OhioLINK has a long history of sharing print resources among its members. When e-books began to enter the market, OhioLINK was an early adopter of the new format. However, as e-books grew in importance and OhioLINK institutions began buying them individually in large numbers, we realized that our existing methods of acquiring e-books for the consortium were not completely meeting our needs. In April 2013, OhioLINK began a pilot project with Yankee Book Peddler (YBP), ebrary, Ashgate, Rowman and Littlefield, and Cambridge University Press to purchase e-books for our members. The pilot combines automatic purchase of titles that fit two separate profiles and a demand-driven component. It is our hope that this model will be sustainable for both our members and our publisher partners.
Beyond Demand Driven: Incorporating Multiple Tools in a Consortial Collection Strategy
OhioLINK has a long history of sharing print resources among its members. When e-books began to enter the market, OhioLINK was an early adopter of the new format. However, as e-books grew in importance and OhioLINK institutions began buying them individually in large numbers, we realized that our existing methods of acquiring e-books for the consortium were not completely meeting our needs. In April 2013, OhioLINK began a pilot project with Yankee Book Peddler (YBP), ebrary, Ashgate, Rowman and Littlefield, and Cambridge University Press to purchase e-books for our members. The pilot combines automatic purchase of titles that fit two separate profiles and a demand-driven component. It is our hope that this model will be sustainable for both our members and our publisher partners.