"A technique to actively reduce cryogenic pressure fluctuations" by Joshua Andrew Kaluzny

A technique to actively reduce cryogenic pressure fluctuations

Joshua Andrew Kaluzny, Purdue University


A device was designed and built to damp pressure fluctuations in a cryogenic system containing a superconducting radio frequency resonator cavity. The device uses an audio speaker to create pressure waves that travel into the system through an attached tube. The device was characterized in a few different configurations and many resulting trends were found. The device was operated in a range of 10 to 40 Hz and was able to create pressure fluctuations with amplitudes up to 2.09 Torr and resonant frequency shifts in the resonator cavity with a frequency oscillation amplitude of up to 30500 Hz depending on the configuration and settings used. The results indicated that the specific system and even the method of connection to a system had great effect on the frequency response of the device. The device was operated with a range of system pressure from 23.5 Torr to 1200 Torr, and the pressure was also shown to have an effect on the frequency response of the device.




Zhou, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Mechanical engineering

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