"Career intentions of international master students in hospitality and " by Wenjun Li

Career intentions of international master students in hospitality and tourism management

Wenjun Li, Purdue University


The purpose of this qualitative study was to investigate career intentions of international master's students in hospitality and tourism management (HTM) in the United States. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with a sample of 19 participants at two different U.S. institutions. Interview questions were designed to better understand students' career intentions upon graduation and the determinants behind the plans. Results indicated that student's career intention should include measures of career decision self-efficacy, academic and career outcome expectations, and career exploration intentions. Unique personal background (e.g., gender and marital status, length of time in the U.S.), industrial working experience (e.g., internships), and multiple external factors (e.g., school counselors, the booming tourism industry in developing countries) increase the diversity of career intentions of the target population.




Adler, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Business administration|Occupational psychology|Vocational education

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