
We show that multistability is an inherent feature of planar folded objects. By systematically exploring the energy landscape of the simplest such system, i.e., a single vertex fold connecting four rigid plates where all elastic energy is stored in the folds, we show that bistability is generally expected. With simple design rules we can add a third or even a fourth-stable state. Under exceptional circumstances, we can “remove” one minima to create effectively monostable systems. Tiling such structures allows us to design metamaterials with functional stability landscapes.



Designing the energy landscape of folded structures

We show that multistability is an inherent feature of planar folded objects. By systematically exploring the energy landscape of the simplest such system, i.e., a single vertex fold connecting four rigid plates where all elastic energy is stored in the folds, we show that bistability is generally expected. With simple design rules we can add a third or even a fourth-stable state. Under exceptional circumstances, we can “remove” one minima to create effectively monostable systems. Tiling such structures allows us to design metamaterials with functional stability landscapes.