
This paper develops and validates a power flow behavioral model of a gas tur- bine engine with a gas generator and free power turbine. “Simple” mathematical expressions to describe the engine’s power flow are derived from an understand- ing of basic thermodynamic and mechanical interactions taking place within the engine. The engine behavioral model presented is suitable for developing a supervisory level controller of an electrical power system that contains the en- gine connected to a generator and a large interconnection of many components, e.g., a naval ship power system powered by gas turbine engines. First principles engine models do not lend themselves to the preceding control development be- cause of their high granularity. The basis of the behavioral model development is the balance of energy flow across engine components; power flow is obtained by taking the time derivative of the energy flow. The behavioral model of a spe- cific engine utilizes constants and empirical fits of power conversion efficiencies obtained from data collected from a high-fidelity engine simulator. Behavioral models for a GE LM2500 and an engine similar to a GE T700 are constructed; the 2-norm normalized error between the simulator and behavioral model out- puts for both engines is 3.5% or less.


Gas turbine engine, Behavioral model, Power flow Control model, Power management, Energy management, Simulation

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