"Effect of the autopilot on pilot performance during ils approaches in " by Robert C Geske

Effect of the autopilot on pilot performance during ils approaches in general aviation technically advanced aircraft

Robert C Geske, Purdue University


The research attempts to determine the impact the G-1000 GFC-700 autopilot equipped on the Cirrus SR-20 aircraft has on pilot performance when used for a single instrument landing system approach. With technology moving forward at an exponential rate, the ability for a pilot to adapt is critical for safety and successful flight. Only recently has advanced aviation technology become available in general aviation training aircraft, and allowed for a study of pilot performance. This study utilized an advanced aviation training device to simulate real-world scenarios to measure pilot performance between two groups. The first group was comprised of individuals required to use the autopilot on the approach, whereas the second group was not allowed to use the autopilot and flight director. The two groups' performance was measured by three variables: elapsed time to complete the approach, vertical deviation, and lateral deviation. At the completion of the study only lateral deviation was found to have a significant difference between the two groups. The difference, while significant statistically, does not indicate practical significance.




Johnson, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Social research

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