"Attached-growth system for nitrification at low temperature" by Zhe Sun

Attached-growth system for nitrification at low temperature

Zhe Sun, Purdue University


Attached-growth biological treatment systems have potential to conduct nitrification in cold-temperature climates. In this research, in order to simulate the attached-growth nitrification process (using BOBBER biological reactor) at a real wastewater treatment facility, two laboratory-scale mini-BOBBER systems were installed in a temperature-controlled room and were operated for 101 days with pure ammonium chloride feed solution. Steady-state conditions were approached at 20°C, 15°C, 10°C, and 5°C. In addition, a series of batch experiments were conducted at temperatures of 20°C and 5°C to investigate the relationship between nitrification rate and ammonia-N concentration. Results from these experiments were analyzed and compared with the water quality data from the full-scale lagoon system at Wingate. Collectively, it is possible to maintain effective biochemical nitrification in attached-growth systems under cold-weather conditions. Satisfactory performance of these systems will depend on hydraulic design and loading rates of the systems.




Blatchley, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Civil engineering|Environmental engineering

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