Session Number


Session Title

MAFC: Multi-State Coalitions to Leverage Freight for Transportation and Economic Development

Track Title

Ports, Rail, and Freight

Event Description/Abstract

This presentation addresses the work that is being done at the Mid-America Freight Coalition to support development and implementation of the freight polices and initiatives in MAP-21. This discussion will include an overview of the policy and program analyses that inform and support future freight policy and program development efforts. The presentation also details the activities and research being conducted at the Coalition to support multi-state collaboration and a broader understanding of freight corridors and freight transportation as multimodal, economic networks.


Mar 12th, 12:00 AM

Building Transportation and the Economy

This presentation addresses the work that is being done at the Mid-America Freight Coalition to support development and implementation of the freight polices and initiatives in MAP-21. This discussion will include an overview of the policy and program analyses that inform and support future freight policy and program development efforts. The presentation also details the activities and research being conducted at the Coalition to support multi-state collaboration and a broader understanding of freight corridors and freight transportation as multimodal, economic networks.