
This presentation was given at the invitation of Research Data Canada as the 8th webinar in a series on research data. A video recording of this presentation is available at the Research Data Canada website,


The Purdue University Research Repository (PURR) uses HUBzero to provide a research collaboration and data management solution for researchers on campus. Funding agencies in the United States and other countries are beginning to require that researchers explain how they will manage and share the data that will be produced from their research. PURR enables researchers to create and implement data management plans, to invite collaborators to work with them in a virtual research environment, and to publish and archive datasets in a secure, reliable institutional repository. This presentation will explore the development of PURR including its service definition and design, governance, roles and responsibilities, workflows, policies, infrastructure, and early metrics of adoption.

Michael Witt is an associate professor of library science and the head of the Distributed Data Curation Center at the Purdue University Libraries. He is also the project director for the Purdue University Research Repository, leading a collaboration of the library, research office, and campus information technology in the design and implementation of an institutional data repository and supporting data services.

The webinar will be of specific interest to researchers, and to anyone involved in data management or digital repositories. It will also be of interest to anyone involved in data management, repositories or digital preservation.


data curation, institutional repositories, PURR, library data services

Date of this Version

