"Employee relational antecedents and consequences: Scouting and intrapr" by Soo Hyun Park

Employee relational antecedents and consequences: Scouting and intrapreneurship of employee publics and their strategic values in effective organizations

Soo Hyun Park, Purdue University


Organization-employee relationships (OER) quality varies by organizational contexts perceived by employees. Employees with good relationships with their organizations become proactive and innovative by fostering intrapreneurship and scouting communicative behaviors. This study examined antecedents and consequences of good OER using an online survey on 528 employees of organizations that have more than 300 employees in the U.S. This study tested four organizational contexts as relational antecedents—procedural justice, managerial receptiveness of employee's innovative effort, employee empowerment, and communication symmetry—and intrapreneurship and scouting as relational consequences. The study also examined the causal relationship between intrapreneurship and scouting. The findings showed that employee empowerment and communication symmetry were key factors of a good quality of OER and further influenced employee intrapreneurship and voluntary scouting. Also tested was whether organizations with high performance would be better in OER and more in scouting and intrapreneurship than organizations with low performance. The findings showed that the high performing organizations are substantially higher than low performing organizations in all the tested dimensions such as scouting and intrapreneurship. Results suggest that effective organizations are able to cultivate and maintain good quality relationships with their most strategic public, employees, and the employee relationship in turn increases employee public's voluntary intrapreneurship and scouting behavior in and around organizations. Results provide support for the strategic values of employee relations—making the organization more innovative and adaptive to turbulent and changing environment and capitalizing employee relationship to make more effective organizations




Kim, Purdue University.

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