Rosie E. Bradshaw, Lynda Ciuffetti, Richard C. Hamelin, Gert H.J. Kema, Christopher Lawrence, James A. Scott, Joseph W. Spatafora, B Gillian Turgeon, Pierre J.G.M. de Wit, Shaobin Zhong, Stephen B. Goodwin, and Igor V. Grigoriev
Diversity and distribution of plant communities related to forest fragment size, shape, age, and structure, Rachel R Fuelling
Diversity and Strain Specificity of Plant Cell Wall Degrading Enzymes Revealed by the Draft Genome of Ruminococcus flavefaciens FD-1, Margret E. Berg Miller, Dionysios A. Antonopoulos, Mark Brand, Albert Bari, Alvaro Hernandez, Jyothi Thimmapuram, Bryan A. White, Marco Rincon, Harry J. Flint, Bernard Henrissat, and Pedro M. Coutinho
Diversity Catalysts Involvement and Impact, Klod Kokini, Patrice M. Buzzanell, Clint Chapple, Andrew Hirsch, and Kathleen Howell
DNA constructions for nanomotors, cell delivery and crystallization, Yingmei Li
Documenting the Construction of a Plain Concrete Bridge Deck and an Internally Cured Bridge Deck, Carmelo Di Bella, John Schlitter, Neal Carboneau, and Jason Weiss
Does an Eye Tracker Tell the Truth About Visualizations?: Findings While Investigating Visualizations for Decision Making, Sung-Hee Kim, Zhihua Dong, Hanjun Xian, Benjavan Upatising, and Ji Soo Yi
Does Hispanic oriented safety training impact current construction industry safety rates, Esteban Corrales Villalobos
Does IL Education Have an Impact on Undergraduate Engineering Students' Research Skills, Marja Talikka, Harri Eskelinen, and Hanna Varri
Does Using a Femoral Nerve Block for Total Knee Replacement Decrease Postoperative Delirium?, Sakura Kinjo, Eunjung Lim, Laura P. Sands, Kevin J. Bozic, and Jacqueline M. Leung
Dog Ownership and Physical Activity: A Review of the Evidence., Hayley E. Christian, Carri Westgarth, Adrian Bauman, Elizabeth Richards, Ryan E. Rhodes, Kelly R. Evenson, Joni A. Mayer, and Roland J. Thorpe Jr
Do health behaviors mediate the relationships between loneliness and health outcomes in family caregivers of cancer patients?, Rebecca Nichole Adams
Doing More with Less: Exploring Batch Processing and Outsourcing in Academic Libraries, Patrick J. Roth and Jeffrey D. Daniels
Do Not Be an Invisible Library!, Rick Burke, Matt Goldner, Glenn Johnson-Grau, and Franny Lee
Don't Forget the Data: The Convergence of Information Literacy, Data Literacy, and Scholarly Communication, Lisa Zilinski
Do short sellers arbitrage pricing anomalies related to earnings management?, KoEun Park
Do Students Gather Information to Inform Design Decisions? Assessment with an Authentic Design Task in First-Year Engineering, Ruth EH Wertz, Meagan Ross, Michael Fosmire, Monica Cardella, and Senay Purzer
Doube-pulse Laser-induced Breakdown Spectroscopy of Multi-element Sample Containing Low- And High-Z Analytes, Patrick J. Skrodzki, Jason R. Becker, Prasoon K. Diwakar Ph. D., Sivanandan S. Harilal Ph. D., and Ahmed Hassanein Ph. D.
Double-pulse Nd:YAG-CO2 LIBS Excitation for Bulk and Trace Analytes, Jason R. Becker, Patrick Skrodzki, Prasoon Diwakar, Sivanandan Harilal, and Ahmed Hassanein
Doubly separable models and distributed parameter estimation, Hyokun Yun
Draft Genome Sequence of Acetobacter aceti Strain 1023, a Vinegar Factory Isolate, John Hung, Christopher Mill, Sandra Clifton, Vincent Magrini, Ketaki Bhide, Julie Francois, Aaron Ransome, Lucinda Fulton, Jyothi Thimmapuram, Richard Wilson, and T. Joseph Kappock
Drift-flux correlation development for two-phase flow in rod bundles, Collin M Clark
Drilled Shaft Design & Construction-Integrity Testing Issues, Mir A. Zaheer and David Latka
Driven by Beliefs: Understanding Challenges Physical Science Teachers Face When Integrating Engineering and Physics, Emily A. Dare, Joshua A. Ellis, and Gillian H. Roehrig
Droplet Evaporation on Heated Hydrophobic and Superhydrophobic Surfaces, S. Dash and S. V. Garimella
Droplet evaporation on heated hydrophobic and superhydrophobic surfaces, Susmita Dash and Suresh V. Garimella
Drosophila Activated Cdc42 Kinase Has an Anti-Apoptotic Function., Jessica A. Schoenherr, J Michelle Drennan, Juan S. Martinez, Madhusudana Rao Chikka, Mark C. Hall, Henry C. Chang, and James C. Clemens
Drosophila Activated Cdc42 Kinase Has an Anti-Apoptotic Function., Jessica A. Schoenherr, J Michelle Drennan, Juan S. Martinez, Madhusudana Rao Chikka, Mark C. Hall, Henry C. Chang, and James C. Clemens
Drought policy development and assessment in East Africa using hydrologic and system dynamics modeling, Lauren Gies
Durability Assessment of Concrete Structures in HZM Sea Link Project for Design Life of 120 Years, Kefei Li, Q. W. Li, Q. M. Zhang, Z. H. Fan, and L. H. Yang
Duvakin's Oral History and Bakhtin in His Own Voice, Slav N. Gratchev and Tatevik Gyulamiryan
Dynamic airspace configuration algorithms for next generation air transportation system, Jian Wei
Dynamic Analysis of Granular Battery Assembly, Rohan Dudaney, Waterloo Tsutsui, and Weinong Chen
Dynamic behavior of acoustic metamaterials and metaconfigured structures with local oscillators, James Mathew Manimala
Dynamic behavior of sandwich beams with internal resonators, Bhisham Sharma
Dynamic boundaries in flowing fluids, from erosion sculptures to flapping wing flight, Leif Ristroph
Dynamic brittle fracture as a small horizon limit of unstable nonlocal dynamics, Robert Lipton
Dynamic Dissemination and Accessibility of Global Responses: The IATUL Conference Proceedings and the Purdue e-Pubs Repository, David Scherer
Dynamic electromechanical behavior of lead zirconate titanate, Leslie Lamberson
Dynamic mechanical response and microstructural effects in commercially hot-pressed boron carbide under different loading rates and stress states, Lukasz Farbaniec, Matthew Shaeffer, and K T Ramesh
Dynamic modeling of interfacial structure in two-phase flow using interfacial area transport equation in CFD code, Doo Yong Lee
Dynamic Performance Of A Compression Thermoelastic Cooling Air-Conditioner Under Cyclic Operation Mode, Suxin Qian, Jiazhen Ling, Yunho Hwang, and Reinhard Radermacher
Dynamic portfolio optimization with Credit Default Swaps, Shaunak S Dabadghao
Dynamic Privacy Policy Management in Services-Based Interactions, Nariman Ammar, Zaki Malik, Elisa Bertino, and Abdelmounaam Rezgui
Dynamic response of ECAE-AZ31 magnesium under pressure shear, Ravi Sastri Ayyagari, Lukasz Farbaniec, Kavan Hazeli, Kelvin Xie, Kevin Hemker, and Ramesh K. T.
Dynamic Response of Textile Material under Transverse Impact, Yuchen Zheng, Matthew C. Hudspeth, and Weinong W. Chen
Dynamic Simulation of Household Refrigerators: Numerical Model and Experimental Comparison, Nicolas Ablanque, Carles Oliet, Joaquim Rigola, Oriol Lehmkuhl, and Assensi Oliva
Dynamics of electromagnetically-transduced microresonators, Andrew B Sabater
Dynamics of nonlinear fluidic energy harvesters and arrays, Vahid Azadeh, Niell Elvin, and Yiannis Andreopoulos
Dynamics of Streptococcus mutans Transcriptome in Response to Starch and Sucrose during Biofilm Development., Marlise I. Klein, Lena DeBaz, Senyo Agidi, Herbert Lee, Gary Xie, Amy H.-M. Lin, Bruce R. Hamaker, José A. Lemos, and Hyun Koo
Dynamics of Streptococcus mutans Transcriptome in Response to Starch and Sucrose during Biofilm Development., Marlis I. Klein, Lena DeBaz, Senyo Agidi, Herbert Lee, Gary Xie, Amy Hui-Mei Lin, Bruce R. Hamaker, Jose A. Lemos, and Hyun Koo
Dynamic Surgical Tool Tracking and Delivery System using Baxter Robot, Sthitapragyan Parida, Juan Pablo Wachs, and Maria Eugenia Cabrera
Dynamo Sideways, Terrance L. Manning
Dystopian Schools: Recovering Dewey’s Radical Aesthetics in an Age of Utopia-Gone-Wrong, Jessica A. Heybach and Eric C. Sheffield
Early adopters' perception of iPhone mobile commerce applications, Na-Ra Yun
Early Postnatal Overnutrition: Potential Roles of Gastrointestinal Vagal Afferents and Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor, Edward A. Fox and Jessica E. Biddinger
Earth History Visualization System, Xinjie Lei and James G. Ogg
Earthquake Damage Prevention: Semi-Active Structural Control of a Two-Story Shear Building, Alana Wilbee
Earthquake nucleation and propagation on rate and state faults: single versus two state variables formulation and evolution by Kato–Tullis law, Ahmed Elbanna and Xiao Ma
“Eat Yourself Full, Leave Your Plate Empty”: Or Why Student and Faculty Appetite for Data Is Like an Offensive Lineman at a Buffet, Angela K. Horne, Corey Seeman, and Rebecca A. Smith
eBook Access via a Library-Developed Full-Text Search Tool: A Five-year Reflection, Leslie Czechowski and Nancy Tannery
eBooks: Access, Technology, & Licensing, Lisa Carlucci Thomas
eBooks and Memory: Down the Rabbit Hole?, Tony Horava
E-Books Down Under, Tony Davies and Michelle Morgan
eBooks: The Preservation Challenge, Amy Kirchhoff
E-Browsing: Serendipity and Questions of Access and Discovery, Kate M. Joranson, Steve I. VanTuyl, and Nina Clements
EBSD characterization of deformation in high strain rate application aluminum alloys, Thomas Kozmel, Murat Vural, and Sammy Tin
Ecological interactions affecting American chestnut restoration and Allegheny woodrat conservation in Indiana, Rita M Blythe
Economic and policy analysis for solar PV systems in Indiana, Jinho Jung
Economic impacts of transportation infrastructure investment across countries: An empirical analysis, Bismark Richard Delaidem Kofi Agbelie
Economic Optimization of a Concentrating Solar Power Plant with Molten-salt Thermocline Storage, S. M. Flueckiger, B. D. Iverson, and S V. Garimella
Economic Optimization of a Concentrating Solar Power Plant with Molten-salt Thermocline Storage, S. M. Flueckiger
Editorial, Margaret Shu-Mei Sass
Editorial, John H. Mott and Mary M. Fink
Editorial, Frank J. Dooley
Editorial, John H. Mott and Mary M. Fink
Editorial: Discussing the Classics of Young Adult Literature, Steven T. Bickmore
Editorial: It’s Raining Cats and Dogs in Children’s Books, Janet Alsup
Editor's Introduction, Krista Glazewski
Editor's Introduction, Jennifer Wiley
Editors' Introduction, Jiyoon Jung and Michael M. Grant
Editor's Note, David Granger
Editor’s Note, David Granger
EDPS 265: The Inclusive Classroom, Jasmine Begeske
Educating for Evidence Based Decisions in Engineering: The View as Librarian and Instructor, Amy S. Van Epps
Education Through Creation: Fighting Food Insecurity With Food Finders, Stephen Cavaliere, Clarissa Corpstein, Christopher Ioerger, and Jessica Wyckoff
E-Everything: Putting It All Together, Audrey Powers
Effective Inter-Residue Contact Definitions for Accurate Protein Fold Recognition., Chao Yuan, Hao Chen, and Daisuke Kihara
Effect of Aggregate Gradation with Fuller Distribution on Properties of Sulfoaluminate Cement Concrete, Chenchen Gong, Jie Zhang, Shoude Wang, Wen Zong, and Lingchao Lu
Effect of aluminization on ignition sensitivity of PBX, Seokpum Kim, Min Zhou, and Yasuyuki Horie
Effect of Aviation Fuel Type and Fuel Injection Conditions on the Spray Characteristics of Pressure Swirl and Hybrid Air Blast Fuel Injectors, Rick Thomas Feddema
Effect of Blast Furnace Slag Powder and Fly Ash on Durability of Concrete Mixed with Seawater, Nobuaki Otsuki, Takahiro Nishida, Chang Yi, Tomohiro Nagata, and Hiroki Ohara
Effect of Carboxymethyl Cellulose Concentration on Physical Properties of Biodegradable Cassava Starch-Based Films, Wirongrong Tongdeesoontorn, Lisa J. Mauer, Sasitorn Wongruong, Pensiri Sriburi, and Pornchai Rachtanapun
Effect of carvacrol-loaded nanoemulsions on a bioluminescent strain of Escherichia coli O157:H7, Clara Maria Vasquez Mejia
Effect of Cellular Phone and Radar Forensics on Search and Rescue Duration for General Aviation Aircraft Accidents in the Contiguous United States, Ryan J. Wallace
Effect of colliding plasmas dynamics, evolution, and stagnation on carbon molecular formation, Khaled F Al-Shboul
Effect of Co Loading on the Activity and Selectivity of PtCo Aqueous Phase Reforming Catalysts, Paul J. Dietrich, M. Cem Akatay, Fred G. Sollberger, Eric A. Stach, Jeffrey T. Miller, W. Nicholas Delgass, and Fabio H. Ribeiro
Effect of Conformation Sampling Strategies in Genetic Algorithm for Multiple Protein Docking., Juan Esquivel-Rodriguez and Daisuke Kihara
Effect of contact location information on haptic shape perception, Jaeyoung Park
Effect of cranberry on intestinal microbial and immune systems of nursery pigs, Megan M Stanley
Effect of DLK1 and RTL1 but Not MEG3 or MEG8 on Muscle Gene Expression in Callipyge Lambs, Jolena N. Fleming-Waddell, Gayla R. Olbricht, Tasia M. Taxis, Jason D. White, Tony Vuocolo, Bruce A. Craig, Ross L. Tellam, Mike K. Neary, Noelle E. Cockett, and Christopher A. Bidwell
Effect of Drying Rate on Shrinkage of Alkali-Activated Slag Cements, Hailong Ye, Christopher Cartwright, Farshad Rajabipour, and Aleksandra Radlińska
Effect of exhaust gas recirculation and combustible oxygen mass fraction on emission index of NOx for counterflow methane/air diffusion flames, Mugdha Shriram Sane
Effect of Height Difference on The Performance of Two-phase Thermosyphon Loop Used in Air-conditioning System, Penglei Zhang, Xianting Li, Sheng Shang, Wenxing Shi, and Baolong Wang
Effect of image capture devices on the accuracy of black-box printer models, Jae Sung Youn
Effect of implant design and material on subsidence following dynamic loading of intervertebral devices, Antonio Valdevit, Peter Ullrich, Michelle Gallagher, and Jennifer Schneider
Effect of intermolecular forces in mechanical behavior of elastomers, Hesam Khajehsaeid and Sima Rabiei
Effect of overweight trucks and natural conditions on the durability of concrete bridges, Boyuan Liu, Hun Cha, Arun Prakash, and Amit Varma
Effect of PEG conjugation on entropy driven self-assembly of coiled coils, Elham Hamed, Danielle Ma, and Sinan Keten
Effect of Pulsation Width Modulation (PWM) on the Performance of an Evaporator, Xiaofei Wang, Ke Tang, and Predrag S. Hrnjak
Effect of Refrigerant Charge, Compressor Speed and Air Flow Through the Evaporator on the Performance of an Automotive Air Conditioning System, Santanu Prasad Datta, Prasanta Kumar Das, and Siddhartha Mukhopadhyay
Effect of resonant acoustic mixing on pharmaceutical powder blends and tablets, Juan Osorio, Koushik Sowrirajan, and Fernando Muzzio
Effect of Salts on the Co-Fermentation of Glucose and Xylose by a Genetically Engineered Strain of Saccharomyces Cerevisiae., Elizabeth Casey, Nathan S. Mosier, Jiri Adamec, Zachary Stockdale, Nancy Ho, and Miroslav Sedlak
Effect of Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate and Sodium Chloride on the Stability of Aqueous Dispersions of TiO2 Particles Against Aggregation and Sedimentation, Xilan Zhu, Guanrong Bai, Elias I. Franses, David S. Corti, and Yung-Jih Yang
Effect of Solar Radiation Model on the Predicted Energy Performance of Buildings, Alessandro Prada, Giovanni Pernigotto, Paolo Baggio, Andrea Gasparella, and Ardeshir Mahdavi
Effect of Superhydrophobic Surface Morphology on Evaporative Deposition Patterns, M. Dicuangco, S. Dash, J. A. Weibel, and S. V. Garimella
Effect of T-DNA insertions on mRNA transcript copy numbers upstream and downstream of the insertion site in Arabidopsis thaliana explored by surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy, Ulhas Kadam, Claudia A. Moeller, Joseph Irudayaraj, and Burkhard Schulz
Effect of the autopilot on pilot performance during ils approaches in general aviation technically advanced aircraft, Robert C Geske
Effect of Transverse Crack on Chloride Penetration into Concrete Subjected to Drying–Wetting Cycles, Chunhua Lu, Y. Gao, and R. G. Liu
Effect of Twin Screw Granulator Process Parameters on Granule Attributes, Haosheng Xu, Ridade Sayin, and James Litster
Effect of viscoplasticity in HMX grains on ignition probability of dynamically loaded PBXs, David Barrett Hardin and Min Zhou
Effect of work complexity & individual differences on nursing IT utilization, Renran Tian
Effectors and Effector Delivery in Magnaporthe oryzae., Shijie Zhang and Jin-Rong Xu
Effects of alcohol or stress, or their combination, on prepulse inhibiton in mice selectively bred for high- and low-alcohol preference, Matthew S Powers
Effects of blood flow on the heating of cardiac stents due to radio frequency fields, Nate Elder
Effects of Blood Flow on the Heating of Cardiac Stents Due to Radio Frequency Fields, Nate Ian Elder
Effects of Body Armor and Load Carriage on Lower Limb Joint Movement, Huiju Park, Donna Branson, Adriana Petrova, Semra Peksoz, Carla Goad, Aric J. Warren, Bert Jacobson, and Panagiotis Kamenidis
Effects of boundary reinforcement on the antiplane shear of linearly elastic materials, Taisiya Sigaeva and Peter Schiavone
Effects of coadministration of d-napvsipq [nap] and d-sallrsipa [sal] on spatial learning after developmental alcohol exposure., Jennifer L Wagner
Effects of Consuming a High Carbohydrate Diet After Eight Weeks of Exposure to a Ketogenic Diet., Mary Ann Honors, Brandon M. Davenport, and Kimberly Kinzig
Effects of Cover Stories on Problem Solving in a Statistics Course, Travis Rex Ricks and Jennifer Wiley
Effects of crossflow in an internal-cooling channel on film cooling of a flat plate through compound-angle holes, Zachary T Stratton
Effects of dip-coated films on the properties of implantable intracortical microelectrodes, Salah Sommakia
Effects of DNA methylation pattern on the chromatin structure, Isabel C Jimenez Useche
Effects of Fixed and Motorized Window Louvers on the Daylighting and Thermal Performance of Open-Plan Office Buildings, Yuxiang Chen, Samson Yip, and Andreas Athienitis
Effects of Food Form on Food Intake and Postprandial Appetite Sensations, Glucose and Endocrine Responses, and Energy Expenditure in Resistance Trained Vs. Sedentary Older Adults., John W. Apolzan, Heather J. Leidy, Richard D. Mattes, and Wayne W. Campbell
Effects of grain size on the martensitic phase transformation of nanocrystalline Ni/Al shape memory alloys, Keith Morrison, Mathew Cherukara, Hojin Kim, and Alejandro Strachan
Effects of hearing aid amplification on robust neural coding of speech, Jonathan Daniel Boley
Effects of housing and calcium-deficient diet on health and egg production in Bovans Brown hens, Jiaying Hu
Effects of Housing and Calcium-Deficient Diet on Health and Egg Production in Bovans Brown Hens., Jiaying Hu
Effects of interface roughness on the cohesive strength of self-assembled monolayers, Chen Zhang, Amnaya Awasthi, Meg Grady, Nancy Sottos, and Philippe Geubelle
Effects of interstitial fluid flow and cell compression in FAK and Src activities in chondrocytes, Eunhye Cho
Effects of microscale rolling friction on dense virtual particle assemblies, Zamir Syed and David White
Effects of oligonucleotide sequence motifs and DNA methylation on nucleosome stability, Clayton Kenneth Collings
Effects of online oral practice on Japanese pitch accentuation acquisition, Mayu Miyamoto
Effects of Peanut Processing on Body Weight and Fasting Plasma Lipids., Fiona McKiernan, Phoebe Lokko, Anna Kuevi, Regiane L. Sales, Neuza M.B. Costa, Josefina Bressan, Rita C.G. Alfenas, and Richard D. Mattes
Effects of Peanut Processing on Masticatory Performance During Variable Appetitive States., Fiona McKiernan and Richard D. Mattes
Effects of Pest Damage and Grain Management Practices on Storage Behavior and Market Prices: Insights from Benin, Didier K Kadjo
Effects of randomness and inclination on the optical properties of multi-walled carbon nanotube arrays, Hua Bao, Bhagirath Duwuri, Minhan Lou, and Xiulin Ruan
Effects of Refrigerant-Lubricant Combinations on the Energy Efficiency of a Convertible Split-System Residential Air-Conditioner, Travis L. Benanti, Edward T. Hessell, Roberto A. Urrego, Scott S. Wujek, Chad D. Bowers, and Stefan Elbel
Effects of selected pesticides on calico scale and its natural enemies, Carlos Roberto Quesada Machigua
Effects of Short-Term Protein Supplementation on Muscle Work Efficiency in Elderly Adults, Kathryn Anne Sands
Effects of solutes on migration of incoherent twin boundary in FCC metals, Mikhail Mendelev and Valery Borovikov
Effects of Stirrups on Bond Behavior Between Concrete and Corroded Steel Bars, Hongwei Lin, Yuxi Zhao, and Ming Sun
Effects of thiamethoxam seed treatments on nutritive sources available to Orius insidiosus say in Indiana soybean agroecosystems, Madeline Ivy Spigler
Effects of Vapor Injected Compression, Hybrid Evaporator Flow Control, and Other Parameters on Seasonal Energy Efficiency., Christian K. Bach, Eckhard A. Groll, James E. Braun, and W. Travis Horton
Effects of Warming and Altered Precipitation on Plant and Nutrient Dynamics of a New England Salt Marsh., Heather Charles and Jeffrey S. Dukes
Effects of wheat grain moisture: Quality, germination, and relationship to accumulated growing degree days, Kirsten Lee Thomas
Efficacy of manual dishwashing and sanitizer wiping in removing food soils from chef knives, Xiaodi Sun
Efficient and realistic device modeling from atomic detail to the nanoscale, James E. Fonseca, Tillmann C. Kubis, Michael Povolotskyi, Bozidar Novakovic, Arvind Ajoy, Ganesh K. Hegde, Hesameddin Ilatikhameneh, Zhengping Jiang, Parijat Sengupta, Yui-Hong Tan, and Gerhard Klimeck
Efficient Calculation of Steady State Probability Distribution for Stochastic Biochemical Reaction Network., Shahriar Karim, Gregery T. Buzzard, and David Michael Umulis
Efficient estimation of failure probability, Jing Li
Efficient Light Bending with Isotropic Metamaterial Huygens' Surfaces, Carl Pfeiffer, Naresh K. Emani, Amr Shaltout, Alexandra Boltasseva, Vladimir M. Shalaev, and Anthony Grbic
Efficient method for localised functions using domain transformation and Fourier sine series, Raka Jovanovic, Sabre Kais, and Fahhad H. Alharbi
Efficient processes for power generation and energy storage, Easa I Al-musleh
Efficient spectral-element methods for acoustic scattering and related problems, Ying He
EGFR may couple moderate alcohol consumption to increased breast cancer risk, Christopher P. Mill, Julia Chester, and David J. Riese II
Elastic properties and interfacial toughness of thermal barrier coatings, Kevin Hemker
Elastic strain engineering of charge and thermal transport in semiconductor nanostructures: the role of heterogeneity, Daniel Gianola
Elders’ Attitudes toward Extending the Healthy Life Span, Victor G. Cicirelli
Electrical and thermal conductivities of reduced graphene oxide/polystyrene composites, Wonjung Park, Jiuning Hu, Luis A. Jauregui, Xiulin Ruan, and Yong P. Chen
Electrical breakdown in polymers for BEOL applications: Dielectric heating and humidity effects, Sambit Palit and Muhammad Ashraful Alam
Electrical Modulation of Fano Resonance in Plasmonic Nanostructures Using Graphene, Naresh K. Emani; Ting Fung Chung; Alexander V. Kildishev; V. M. SBirck Nanotechnology Center and School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue UnBirck Nanotechnology Center and School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue Universityiversityhalaev; Yong P. Chen; and Alexandra Boltasseva
Electrical Testing of Cement-Based Materials: Role of Testing Techniques, Sample Conditioning, and Accelerated Curing, Robert Spragg, Yiwen Bu, Kenneth Snyder, Dale Bentz, and Jason Weiss
Electric-field-driven deformation, poration, and phase separation in biomimetic membranes, Petia Vlahovska
Electric-field-driven deformation, poration, and phase separation in biomimetic membranes, Petia Vlahovska
Electric machine differential for vehicle traction control and stability control, Sandun Shivantha Kuruppu
Electrochemically induced stresses in energy storage materials, Brian Sheldon
Electrochemical model based condition monitoring of a li-ion battery using fuzzy logic, Vinay Kumar Shimoga Muddappa
Electrochemical strain microscopy: principle, analysis, and applications, Jiangyu Li
Electromagnetic studies of explosives at ISM (industrial, scientific, medical) frequencies, Megan E Daily
Electron density measurements for plasma adaptive optics, Brian Neiswander, Eric Matlis, and Thomas Corke
Electronic eyes enabled by stretchable electronics: mechanics, materials, and optics, Jianliang Xiao
Electronic Journals, Prestige, and the Economics of Academic Journal Publishing, Steven Tötösy de Zepetnek and Joshua Jia
Electronic Resource Management: Functional Integration in Technical Services, George Stachokas
Electronic Resource Management Standardization-Still A Mixed Bag, Todd Carpenter
Electronic Resource Management Systems: Still Trying to Hit the Moving Target, Heather Klusendorf
Electronic transport in InGaAs/Al2O3 nFinFETs, Shengwei Li, Yaodong Hu, Yangqing Wu, Daming Huang, Peide D. Ye, and Ming-Fu Li
Electron roles in extreme ultraviolet lithography mirror contamination and flashover, Mark Catalfano
Electron spin magnetism of zigzag graphene nanoribbon edge states, Kun Xu and Peide D. Ye
Electron transport modeling and energy filtering for efficient thermoelectric Mg2Si1-xSnx solid solutions, Je-Hyeong Bahk, Zhixi Bian, and Ali Shakouri
Electrophoresis Staining: a New Method of Whole Mount Staining, Mitchell G. Ayers, Sarah Calve, and Zhiyu Li
Electroporation dynamics of giant lipid vesicles, Karin Riske, Rafael Lira, and Rumiana Dimova
"Elemental Decomposition and Multi-Criteria Method for Valuing Transportation Infrastructure Elemental Decomposition and Multi-Criteria Method for Valuing Transportation Infrastructure ", Michelle S. Dojutrek and Samuel Labi
Elevated Phospholipase A2 Activities in Plasma Samples from Multiple Cancers., Hui Cai, Elena G. Chiorean, Michael V. Chiorean, Douglas K. Rex, Bruce W. Robb, Noah M. Hahn, Ziyue Liu, Patrick J. Loehrer, Marietta L. Harrison, and Yan Xu
Eliciting and characterizing students' mental models within the context of engineering design, Chelsey Dankenbring
Eliel Saarinen and Raymond Loewy: Immigrants and Indigenous Design Innovation, Lisa S. Banu
ELISA Evaluation of K2-Spice Control Samples, Suzette Miller
Elite Size and Resilience Impact on Global System Structuration in Social Media, Sorin Matei, wutao Tan, Michael Zhu, Chuanhai Liu, Elisa Bertino, and Jeremy Foote
ELT professionals publishing in international applied linguistics journals: The case of mainland China, Kyle Ryan McIntosh
Elucidating the entropic interaction between fluctuating twin boundaries, Dengke Chen and Yashashree Kulkarni
Elucidating the kinetics of twin boundaries from thermal fluctuations, Dengke Chen and Yashashree Kulkarni
Elucidating the mechanics of clathrin-mediated endocytosis, Ashutosh Agrawal, Nikhil Walani, and Jennifer Torres
Elucidation of chiral recognition mechanisms of solutes by amylose tris[(s)-α-methylbenzylcarbamate] sorbent, Hung-Wei Tsui
Embedded system for the detection of brushless exciter failure, Zsolt Szekely
Embedding Quantum into Classical: Contextualization vs Conditionalization., Ehtibar Dzhafarov and Janne V. Kujala
Embodied Cognition and the Grotesque in Calvino's La giornata d'uno scrutatore and Sanguineti's Capriccio italiano, Marco Caracciolo
Embodied Kairos in the Writing Gymnasium, Christopher Dorn
EMD: an Ensemble Algorithm for Discovering Regulatory Motifs in DNA Sequences., Jianjun Hu, Yifeng D. Yang, and Daisuke Kihara
Emerald ash borer adult feeding behavior and ash tree management decision modeling: relationships between pest and host tolerance gradients, Rachel E Hunnicutt
Emergency Response to Bridge Collapse: A Case Study, Lori Swanson and Jeremy Harrison
Emergent Identity Matching after Successive Matching Training II: Reflexivity or Transitivity?, Peter J. Urcuioli and Melissa Swisher
Emergent Identity Matching After Successive Matching Training. I. Reflexivity or Generalized Identity?, Peter J. Urcuioli
Emergent lengthscales in the quenched stresses and elastic response of soft particle packings near jamming, Kamran Karimi, Arka Roy, and Craig Maloney
Emil Farkas and William Raymond Davis: Windy City Boys, Emily Durkin
Emotion capture: Emotion mimicry using facial motion capture, Thomas Emmanuel Haley-Hermiz
Empathy, Self-Reflection, and Curriculum Choice, Suely Grosseman, Mohammadreza Hojat, Pamela M. Duke, Stewart Mennin, Steven Rosenzweig, and Dennis Novack
Employing Asset Management to Control Costs and Sustain Highway Levels of Service: Volumes I and II, Jon D. Fricker, Kumares C. Sinha, Menna Noureldin, and Timothy Stroshine
Empowering plasmonics and metamaterials technology with new material platforms, Alexandra Boltasseva
Enabling Fast and Accurate Hybrid Simulations of Structures Subject to Earthquakes, Lanxi Liu
Enabling richer insight into runtime executions of systems, Karthik Swaminathan Nagaraj
Enabling strain hardening modeling via efficient time-integrators in dislocation dynamics simulations, Amin Aghaei, Ryan Sills, and Wei Cai
Enclothed Cognition and Controlled Attention during Insight Problem-Solving, Charles A. Van Stockum Jr. and Marci S. DeCaro
Encouraging the Growth of OWLs Worldwide: Utilizing Intercultural Rhetoric to Inform Best Practices, Joshua Paiz
Encryption Key Management for Secure Communication in Smart Advanced Metering Infrastructures, Seung-Hyun Seo, Xiaoyu Ding, and Elisa Bertino
Endocytosis of PEGylated nanoparticles: what is the role of grafted polyethylene glycol?, Ying Li
Endogenous siRNAs and noncoding RNA-derived small RNAs are expressed in adult mouse hippocampus and are up-regulated in olfactory discrimination training., Neil Smalheiser, G Lugli, Jyothi Thimmapuram, E.H. Cook, and J Larson
Energy absorption in gate controlled quantum dots, Shukun Shi
Energy Consequences of Non-optimal Heat Pump Parameterization, Alberto Tejeda, Anamaria Milu, Philippe Riviere, and Dominique Marchio
Energy Conservation Potential By Optimization Of Air Flow Rate Of Mechanical Ventilation, Bing Gu, Joerg Schmid, and Michael Schmidt
Energy Deposition in a Graphene Field Effect Transistor Based Radiation Detector, Nickolas Upole, Robert Bean, and Allen Garner
Energy Efficiency of a Chiller using R410A or R32, Bachir Bella, Norbert Kaemmer, Riccardo Brignoli, and Claudio Zilio
Energy Measurement of SPDY Protocol on Mobile Platform, Zisheng Liao, Ashiwan Sivakumar, and Sanjay Rao
Energy Modeling of a Botanical Air Filter, Daniel W. Newkirk, William J. Hutzel, Michael Dana, and Ming Qu
Energy optimization in mobile sensor networks, Shengwei Yu
Energy Reallocation to Breeding Performance through Improved Nest Building in Laboratory Mice., Brianna N. Gaskill, Kathleen R. Pritchett-Corning, Christopher J. Gordon, Edmond A. Pajor, Jeffrey R. Lucas, Jerry K. Davis, and Joseph P. Garner
Energy release rate based dynamic crack propagation, Leyu Wang and James Lee
Energy saving measures for automotive air conditioning (AC) system in the tropics, Alison Subiantoro, Kim Tiow Ooi, and Ulrich Stimming
Energy Savings Potential of Passive Chilled Beam System as a Retrofit Option for Commercial Buildings in Different Climates, Janghyun Kim, James E. Braun, and Athanasios Tzempelikos
Energy Simulation And Optimized Retrofit Practices Applied To A Real Dwelling, Giulia Marinello, Stephen L. Caskey, Eric J. Bowler, and Eckhard A. Groll
Energy systems analysis for a solar economy, Dharik Sanchan Mallapragada
Engaging Deweyan Ethics in Health Care: Leonard Fleck’s Rational Democratic Deliberation, Danielle L. Lake
Engaging (in) the university: Researching l2 graduate students' academic discourse needs through affect literacy, Carolyn Jo Doran
Engaging Non-Scientists in STEM Through Problem-Based Learning and Service Learning, Andrew Tawfik, Rebecca J. Trueman, and Matthew M. Lorz
Engaging Students Through Social Media, Beth L. McGough and Danielle Salomon
Engineering Leadership Assessment Tool Profile, Karan Sharma, Monique Ross, and Monica F. Cox
Engineering students at typically invisible transition points: A focus on admissions and the sophomore year, Elizabeth M Holloway
Engineering students' experiences and perceptions of workplace problem solving, Rui Pan
English Education Program Assessment: Creating Standards and Guidelines to Advance English Teacher Preparation, Janet Alsup and Don Zancanella
Enhanced Electron Photoemission by Collective Lattice Resonances in Plasmonic Nanoparticle-Array Photodetectors and Solar Cells, Sergei V. Zhukovsky, Viktoriia E. Babicheva, Alexander V. Uskov, Igor E. Protsenko, and Andrei V. Lavrinenko
Enhanced Heat Exchanger with Offset Spine Fin Design, Michael Kempiak and Brent Junge
Enhanced human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell function on 3D printed nanobone scaffolds with microvascular network, Ben Holmes and Lijie Zhang
Enhanced Performance Buildings Connected to District Heating Systems: Multi-Objective Optimisation Analysis, Dario Prando, Alessandro Prada, Fabian Ochs, Andrea Gasparella, and Marco Baratieri
Enhanced reaction rate for gas-phase epoxidation of propylene using H-2 and O-2 by Cs promotion of Au/TS-1, Wen-Sheng Lee, M. Cem Akatay, Eric A. Stach, Fabio H. Ribeiro, and W.N. Delgass
Enhancing ductility of ultrahigh strength metal-ceramic nanolayered composites, Sid Pathak, Shijian Zheng, Nathan Mara, and Irene Beyerlein
Enhancing photo-induced ultrafast charge transfer across heterojunctions of CdS and laser-sintered TiO2 nanocrystals, Bryan Spann, Venkataprasad S. Bhat, Qiong Nian, Kelly Rickey, Gary Cheng, Xiulin Ruan, and Xianfan Xu
Enhancing speech naturalness using respiratory treatment in individuals with Parkinson's disease, Meghan Darling White
Enhancing the Energy and Non-Energy Performance of Existing Buildings: a Multi-Objective Approach, Paola Penna, Alessandro Prada, Francesca Cappelletti, and Andrea Gasparella
Ensuring reliability, reproducibility and transferability in atomistic simulations: The knowledgebase of interatomic models (, Ellad Tadmor, Ryan Elliott, Daniel Karls, Adam Ludvik, James Sethna, Matthew Bierbaum, Alexander Alemi, and Trevor Wennblom
Environmental Monitoring in Preparation for the Installation of a Green Roof, Andrew Martin
Environmental pH Affects Photoautotrophic Growth of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 Strains Carrying Mutations in the Lumenal Proteins of PSII., Tina C. Summerfield, Tim S. Crawford, Roger Young, Jocelyn PS Chua, Rebecca Macdonald, Louis A. Sherman, and Julian J. Eaton-Rye
Environmental tradeoffs in bioenergy production and agricultural practices, Alicia L English
Enzyme-Synthesized Highly Branched Maltodextrins Have Slow Glucose Generation at the Mucosal α-Glucosidase Level and Are Slowly Digestible In Vivo., Byung-Hoo Lee, Like Yan, Robert J. Phillips, Bradley L. Reuhs, Kyra Jones, David R. Rose, Buford L. Nichols, Roberto Quezada-Calvillo, Sang-Ho Yoo, and Bruce R. Hamaker
EPICS: Broadening the Pathway into STEM, Mindy Hart, Patrice M. Buzzanell, William Charles Oakes, and Carla B Zoltowski
Epigenetic Natural Variation in Arabidopsis thaliana., Matthew W. Vaughn, Milos Tanurdzic, Zachary Lippman, Hongmei Jiang, Robert Carrasquillo, Pablo D. Rabinowicz, Neilay Dedhia, W Richard McCombie, Nicolas Agier, Agnes Bulski, Vincent Colot, Rebecca W. Doerge, and Robert A. Martienssen
Epigenetic Regulation of BMP2 by 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 through DNA Methylation and Histone Modification., Baisheng Fu, Hongwei Wang, Jinhua Wang, Ivana Barouhas, Wanqing Liu, Adam Shuboy, David A. Bushinsky, Dongsheng Zhou, and Murray J. Favus
Epigenomic Consequences of Immortalized Plant Cell Suspension Culture., Milos Tanurdzic, Matthew W. Vaughn, Hongmei Jiang, Tae-Jin Lee, R Keith Slotkin, Bryon Sosinski, William F. Thompson, Rebecca W. Doerge, and Robert A. Martienssen
Epitaxial superlattices with titanium nitride as a plasmonic component for optical hyperbolic metamaterials, Gururaj V. Naik, Bivas Saha, Jing Liu, Sammy M. Saber, Eric A. Stach, Joseph Irudayaraj, Timothy D. Sands, Vladimir M. Shalaev, and Alexandra Boltasseva
Epithelial expression of mRNA and protein for IL-6, IL-10 and TNF-α in endobronchial biopsies in horses with recurrent airway obstruction, Miia Riihimaki, Amanda Raine, Jamshid Pourazar, Thomas Sandstrom, Tatiana Art, Pierre Lekeux, Laurent Couetil, and John Pringle
Equilibrium and kinetics of the DNA overstretching transition, Prashant Purohit
Error sources in three-dimensional microscopic light field particle image velocimetry, Jonathon Pendlebury, Tadd Truscott, Jesse Belden, and Bryce McEwen
ERUPT: Energy-efficient tRUstworthy Provenance Trees for Wireless Sensor Networks, S.M. Iftekharul Alam, David K.Y. Yau, and Sonia Fahmy
Escultora de sonido: Una entrevista con Fabiola Ordoyo, Barcelona, mayo, 2011, Patricia Hart
ES-MRAC: A new paradigm for adaptive control, theory and applications, Poorya Haghi
ESRI Virtual Campus - Free GIS Training for Purdue Students, Larry Theller, Nicole Kong, and Larry Biehl
Essays in applied microeconomics, John W Lopresti
Essays in applied microeconomics, Katie E Schultz
Essays in applied microeconomics, Andrew Neil Greenland
Essays on alternative energy policies affecting the US transportation sector, Eric G O'Rear
Essays on industrial organization, Lihong Yang
Essays on mergers and acquisitions and innovation, Vusal Eminli
Essays on the cross-sectional predictability of stock returns, Mihai B Ion
Essays on the role of income in trade, Kwan Yong Lee
Essential Role of the Plasmid hik31 Operon in Regulating Central Metabolism in the Dark in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803., Sowmya Nagarajan, Sanvesh Srivastava, and Louis A. Sherman
Establishing a Benchmark of Fuel Efficiency for Commercial Airline Operations, Samuel Chandra, Chetan K. Chitgopeker, Ben Crawford, John Dwyer, and Yi Gao
Establishing Bioinformatics Research in the Asia Pacific, Shoba Ranganathan, Martti Tammi, Michael Gribskov, and Tin Wee Tan
Establishing Data Literacy Programs Through Collaboration, Michelle Edwards and Carol Perry
Establishing the role of the pancreatic transcription factor MIST1 in XBP1-mediated maintenance of pancreatic acinar cell homeostasis, David Alan Hess
Estimating Age-Dependent Per-Encounter Chlamydia Trachomatis Acquisition Risk Via a Markov-Based State-Transition Model., Yu Teng, Nan Kong, and Wanzhu Tu
Estimating Fluid Local Velocity within a Novel 3D Collagen Matrix Perfusion System, Ana M. Villanueva, Sherry L. Voytik, and Kevin P. Buno
Estimating Highway Maintenance Work, Fifth Edition, Ohio Department of Transportation and Indiana LTAP
Estimating truncated hotel demand: A comparison of low computational cost forecasting methods, Yue Ding
Estimating View Parameters From Random Projections for Tomography Using Spherical MDS, Yi Fang, Sundar Murugappan, and Karthik Ramani
Estimation of elastic modulus of confined polymer near interface by molecular dynamics simulation, Zhiwei Cui
Estimation of Two-Stage Ditch Excavation Volume Using LiDAR Data, Kirsten E. Paff
Estimation of Two-Stage Ditch Excavation Volume Using LiDAR Data, Kirsten E. Paff, Jane Frankenburger, and Naime Celik
Estimation of Vapor Quality at Compressor Suction of Air Conditioner, Kazuhiro Endoh
Estimation of variation for high-throughput molecular biological experiments with small sample size, Danni Yu
Estimation of watershed nitrate loads on drained agricultural lands, Yan Jiang
Estimation of Watershed Nitrate Loads on Drained Agricultural Lands, Yan Jiang
Ethical Criticism and Literary Studies: A Book Review Article about Nie's Work, Biwu Shang
Ethical Fashion and Its Effects on Consumer Buying Behavior, Amber L. Schrotenboer
Ethics and Analytics: Limits of Knowledge and a Horizon of Opportunity, James E. Willis III and Matthew D. Pistilli
Ethics, Big Data, and Analytics: A Model for Application., James E. Willis III
European Comparative Literature as Humanism, Bernard Franco
European Literary Tradition in Roth's Kepesh Trilogy, Gustavo Sánchez-Canales
European Romantic Prose: A Book Review Article of Comparative History of Literatures in European Languages, Arno Gimber
Evaluating Contaminants of Emerging Concern in Commercial Biosolid-based Fertilizers, John Hemmerling, Michael L. Mashtare, and Linda S. Lee
Evaluating different bridge management strategies using the bridge management research system (bmrs), Timothy Paul Stroshine
Evaluating Fault Detection and Diagnostics Tools with Simulations of Multiple Vapor Compression Systems, David P. Yuill, Howard Cheung, and James E. Braun
Evaluating flight delay benefits from the NextGen program, Brian M Sperduto
Evaluating long-term leasing of toll roads based on probabilistic and multiple-criteria techniques, Zhibo Zhang
Evaluation and economic value of winter weather forecasts, Derrick W Snyder
Evaluation and Soft-Optimization for R410A Low-GWP Replacement Candidates through Testing and Simulation, Yunho Hwang, Abdullah Alabdulkarem, Radia Eldeeb, Vikrant Aute, and Reinhard Radermacher
Evaluation of forage soybean yield and quality characteristics and potential as a feed resource for developing replacement beef heifers, Emily G Taylor
Evaluation of Function Predictions by PFP, ESG, and PSI-BLAST for Moonlighting Proteins., Ishita K. Khan, Meghana Chitale, Catherine Rayon, and Daisuke Kihara
Evaluation of IMRT parameters for head and neck cancer, Shiv Prakash Srivastava
Evaluation of magnetic nanoparticle heating for a novel -implantable biomedical device for localized treatment of breast cancer, Kwabena Kan-Dapaah, Nima Rahbar, and Wole Soboyejo
Evaluation of Multiple Protein Docking Structures Using Correctly Predicted Pairwise Subunits., Juan Esquivel-Rodriguez and Daisuke Kihara
Evaluation of performance of Heat pump system using R32 and HFO mixed refrigerant., Shigeharu Taira, Tomoyuki Haikawa, and Hayato Nuno
Evaluation of process changes on finished water quality for gift of water system, Amanda C Costello
Evaluation of Structural Properties of the Freeze–Thaw-Damaged RC Beam Members by Nonlinear Finite-Element Analysis, Hiroshi Hayashida, Yasuhiko Sato, and Tamon Ueda
Evaluation of Targeted Influenza Vaccination Strategies via Population Modeling., John Glasser, Denis Taneri, Zhilan Julie Feng, Jen-Hsiang Chuang, Peet Tüll, William Thompson, Mary McCauley, and James Alexander
Evaluation of temporal and regional variations in canine leptospirosis in the United States, Hu Suk Lee
Evaluation of the IrisPlex DNA-based eye color prediction tool in the United States, Gina M Dembinski
Evaluation of the Novel Folate Receptor Ligand [18F] Fluoro-PEG-Folate for Macrophage Targeting in a Rat Model of Arthritis., Yooney YJ Gent, Karin Weijers, Carla FM Molthoff, Albert D. Windhorst, Marc C. Huisman, Desirée EC Smith, Sumith A. Kularatne, Gerritt Jansen, Philip S. Low, Adriaan A. Lammertsma, and Conny J. van der Laken
Evaluation of three nutrition labeling formats for restaurant menus, Li Ge
Evaluation of vertical profiles to design continuous descent approach procedure, Priyank Pradeep
Evaluation of Women and Men Professors: How Gender Scripts Affect Students' Assessments, Elizabeth A. Hoffmann
Evaporative Deposition on Superhydrophobic Surfaces, M. Dicuangco, S. Dash, and S V. Garimella
Event structure of resultatives in ASL, Ashley Kentner
Evolution and revolution of organizational configurations on wikipedia: A longitudinal network analysis, Brian C Britt
Evolutionary electromechanical stability in viscoelastic dielectrics under constant loads, Bo Li
Evolution of Data Creation, Management, Publication, and Curation in the Research Process, Lisa Zilinski, Darcy Bullock, Deborah Horton, David Scherer, and Courtney E. Matthews
Evolution of local mechanical behavior during high strain rate deformation of tantalum, Shraddha Vachhani, Nathan Mara, Veronica Livescu, and Ellen Cerreta
Evolution of Trefoil Factor(s): Genetic and Spatio-Temporal Expression of Trefoil Factor 2 in the Chicken (Gallus Gallus Domesticus)., Zhengyu Jiang, Amy C. Lossie, and Todd J. Applegate
E.V.T.: A Comparison of the Relative Environmental Impact of Electronic and Traditional Methods of Publication, Burton B. Callicott
Examining Library’s Information Literacy Instruction in Support of Student Research Skills Competencies, Mirela Djokic
Examining sustainability attitudes and practices among over-the-road logistics companies operating in indiana, Robert L. Crull
Examining teachers' perspectives on an implementation of elementary engineering teacher professional development, Nikki Kim Boots
Examining the association of everyday discrimination and depressive symptoms in black men: The social support factor, Angelitta M Britt
Examining the Impact of Pavement Rehabilitation Trigger Values and Annual Rehabilitation Funding on the Long-term Network-Level Pavement Condition: A Case Study with the Indiana State Urban Road Network, Menna Noureldin, Jon D. Fricker, and Kumares C. Sinha
Examining Young Students’ Problem Scoping in Engineering Design, Jessica Watkins, Kathleen Spencer, and David Hammer
Ex-ante assessment of financial innovation policies in infrastructure system-of-systems, Ali Mostafavi
Excelling with Excel: Advanced Excel Functions for Collection Analysis, Denise Pan and Gabrielle Wiersma
Exceptional Diversity, Non-Random Distribution, and Rapid Evolution of Retroelements in the B73 Maize Genome., Regina S. Baucom, James C. Estill, Cristian Chaparro, Naadira Upshaw, Ansuya Jogi, Jean-Marc Deragon, Richard P. Westerman, Phillip SanMiguel, and Jeffrey L. Bennetzen
Exceptional Lability of a Genomic Complex in Rice and its Close Relatives Revealed by Interspecific and Intraspecific Comparison and Population Analysis, Zhixi Tian, Yanjun Yu, Feng Lin, Yeisoo Yu, Phillip J. SanMiguel, Rod A. Wing, Susan R. McCouch, Jianxin Ma, and Scott A. Jackson
Excessive delays in closeouts can be removed with the adaptation of better practices, Vasudha Kaul
Exercise Developing an Assessment Strategy Video, DIL Project Team
Exercise: Program Development in Data Information Literacy, Sarah J. Wright
Exergy And Energy Analysis Of Waste Heat Recovery Options For Cooling Capacity Production, Chantal Maatouk and Rayan Slim
Exergy Based Methodology for Optimized Integration of Heat Pumps in Industrial Processes, Karim Besbes, Assaad Zoughaib, Florence De Carlan, and Jean-Louis Peureux
Exhaust thermal management using cylinder deactivation and late intake valve closing, Mark E Magee
Exhaust thermal management using intake valve closing timing modulation, Akash Garg
Exhibition as Network, Network as Curator: Canonizing Art from “Latin America”, Daniel R. Quiles
Expanding Audiences for Online Writing Labs: OWLs in the English as a Foreign Language Context, Joshua Paiz
Expected Value of Beef Reproduction Strategies: Sexed Semen AI, Conventional Semen AI, and Natural Breeding, Emily Day Lord
Experiences of Informed Learning in the Undergraduate Classroom, Clarence Maybee
Experiencing “iPads for All”: Results from a Library-Wide Mobile Technology Program, Michelle Armstrong and Peggy S. Cooper
Experimental Analysis of R134a and R1234ze(E) Flow Boiling Inside a Roll Bond Evaporator, Giulia Righetti, Claudio Zilio, and Giovanni A. Longo
Experimental Analysis Of Twisted Shaped Spot Evaporators At High Heat Fluxes, Tobias Knipping, Michael Arnemann, Ullrich Hesse, and Frank Humpfer
Experimental and computational analysis of dynamic loading for bone formation, Todd Randall Dodge
Experimental and Modeling Improvements to a Co-Fluid Cycle Utilizing Ionic Liquids and Carbon Dioxide, Scott S. Wujek, Mark J. McCready, George Mozurkewich, William F. Schneider, and Stefan Elbel
Experimental and numerical investigation of role of contamination on tensile and shear strength of adhesively bonded joints in carbon fiber reinforced composites, Denizhan Yavas, Xu Shang, and Ashraf F. Bastawros
Experimental and numerical study of the air distribution in an airliner cabin, Wei Liu
Experimental and Numerical Study on the Performance of R410A Liquid Recirculation Cycles with and without Ejectors, Neal Lawrence and Stefan Elbel
Experimental and theoretical investigation of magnetorheological elastomers with layered mesostructures, Changyong Cao, Shaoting Lin, and Xuanhe Zhao
Experimental and three-dimensional finite element investigation of fatigue, John A. R Bomidi
Experimental assessment of fracture of individual sand particles at different loading rates, Niranjan Parab, Benjamin Claus, Matthew Hudspeth, Jianzhuo Sun, Weinong Chen, Kamel Fezzaa, and Xianghui Xiao
Experimental Comparison of the Refrigerant Reservoir Position in a Primary Loop Refrigerant Cycle with Optimal Operation, Jan Christoph Menken, Thomas Weustenfeld, and Jürgen Köhler
Experimental Comparison Of Working Fluids For Organic Rankine Cycle With Single-Screw Expander, Sergei Gusev, Davide Ziviani, Ian Bell, Michel De Paepe, and Martijn van den Broek
Experimental Demonstration of Model Predictive Control in a Medium-Sized Commercial Building, Pengfei Li, Dapeng Li, Draguna Vrabie, Sorin Bengea, and Stevo Mijanovic
Experimental demonstration of titanium nitride plasmonic interconnects, Nathaniel Kinsey, Marcello Ferrera, Gururaj V. Naik, V. E. Babicheva, Vladimir M. Shalaev, and Alexandra Boltasseva
Experimental Evaluation Of The Frost Formation, Yusuke Tashiro and Mamoru Hamada
Experimental Fire Studies on Load Bearing Steel Structures with Common Protective Coatings Used in China, Xue Dong, W.K. Chow, and Nai-Kong Fong
Experimental investigation into the mechanical properties of metal anodes in lithium-ion batteries, Ali Ghahremaninezhad and Omid Gooranorimi
Experimental investigation of a forced response condition in a multistage compressor, William Louis Murray
Experimental investigation of a Scroll unit used as a compressor and as an expander in a Heat Pump/ORC reversible unit, Olivier Dumont, Sylvain Quoilin, and Vincent Lemort
Experimental Investigation of Multi-Functional Variable Refrigerant Flow System, Xiaojie Lin, Hoseong Lee, Yunho Hwang, Reinhard Radermacher, and Saikee Oh
Experimental investigation of ultrawideband wireless systems: Waveform generation, propagation estimation, and dispersion compensation, Amir Dezfooliyan
Experimental Investigation of Vapor Injected Compression for Cold Climate Heat Pumps, Christian K. Bach, Bernhard Vetsch, Eckhard A. Groll, W. Travis Horton, and James E. Braun
Experimental investigation on the influencing factors of a transcritical CO2 heat pump, J.L. Ma, C.H. Liu, Y. Hou, and T.W. Lai
Experimental observations of droplet breakup in microfluidic T-junctions, Wenbo Zhang
Experimental Pedagogy in a Course on International Business in French, Marie-Pascale Pieretti
Experimental Performance Investigation of New Low-GWP Refrigerants for Use in Two-Phase Evaporative Cooling of Electronics, Alexis Nicolette-Baker, Elizabeth Garr, Abhijit Sathe, and Steve O'Shaughnessey
Experimental realization of quantum algorithm for solving linear systems of equations, Jian Pan, Yudong Cao, Xiwei Yao, Zhaokai Li, Chenyong Ju, Hongwei Chen, Xinhua Peng, Sabre Kais, and Jiangfeng Du
Experimental Research on Corrosion-Induced Cracking Monitoring Based on Optical Fiber Sensor, Mao Jianghong, Jin Weiliang, Xiong Yanjun, Wang Qi, Yong He, and Zhang Jun
Experimental Research On Gas Injection High Temperature Heat Pump With An Economizer, Yongning He, Lei Jin, Feng Cao, and Shengkun Chen
Experimental studies of arbitration mechanism and two-sided markets, Daniel M Nedelescu
Experimental studies of LiRb: Spectroscopy and ultracold molecule formation by photoassociation, Sourav Dutta
Experimental Study of a CO2 Thermal Battery for Simultaneous Cooling and Heating Applications, Tianwei Wang, Supriya Dharkar, Orkan Kurtulus, Eckhard A. Groll, and Kazuaki Yazawa
Experimental study of bubble plume with CFD benchmarking, Christopher J Macke
Experimental study of electrons from heavy flavor hadrons decays in Au+Au collisions at 200, 62.4 and 39 GeV in the STAR experiment at RHIC, Mustafa Mustafa
Experimental Study of Fouling Performance of Air Conditioning System with Microchannel Heat Exchanger, Bo Xu, Junye Shi, Ying Wang, Jiangping Chen, Feng Li, and Dong Li
Experimental study of gas turbine combustion with elevated fuel temperatures, Heather K Wiest
Experimental study of pathological and cardiovascular device hemodynamics, Anna-Elodie M Kerlo
Experimental study of the Couple Characteristics of the Refrigerants and Vortex Tube, Nian Li, Zheng Wang, Xiaohong Han, and Guangming Chen
Experimental Study On Bubble Absorber With Multiple Tangential Nozzles, Santosh Kumar Panda and Mani Annamalai
Experimental Study on Carbonation of Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete, Yan Wang, Ditao Niu, and Zhenping Dong
Experimental Study on Extremum Seeking Control for Efficient Operation of Air-side Economizer, Baojie Mu, Yaoyu Li, and John E. Seem
Experimental Study on Fire Resistance Performance of a Hollow Slab Using a Lightweight Hollow Sphere, Bum-Yean Cho, Hyung-Jun Kim, Kyung-Hoon Park, and Heung-Youl Kim
Experimental Study on Liquid Film Thickness of Annular Flow in Microchannels, Yuki Yoshinaga, Hao Peng, Chaobin Dang, and Eiji Hihara
Experimental Study on Match for Indoor and Outdoor Heat Exchanger of Residential Air-conditioner, Xiaoping Tu, Xiangfei Liang, and Rong Zhuang
Experimental Study on Performance of Two-phase Ejector Refrigeration Cycle System with Two-throat Nozzle, Li Qian Ren, Xian Min Guo, Xin Wei Guo, and Tian Long Li
Experimental Study on the Fire Resistance Performance of Prestressed Composite Beam with Corrugated Web under Standard Fire with Loading Condition, Heung-Youl Kim, Hyung-Jun Kim, Kyung-Hoon Park, and Bum-Yean Cho
Experimental Study on Water Absorption by Concrete Damaged by Uniaxial Loading, Licheng C. Wang
Experiments and simulations of the interaction of high velocity granular slugs with structures, Ashish Goel, Vikram Deshpande, Tao Liu, and Tobias Uth
Exploratory study in container loading Embraer 190 aircraft, Ryan H AuYeung
Exploring Best Practices for Research Data Management in Earth Science through Collaborating with University Libraries, Ting Wang and Benjamin D. Branch
Exploring consumer preferences for animal care and rearing practices across species and products, Melissa Gale Short McKendree
Exploring Gradient: An interactive online peer-review and assessment tool., Pat Reid and Akesha Horton
Exploring the Effect of Solution Speciation on Crystallization Outcome, David M. Harvey, Arjun Kalra, and Tonglei Li
Exploring the Ideal of Teaching as Consummatory Experience, Sevket Benhur Oral
Exploring the implementation effects of response to intervention on rural elementary schools in Indiana, Janet Lynn Yonts
Exposure Test on Two Surface Anticorrosion Technologies for Marine Concrete Structure, Haicheng Yang, Jianbo Xiong, Quanke Su, and Yu Yan
Expression, isolation, and characterization of the Varicella-zoster virus capsid portal protein, pORF54, Alexander J Howard
Expression of histone deacetylase enzymes in murine and chick optic nerve, Sarika Tiwari
Extending the Life of Asphalt Longitudinal Paving Joints, Rex Hedges and Jim Brownridge
Extensible Context-aware Stream Processing on the Cloud, Walid G. Aref
Extensive Training is Insufficient to Produce the Work-Ethic Effect in Pigeons, Marco Vasconcelos and Peter J. Urcuioli
Extraction of rate-dependent traction–separation relations, Kenneth Liechti, Sundeep Palvadi, and Nanshu Lu
Extremely Low Refrigerant Charge Beverage Display Cooler Technology Using Propane, Yadira Padilla Fuentes, Stefan Elbel, and Predrag S. Hrnjak
Extremum Seeking Control of Hybrid Ground Source Heat Pump System, Bin Hu, Yaoyu Li, Baojie Mu, Shaojie Wang, John E. Seem, and Feng Cao
Fabricating complex-shaped components by room-temperature injection molding of aqueous ceramic suspension gels, Valerie Wiesner
Fabrication of a nanoelectromechanical resonator in a, standard, 45 nanometer CMOS SOI technology, Hossein Pajouhi
Facilitating Faculty Participation: Providing the Repository Service Model Catalyst for Faculty Deposits with the Purdue e-Pubs Repository, David Scherer and Marcy Wilhelm-South
Facilitating Joint Chaos and Fractal Analysis of Biosignals through Nonlinear Adaptive Filtering., Jianbo Gao, Jing Hu, and Wen-wen Tung
Factors in Stimulating Evacuation Behavior During Floods, Ryuji Kakimoto and Fumihiko Yamada
Factors in the determination of aggression in preschool children with hyperactivity, Melissa Ann Stormont-Spurgin
Failure of brittle heterogeneous materials: intermittency, crackling, and seismicity, Jonathan Bares, Daniel Bonamy, and Davy Dalmas
Failure of brittle heterogeneous materials: intermittency or continuum regime, Jonathan Bares and Daniel Bonamy
Failure of two porous sandstones under true triaxial conditions, John Rudnicki, Xiaodong Ma, and Bezalel Haimson
Failure strength prediction for adhesively bonded single lap joints, Niat Mahmud Rahman
Fast and Efficient Discrimination of Traveling Salesperson Problem Stimulus Difficulty., Matthew J. Dry and Elizabeth L. Fontaine
Fast direct volume integral equation solvers for large-scale general electromagnetic analysis, Saad Omar
Fast Eigensolver for plasmonic metasurfaces, Alexander O. Korotkevich, Xingjie Ni, and Alexander V. Kildishev
Faster than Our Understanding, Eugene H. Spafford
Fat and fit: A culture-centered approach toward a new paradigm of health and the body, Christine M Spinetta
Fate of 17α-estradiol, 17β-estradiol, and estrone in agricultural soils and sediments, Michael L. Mashtare
Father’s Care – Involvement, Influence, and Affection: Three Keys to Father-Child Relationships, Charles A. Smith
Fatty acids and mercury in seventy seven species of commercially available finfish in the United States, Dennis P Cladis
Fault detection and diagnosis for air conditioners and heat pumps based on virtual sensors, Woohyun Kim
Feasibility analysis of large length-scale thermocapillary flow experiment for the International Space Station, Samantha J Alberts
Feasibility of pulsed proton acoustics for 3D dosimetry, Fahed M Alsanea
Feasibility study of terahertz time-domain measurement to monitor individual layer thickness of bilayer tablets, Yifan Wang, Fernando Muzzio, Alberto Cuitino, and David Heaps
Feasibility Study of Zero Carbon Domestic Building in the UK, Jie Zhu
“Federal-aid 101” : A Financial Overview, Mark Newland
Federally Funded, Mark Newland and Karen Hicks
Feelings and intuitions: Examining the automatic nature of spontaneous evaluative inferences, Erica D Schneid
Ferroelastic domains in lead-free barium zirconate titanate - barium calcium titanate piezoceramics, Matthias Claudius Ehmke
Fiber Length and Orientation in Long Carbon Fiber Thermoplastic Composites, Imad Hanhan, Connor Sullivan, Bhisham Sharma, and Michael Sangid
Fiber-reinforced tough hydrogels, Widusha Illeperuma, Jeong-Yun Sun, Zhigang Suo, and Joost Vlassak
Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor Splice Variants are Stable Markers of Oncogenic Transforming Growth Factor β1 Signaling in Metastatic Breast Cancers., Michael K. Wendt, Molly A. Taylor, Barbara J. Schiemann, Khalid Sossey-Alaoui, and William P. Schiemann
Fiction, Film, Painting, and Comparative Literature, Ramona L. Ceciu
Field Cycle Length Sweep to Evaluate Resonant Cycle Sensitivity, Howell Li, Christopher M. Day, Alex M. Hainen, Amanda L. Stevens, Steven Lavrenz, W Benjamin Smith, Hayley Summers, Rick Freije, Jim Sturdevant, and Darcy M. Bullock
Field emission-driven microdischarges, Paul Rumbach, Yingjie Li, and David B. Go
Field Evaluation for Air-source Transcritical CO2 Heat Pump Water Heater with Optimal Pressure Control, Bin Hu, Yongning He, Shouguo Wang, Feng Cao, and Ziwen Xing
Filter synthesis and design techniques for highly adaptable systems, Eric J Naglich
Finding the Missing Honey Bee Genes: Lessons Learned From a Genome Upgrade., Christine G. Elsik, Kim C. Worley, Anna K. Bennett, Martin Beye, Francisco Camara, Christopher P. Childers, Dirk C. de Graaf, Griet Debyser, Jixin Deng, Bart Devreese, Eran Elhaik, Jay D. Evans, Leonard J. Foster, Dan Graur, Roderic Guigo, HGSC production teams, Katharina Jasmin Hoff, Michael E. Holder, Matthew E. Hudson, Greg Hunt, Huaiyang Jiang, Vandita Joshi, Radhika S. Khetani, Peter Kosarev, Christie L. Kovar, Jian Ma, Ryszard Maleszka, Robin FA Moritz, Monica C. Munoz-Torres, Terence D. Murphy, Donna M. Muzny, Irene F. Newsham, Justin T. Reese, Hugh M. Robertson, Gene E. Robinson, Olav Rueppell, Victor Solovyev, Mario Stanke, Eckart Stolle, Jennifer M. Tsuruda, Matthias Van Vaerenbergh, Robert M. Waterhouse, Daniel B. Weaver, Charles W. Whitfield, Yuanqing Wu, Evgeny M. Zdobnov, Lan Zhang, Dianhui Zhu, and Richard A. Gibbs
Fine and Private Places: An English Professor's Perspective on Evolving Library Collections, Thomas Herron
Finished Genome of the Fungal Wheat Pathogen Mycosphaerella graminicola Reveals Dispensome Structure, Chromosome Plasticity, and Stealth Pathogenesis., Stephen B. Goodwin, Sarrah Ben M'Barek, Braham Dhillon, Alexander HJ Wittenberg, Charles F. Crane, James K. Hane, Andrew J. Foster, Theo AJ Van der Lee, Jane Grimwood, Andrea Aerts, John Antoniw, Andy Bailey, Burt Bluhm, Judith Bowler, Jim Bristow, Ate van der Burgt, Blondy Canto-Canché, Alice CL Churchill, Laura Conde-Ferràez, Hans J. Cools, Pedro M. Coutinho, Michael Csukai, Paramvir Dehal, Pierre De Wit, Bruno Donzelli, Henri C. van de Geest, Roeland CHJ van Ham, Kim E. Hammond-Kosack, Bernard Henrissat, Andrzej Kilan, Adilson K. Kobayashi, Edda Koopmann, Yiannis Kourmpetis, Arnold Kuzniar, Erika Lindquist, Vincent Lombard, Chris Maliepaard, Natalia Martins, Rahim Mehrabi, Jan PH Nap, Alisa Ponomarenko, Jason J. Rudd, Asaf Salamov, Jeremy Schmutz, Henk J. Schouten, Harris Shapiro, Ioannis Stergiopoulos, Stefano FF Torriani, Hank Tu, Ronald P. de Vries, Cees Waalwijk, Sara B. Ware, Ad Wiebenga, Lute-Harm Zwiers, Richard P. Oliver, Igor V. Grigoriev, and Gert HJ Kema
Finite-Difference Time-Domain Simulation of Photovoltaic Structures Using a Graphical User Interface for MEEP, Xin Tze Tee
Finite Element Analysis of Bolted Connections under Fire, Ke Liu, Qiaqia Zhu, and Amit H. Varma
Finite element analysis of stable crack growth in shape memory alloy actuators, Sameer Jape, Theocharis Baxevanis, and Dimitris Lagoudas
Finite element analysis of thermomechanical coupling, Jiaoyan Li
Finite Volume Numerical Analysis of the Thermal Property of Cellular Concrete Based on Two and Three Dimensional X-ray Computerized Tomography Images, She Wei, Yang Yonggan, Xie Deqing, and Zhang Yunsheng
Fin Performance Analysis for Microchannel Heat Exchangers Under Dry, Wet and Partial Wet Conditions, Long Huang, Daniel Bacellar, Vikrant Aute, and Reinhard Radermacher
Fire Hazards of Refrigerants in Air Conditioning Control System, Y.W. Ng and W.K. Chow
First Opinion: Abandoned, Lost, and Found, Ruth Sanderson
First Opinion: An Unconditional Love, Sharon Dennis Wyeth
First Opinion: Baby They Were Born to Run, Helene Halstead
First Opinion: Becoming Real: Imagining Love in Lou Berger and David Catrow’s Dream Dog, Ali Standish
First Opinion: City Cat: A European Adventure Enhanced by Postmodern Elements, April M. Burke
First Opinion: Dare the Wind: A Study in Feminism and Impressionism, Kevin Thomas
First Opinion: Hope and Realism Offered in this Classic Sports Novel, Chris Crowe
First Opinion: Look to the Stars, Kelli M. Sellers
First Opinion: Look Who’s Talking Now: The Problem of Narrative Voice in Tuesday Tucks Me In, Rhonda Brock-Servais
First Opinion: M. E. Kerr’s Dinky Hocker Shoots Smack!: A Fun, Quirky, Groundbreaking Young Adult Novel, Jeffrey Kaplan
First Opinion: Overcoming the Monster: David and Goliath, Beowulf, and Mr. Wuffles?, Ashley Wolff
First Opinion: Picturing a Bright Light: Florence Nightingale, Human Rights, and the Health Professions, Gretchen Papazian
First Opinion: S. E. Hinton’s The Outsiders: First Look, Jennifer S. Dail
First Opinion: Still the Most Frightening of All: Robert Cormier’s I Am the Cheese, Crag Hill
First Opinion: The Weird Watsons, KaaVonia Hinton
First Opinion: Who Says Women Can’t Be Doctors?, Gretchen McClain and Catherine Compton-Lilly
First-principles studies of interfacial chemistry in negative electrodes for lithium ion battery applications, Jeffrey Greeley
First Responder/Private Industry Collaboration to Advance Disaster Response, Mark Shaurette, Randy Rapp, and T R. Stahr
Fitting In but Sticking Out: The Life of an Immigrant Student at Purdue in 1904, Lindy Schubring
Flexible armor inspired from natural fish scales and osteoderms, Francois Barthelat and Ravi Chintapalli
Flexible growing rods: polymer rods provide stability to -skeletally immature spines, Donita Bylski-Austrow, David Glos, Peter Sturm, Anne Bonifas, and Matthew Coombs
Flexural Behavior of RC Beams Under Combined Effects of Acid–Salt Mist and Carbon Dioxide, Wu Yuan-Zhou, Lv Heng-Lin, and Fang Zhong-Nian
Flipping our Website, Pat Reid
Flipping the Classroom to Model the Content: Early Findings, Mike Yough, Jason A. Ware, Kevin A. Richards, and Chantal Levesque-Bristol
Floodplain mapping using soil survey geographic (SSURGO) database, Nikhil Sangwan
Flood Risk Management: An Illustrative Approach, Natainia S. Lummen, Y Nagayoshi, H Shirozu, T Hokamura, S Nakajo, F Yamada, and N Okada
Flow-based partitioning of network testbed experiments, Wei-Min Yao and Sonia Fahmy
Flowfield characterization of a piloted lean premixed injector by particle image velocimetry, Catherine G. P Berdanier
Flow Measurements in a Blood-Perfused Collagen Vessel Using X-Ray Micro-Particle Image Velocimetry., Elizabeth Antoine, Cara Buchanan, Kamel Fezzaa, Wah-Keat Lee, Nichole Rylander, and Pavlos Vlachos
Flow of granular materials with slip boundary condition, Xinran Zhao and Mehrdad Massoudi
Flow Regime Transition in Trickle Bed Reactors, Eric P. Lehmann, Gregory Honda, and Arvind Varma
Flow Visualization During Droplet Evaporation on Hydrophobic and Superhydrophobic Surfaces, S. Dash, A. Chandramohan, and S V. Garimella
Fluiglass - Façade Elements for Active Solar Control for High-Rise Buildings, Anne Liebold, Daniel Oppliger, Daniel Gstöhl, Tobias Menzi, and Stefan Bertsch
Fluorous-phase synthesis of heparan sulfate disaccharides & low-molecular weight additives for enhancing the performance of lithium-ion batteries, Matthew D Casselman
Flux Balance Analysis of Primary Metabolism in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, Nanette R. Boyle and John A. Morgan
Focus versus Breadth in Special Collections Acquisitions, Patrick Scott
Folate receptor-targeted imaging agents for cancer and inflammatory diseases, Lindsay E Kelderhouse
Folate-Targeted Immunotherapy Effectively Treats Established Adjuvant and Collagen-Induced Arthritis, Chrystal M. Paulos, Bindu Varghese, William R. Widmer, Gert J. Breur, Erina Vlashi, and Philip S. Low
Foreign language learning motivation among post secondary school students in Ghana: A case study of French students at Ghana Institute of Languages, Kumasi, Ashanti region, Felix Kwesi Fandoh
Foreshadowing the Web from the 1950s: Gale's Encyclopedia of Associations, John Schmittroth
Formation of Lactalbumin Nanoparticles by Desolvation Method, Menglu Gao, Jozef Kokini, and Luis Fernando Maldonado-Mejia
Formulation and Solution of Contingency Constrained ACOPF Problem with Pyomo, Stefanus D. Winarto, Jianfeng Liu, and Carl D. Laird
Formulation of a Killed Whole Cell Pneumococcus Vaccine - Effect of Aluminum Adjuvants on the Antibody and IL-17 Response., Harm HogenEsch, Anisa Dunham, Bethany Hansen, Kathleen Anderson, Jean-Francois Maisonneuve, and Stanley L. Hem
Formulation of two-dimensional beam-to-solid contact for nonlinear analysis of soil-pile interaction, Jorge Alberto Montero Ruilova
Foundation for power management in battery powered wireless sensor networks, Vivek Agarwal
Four Years of Unmediated Demand-Driven Acquisition and 5,000 E-Books Later: We Gave ‘Em What They Wanted, Karen S. Fischer and Chris Diaz
Fractals at elastic–plastic transitions in metals, soils, and rocks, Martin Ostoja-Starzewski
Fracture behavior of brittle microspheres using indentation and compressive loading techniques, Mohamad Zbib, Niranjan Parab, Wayne Chen, and David Bahr
Fracture characteristics of lithiated silicon for lithium-ion batteries, Shuman Xia and Xueju Wang
Fracture in aluminum alloys for aerospace application, Armand Beaudoin, Mark Messner, and Robert Dodds
Fracture of 2D crystalline nanomaterials: effect of hydrogen functionalization and complex loading, Dibakar Datta, Yinfeng Li, Shiva Nadimpalli, and Vivek Shenoy
Fracture simulation of Co-continuous composite materials under static loading, Fraaz Tahir, Yongming Liu, and Lifeng Wang
Fracture simulation using a nonlocal particle model, Hailong Chen and Yongming Liu
Freeze Thaw Durability of Internally Cured Concrete Made Using Superabsorbent Polymers, Wesley A. Jones and W. Jason Weiss
Frequency response sensitivity analysis to determine sensor placement for vibration-based damage detection in structural elements, Janene E Silvers
Friction between bilayer of 2D crystalline nanomaterials: graphene–graphene, graphene–boron nitride, and boron nitride–boron nitride., Dibakar Datta, Hemant Kumar, Vivek Shenoy, Shiva Nadimpalli, and Yinfeng Li
Friction in inertial granular flows: microscopic and macroscopic origins, Ryan Hurley and Jose Andrade
Friends and Allies: The Greek Military Junta and the United States, Jonathan Swarts
From animal trials to the animal advocacy movement: A Foucauldian reflection on the animal question, Emre Koyuncu
From Biloxi to Cape Town: Curricular Integration of Service Learning., Elizabeth Richards and Julie Cowan Novak
From Crisis to Opportunity: A Licensing Audit How-To, Teresa Lee, Danielle Watters Westbrook, and Max King
From Cultural Third-Worldism to the Literary World-System, Jernej Habjan
From Digits to Diagrams: Using Infographics to Inform Database Retention and Cancellation Decisions, Calida A. Barboza
From Hub to Beacon: Evolution and Evaluation of Spaces in the Learning Commons, Barbara Paton and Belinda Moore
From the Reference Desk, Tom Gilson
From the Reference Desk, Tom Gilson
From the Reference Desk, Tom Gilson
From the Reference Desk, Tom Gilson
From the Reference Desk, Tom Gilson
From the Reference Desk, Tom Gilson
From the Reference Desk, Tom Gilson
From the Reference Desk, Tom Gilson
From the Reference Desk, Tom Gilson
From the Reference Desk-Reviews of Reference Titles, Tom Gilson
From the Reference Desk-Reviews of Reference Titles, Tom Gilson
From the Reference Desk-Reviews of Reference Titles, Tom Gilson
From the University Presses -- Georgia State and (Un)Fair Use: A Rebuttal to Kenneth Crews, Sanford G. Thatcher
From the University Presses-Toward a Modest Agenda: Academic Library and University Press Collaborations, Richard Brown and Alex Holzman
From the University Presses -- University eBook Collections: Coming Now!, Alex Holzman
From the University Presses -- What Universirty Presses Think about Open Access, Sanford G. Thatcher
From the University Presses -- Why I Hate the BISAC Codes, Sanford G. Thatcher
From Vision to Change: Educational Initiatives and Research at the Intersection of Physics and Biology, Eric Brewe, Nancy Pelaez, and Todd J. Cooke
From Your (appliance-challenged) Editor, Katina Strauch
From Your (chocolate loving) Editor, Katina Strauch
From Your (dog-training) Editor, Katina Strauch
From Your Editor, Katina Strauch
From Your Editor, Katina Strauch
From Your Editor, Katina Strauch
From Your (get me out of this cold and wet!) Editor, Katina Strauch
From Your (grandmotherly) Editor, Katina Strauch
From Your (is it spring yet?) Editor, Katina Strauch
From Your (last minute lizzie) Editor, Katina Strauch
From Your (riveted) Editor, Katina Strauch
From Your (wishing my puppy was still here) Editor, Katina Strauch
Frozen windmills: A novel, Dallas Woodburn
Full control of quadruple quantum dot circuit charge states in the single electron regime, M. R. Delbecq, T. Nakajima, T. Otsuka, S. Amaha, J. D. Watson, Michael J. Manfra, and S. Tarucha
Full Depth Reclamation with Cement, Scott Hall
Fully-coupled hydro-mechanical analysis of water saturated porous geomaterials under complex loading conditions, Qiushi Chen and WaiChing Sun
Fully coupled multiscale modeling of cohesive failure in heterogeneous interfaces using high performance computing, Matthew Mosby and Karel Matous
Functional Analysis and Comparative Genomics of Expressed Sequence Tags From the Lycophyte Selaginella Moellendorffii, Jing-Ke Weng, Milos Tanurdzic, and Clint Chapple
Functional Analysis of the Kinome of the Wheat Scab Fungus Fusarium graminearum., Chenfang Wang, Shijie Zhang, Rui Hou, Zhongtao Zhao, Qian Zheng, Qijun Xu, Dawei Zheng, Guanghui Wang, Huiquan Liu, Xuli Gao, Ji-Wen Ma, H Corby Kistler, Zhensheng Kang, and Jin-Rong Xu
Functional analysis of the micro/nanostructures of dragonfly wing veins, Hongxiao Zhao, Zheng Zhong, and Yajun Yin
Functional characterization of metallothioneins in Arabidopsis and barley, Nimnara Yookongkaew
Functional characterization of the nucleobase-ascorbate transporter family of Arabidopsis thaliana, Kevin Ann Hunt
Functional characterization of the two nucleobase cation symporters of Physcomitrella patens reveals their solute specificity, Janet A Minton
Functional Enrichment Analyses and Construction of Functional Similarity Networks with High Confidence Function Prediction by PFP., Troy Hawkins, Meghana Chitale, and Daisuke Kihara
Functional Folate Receptor Alpha Is Elevated in the Blood of Ovarian Cancer Patients., Eati Basal, Guiti Z. Eghbali-Fatourechi, Kimberly R. Kalli, Lynn C. Hartmann, Karin M. Goodman, Ellen L. Goode, Barton A. Kamen, Philip S. Low, and Keith L. Knutson
Functionalization and Length Fractionation of Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes, Nina A. Bragg, Jing Pan, and Jong Hyun Choi
Functional Significance of AtHMA4 C-Terminal Domain In Planta., Rebecca F. Mills, Billy Valdes, Michael Duke, Kerry A. Peaston, Brett C. Lahner, David E. Salt, and Lorraine E. Williams
Function and X-ray crystal structure of Escherichia coli YfdE, Elwood Mullins, Kelly L. Sullivan, and T. Joseph Kappock
Functions of the Duplicated hik31 Operons in Central Metabolism and Responses to Light, Dark, and Carbon Sources in Synechocystis sp. Strain PCC 6803, Sowmya Nagarajan, Debby Sherman, Isaac Shaw, and Louis A. Sherman
Fundamentals, method development, and applications of paper spray ionization mass spectrometry, Ryan D Espy
Future Dates for Charleston Conferences
Future Dates for Charleston Conferences
Future Tense -- The Library on the Ground: 5 Reasons Why Consortia Matter More than Ever, Rick Lugg and Ruth Fischer
Gain-Assisted Hyperbolic Metamaterials, Xingjie Ni, Satoshi Ishii, Mark D. Thoreson, Vladimir M. Shalaev, Seunghoon Han, Sangyoon Lee, and Alexander V. Kildishev
Gamecraft: The theory and practice of rhetorical gaming for composition instruction, Jeffrey M Gerding
Gamma-ray observations of x-ray binaries, Angelo Varlotta
Gas mixing system for imaging of nanomaterials under dynamic environments by environmental transmission electron microscopy, M. Cem Akatay, Yury Zvinevich, Philipp Baumann, Fabio H. Ribeiro, and Eric A. Stach
Gas-phase covalent and non-covalent ion/ion chemistry of biological macromolecules, John R Stutzman
Gas-phase epoxidation of propylene in the presence of H-2 and O-2 over small gold ensembles in uncalcined TS-1, Wen-Sheng Lee, M. Cem Akatay, Eric A. Stach, Fabio H. Ribeiro, and W.Nicholas Delgass
Gas Turbine Engine Behavioral Modeling, Richard T. Meyer, Raymond A. DeCarlo, Steve Pekarek, and Chris Doktorcik
Gathering Feedback from Early-Career Faculty: Responses to a Data Survey and Implications for Data Training, Sarah C. Williams
GBS March Madness: Paths Forward for the Google Book Settlement, Jonathan Band and Tricia Donavan
Gender and Emotion in Comparative Perspective, Raili Marling
Gender and work-family conflict: The moderating role of a job's gender-type, Kyle James Bradley
Gender Differences in the Consistency of Middle School Students’ Interest in Engineering and Science Careers, Marsha Ing, Pamela R. Aschbacher, and Sherry M. Tsai
Gene expression in developing watermelon fruit, Pat Wechter, Amnon Levi, Karen Harris, Angela Davis, Zhangjun Fei, Nurit Katzir, James Giovannoni, Ayelet Salman-Minkov, Alvaro Hernandez, Jyothi Thimmapuram, Yaakov Tadmore, Vitaly Portnoy, and Tova Trebitsh
Gene Expression Responses in Male Fathead Minnows Exposed to Binary Mixtures of an Estrogen and Antiestrogen., Natalia Garcia-Reyero, Kevin J. Kroll, Li Liu, Edward F. Orlando, Karen H. Watanabe, Maria S. Sepulveda, Daniel L. Villeneuve, Edward J. Perkins, Gerald T. Ankley, and Nancy D. Denslow
Generalized finite element method for bridging fine-scale heterogeneity to the structural scale, Julia Plews and C. Armando Duarte
General model for energy and morphology of crystal interfaces, Brandon Runnels
Generation and statistical modeling of active protein chimeras: A sequence based approach, Nicholas Justin Fico
Generation of stress in the storage particles of lithium-ion batteries, Robert McMeeking
Generative Translation in Spicer, Gelman, and Hawkey, Lisa Rose Bradford
Género y discapacidad en textos de jorge de lima, pablo palacio y clarice lispector, Alejandra Vela Hidalgo
Genes controlling plant growth habit in Leymus (Triticeae): maize barren stalk1 (ba1), rice lax panicle, and wheat tiller inhibition (tin3) genes as possible candidates., Paraminder Kaur, Steven R. Larson, B.S. Bushman, Richard R. Wang, Ivan W. Mott, Jyothi Thimmapuram, George Gong, and Lei Liu
Genes with physiological roles in callipyge muscle hypertrophy, Hui Yu
Genetic and pharmacological assessment of CB2 receptors in alcohol reward-related behaviors in mice, Matthew S Powers
Genetic Transformation and Mutagenesis Via ssDNA in the Unicellular, Diazotrophic Cyanobacteria of the Genus Cyanothece., Hongtao Min and Louis A. Sherman
Genome of Mycoplasma haemofelis, unraveling its strategies for survival and persistence, Andrea P. Santos, Ana MS Guimaraes, Naila C. do Nascimento, Phillip J. SanMiguel, Samuel W. Martin, and Joanne Messick
Genome Wide Association Mapping of Grain Arsenic, Copper, Molybdenum and Zinc in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Grown at Four International Field Sites., Gareth J. Norton, Alex Douglas, Brett C. Lahner, Elena Yakubova, Mary Lou Guerinot, Shannon RM Pinson, Lee Tarpley, Georgia C. Eizenga, Steve P. McGrath, Fang-Jie Zhao, M Rafiqul Islam, Shofiqul Islam, Guilan Duan, Yongguan Zhu, David E. Salt, Andrew A. Meharg, and Adam H. Price
Genome-Wide Gene-Based Analysis of Rheumatoid Arthritis-Associated Interaction with PTPN22 and HLA-DRB1, Bo Qiao, Chien Hsun Huang, Lei Cong, Jun Xie, Shaw-Hwa Lo, and Tian Zheng
Genome-Wide Identification of Allele-Specific Expression (ASE) in Response to Marek’s Disease Virus Infection Using Next Generation Sequencing., Sean MacEachern, William M. Muir, Seth Crosby, and Hans H. Cheng
Geo-distributed big data processing, Chamikara Madhusanka Jayalath
Geoenvironmental influences on Raman spectroscopic monitoring of chlorinated solvents natural attenuation, Chukwukelue K Monwuba
Geomancing Dib's Transcultural Expression in Translation, Madeleine Campbell
Geometry and length scale selection in patterned interfaces with application to materials design, Fernando Agustin Cordisco
Geo-Referencing and Map Layer Development: A Data Recovery Task in Zinder, Niger, John Tobias, Jacob Wodd, Larry Theller, and Benjamin D. Branch
Geotechnical data analysis: Prediction and modeling using a neural-fuzzy methodology, Girish Agrawal
Getting Started with Data Information Literacy, Megan R. Sapp Nelson, Brian Westra, and Sarah J. Wright
Getting There from Here: Changing the Ecological and Social Footprint of Our Professional Conferences, Michael Smith
GIS and Data Curation Librarianship: Mobile Dissemination of GIS Resources, Benjamin D. Branch, Nicole Kong, Michael Fosmire, and Antti M. Rousi