Content Posted in 2017
1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D Regulation of Glutamine Metabolism in Human Breast Cancer Prevention, Xuanzhu Zhou
2015 Central Indiana Regional Bikeways Plan, Jen Higginbotham
2017 Defense Department Report on Chinese Military Power, Bert Chapman
2017 Directory of Indiana State, County, City and Town Officials Responsible for Road and Street Work, Indiana LTAP
2017 Wheel Tax and Excise Surtax Report, Indiana LTAP
21st Century Polytechnics, Gary Bertoline
28-GHz Channel Measurements and Modeling for Suburban Environments, Yaguang Zhang, David J. Love, Nicolo Michelusi, James V. Krogmeier, Christopher R. Anderson, Soumya Jyoti, and Alex Sprintson
2 Ways to Deeper Listening, Jeffrey Evans and Dave Goldberg
3D Design Models to Construction (Data Centric Approach), Michael Jenkins, Andrew Pangallo, and Derek Fuller
3-D Geodynamic Modeling of the India-Eurasia Collision Zone, Sarah H Bischoff
3D-Printed Microswimmers with Nanostructures for Color Tracking, Cara Koepele, Maria Guix, and David Cappelleri
53 People in the [Hebrew] Bible Confirmed Archaeologically, Lawrence J. Mykytiuk
A 2-categorical extension of the Reshetikhin--Turaev theory, Yu Tsumara
ABCB11 functions with B1 and B19 to regulate rootward auxin transport, Jesica Elyse Reemmer
ABC Techniques for Rapid Bridge Replacement, Bala Sivakumar
Abdominal Binding and Counterpulsation in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, Charles F. Babbs and William E. Blevins
A bio-inspired self-healing polymer system for sustainable plastics, Michael L Johnston
A black art: Ontology, data, and the Tower of Babel problem, Andrew J. Iliadis
A Bloody Mystery: Proteomic Residue Analysis of Archaeologically-Recovered Mortuary Ceramics from Iron Age Germany, Conner Jan Wiktorowicz
Abnormal Response of Tumor Vasculature to Vasoactive Drugs, Rosanna C. Chan, Charles F. Babbs, Richard J. Vetter, and Carlton H. Lamar
About the Concept of "Gnosticism" in Fiction Studies, Fryderyk Kwiatkowski
A bracketing method for proton affinity measurements of dehydro-and didehydropyridines, Guannan Li
Abstract Algebra for Teachers: An Evaluative Case Study, Andrew Joseph Hoffman
Academic Libraries Networking and Collaboration in South Africa, Elisha Chiware
Academic Needs and Family Factors in the Education of Southeast Asian American Students: Dismantling the Model Minority Myth, David M. Lee, Luke Duesbery, Peggy P. Han, Thupten Tashi, Chia S. Her, and Valerie Ooka Pang
Academic Networking for Architects? How to Improve the Visibility of Research Activities via Alternative Routes, Tina Hohmann
Academic Outcomes of Cooperative Education Participation, Nichole Ramirez, Joyce Main, and Matthew Ohland
Academic Publishing Is Not in Crisis: It's Just Changing, John Hussey
A Case for the Use of Collection Analysis Tools in Deselection, Cris Ferguson
A case study analysis of minority students' negotiation of STEM, racial/ethnic, and graduate student identities, Brittini R Brown
A case study of introductory programming with MOOCS, Miguel Angel Javier Ruiz
A case study of two-echelon multi-depot vehicle routing problem, Tianqi Yu
Accelerating Data Stream Mining using Graphics Processing Units, Chandima Hewa Nadungodage
Accelerating MPI collective communications through hierarchical algorithms with flexible inter-node communication and imbalance awareness, Benjamin Scott Parsons
Accelerating the Future of Agriculture, Robb Fraley
Accessing information and social capital on Facebook: A theoretical and empirical investigation of an accelerated knowledge gap model, Emily A. Sidnam
Access to Apprenticeship Programme at Dublin Institute of Technology (DIT), Mark Deegan and Joseph Teehan
Access to Freely Available Journal Articles: Gold, Green, and Rogue Open Access Across the Disciplines, Michael Levine-Clark, John McDonald, and Jason Price
Accuracy and precision of computer-simulated tissue temperatures in individual human intracranial tumours treated with interstitial hyperthermia, J A. DeFord, Charles F. Babbs, U H. Patel, N E. Fearnot, J A. Marchosky, and C J. Moran
Accuracy of Portable L-shell X-ray Fluorescence (L-XRF) Machines to Quantify Lead in Condor Bones In Vivo, Emma Wallens
Accurate classification of RNA structures using topological fingerprints, Jiajie Huang, Kejie Li, and Michael Gribskov
A characteristic-based visual analytics approach to detect subtle attacks from NetFlow records, Weijie Wang
A Chronically Implanted, Continuous pH Monitoring System for Rats, Ryan B. Budde and Pedro P. Irazoqui
A collaborative integrated stem teaching: Examination of a science and math teacher collaboration on an integrated stem unit, Drew C. Ayres
A Comparative Analysis of the Performance of Non-traditional Students in an ICT Program in an Irish Higher Education Institute, Joseph Kellegher, Dermot Clarke, and Brian Keegan
A Comparative History of Resurrection Plants, John Charles Ryan
A Comparative Minoritarian Study of Language Poetry of Iran and the United States, Sama Khosravi Ooryad
A Comparison of Malfunction-Related Accidents for General Aviation Aircraft Manufactured in 1970–1984 and 2000–2014, Douglas Boyd and Jochen Hinkelbein
A Comparison of Student Attitudes, Statistical Reasoning, Performance, and Perceptions for Web-augmented Traditional, Fully Online, and Flipped Sections of a Statistical Literacy Class, Gundlach Ellen, K. Andrew R. Richards, David Nelson, and Chantal Levesque-Bristol
A comparison of the efficacy of radiant and immersion frying using hash brown patties as a model food matrix, Kaitlin R Kaczay
A comparison of the efficacy of radiant and immersion frying using hash brown patties as a model food matrix, Kaitlin R. Kaczay
A Comparison of Two Equivalent Source Methods for Noise Source Visualization, Tongyang Shi, Yangfan Liu, and J Stuart Bolton
A Computational Account of a Class of Orientation Illusions, Dejan M. Todorovic
A Computational Study of Crystal Contacts, Christina N Berti
A Computer-Based, Automated, Telephonic System to Monitor Patient Progress in the Home Setting, Umesh H. Patel and Charles F. Babbs
A Consensus on the Definition and Knowledge Base for Computer Graphics, Michael Alden Roller
A Content Analysis of How Engineering is Assessed in Published Curricula, Kerrie A. Douglas, Tamara J. Moore, Hillary Merzdorf, Tingxuan Lee, and Amanda C. Johnston
A Continuous Improvement Journey in the Higher Education Sector: A Case Study of a University in Ireland, Seamus O’Reilly, Joe Healy, Tom Murphy, and Ronan O’Dubhghaill
A Corpus-assisted Discourse Study of Language Use in Online News, Kamal Belmihoub
A cost-effective cloud-based system for analyzing big real-time visual data from thousands of network cameras, Ahmed S Kaseb
A County Level Analysis of 2014 Farm Bill Commodity Payments, Seth Cole Boone
A Course on Patient Safety: Pharmacy Student and Community Partner Perceptions, Maryam Noureldin, Chelsea M. Anderson, and Patricia L. Darbishire
Acoustic Analysis of Vocalizations for Detecting Separation Anxiety in Dogs, Karina Sequera, Nan Kong, and Niwako Ogata
Acoustic Radiation Modes of a Tire on a Reflecting Surface, Kiho Yum, Kwanwoo Hong, and J Stuart Bolton
Acoustic Signatures of Habitat Types in the Miombo Woodlands of Western Tanzania, Sheryl Vanessa Amorocho, Dante Francomano, Kristen M. Bellisario, Ben Gottesman, and Bryan C. Pijanowski
A cross-sectional and mixed-method assessment of safety culture and safety climate at a regional airline, Micah S. Walala
A Cross-sectional Study of Engineering Identity During Undergraduate Education, Allison Godwin and Walter C. Lee
A cross-site study of user behavior and privacy perception in social networks, Yue Zhang
ADA and Title VI for the Elected Official, Cathy Gross, Kenneth Woodruff, and Erin Hall
Adaptation of Yeast to Inhibitors and Ethanol Fermentation of Lignocellulosic Substrates, Daehwan Kim
Adaptive 4D Volume Based Medical Imaging Analysis, Songan Mao
Adaptive Continuation Strategies for Indirect Trajectory Optimization, Justin R Mansell
Adaptive sampling trust-region methods for derivative-based and derivative-free simulation optimization problems, Sara Shashaani
Adaptive sampling trust-region methods for derivative-based and derivative-free simulation optimization problems, Sara Shashaani
Adding and Slashing Serials, Zebulin Evelhoch
Additive manufacturing of carbon fiber-reinforced thermoplastic composites, Nicholas M DeNardo
Additive Manufacturing of High Solids Loading Hybrid Rocket Fuel Grains, Stephen P. Johnson, Michael Baier, Ibrahim E. Gunduz, and Steven F. Son
Addressing a Need: Applying Classroom Knowledge and Skills in a National Pharmacy Chain, Evan Schmidt and Phu Vo
A defense of the ambiguity theory of 'knows', Mark R. Satta
A descriptive case study: Investigating the implementation of web based, automated grading and tutorial software in a freshman computer literacy course, Glen J Coulthard
A descriptive case study: Investigating the implementation of web based, automated grading and tutorial software in a freshman computer literacy course, Glen J. Coulthard
A descriptive study of factors influencing parental choice of high school selection for their middle school-aged children enrolled in Catholic grade school, Beatrice Margaret Drics-Bursten
A Desktop Procedure for Measuring the Transmission Loss of Automotive Door Seals, Weimin Thor and J Stuart Bolton
A Developmental Model of Research Mentoring, Renata A. Revelo and Michael Loui
Adjunct No More: Promoting Scholarly Publishing as a Core Service of Academic Libraries, Isaac Gilman
Adoption, Cynical Detachment, and New Age Beliefs in Juno and Kung Fu Panda, Fu-jen Chen
A Dose Distribution Study of Uranyl Nitrate in Zebrafish using Liquid Scintillation and Passivated Implanted Planar Silicon Detectors, Lee A Alleman
A Drone Forensics Investigation Framework, Upasita Jain
ADS-B used in Improvement of Air Traffic Control, Hao Wang
Adult learners' perceptions of MOOC motivation, success, and completion: a virtual ethnographic study, Jamie Lynn Loizzo
Advanced hydraulic systems for next generation of skid steer loaders, Mrudula Uday Orpe
Advanced Prior Modeling for Nano-scale Imaging, Suhas Sreehari
Advancements in Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) Technology, Sean O'Grady
Advances in Raman hyperspectral compressive detection instrumentation for fast label free classification, quantitation and imaging, Bharat R Mankani
Advances in Raman hyperspectral compressive detection instrumentation for fast label free classification, quantitation and imaging, Bharat R. Makani
Advances in Research Using the C-SPAN Archives, Robert X. Browning
Advances in solid phase microextraction for the analysis of volatile compounds in explosives, tire treatments, and entomological specimens, William D. Kranz
Advancing multiple model-based control of complex biological systems: Applications in T cell biology, Jeffrey P. Perley
Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Internet-Based Survey Methods in Aviation-Related Research, Stephen Rice, Scott R. Winter, Shawn Doherty, and Mattie Milner
Adversarial Autoencoders for Anomalous Event Detection in Images, Asimenia Dimokranitou
Aerodynamic Design of a Four-Stage Low-Speed Axial Compressor for Cantilevered Stator Research, James N Wallace
Aerodynamic Drag Reduction of Class 8 Tractor-Trailers using External Attachments, Mir Atiqullah and Emmanuel Nnamani
Aero-Elastic Analysis of a Saxophone Reed, Akanksha Parmar
A faster version of Louvain method for community detection for efficient modeling and analytics of cyber systems, Sunanda Vivek Shanbhaq
A fesability analysis of a novel constructed wetland design tool for Arusha, Tanzania, Michael R. Sheehan
Affordances and Second Language Writing: Experiences of Three Chinese Undergraduate Multilingual International Students, Zhenjie Weng
A first generation digital soil map of a portion of the Uasin Gishu Plateau, Kenya, John A. Lomurut
A framework for multiple domain feature modeling, Vance William Unruh
A framework for organizational performance assessment in the construction industry, Zenith Rathore
A Framework for Quantitative Evaluation of Care Coordination Effectiveness, Wei Liu
A framework for the statistical analysis of mass spectrometry imaging experiments, Kyle Bemis
A framework for the statistical analysis of mass spectrometry imaging experiments, Kyle Bemis
A framework of effective debris management for a resilient community, Jooho Kim
After the honeymoon: The Obama effect on political attitudes and participation, Laurent W. Vesely
Agency and Political Engagement in Gide and Barrault's Post-war Theatrical Adaptation of Kafka's The Trial, Yevgenya Strakovsky
A general purpose programmable microfluidic platform for screening and optimization of biological assays, Raviraj Vijay Thakur
Aging effects in automated face recognition, Miguel Cedeno Agamez
Agriculture, climate change, and adaptation in Morocco: A computable general equilibrium analysis, Ismail Ouraich
A Hierarchical Manifold Microchannel Heat Sink Array for High-Heat-Flux Two-Phase Cooling of Electronics, K. P. Drummond, D. Back, M. D. Sinanis, D. B. Janes, D. Peroulis, J. A. Weibel, and S V. Garimella
A high-performance communication topology for decentralized protocols, Raza A Khan
A high-performance communication topology for decentralized protocols, Raza A. Khan
A history of African and South American basins, Rebecca A Bobick
A history of African and South American basins, Rebecca A. Bobick
A History of Women's and Gender Studies in the Global South, Adrianna L Ernstberger
A Holistic Approach to Lowering Latency in Geo-distributed Web Applications, Shankaranarayanan Puzhavakath Narayanan
A Holistic Approach to Lowering Latency in Geo-distributed Web Applications, Shankaranarayanan Puzhavakath Narayanan
A human-centered approach for the design of perimeter office spaces based on visual environment criteria, Iason Konstantzos
A hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin method for nonlinear porous media viscoelasticity with applications in ophthalmology, Daniele Prada
A Hybrid Peer-to-Peer Framework for Supply Chain Visibility, Zhijie Li
A hydroclimatic assessment of the U.S. corn belt across spatial and temporal scales, Olivia B. Kellner
Air Line Coax Spatial Combiner with Odd Ports, Spencer B Erekson
Air traffic management under uncertain weather impact, Le Gao
Air University Information Resources: Aerospace Power, Military History, Geopolitics, and Professional Military Education, Bert Chapman
Albatross: Rolling on a Sea of Data, Annette Bailey, Tracy Gilmore, Leslie O'Brien, and Anthony D. Wright de Hernandez
A Lean Six Sigma Approach for Improving Utilization of Walk-In Tutors, Sandra Furterer, Kellie Schneider, Michael Key, and Yusheng "Johnny” Zhang
A Learning Trajectory for Developing Computational Thinking and Programming, Sean B. Brophy and Tony A. Lowe
Algorithmic Puzzles: History, Taxonomies, and Applications in Human Problem Solving, Anany Levitin
Algorithms for bundling and pricing trucking services: Deterministic and stochastic approaches, Rodrigo Mesa-Arango
Algorithms for LiDAR Based Traffic Tracking: Development and Demonstration, Vamsi K Bandaru
A Library Publishing Manifesto, Paul Royster
All Dressed Up and Nowhere to Go, Monica Metz-Wiseman
All-Linear Phase Retrieval of Optical Frequency Combs via Electric Field Cross-Correlation, Ziyun Kong
A longitudinal study of the development of fluency of novice Japanese learners: Analysis using objective measures, Saori M. Houston
A Low Cost Mechatronics Device for STEM Education, Larry Eugene Himes
Alteration of defibrillation threshold by antiarrhythmic drugs: a theoretical framework, Charles F. Babbs
Alterations to redox chemistry of A549 adenocarcinomic human alveolar basal epithelial cells upon exposure to e-cigarette vapors, Stefanie Rigg
Alternative regulation of MYC in lung cancer, Patrick N. Backman
Alternative Splicing of a Host Defense Regulatory Gene, PHYTOALEXIN DEFICIENT4 (PAD4) in Soybean ( Glycine max), Patrick R Selig
Alumni Spotlight: Elizabeth (Hudson) Bower
Alumni Spotlight: Shirley Nigaglioni
Ambient ionization - mass spectrometry: Advances toward intrasurgical cancer detection, Alan Keith Jarmusch
Ambient ionization - mass spectrometry: Advances toward intrasurgical cancer detection, Alan Keith Jarmusch
America, Divided: Understanding the Contentious Political Climate Following the 2016 Election, Meron Tamene, Pablo Balcazar, Daniella Gonzalez, Danielle Hustedt, and Courtney Pegues
A meta-analytic examination of the role of gender inequality in explaining gender differences in subjective well-being, Cassondra L Batz
A method for selecting HVAC retrofit solutions for existing small- and medium-sized commercial buildings, Bonggil Jeon
A method for selecting HVAC retrofit solutions for existing small- and medium-sized commercial buildings, Bonggil Jeon
A methodology for cooperation between electric utilities and consumers for microgrid utilization based on a systems engineering approach, Franklin E. Pacheco Chiguano
A Methodology for DEM Parameter Calibration, Harsh Ranjan
A Methodology to Modify Steady State Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Equipment Noise, Weonchan Sung, Patricia Davies, and J Stuart Bolton
A Mid-range Episode Reading of Odoevsky's The Cosmorama, Slobodan Sucur
Amine-Boranes: Novel Syntheses and Application as Green Hypergolic Propellants, Ameya S Kulkarni
A mixed methods study: Evaluating the relationship of project manager competencies and it project management methodologies, Keith A McDermott
A mixed methods study: Evaluating the relationship of project manager competencies and it project management methodologies, Keith A. McDermott
A mixed methods study on choice of media influence on construction industry communication, Luciana de Cresce El Debs
A Mobile Concrete Laboratory to Support Quality Concrete, Technology Transfer, and Training, Cameron Wilson, Nathan Todd, Timothy J. Barrett, Alex Coyle, Robert Spragg, Miguel A. Montoya, John E. Haddock, and W. Jason Weiss
A Model for Patron-Driven Acquisition of Print Music Scores: From Conception to Reality, Alan Asher, Trey Shelton, Jason Heckathorn, and Aimee Barrett
A model: Integrating Humanities into Science and Engineering Programs, Francisca Barrios Benavides
A Model of U.S. Airline Corporate Social Responsibility Practices, Lukas Rudari
"A Most Disgraceful, Sordid,Disreputable, Drunken Brawl": Paul Cadmus and the Politics of Queerness in the Early Twentieth Century, Samuel W D Walburn
A multi-level, cross-level examination of leader and team member outcomes of leader-leader exchange differentiation, Brandon S Riggs
A multilingual and multicultural project - Swiss Library Service Platform project, Wolfram Neubauer
An acoustic and perceptual analysis of vowels preceding final /-s/ deletion in the speech of Granada, Spain and Cartagena, Colombia, Miguel Angel Rincon Perez
An active site loop mutant of a zinc metallo-deubiquitinase suggests the importance of loop dynamics to catalysis, Amy N. Bueno
Analysis and simulation of small scale microwave interferometer experiments on non-ideal explosives, David E. Kittell
Analysis of a Periodic Extrinsic InfraRed (PEIR) photoconductor, Patrick Edward Welsh
Analysis of body force effects on flow boiling and condensation with finite inlet quality, Lucas E. O'Neill
Analysis of composite plates by using mechanics of structure genome and comparison with ANSYS, Banghua Zhao
Analysis of composite plates by using mechanics of structure genome and comparison with ANSYS, Banghua Zhao
Analysis of Data from Choice Experiments with Chinese Consumers and U.S. Agribusiness Managers, John Lai
Analysis of feedback control applied with command shaping to minimize residual vibration, Nicholas L Jacobs
Analysis of Intercultural Rhetoric Patterns in L2 Blogging Texts, Suneeta Thomas
Analysis of scientific argumentation in two physical chemistry classrooms using the POGIL approach, Alena C. Moon
Analysis of structural and functional brain networks, Jun Young Jeong
Analysis of the Flow Behaviors of Corn Meal during Extrusion, Daniel N. Hauersperger, Martin R. Okos, and Troy Tonner
Analytical and experimental investigation of microstructural alterations in bearing steel in rolling contact fatigue, Sina Mobasher Moghaddam
Analytical investigation of fretting wear with special emphasis on stress based models, Arnab Jyoti Ghosh
Analytical methods for gravity-assist tour design, Nathan J. Strange
Analytical Solution Of Microbes Interacting With Surfaces, Junyuan Li and Arezoo M. Ardekani
Analyze This: Altmetrics and Your Collection, Andrea Michalek, Mike Buschman, and Kathleen McEvoy
Analyze This: Usage and Your Collection, Elisabeth Leonard and Kathleen McEvoy
Analyze This: Usage and Your Collection, Elisabeth Leonard and Kathleen McEvoy
Analyze This: Usage and Your Collection, Kate Lawrence, Deirdre Costello, and Kathleen McEvoy
Analyze This: Usage and Your Collection, Sarah Hickman Auger and Kathleen McEvoy
Analyze This: Usage and Your Collection: COUNTER: Basic Explanations to Disabuse Expectations, Athena Hoeppner and Kathleen McEvoy
Analyzing an Abbreviated Dynamics Concept Inventory and Its Role as an Instrument for Assessing Emergent Learning Pedagogies, Nick Stites, David A. Evenhouse, Mariana Tafur, Charles Morton Krousgrill, Craig Zywicki, Angelika N. Zissimopoulos, David B. Nelson, Jennifer DeBoer, Jeffrey F. Rhoads, and Edward J. Berger
Analyzing and evaluating security features in software requirements, Allenoush Hayrapetian
Analyzing emotions on Twitter during the 2014 Purdue University shooting crisis, Elaheh Molla Allameh
Analyzing Tasks to Promote Equity in Secondary Mathematics Teacher Education, Alexia Mintos
Analyzing the Effect of Curriculum Efficiency on the Graduation Rates of Undergraduate Students, Sneha Endait
Analyzing the opinion of industry professionals on model-based definition datasets to determine the most efficient method, Shawn P Ruemler
Analyzing Thresholds and Efficiency with Hierarchical Bayesian Logistic Regression, Joseph W. Houpt and Jennifer L. Bittner
An analysis of digital forensic units, Kaitlyn Gurule
An analysis of marketing margins in the US beef industry, John A. Tobin
An analysis of techniques for obtaining speedup in software solutions for proteomics, Urmi N. Bhayani
An analysis of the current strength of the academic relationship with the aerospace industry, James A Stratton
An analysis of the current strength of the academic relationship with the aerospace industry, James A. Stratton
An analysis of the effectiveness and cost of project security management, Robert E. Bott
An animal model for testing automatic defibrillators, J D. Bourland, Charles F. Babbs, W A. Tacker, and L A. Geddes
An anomaly-based intrusion detection system based on artificial immune system (AIS) techniques, Harish Valayapalayam Kumaravel
An application of contextuality-by-default in a psychophysical double detection experiment, Victor Hernando Cervantes Botero
Anarcho-Feminist Melodrama and the Manic Pixie Dream Girl, Claire T. Solomon
An Assessment Framework for First-Year Introduction to Engineering Courses, Senay Purzer, Kerrie A. Douglas, Jill A. Folkerts, and Taylor V. Williams
An assessment of the competitive ability of oak species in the central hardwood region using both pre-harvest treatment data and stem analysis techniques, Robert William Edward Quackenbush
An Automated Space Object Taxonomy of Geostationary Objects, Rochelle N Mellish
Ancient humans influenced the current spatial genetic structure of common walnut populations in Asia, Paola Pollegioni, Keith E. Woeste, Francesca Chiocchini, Stefano Del Lungo, Irene Olimpieri, Virginia Tortolano, Jo R. Clark, Gabriel E. Hemery, Sergio P. Mapelli, and Maria Emilia Malvolti
And They Were There: Reports of Meetings, Ramune K. Kubilius and Tom Gilson
And They Were There: Reports of Meetings, Ramune K. Kubilius
And They Were There: Reports of Meetings, Sever Bordeianu
And They Were There: Reports of Meetings, Sever Bordeianu
And They Were There: Reports of Meetings, Ramune Kubilius
And They Were There: Reports of Meetings, Ramune Kubilius
And They Were There: Reports of Meetings, Sever Bordeianu
And They Were There: Reports of Meetings, Sever Bordeianu
And They Were There: Reports of Meetings, Ramune Kubilius
A nearly autonomous, platform-independent mobile app for manure application records, Matthew R. Koester
An ecology of place in composition studies, Jonathan Scott Wallin
An economic assessment of household unwanted medicine disposal programs, Sofia Katherina Vielma Delano
An Electronic Resources Workflow Is Worth a Thousand Words, Christine Davidian and Lauren Orner
An empirical approach to the re-creation of vehicle drive cycles, Andrew J. Larson
An Engineer in Washington... Involvement in the Policy Game, Theresa Harrison
An evaluation of a post-entry test: An item analysis using Classical Test Theory (CTT), Suthathip Thirakunkovit
An evaluation of a post-entry test: An item analysis using Classical Test Theory (CTT), Suthathip Thirakunkovit
An evaluation of the military extension internship program, Lynette Marie Griffin
An Evangelical Response to Thomas Baima’s “The Prolongation of the Incarnation”, Craig R. Higgins
An event detection approach based on Twitter hashtags, Shih-Feng Yang
An event detection approach based on Twitter hashtags, Shih-Feng Yang
A new approach to modeling aviation accidents, Arjun Harsha Rao
A new approach to modeling aviation accidents, Arjun Harsha Rao
A new biomechanical head injury criterion, Charles F. Babbs
A new integrated design framework for the facility layout problem, Kyle F. Thomas
A New Paradigm for Human Resuscitation Research Using Intelligent Devices, Charles F. Babbs, Andre E. Kemeny, Weilun Quan, and Gary Freeman
A new reality: Funding formula changes and property tax caps and their effects on the role of the school superintendent in the state of Indiana, Patrick L. Gentry
A New Universal Gas Breakdown Theory for Classical Length Scales, Amanda Mae Loveless
An Examination of Broadening the Engineering Curriculum in Ireland, Mike Murphy, Pat O'Donnell, and John Jameson
An examination of geographic patterns of soil climate and its classification in the U.S. system of soil taxonomy, Hans Edwin Winzeler
An examination of geographic patterns of soil climate and its classification in the U.S. system of soil taxonomy, Hans Edwin Winzeler
An examination of how specific support structures impact the adjustment process of sub-Saharan African students in two Midwestern institutions of higher education, Geoffrey H Kanani
An examination of Indiana Early College High School students who attended Purdue University between 2006 and 2015, Lisa P Kirkham
An examination of Indiana Early College High School students who attended Purdue University between 2006 and 2015, Lisa P. Kirkham
An Examination of the Relationship Between Cash Rent Values and Net Crop Returns in Indiana, Nathaniel D Carson
An Experiential-Based Computer Technology Curriculum, Thomas Mertz and Troy Harding
An Experimental Circulatory Arrest Model in the Rat to Evaluate Calcium Antagonists in Cerebral Resuscitation, Lawrence De Garavilla, Charles F. Babbs, and Willis A. Tacker
An experimental comparison of diffuser designs in a centrifugal compressor, Cam-Tu Jeanne Methel
An Experimental Investigation of Self-Excited Combustion Dynamics in a Single Element Lean Direct Injection (LDI) Combustor, Rohan M Gejji
An Experimental Investigation of Self-Excited Combustion Dynamics in a Single Element Lean Direct Injection (LDI) Combustor, Rohan M. Gejji
An experimental study on the effects of blade row interactions on aerodynamic loss mechanisms in a multistage compressor, Natalie Rochelle Smith
An Expert Instructor’s Use of Social Congruence, Cognitive Congruence, and Expertise in an Online Case-Based Instructional Design Course, Sunnie Lee Watson, Adrie A. Koehler, Peggy Ertmer, WooRi Kim, and Rudy Rico
An Exploration of Transgender Identity Disclosure to Medical Providers, Lorin Brooke Friley
An Exploratory Study of Adult Interactions among Youth Livestock Exhibitors, Abby N Johnson
An Exploratory Study of Millennial Students' Calculus Knowledge Transfer Competency in Engineering Technology, Craig A Zehrung
An Exploratory Study of the Relationships Among Middle School Students' Food and Garden Experiences and Their Engagement and Motivation, Amonté L. Martin
Ani-Bot: A Mixed-Reality Ready Modular Robotics System, Zhuangying Xu and Yuanzhi Cao
Animal-Assisted Activities: Effects of Animals on Positive Emotional Display in Children in Inclusion Classrooms, Gayatri Mazgaonkar
Animal Welfare: A Contemporary Understanding Demands a Contemporary Approach to Behavior and Training, E. Anne McBride and David J. Montgomery
An Infographic Is Worth a Thousand Words: Using Data Visualization to Engage Faculty in Collection Strategies, Beth D. Bohstedt
An Inspiration-triggered Delivery System for Oxygen Therapy via a Nasal Cannula, Philip Charles Krause and Charles F. Babbs
An integrated geophysical investigation of the midcontinent rift system: Western Lake Superior, Minnesota, and Wisconsin, David Jennings Allen
An Intracratonic Record of North American Tectonics, Thomas Rudolph Lovell
An investigation into experts' opinions of the role of artificial intelligence in college engineering and science curricula during the next five years, Susan Marie Piotrowski
An investigation into the critical thinking of elementary school students, Margaret Louise Foss
An investigation into the phenomenological relation between solar activity and nuclear beta-decay rates, Tasneem M. Mohsinally
An investigation of composite failure analyses and damage evolution in finite element models, Ann M Frappier
An investigation of composite failure analyses and damage evolution in finite element models, Ann M. Frappier
An Investigation of High Ability Adolescent Students' Affective and Motivational Responses to Mathematics, Heather Jean Carmody
An Investigation of the Slipper/Swashplate Interface of Swashplate-Type Axial Piston Machines, Jeremy Beale
An Investigation on the use of Processed Hemp Fiber in Digital Fabrication, Adam Brewer
Anion Exchange on Cross-linked Cationic Surfactant Micelles across Ultrafiltration Membranes, Ming Chen
Anisotropic Properties of Black Phosphorus and Phosphorene, Yuchen Du
An LED-based image sensor with energy harvesting and projection capabilities college of technology, Xiaozhe Fan
Annual forage cropping-systems for midwestern ruminant livestock production, John Ernest McMillan
Annual forage cropping-systems for midwestern ruminant livestock production, John Ernest McMillan
Another Argument on the "Crisis Said" of Comparative Literature, Ping Du
Another Route for Amino Acid Production?: Reverse Genetic Probing for a Functional Cytosolic Shikimate Pathway in Plants, Gabrielle C. Buck, Joseph Lynch, and Natalia Dudareva
A Novel Approach to Engineering Education, Carlos Heeran
A Novel High-Throughput, High-Content Three-Dimensional Assay for Determination of Tumor Invasion and Dormancy, Mahera M. Husain, Theodore J. Puls, and Sherry Voytik-Harbin
A novel in vivo tumor oxygen profiling assay: Combining functional and molecular imaging with multivariate mathematical modeling, Chung-Wein Lee
A Novel Method for Quantifying The Sensitivity of a Non-Ideal Explosive, Nicholas R Cummock
A novel mode-switching hydraulic hybrid for an on-highway vehicle: A study of architecture and control, Hiral Jayantilal Haria
Answering Food Insecurity: Serving the Community With Food and Knowledge Using Technology, Courtney Simpson
Anterior-posterior impedance cardiography: a new approach to accurate, non-invasive monitoring of cardiac function, Charles F. Babbs
Antibacterial activity of essential oil encapsulated sodium iota-carrageenan fibers, Carlos D Carter
Antibacterial activity of essential oil encapsulated sodium iota-carrageenan fibers, Carlos D. Carter
Antibacterial evaluation of synthetic thiazole compounds in vitro and in vivo in a methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) skin infection mouse model, Haroon Mohammad, Mark A. Cushman, and Mohamed Naguieb Seleem
Anticipating Change: An Exploratory Analysis of Teachers’ Conceptions of Engineering in an Era of Science Education Reform, Tesha Sengupta-Irving and Janet Mercado
Anti-Inflammatory Effects and Mechanisms of Natural Vitamin E Forms and Their Long-Chain Metabolites, Na young Park
A numerical procedure to design the optimal axial balance in external gear machines and its potential in formulating novel efficient design solutions, Divya Thiagarajan
Anyone Who Says Anything is a Gesturer: the Power of Gesture and Implications for Writing Tutors, Hana Yoo
A p-adic spectral triple, Sumedha Hemamalee Rathnayake
A Parametric Study of the Mechanics of Different Skin Flap Techniques, Steven J. Meza and Adrián Tepole Buganza
A Perfect Union: The Woman's Relief Corps and Women's Organizational Activism, 1861-1930, John Christopher Kennedy
A phenomenographic study of the ability to address complex socio-technical systems via variation theory, John A Mendoza Garcia
A phenomenographic study of the ability to address complex socio-technical systems via variation theory, John A. Mendoza Garcia
A phenomenological inquiry into sacred time in Hinduism, Netty Provost
A phenomenological inquiry into sacred time in Hinduism, Netty Provost
A physics-based compact model for thermoelectric devices, Kyle Jeffrey Conrad
A pilot “big data” education module curriculum for engineering graduate education: Development and implementation, Megan R. Sapp Nelson and Line C. Pouchard
A Pilot Study of Contextualizing English in the Chinese Context: Using Ha Jin's "In the Pond", Yiyang Li
A platform for otakus to gradually learn and adapt to social conventions, Shang Xu
A potential new technique to estimate the origins of focal atrial tachycardias from 12-lead electrocardiograms, Charles F. Babbs
Apples to Oranges: Comparing Streaming Video Platforms, Steven Milewski and Monique Threatt
Application and implications of rule-based pruning of apple trees, Jacob B. Franzen
Application of 3D Zernike descriptors to shape-based ligand similarity searching, Vishwesh Venkatraman, Padmasini Ramji Chakravarthy, and Daisuke Kihara
Application of pulse width modulation to a western blotting device, ThucNhi TruongVo
Application of the Adjusted Weak Axiom of Profit Maximization to New Zealand Dairy Farming, Anne E. Dooley, Nicola M. Shadbolt, Koohyar Khatami, and Loren W. Tauer
Applications of ADS-B in General Aviation, Chenyu Huang and Mary E. Johnson
Applications of microlocal analysis to some hyperbolic inverse problems, Andrew J Homan
Applications of the homotopy analysis method to optimal control problems, Shubham Singh
Applying Kaizen to University Teaching Through Weekly Course Evaluation, Ingo Kregel
Applying Machine Learning to Computational Chemistry: Can We Predict Molecular Properties Faster without Compromising Accuracy?, Hanjing Xu, Pradeep Gurunathan, and Lyudmila Slipchenko
Approaches to Coaching Students in Design Reviews, Robin Adams, Tiago R. Forin, and Cole H. Joslyn
Approaches to Integrating Engineering in STEM Units and Student Achievement Gains, Elizabeth A. Crotty, Selcen S. Guzey, Gillian H. Roehrig, Aran W. Glancy, Elizabeth A. Ring-Whalen, and Tamara J. Moore
Approaching the Value and the Future of the Novel: A Book Review Article on Boxall's Scholarship, Yili Tang
Approximate computing: An integrated cross-layer framework, Swagath Venkataramani
Approximate computing: An integrated cross-layer framework, Swagath Venkataramani
A Practical Approach To Harnessing Small Scale Wind Energy Through Piezoelectric Wind Harvesting, Niall Magee
A Preliminary Study of the Frequent and Long-Term Non-Nutritive Sweetener Consumption and its Cardiometabolic Effects in Rats, Janice Yuexia Lee
A Pressure sensitive Mat for Measuring Contact pressure Distributions of Patients Lying on Hospital Beds, Charles F. Babbs, Joe D. Bourland, George P. Graber, James T. Jones, and William E. Schoenlein
A probabilistic model of benefit-cost analysis for highway construction projects, Yue He
A Prototype Computational Phantom to Create Digital Images for Research and Training in Diagnostic Radiology, Charles F. Babbs
A pure-jump market-making model for high-frequency trading, Chi Wai Law
Arabic Music and Burroughs's The Ticket That Exploded, David M. Holzer
A Rapid Automatic Life Cycle Assessment Tool for Eco-Design, Yongxian Zhu
A Rapid, Widely Applicable Screen for Drugs that Suppress Free Radical Formation in Ischemia/Reperfusion, Steven C. Salaris and Charles F. Babbs
A Rapid, Widely Applicable Screen for Drugs that Suppress Free Radical Formation in Ischemia/Reperfusion, Steven C. Salaris and Charles F. Babbs
Architectural techniques to extend multi-core performance scaling, Hamza Bin Sohail
A Reconceptualization of Identity in SLA and Writing Research, Zhaozhe Wang
Are cover crops worth it? It depends, Joshua S. Leirer
A Research-based Proposal for EFL Writing Instruction in Korean Higher Education, Song-Eun Lee
Array-based Inhomogeneous Soundwave Generation to Enhance Sound Transmission into Solids, Trevor A. Kyle, Daniel C. Woods, Rahul Tiwari, Jeffrey F. Rhoads, and J Stuart Bolton
Arterial Network Performance Measures Software, Stanley E. Young and Dennis So Ting Fong
Arterial Performance Management System Lexicon, Stanley E. Young and Dennis So Ting Fong
Arterial Performance Measures Re-Identification Software Demonstration, Stanley E. Young and Dennis So Ting Fong
Arterial Performance Measures Software, Stanley E. Young and Dennis So Ting Fong
Arterial Trip Length Characteristics, Stanley E. Young and Dennis So Ting Fong
Arterial Trip Length Characteristics Software, Stanley E. Young and Dennis So Ting Fong
Art History and the Global Challenge: A Critical Perspective, Patrick D. Flores
Art History and the Global Challenge: A Critical Perspective, Nuria Rodríguez Ortega
Art History and the Global Challenge: A Critical Perspective, Atreyee Gupta
Art History and the Global Challenge: A Critical Perspective, Jonathan Harris
Art History and the Global Challenge: A Critical Perspective, Sven Spieker
Art History and the Global Challenge: A Critical Perspective, Paula Barreiro López
Artificially Intelligent Information Safeguards: Algorithms for Distinguishing Between Opinions, Facts and Alternative Facts, Dan Goldwasser
Artificial neural networks for wireless structural control, Ghazi Binarandi
A Safety Management Model for FAR 141 Approved Flight Schools, Flavio A. C. Mendonca and Thomas Q. Carney
A sharp interface isogeometric strategy for moving boundary problems, Tao Song
A sharp interface isogeometric strategy for moving boundary problems, Tao Song
A Shrinking Rural Population and the Future of the American Political and Economic Systems, Chelsea N Kaufman
A Single Shape from Multiple Cues: How Local and Global Information Organizes Shape Inference, Benjamin Kunsberg and Steven W. Zucker
A small-scale experiment using microwave interferometry to investigate detonation and shock-to-detonation transition in pressed TATB, Peter John Renslow
A small-scale testbed for large-scale reliable computing, Jason R St. John
A small-scale testbed for large-scale reliable computing, Jason R. St. John
A Sociolinguistic Study on Socio-cultural Tensions between Iranian-American First and Second Generations, Negin Goodrich
A Spatial Stochastic Model of AMPAR Trafficking and Subunit Dynamics, Tyler VanDyk, Matthew C. Pharris, and Tamara L. Kinzer-Ursem
Asphalt pavement preservation using rejuvenating fog seals, Ammanuiel A. Kebede
Assessing children's programs in country clubs: A case of a Midwest country club in the United States, Xiaoying Song
Assessing coupled mechanical behavior and environmental degradation at submicron scales, Samantha K Lawrence
Assessing fuel burn inefficiencies in oceanic airspace, Stephen Builta
Assessing fuel burn inefficiencies in oceanic airspace, Stephen Builta
Assessing impact of exposure to cyberphysical systems on student interest in information technology careers, Mayari I. Serrano Anazco
Assessing Longitudinal Arterial Performance and Traffic Signal Retiming Outcomes, Steven M. Lavrenz, Christopher M. Day, W Benjamin Smith, James R. Sturdevant, and Darcy M. Bullock
Assessing Public Transportation Options for Intercity Travel in U.S. Rural and Small Urban Areas: A Multimodal, Multiobjective, and People-Oriented Evaluation, Vasiliki Dimitra Pyrialakou
Assessing Reward Functioning Across Distinct Symptom Dimensions of Internalizing Psychopathology, Belel Ait Oumeziane
Assessing the Benefits of Performance-Based Navigation Procedures, Kabir O. Kasim
Assessing the Books We Didn’t Buy (the Sequel), Erika L. Johnson, Glenn Johnson-Grau, and Rice Majors
Assessing the Hydraulics of Water Heaters by Adding Fluoride as a Tracer to Inform its Overall Effect on Water Quality, Christian A. Guerrero, William Schmidt, Antoine Aubeneau, and Amisha D. Shah
Assessing the impact of emerging contaminants on anaerobic microbial communities, Leila Nyberg
Assessing the influence of socials calls on bat mist-netting success in North America, Karly A. Rushmore, Laura E. D'Acunto, Cheyenne L. Gerdes, Patrick A. Zollner, and Joy M. O'Keefe
Assessing the performance of a soy methyl ester -polystyrene topical treatment to extend the service life of concrete structures, D'Shawn G. Thomas
Assessing the permeability of landscape features to animal movement: Using genetic structure to infer functional connectivity, Sarah J. Anderson, Elizabeth M. Kierepka, Robert K. Swihart, and Emily K. Latch
Assessing the spatial variability of soils in Uganda, Joshua Okach Minai
Assessment as a Learning Project: Online Surveys with Immediate Formative Feedback, Yayo Umetsubo
Assessment of competencies required for facilities management of educational institutions, Dipthi Prakash Raavi
Assessment of high-fidelity collision models in the direct simulation Monte Carlo method, Andrew Brian Weaver
Assessment of noise metrics for application to rotorcraft, Andrew L. McMullen
Assessment of the Ecosystem Services of Rain Gardens, Hannah M. Hawrot, Dr. Sara McMillan, and Rachel Scarlett
Assessment of the learning climate, basic psychological needs and perceived knowledge transfer in an active classroom, Sanjana Hemanth
Association between personal exposure to ambient metals and respiratory disease in Italian adolescents: A cross-sectional study, Maria José Rosa, Chiara Benedetti, Marco Peli, Filippo Donna, Marco Nazzaro, Chiara Fedrighi, Silvia Zoni, Alessandro Marcon, Neil Zimmerman, Rosalind Wright, and Roberto Lucchini
Associations between tooth loss and ischemic heart disease and stroke in a national cohort, Tiina Jaagosild
Associations of military divorce with mental, behavioral, and physical health outcomes, Lawrence Wang, Amber Seelig, Shelley MacDermid Wadsworth, Hope McMaster, John E. Alcaraz, and Nancy F. Crum-Cianflone
A standards-based grading model to predict students' success in a first-year engineering course, Farshid Marbouti
A study of alterations in DNA epigenetic modifications (5mC and 5hmC) and gene expression influenced by simulated microgravity in human lymphoblastoid cells, Basudev Chowdhury, Arun Seetharam, Zhiping Wang, Yunlong Liu, Amy C. Lossie, and Jyothi Thimmapuram
A study of how Chinese ink painting features can be applied to 3D scenes and models in real-time rendering, Muning Cao
A study of security issues of mobile apps in the android platform using machine learning approaches, Lei Cen
A study of the color selection workflow of web design students, Yawen Yu
A study on flow development in an APU-style inlet and its effect on centrifugal compressor performance, Fangyuan Lou
A Study on Image Quality Evaluation In Image Capture and Production Process, Weibao Wang
A study to estimate and compare the total particulate matter emission indices (EIN) between traditional jet fuel and two blends of Jet A/Camelina biofuel used in a high by-pass turbofan engine: A case study of Honeywell TFE-109 engine, Jacob Joshua Howard Shila
As Worlds Collide -- New Trends and Disruptive Technologies, Darrell W, Gunter
As Worlds Collide -- New Trends and Disruptive Technologies, Darrell W, Gunter
Asymptotic modelling of a thermopiezoelastic anisotropic smart plate, Yufei Long
A Systematized Literature Review: Defining and Developing Engineering Competencies, Hossein EbrahimiNejad
A system-of-systems approach to ex-ante analysis of profit potential of a project portfolio, Arash Mahdavi
A Systems Biology Approach for Analysis of Skeletal Inflammation, Bone Remodeling, and Bone Metastasis, Andy B Chen
A Tale of Two Campuses: Open Educational Resources in Florida and California Academic Institutions, Alejandra Nann, Julia I. Hess, Sarah Norris, and John Raible
A Tale of Two Cities: Language, Race, and Identity in Holyoke, Massachusetts, Sunny Trivedi
A Tale of Two Liaison Programs: University of Central Florida Libraries and Louisiana State University Libraries Partnering for Subject Librarian Excellence, Barbara G. Tierney and Lois Kuyper-Rushing
A Tale of Two Serials Cancellations, Mike Olson, David Killian, Debbie Bezanson, and Robin Kinder
At Brunning: People and Technology: At the Only Edge that Means Anything/How We Understand What We Do, Dennis Brunning
At Brunning: People and Technology: At the Only Edge that Means Anything/How We Understand What We Do, Dennis Brunning
At Brunning: People and Technology: At the Only Edge that Means Anything/How We Understand What we Do, Dennis Brunning
At Brunning: People and Technology: At the Only Edge that Means Anything/How We Understand What We Do, Dennis Brunning
At Brunning: People and Technology: At the Only Edge that Means Anything/How We Understand What we Do, Dennis Brunning
ATG Interviews: Audrey Powers, Associate Librarian, University of Florida, Katina Strauch and Tom Gilson
ATG Interviews: David McCune, SAGE; Jason Hoyt and Peter Binfield, PeerJ, Katina Strauch and Tom Gilson
ATG Interviews: Dr. Mehdi Khosrow-Pour, Katina Strauch and Tom Gilson
ATG Interviews: Frances Pinter, Knowledge Unlatched, Katina Strauch and Tom Gilson
ATG Interviews: Gilles de La Rouchefoucauld, Katina Strauch and Tom Gilson
ATG Interviews: Heather Joseph, Executive Director, SPARC, Bob Schatz and Tom Gilson
ATG Interviews Jennifer Lohmann, Adult Services Manager, Southwest Regional Library, Katina Strauch and Tom Gilson
ATG Interviews Jim O'Donnell-Penthouse Interviews, Tom Gilson and Albert Joy
ATG Interviews: Jody Plank, Product Manager, Research Square, Katina Strauch and Tom Gilson
ATG Interviews Kari Paulson: Penthouse Interviews, Tom Gilson and Albert Joy
ATG Interviews: Kim Massana, CEO, Innovative Interfaces, Katina Strauch and Tom Gilson
ATG Interviews: Kim Massana, CEO, Innovative Interfaces, Katina Strauch and Tom Gilson
ATG Interviews: Mark Cummings, Editor and Publisher, Choice Magazine, Katina Strauch and Tom Gilson
ATG Interviews: Mark Cummings, Editor and Publisher, Choice Magazine, Katina Strauch and Tom Gilson
ATG Interviews: Mark Gross, President, CEO and Founder Data Conversion Laboratory, Katina Strauch and Tom Gilson
ATG Interviews: Mark Gross, President, CEO and Founder Data Conversion Laboratory, Katina Strauch and Tom Gilson
ATG Interviews: Neil Blair Christensen, University of California Press, Katina Strauch and Tom Gilson
ATG interviews: Olivia Humphrey, Founder and CEO, Kanopy, Katina Strauch and Tom Gilson
ATG Interviews: Peter Shepherd, Retiring Director, COUNTER Online Metric, Katina Strauch and Tom Gilson
ATG Interviews: Raul Valdes-Perez, Katina Strauch and Tom Gilson
ATG Interviews Rolf Janke, CEO, Founder, Mission Bell Media, Katina Strauch and Tom Gilson
ATG Interviews: Skip Prichard, President and CEO, OCLC, Katina Strauch and Tom Gilson
ATG Interviews: Skip Prichard, President and CEO, OCLC, Katina Strauch and Tom Gilson
ATG Interviews: Takashi Yamakawa, Chairman, USACO Corporation, Katina Strauch and Tom Gilson
ATG Luminaries: Ane Carriveau, Galadriel Chilton, Rolf Janke, and Elizabeth Lightfoot
ATG Luminaries: Ane Carriveau, Galadriel Chilton, Rolf Janke, and Elizabeth Lightfoot
ATG Special Report: Academic Library Streaming Video: Key Findings from the National Survey, Deg Farrelly and Jane Hutchison
ATG Special Report: Academic Library Survey on eBooks and eBook Readers, Amada Melcher
ATG Special Report: ATG Luminaries Comment on Open Access, Elizabeth Lightfoot
ATG Special Report: Big Data Takeaways, Ho Jung Yoo and Reid Otsuji
ATG Special Report: Big Data Takeaways, Ho Jung Yoo and Reid Otsuji
ATG Special Report: Chromebook or Surface Pro for the Library Enterprise?, Mimmo Bonanni and Dennis Brunning
ATG Special Report: Doody's Digital Workshop for Publishing Staff: Books and the New Learner, Ramune Kubilius
ATG Special Report: Doody's Digital Workshop for Publishing Staff: Books and the New Learner, Ramune Kubilius
ATG Special Report: Establishing a State-Level Open-Access Journal: The Case of South Carolina Libraries, Rachel Elrod and Brent Appling
ATG Special Report: Hidden Collections -- Asbury University, Archives and Special Collections, Allison Day
ATG Special Report: New Platform Released: Altmetric for Institutions, Paula J. Hane
ATG Special Report: Some Thoughts on Polling at the Charleston Conference 2014, Erin Gallagher
ATG Special Report: Workflow Collaboration at the American University Library, Stacey Marien and Alayne Mundt
A three constituent mixture theory model of cutaneous and subcutaneous tissue in the context of neonatal pressure ulcer etiology and prevention, Anne Dye Zakrajsek
Atomic Layer Epitaxy Dielectric Based GaN MOS Devices and Beyond, Hong Zhou
Atomistic and mesoscopic simulations of heat transfer across heterogeneous material interfaces, Sridhar Sadasivam
Atomistic and mesoscopic simulations of heat transfer across heterogeneous material interfaces, Sridhar Sadasivam
Atomistic Simulations of Novel Nanoscale Semiconductor Devices: Resistance Switches and Two-dimensional Transistors, Joseph P. Anderson, Mahbubul Islam, David Guzman, and Alejandro Strachan
Atomistic Simulations of Spectral Phonon Properties of Solids, Zuyuan Wang
A Touchscreen Assay to Probe the Role of the Serotonergic System in Learning and Visual Information Processing, Jeffrey M. Dorsch, Alexandr Pak, and Alexander A. Chubykin
A transfer network linking Earth, Moon, and the triangular libration point regions in the Earth-Moon system, Lucia R. Capdevila
Attachment as a Moderator Between Smartphone Interference and Relationship Satisfaction in Adult Couples, Shannon Polezoes
Attachment to God and psychological well-being: Shame, guilt, and self-compassion as mediators, Mary Elizabeth Varghese
Attenuating Negative Outcomes of Mortality Salience with Awe, Peter Kearns
Attenuation and speed of 10 MHz ultrasound in canine blood of various packed cell volumes at 37C, D J. Hughes, L A. Geddes, Charles F. Babbs, J D. Bourland, and V L. Newhouse
Attitudes toward a cancer coalition: Implications for coalition health communication, Chervin Lam Shih Kian
Audience Response and from Film Adaptation to Reading Literature, Klaudia H.Y. Lee
A unicorn's tale: Examining the experiences of Black women in engineering industry, Monique S Ross
A unicorn's tale: Examining the experiences of Black women in engineering industry, Monique S. Ross
A unique perspective on the demand for livestock product attributes, Elizabeth S Byrd
A unique perspective on the demand for livestock product attributes, Elizabeth S. Byrd
A usability assessment for a career planning educational video game, Jiaqi Wang
Australian Government Information Resources, Bert Chapman
Authentic enterprise, communal employee relationship, and employee-generated managerial assets, Yeunjae Lee
Authentic science in education: Studies in course-based research at the United States Military Academy, Anthony M Chase
Authentic science in education: Studies in course-based research at the United States Military Academy, Anthony M. Chase
Authorship in Burroughs's Red Night Trilogy and Bowles's Translation of Moroccan Storytellers, Benjamin J. Heal
Automated segmentation, detection and fitting of piping elements from terrestrial LIDAR data, Yun-Ting Su
Automatic Guided Vehicle Application: Precision Agriculture, Xiangnan Gong
Automating stem learning by engaging in artful-inspired play, Katie E Roth
Automation in Highway Construction: Success, Challenges, and Guidance, George Chang
A Validated Time-Stepping Analytical Model for 3D Transient Vapor Chamber Transport, G. Patankar, J. A. Weibel, and S V. Garimella
A Value-Stream Mapping Success Story: MBA Recruiting Process Improvements, Paulette S. Alexander and Janyce Brennan Fadden
Averaged Solar Radiation Pressure Modeling for High Area-to-Mass Ratio Objects in Geostationary Space, Roshan Thomas Eapen
A Wearable Smartphone-Enabled Camera-Based System for Gait Assessment, Junyoung J Kim
A web-based online collaboration platform for formulating engineering design projects, Sainath Varikuti
A Website Review: The World Bank eLibrary, James Lewter
Axial failure of vulnerable reinforced concrete columns damaged by shear reversals, Kurt W Henkhaus
Axisymmetric Wall Jet Development in Confined Jet Impingement, T. Guo, M. Rau, P. Vlachos, and S V. Garimella
Axonal transport and life cycle of mitochondria in Parkinson's disease model, Hyun Sung
Back Talk: A Librarian Is Not Like A Bat, Jim O'Donnell
Back Talk: Are Seeds for the Birds or Libraries?, Tony Ferguson
Back Talk: Is It Time to Hitch the Academic Library's Wagon to Online Education?, Tony Ferguson
Back Talk: Library School: Is it Where You Get Your "Union Card" or is it Like Youth, Wasted on the Young?, Tony Ferguson
Back Talk: Licenses: Where e-Resources Become Real for Library Users, Ann Okerson
Back Talk: NYU's Shanghai Library and My Experiences Here, Tony Ferguson
Back Talk: Paradise Will Be A Kind of Library, Tony Ferguson
Bacterial Motility and its Role in Biofilm Formation, Clayton J. Culp, Arezoo M. Ardekani, and Adib Ahmadzadegan
Bad girls in corsets: Women and the transgressive body in the nineteenth century, Colleen Warwick Green
Bad girls in corsets: Women and the transgressive body in the nineteenth century, Colleen Warwick Green
Barriers & Facilitators to Providing Contraceptive Counseling to Previously Pregnant Latina Adolescents: Perspectives from Health Care Providers Located in the Midwest, Jaziel Liz Ramos-Ortiz
Basic Biomedical Scientists: The Rediscovered Library Users, Susan K. Kendall
Bayesian causal inference of cell signal transduction from proteomics experiments, Robert D. O. Ness
Bayesian causal inference of cell signal transduction from proteomics experiments, Robert D. O. Ness
Bayesian global optimization approach to the oil well placement problem with quantified uncertainties, Zengyi Dou
Baylisascaris spp. in non-raccoon procyonid hosts and assessment of potential risk of human exposure, Max Carlin Parkanzky
Beat Contenders (Micheline, Sanders, Kupferberg), A. Robert Lee
Becoming Science Fiction: The Purport of an Evolving Genre, Zea Miller
Behavioral Challenges in Engineering Teams: An Intersection of Research and Practice, Shawn Collins
Behavioral responses and policy evaluation: Revisiting water and fuel policies, Shanxia Sun
Behavioral responses of Pityophthorus juglandis to volatiles of walnut and Geosmithia morbida, the causal agent of thousand cankers disease, Bridget Lorraine Blood
Being Earnest With Collections: A Look Back at the First Charleston Seminar, Michael A. Arthur
Being out of the loop on pop culture, Nicole Elizabeth Iannone
Beneficial Application of Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) at Airports, Brandon Tanner and Susan Zellers
Best Management Practices: A Community-Based Approach to Construction and Installation, Nathanael J. La Breche
Best matching processes in distributed systems, Mohsen Moghaddam
Best Practices for Maximizing Driver Attention to Work Zone Warning Signs, Satish V. Ukkusuri, Konstantina Gkritza, Xinwu Qian, and Arif Mohaimin Sadri
Betti numbers and the integral closure of ideals, Sangki Choi
Between Nodes and Edges: Possibilities and Limits of Network Analysis in Art History, Miriam Kienle
Bet You Missed It: What do coloring books and ghastly tales have in common?, Bruce Strauch
Bet You Missed It: What do daring women and fabric samples have in common?, Bruce Strauch
Bet You Missed It: What do hamburgers and gimlets have in common?, Bruce Strauch
Bet You Missed It: What do Lincoln and a three-car garage have in common?, Bruce Strauch
Bet You Missed It-What do politicans and liquid lunches have in common?, Bruce Strauch
Bet You Missed It: What do politicans and liquid lunches have in common?, Bruce Strauch
Bet You Missed It: What Do Spies and Dinosaurs Have in Common?, Bruce Strauch
Bet You Missed It: What do the Clintons and Harvard have in Common?, Bruce Strauch
Bet You Missed It: What do the North Carolina Tarheels and Winston Churchill have in common?, Bruce Strauch
Beyond Simple Relevance: Balancing Heterogeneous Criteria in Information Retrieval Applications, Zhiwei Zhang
Beyond the Gender Gap: Understanding Women's Participation in Wikipedia, Danielle J Corple
Beyond the One-Shot: Intensive Workshops as a Platform for Engaging the Library in Digital Humanities., Nicole Kong and Susan Powell
Bibliography of Contextual (Systemic and Empirical) Approaches in the Study of Literature and Culture, Steven Tötösy de Zepetnek
Bifacial Solar Panel Database InterfacePUMET: A tool for global meteorological data mining for performance and reliability prediction of large scale solar farms, Binglin Zhao, Xingshu Sun, and Muhammad A. Alam
Big data analytics with NYC taxicab data, Xinwu Qian
Bilingualism effects at the syntax-semantic interface: Evidence from the Spanish present tense, Julio Cesar Lopez Otero
Bilingualism Effects at the Syntax-semantics Interface: Evidence from the Spanish Present and Progressive Tense, Julio César López Otero and Alejandro Cuza
Billbug (Sphenophorus spp.) chemical ecology and seasonal biology in Indiana turfgrass, Alexandra G Duffy
Billbug (Sphenophorus spp.) chemical ecology and seasonal biology in Indiana turfgrass, Alexandra G. Duffy
Biochemical Analysis of a Prokaryotic Deubiquitinase from Escherichia Coli, Cameron Wade
Biochemical changes in animal models of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, Christine E. M. Keller
Biochemical Elucidation of the Isoprenoid Binding Site of the Yeast Isoprenylcysteine Carboxyl Methyltransferase, Ste14p, Amy Lynn Funk
Biochemical Studies of a Deubiquitinating Enzyme in Chlamydia Trachomatis, Aditya Babar
Biodiesel Technical Update for Purdue Road School, Steve Howell and Mick Calvin
Biogas Technology Application in Western Kenya—A Field Investigation in Nandi and Bomet Counties, Taisha Venort
Biology of local heat therapy for cancer, Charles F. Babbs
Biomechanics of Snoring and Sleep Apnea, Charles F. Babbs
Biotic and Abiotic Factors that Impact Host Life History, Parasite Dynamics, and Virulence, Alyssa M Gleichsner
Biz of Acq-Beyond the Materials Budget: Managing Endowment and Transferred Funds, Kristin Rogers, Christina Torbert, and Michelle Flinchbaugh
Biz of Acq-Beyond the Materials Budget: Managing Endowment and Transferred Funds, Kristin Rogers, Christina Torbert, and Michelle Flinchbaugh
Biz of Acq: Cooperative Collection Development Among Michigan's Public Uiversities, Michelle Flinchbaugh and Joe Badics
Biz of Acq: Increasing Access to eBooks at Central Connecticut State University, Michelle Flinchbaugh and Dana Hanford
Biz of Acq: Managing eBooks from Multiple Vendors, Michelle Flinchbaugh, Robin Moskal, and Lynda Aldana
Biz of Acq: Online Acquisitions Tools: What Are Library Service Providers Thinking?, Sarah Forzetting, Erin Gallagher, and Michelle Flinchbaugh
Biz of Acq: Setting the Stage: Scenario Planning for Acquisitions, Michelle Flinchbaugh, Tonia Graves, and Rob Tench
Biz of Acq: Taking Advantage of Every Opportunity: Blending Local and Consortial DDA eBook Programs, Tonia Graves, Rob Tench, Anne Elguindi, and Michelle Flinchbaugh
Biz of Acq: The Evolving Work and Workflow in the 21st-Century Technical Services Department, Michelle Flinchbaugh, Randale Gedeon, and Miranda Howard
Black Australia ‘Writes Back’ to the Literary Traditions of Empire, Danica Čerče
Black-box printer models and their applications, Yanling Ju
Blockchains and Crypto-Currencies: From Hype to Reality, Aniket Kate
Block Polymer Solution Assembly For Nanoporous Membrane Fabrication, Jessica L Sargent
Blurring Lines: An Interview with Jon Cawthorne, Dean of Libraries at West Virginia University, David Parker
Blurring Lines -- A Post-Charleston Interview on the Future of the Library with Stanley Wilder, Dean of Libraries, Louisiana State University, Katina Strauch and Tom Gilson
Blurring Lines: Bringing E-textbooks into the Orbit of University Library Purchase and usage Preferences, David Parker
Blurring Lines: Demand-Driven Access to Journal Articles, David Parker
Blurring Lines: eBooks and DRM, David Parker
Blurring Lines: Learning Belongs in the Library: Three Reasns This Must Eventually Be So, David Parker
Blurring Lines: Learning Belongs in the Library: Three Reasns This Must Eventually Be So, David Parker
Blurring Lines: Libraries and Video: Measuring ROI… Really, How?, David Parker
Blurring Lines: Patrons as the Drivers of New Products and Services, David Parker
Board # 102 : PECASE: Implementing K-12 Engineering Standards through STEM Integration - An Executive Summary of the Products and Research, Tamara Moore, Kristina Tank, Aran Glancy, and Elizabeth Gajdzik
Board # 113 : EEGRC Poster: Characterizing Trade-off Decisions in Student Designers, Molly Goldstein
Board # 114 : Progress toward Optimizing Student Team Skill Development using Evidence-Based Strategies, Matthew W. Ohland, Daniel M. Ferguson, Misty L. Loughry, and David Jonathan Woehr
Bonapartes in Feldgrau: Army Generals and Political Engineering Under Kaiser, Weimar and Führer, Robert Kirchubel
Booklover: Divorce Romance Happy Endings, Donna Jacobs
Booklover: Don't Judge a Movie by Its Book, Donna Jacobs
Booklover: Freedom of Speech, Donna Jacobs
Booklover: Gross National Happiness, Donna Jacobs
Booklover: #nobelliteraturelaureates, Donna Jacobs
Booklover: Synchronicity, Donna Jacobs
Book Review: Alasdair MacIntyre, Charles Taylor, and the Demise of Naturalism: Reunifying Political Theory and Social Science, Terence Kersch
Book Review: Politics of the Person as the Politics of Being, John McNerney
Book Review: Sex, Love and Marriage in the Light of Following Jesus, John McNerney
Book Reviews: Monographic Musings, Debbie Vaughn
Book Reviews: Monographic Musings, Deb Vaughn
Book Reviews: Monographic Musings, Deb Vaughn
Book Reviews: Monographic Musings, Deb Vaughn
Book Reviews: Monographic Musings, Deb Vaughn
Book Reviews: Monographic Musings, Debbie Vaughn
Book Reviews: Monographic Musings, Deb Vaughn
Book Reviews: Monographic Musings, Deb Vaughn
Book Review: Wealth of Persons: Economics with a Human Face., Paul Flaman
Books Do Furnish a Room, Ann Okerson
Book Usage Is Rollin’ Down: Multifaceted Assessment of Monograph Collection Performance to Optimize Purchase Decisions, Tricia L. Clayton and Skye C. Hardesty
Boom or Bust: Short-Term Loans Five Years Later, Sherri Brown, Lea Currie, and Andi Back
Boron Carbide: Stabilization of Highly-Loaded Aqueous Suspensions, Pressureless Sintering, and Room Temperature Injection Molding, Andres Diaz-Cano
Both Sides Now: Vendors and Librarians, Michael Gruenberg
Both Sides Now: Vendors and Librarians: Is That a Meeting Anyone Really Wants to Attend?, Michael Gruenberg
Both Sides Now: Vendors and Librarians: Psst…I've Got an Offer for Your Library That You Can't Refuse, Michael Gruenberg
Bound to the Mimetic or the Transformative? Considering Other Possibilities, Jeff Frank
Bowles's Up Above the World as Beatnik Murder Mystery, Greg Bevan
Brain motion and deformation during closed head injury in the presence of cerebrospinal fluid, Charles F. Babbs
Brain motion, deformation, and potential injury during soccer heading, Charles F. Babbs
Breaking Through: Developing Interdisciplinary Solutions to Global Grand Challenges Call for Proposals, Peter Froehlich and Laurel Weldon
Bridge Deterioration Models to Support Indiana’s Bridge Management System, Milhan Moomen, Yu Qiao, Bismark R. Agbelie, Samuel Labi, and Kumares C. Sinha
Bridge maintenance to enhance corrosion resistance and performance of steel girder bridges, Luis M Moran Yanez
Bridge maintenance to enhance corrosion resistance and performance of steel girder bridges, Luis M. Moran Yanez
Bridge Preservation Treatments and Best Practices, Mark D. Bowman and Luis M. Moran
Bridging statistical learning and formal reasoning for cyber attack detection, Kexin Pei
Bridging the Divide: Collaborating Across Departments to Improve Communication and Collections, Nancy Fawley and Laura Gewissler
Bridging the omega-3 gap: The disparity between actual and target intakes of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) in children, Lyndsey Rae Herdzina-Huss
Bringing an international perspective to Collaborative Services, Anne Horn
Buckling of Cylindrical Shells under Wind Loading, Tianlong Sun, Eyas Azzuni, and Sukru Guzey
Budgeting in an Academic Library: A Lively Lunch Discussion, Karin Wikoff
Building a Better Pedestrian and Bicycling Infrastructure, Joyce E. Newland
Building Healthy Futures: Two Students’ Experiences With Global Health in Rural Ecuador, Varsha Kumar and Daniel Shyu
Building the Boilermakers’ Biking Infrastructure, Michael Gulich
Building the Knowledge School, R David Lankes
Building Virtual Eco Cities: Middle School Students' Environmental Attitude and Awareness of Sustainable Development, Belen Garcia de Hurtado
Bulwark of Empire: Imperial and Local Government in Przemyśl, Galicia (1867-1939), John E Fahey
Burning Surface Temperature Measurements of Propellants and Explosives using Phosphor Thermography, Ethan A. Whitaker, Alex D. Casey, and Steven F. Son
Burroughs as a Political Writer?, Alexander Greiffenstern
Burroughs's Folios as an Archival Machine for Artistic Creation, Tomasz D. Stompor
Burroughs's Postcolonial Visions in The Yage Letters, Melanie Keomany
Burroughs's Re-Invention of the Byronic Hero, Franca A. Bellarsi
Bus Stop Facility Design: Improving Efficiency and Safety for All Users, John Metzinger
But Where is the Library? Reframing the Library at the University of Melbourne in a Shared Services Environment, Jenny Ellis and Teresa Chitty
Calculus for decision systems, Jorge Antonio Samayoa Ranero
Call for Manuscripts: Special Issue: Tinkering in Technology-Rich Design Contexts, Michael M. Grant
Call for Special Issue Proposals, Michael M. Grant
Can Cone Signals in the Wild Be Predicted From the Past?, David H. Foster and Iván Marín-Franch
Can Hotseat Improve Student Perceptions of Agentic Engagement in Collegiate Courses?, Paul Josekutty Thomas
Canvas politics: Norman Lewis and the art of Abstract Resistance, Mindy H.M Tan
Can wearable devices reduce burnout by making people aware of stress?, Rohit Mundayaliyath Mundayadan
Can wearable devices reduce burnout by making people aware of stress?, Rohit Mundayaliyath Mundayadan
Capacity and Safety Opportunities and Challenges in the Transition Period, Andrew Tarko and Brad L. Steckler
Capacity optimization of battery-generator hybrid power system: Toward minimizing maintenance cost in expeditionary basecamp/operational energy applications, Jude C. Onwuanumkpe
Capillary Occlusion of Tubes with Rectangular and Arbitrary Cross-Sections with Transverse Body Forces, Robert Edward Manning
Capsule-Based Dropwise Additive Manufacturing with Pharmaceutical Suspensions, Kaitlyn N. Buck, Andrew J. Radcliffe, and Gintaras V. Reklaitis
Captured open book image de-warping and shading correction using 3D depth information, Chyuan-Tyng Wu
Carbon nanotube thermal interfaces and related applications, Stephen L Hodson
Carbon nanotube thermal interfaces and related applications, Stephen L. Hodson
Carbon Removal and Optoelectronic Property Tuning in Copper Arsenic Sulfide Thin Films through Ligand Exchange and Alloying, Louis R. Schroeder, Scott McClary, and Rakesh Agrawal
Cardiac output during cardiopulmonary resuscitation at various compression rates and durations, Kevin R. Fitzgerald, Charles F. Babbs, Henry A. Frissora, Robert W. Davis, and Douglas I. Silver
Cardiac output during CPR: a comparison of two methods, D L. Silver, R J. Murphy, Charles F. Babbs, and L A. Geddes
Cardiac, Thoracic, and Abdominal Pump Mechanisms in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation: Studies in an Electrical Model of the Circulation, Charles F. Babbs, Christopher Weaver, Sandra H. Ralston, and Leslie A. Geddes
CARL & E-Research, Gwendolyn Ebbett
Carrion-associated arthropods in rural and urban environments, Serena Daye Gross
Cases of Note: Copyright Preempts Invasion of Privacy, Bruce Strauch, Bryan M. Carson, and Jack Montgomery
Cases of Note: Copyright -- Revisiting 1909, Bruce Strauch, Bryan M. Carson, and Jack Montgomery
Cases of Note: Copyright --Revisiting 1909, Bruce Strauch, Bryan M. Carson, and Jack Montgomery
Cases of Note: Sometimes It's Not a Federal Action, Bruce Strauch, Bryan M. Carson, and Jack Montgomery
Cases of Note: Sometimes It's Not a Federal Action #2, Bruce Strauch, Bryan M. Carson, and Jack Montgomery
Cases of Note -- State Jurisdiction for Contract Dispute or Federal for Copyright?, Bruce Strauch, Bryan M. Carson, and Jack Montgomery
Case Study for Corridor Retiming Using Traffic Signal Performance Measures, Lucy M Richardson
Casual Information Visualization-Based Major Consulting System Design, Xinghe Hu
Catalytic Carbonylations in Total Synthesis and Chemistry and Biology of Aryl Isonitriles, Dexter C Davis
Catching Their Attention! Using Nonformal Information Sources to Captivate and Motivate Undergraduates During Library Sessions, Jacqueline Howell Nash
Causative in Morroccan Arabic: towards a Unified Syntax-prosody, Ayoub Loutfi
Causes and Consequences of Mild Blast-Induced Traumatic Brain Injury: From Biomechanics to Behavior, Nicholas Stephen Race
Ceramic Near-Net Shaped Processing Using Highly-Loaded Aqueous Suspensions, Lisa Rueschhoff
Cereal rye cover crop effects on soil physical and chemical properties in southeastern Indiana, Joseph D Rorick
Cereal rye cover crop effects on soil physical and chemical properties in southeastern Indiana, Joseph D. Rorick
Certified Family Life Educators' practice of the collaborative approach to teaching-learning, Barbara Ann Clauss
Challenges in Molecular Modeling Engaged from Two Distinct Theoretical Perspectives, Carlos Hernán Borca Paredes
Change It Up: Growing Your Career in a Wildly Different Organization, Betsy Appleton, Tina Herman Buck, and Carol Seiler
Changes in the Proteome of Langat-Infected Ixodes scapularis ISE6 Cells: Metabolic Pathways Associated with Flavivirus Infection, Jeffrey M. Grabowski, Rushika Perera, Ali M. Roumani, Victoria E. Hedrick, Halina Dorota Inerowicz, Catherine A. Hill, and Richard Kuhn
Changes in tundra plant and soil organic geochemical composition in response to long-term increased winter precipitation in N. Alaska, Olivia Miller
Changing Library Operations: Consortial Demand-Driven eBooks at the University of California, Allen McKiel and Jim Dooley
Changing Library Operations: Consortial Demand-Driven eBooks at the University of California, Allen McKiel and Jim Dooley
Changing Library Operations: Multiyear Analysis of Library Operations, Allen Mckiel and Jim Dooley
Changing Library Operations: Open Access Policies, Allen McKiel and Jim Dooley
Changing Library Operations: The Orbis Cascade Alliance, Allen McKiel and Jim Dooley
Changing Organizational Capacity and Building Staff Capability, Gillian Barthorpe and Eamon Wright
Changing the Face of the City, Roger Nawrot
Changing the Mobility Behavior, Bernd Steffensen
Characteristics and Design Strategies for Near Rectilinear Halo Orbits Within the Earth-Moon System, Emily M Zimovan
Characteristics and practices that may lead to Listeria monocytogenes contamination in retail delis, Jingjin Wang
Characterization and evaluation of head impact sensors and varsity football helmets, Brian R. Cummiskey
Characterization and mechanical properties of solar grade silicon in granular and nanopowder form, Mohamad Bilal Zbib
Characterization of a continuous-flow reactor for solar UV water disinfection, Margaret M. Busse
Characterization of Aerodynamic Forcing Functions for Embedded Rotor Resonant Response in a Multistage Compressor, Nicholas J. Kormanik
Characterization of a Heated Liquid Jet in Crossflow, Heather K Wiest
Characterization of a hypersonic quiet wind tunnel nozzle, Cameron J Sweeney
Characterization of a hypersonic quiet wind tunnel nozzle, Cameron J. Sweeney
Characterization of Cu-rich aggregates in neurogenic niches of the rodent brain by X-ray fluorescence microscopy, Brendan T. Sullivan
Characterization of Hessian fly from Israel, Alisha J Johnson
Characterization of heterogeneous catalysts using advanced transmission electron microscopy techniques, Chang Wan Han
Characterization of High Oleic Acid Biodiesel: Improving Biofuel Properties, James M. Muskat and Nathan Mosier
Characterization of Liquid Film Thickness in Slug-Regime Microchannel Flows, R. S. Patel, J. A. Weibel, and S V. Garimella
Characterization of Novel Photoresists for STED-enhanced Nanolithography, Brandon R. Franz, Paul Somers, and Xianfan Xu
Characterization of Particle Emissions from Desktop 3D Printers: A Look at the Effect of Part Design and Build Pathing, Giovanny A Aguilera
Characterization of pool boiling heat transfer from porous-coating-enhanced surfaces, Suchismita Sarangi
Characterization of tensile, creep, and fatigue properties of 3D printed Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene, Hanyin Zhang
Characterization of the ankyrin-band 3 interaction of the erythrocyte membrane, Bernard Jean-Marie Thevenin
Characterization of the function of the DEAD-box RNA helicase Dbp2, Wai Kit Ma
Characterization of the interaction between the bacterium TR3 and Magnaporthe oryzae, Xue Zhang
Characterization of the Liquid Film in Slug- and Annular-Regime Microchannel Flows, Ravi S Patel
Characterization of the Oscillometric Method for Measuring Indirect Blood Pressure, L A. Geddes, M Voelz, C Combs, D Reiner, and Charles F. Babbs
Characterization of vectorization strategies for recursive algorithms, Shruthi Balakrishna
Characterization of wake effects and loading status of wind turbine arrays under different inflow conditions, Xiangyu Gao
Characterization of water mediated hydrophobic and ionic interactions using Raman spectroscopy, Samual R Zukowski
Characterization of water-solid interactions in crystalline ingredients and development of deliquescence measurement recommendations, Matthew C. Allan
Characterizing and mimicking marine biomaterials and developing a method for making protein-based adhesives, Jessica K Roman
Characterizing and Modeling the Experience of Transfer Students in Engineering—Progress on NSF Award 0969474, Matthew Ohland, Clemencia M. Cosentino, Catherine E. Brawner, Catherine Mobley, and Russell A. Long
Characterizing the effects of repetitive head trauma in female soccer athletes for prevention of mild traumatic brain injury, Diana Otero Svaldi
Characterizing the effects of repetitive head trauma in female soccer athletes for prevention of mild traumatic brain injury, Diana Otero Svaldi
Characterizing Variation in Acute Myelogenous Leukemia and Therapeutic Interactions using Mathematical Modeling, Joyatee Mudra Sarker
Charting our Course through Reframing - Library Leadership in a Sea of Change, Bruce Fyfe, Catherine Steeves, and Nicole Nolan
Chemical Modification of Uniform Soils and Soils with High/Low Plasticity Index, Fei Tao, Xuanchi Li, Antonio Bobet, and Nayyar Zia Siddiki
Chiara Lubich’s Paradise ’49 in Light of the Letter to the Ephesians: Jesus Crucified and Forsaken, the Church, and Agape-Love, Gérard Rossé
Child Maltreatment and Cumulative Inequality: The Impact of Race, Misfortune, and Resources for Early Life Course Mental Health?, Ashleigh Kysar-Moon
China and the Politics of Cross–Cultural Representation in Interwar European Fiction, Carles Prado-Fonts
China Twenty Years After: Substance Use Under Rapid Social Changes, Xiaozhao Y Yang
China Twenty Years After: Substance Use Under Rapid Social Changes, Xiaozhao Y. Yang
Chinese eco-films and their pastoral myth, Runlei Zhai
"Chinese Military Space Power: U.S. Department of Defense Annual Reports, Bert Chapman
Chlorfenapyr and bifenthrin susceptibility monitoring of field collected bed bug populations from the United States, Aaron R Ashbrook
Chloroplast RNA-Binding Protein RBD1 Promotes Chilling Tolerance through 23S rRNA Processing in Arabidopsis, Shuai Wang, Ge Bai, Shu Wang, Leiyun Yang, Fen Yang, Yi Wang, Jiankang Zhu, and Jian Hua
Choosing inclusion criteria that minimize the time and cost of clinical trials, Charles F. Babbs
Christ Our Center: Joseph Ratzinger’s Witness, Edward T. Oakes
Circulation and Resemanticization: An Aporetic Palimpsest, Béatrice Joyeux-Prunel
Circulations, resémantisations. Le palimpseste aporétique, Béatrice Joyeux-Prunel
Circulatory Adjuncts: Newer Methods of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, Charles F. Babbs
Circus as idée fixe and Hunger, Anna-Sophie Jürgens
City of Lafayette Streetscapes: Taking Main Street Mainstream, Kara Bishop and Dennis Carson
Classical Perspectives on Contemporary Populism, Joseph Forte
Classification of road users detected and tracked with LiDAR at intersections, Cristhian Guillermo Lizarazo Jimenez
Classification of road users detected and tracked with LiDAR at intersections, Cristhian Guillermo Lizarazo Jimenez
Climate change and hazardous convective weather in the United States: Insights from high-resolution dynamical downscaling, Kimberly A. Hoogewind
Climate change impact assessments using the Water Erosion Prediction Project model, Joseph Trotochaud
Clinical investigation of plethysmographic variability index: A derivative index of pulse oximetry in anesthetized dogs, Vaidehi V. Paranjape
Clinical ROC Studies of Digital Stereo Mammography, Tarek Z. Elabbady, Charles F. Babbs, Valerie P. Jackson, Edward J. Delp, David M. Chelberg, Zygmunt Pizlo, and Leslie A. Geddes
Closing Address, Gwendolyn Ebbett
Cloud Resource Management for Big Visual Data Analysis from Globally Distributed Network Cameras, Anup Mohan
Cloud Technology and On-Demand Solutions for Citizen Needs, Chekuri Raju
Clustered-dot periodic halftone screen design and ICC profile color table compression, Chuohao Tang
Clustered-dot periodic halftone screen design and ICC profile color table compression, Chuohao Tang
Co-creating the Dialogic: How a Participatory Action Research Project Promoted Second Language Acquisition of Karen Youth, Daniel Gilhooly, Liaquat Channa, and Charles Allen Lynn
Code Switching in Swiss German Dialects: the Case of the Aarguar and Zürich Dialects, Jessica Rohr
Cognitive and social factors in the design of computerized jobs, John Robert Cook
Cold Constructed Asphalt Pavement (CCAP) with Gelled Asphalts, Jason Wielinski
Collaboration between French speaking university libraries of Belgium and university libraries of developing countries since 2004, Frédéric Brodkom
Collaboration in scientific digital ecosystems: A socio-technical network analysis, Philip Mutuma Munyua
Collaborative Librarianship in India, Vrushali Dandawate
Collaborative Library Reconstruction and Reorganization: Librarian, Architect and Property Manager Teamwork at Konstanz, Oliver Kohl-Frey
Collecting to the Core: Arabic Resources in Translation: The History of al-Tabart, Anne Doherty and Meryle Gaston
Collecting to the Core: Classic Ethnographies, Anne Doherty and Janet L. Steins
Collecting to the Core: Computing Instruction Manuals, Stephen Patton and Anne Doherty
Collecting to the Core: Evolution for Everyone, Anne Doherty and Louise F. Deis
Collecting to the Core: GLBTI Memoirs, Ellen Boseman and Anne Doherty
Collecting to the Core: Goethe's Literary Works, Anne Doherty and Catherine Minter
Collecting to the Core: International Relations, Jeremy Darrington and Anne Doherty
Collecting to the Core: International Relations, Jeremy Darrington and Anne Doherty
Collecting to the Core: Malcolm X, Anne Doherty and Timothy V. Johnston
Collection Dashboards for Selectors, Lindsay A. Cronk and Wenli Gao
Collection Management Matters: Frienemies: Vendor Tech Support, Glenda Alvin
Collection Management Matters: The DataBase Dance: Waltzing with a Big Budget Cut, Glenda Alvin
Collection Management Matters:The Politics of Weeding, Glenda Alvin
College students' suicidal ideation: Testing the predictions of the existential - constructivist theory of suicide, Jennifer Danielle Lockman
College students' suicidal ideation: Testing the predictions of the existential - constructivist theory of suicide, Jennifer Danielle Lockman
Collegiate Women Athletes: Contribution of Attachment, Identity, and Athlete Engagement to Meaning in Life, Hayley A Hughes
Colombian Readings of Paradise Lost: Gabriel García Márquez’s Literary Conversation with John Milton, Daniela M. Maestre and Angelica Duran
Color Algebras, Jeffrey B. Mulligan
Color difference weighted adaptive residual preprocessing using perceptual modeling for video compression, Mark Q Shaw
Colorimetric Assay for Methanesulfinic Acid in Biological Samples, Charles F. Babbs and Melissa J. Gale
Combating a Global Threat to a Clonal Crop: Banana Black Sigatoka Pathogen Pseudocercospora fijiensis (Synonym Mycosphaerella fijiensis) Genomes Reveal Clues for Disease Control, Rafael E. Arango-Isaza, Caucasella Diaz-Trujillo, Braham Deep Singh Dhillon, Andrea L. Aerts, Jean Carlier, Charles F. Crane, Tristan V. De Jong, Ineke M. De Vries, Robert A. Dietrich, Andrew D. Farmer, Claudia Fortes Fereira, Suzana A L Garcia, Mauricio Guzmán, Richard C. Hamelin, Erika A. Lindquist, Rahim Mehrabi, Olman Quiros, Jeremy Schmultz, Harris J. Shapiro, Elizabeth Reynolds, Gabriel Scalliet, Manoel Teixeira Souza, Ioannis Stergiopoulos, Theo A J Van Der Lee, Pierre J G M De Wit, Marie Françoise Zapater, Lute Harm Zwiers, Igor V. Grigoriev, Stephen B. Goodwin, and Gert Hj J Kema
Combinatorial algorithms for perturbation theory and application on quantum computing, Yudong Cao
Combinatorial algorithms for perturbation theory and application on quantum computing, Yudong Cao
Combined Effects of Environmental Stressors and Crude Oil on Fundulus grandis Development and Transcriptome, Jennifer Serafin
Combining Markov random field and marked point process for microscopy image modeling, Huixi Zhao
Combustion Measurements Using Femtosecond Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Scattering, Levi M Thomas
Coming of Age at the Margins: The Diasporic Coming-Of-Age Novel in Works by Hanif Kureishi, Sandra Cisneros, and Yuri Herrera, Ricardo Quintana Vallejo
Command Shaping for Minimizing Residual Vibration in a Flexible-Joint Robot, Rishab Mardia
Common Data Formats for Re-Identification and High-Resolution Data, Stanley E. Young, Darcy M. Bullock, and Dennis So Ting Fong
Commons Model in Libraries – Challenges & Successes, Elizabeth Soergel, Kelly Banyas, and Nevenka Zdravkovska
Communicating Science at a Research Labratory: Policy, Tools and Services, Dee Magnoni
Communicating the Safety Benefits of Alternative Intersections, Mike Holowaty
Communicating to Oppress and Liberate, Reproduce and Transform: A Study of Food Insecurity as a Material-Discursive System, Liliya D Yakova
Communication, home bias and social capital, Sharon Raszap Skorbiansky
Communications on the Ohio River Bridges Project: Best Practices, Paul Boone and Angela Nichols
Community engagement, graduate students, and "naive complicity": Service in the university, Jonathan S. Isaac
Co-modulation Masking Release Begins in the Auditory Periphery, Kareem R. Hussein, Agudemu Borjigan, and Mark Sayles
Comparative Analysis of Impact Attenuation Properties from Soccer Headgear, Kevin G. McIver, Goutham N. Sankaran, Justin J. Markel, Tom M. Talavage, Larry J. Leverenz, and Eric A. Nauman
Comparative Analysis of Nanoscale Ultrasound Contrast Agents, Elly Y. Lambert and Luis Solorio
Comparative Dopaminergic Neurotoxicity of Heterocyclic Amines in Primary Midbrain Cultures., Angela A Cruz-Hernandez
Comparative LCA of stand-alone power systems applied to remote cell towers, Eduardo Olmeda Noguera
Comparing diverse V1 models on the same platform: Virtual V1sion, Cheryl Olman
Comparing the Cognitive Abilities of Hackers and Non-Hackers Using a Self-Report Questionnaire, Kellin Nicol Treadway
Comparison of Classification Techniques for Distributed Denial of Service Attack Detection, Tanmayee Prakash Kamath
Comparison of PM-HIP to Cast Alloy 625 for Nuclear Applications, Alexander L. Bullens, Keyou Mao, Janelle P. Wharry, and Esteban Bautista
Comparison of stakeholder management and change management factors in managing successful versus unsuccessful it projects, Ishita Viren Shah
Comparison of Time-Domain Models for Magnetic Hysteresis, Harshita Singh
Competing Visions and Current Debates in Interculturalism in Québec, Marie McAndrew
Competition Intensity, Feedstock Mix, and the Environmental Footprint of Cellulosic Biofuels, Nathanial Uriah Trull
Compiler-Based Mitigations of Vulnerabilities in Systems Software, Scott A Carr
Complex formation by alpha-lactalbumin and polysaccharide copolymers, Juan Du
Complex glycan utilization preferences of human gut bacteria, Yunus Emre Tuncil
Complex glycan utilization preferences of human gut bacteria, Yunus Emre Tuncil
Compliant Curb Ramp Solutions, Katherine Smutzer
Composite Beam Theory with Material Nonlinearities and Progressive Damage, Fang Jiang
Compositional variability in Nasca ceramics from the las Trancas Valley, Nasca, Peru, Marcela Poirier
Comprehensively simulating the mixed-mode progressive delamination in composite laminates, Zhenyuan Gao
Computational Design for Next Generation Solar Cells, Haejun Chung
Computational Drug Design: A Multitargeted Approach in Bladder Cancer, Travis C. Lantz, Joydeb Majumder, and Gaurav Chopra
Computational environment for modeling and analysing network traffic behaviour using the divide and recombine framework, Ashrith Barthur
Computational environment for modeling and analysing network traffic behaviour using the divide and recombine framework, Ashrith Barthur
Computational investigation of force generation, relaxation, and remodeling of the actin cytoskeleton, Wonyeong Jung
Computational investigation of force generation, relaxation, and remodeling of the actin cytoskeleton, Wonyeong Jung
Computational Investigation of Microperforated Materials: End Corrections, Thermal Effects, and Fluid-Structure Interaction, J Stuart Bolton, Thomas Herdtle, and Nicholas N. Kim
Computational Labeling, Partitioning, and Balancing of Molecular Networks, Biaobin Jiang
Computational Labeling, Partitioning, and Balancing of Molecular Networks, Biaobin Jiang
Computational Modeling of Contrast Sensitivity and Orientation Tuning in Schizophrenia, Steven M. Silverstein, Docia L. Demmin, and James A. Bednar
Computational optical imaging: Applications in synthetic aperture imaging, phase retrieval, and digital holography, Dennis Joseph Lee
Computational study of nano- and meso-scale size effects on thermal transport, Eshaan Mathew
Computational valve plate design, Paul K. Kalbfleisch
Computer vision aided lip movement correction to improve English pronunciation, Shuang Wei
Computer vision-based structural assessment exploiting large volumes of images, Chul Min Yeum
Computer vision-based structural assessment exploiting large volumes of images, Chul Min Yeum
Conceptual Design and Prototyping of a Bi-Stable Magnetic Actuator, Livingston David Castro Valladares
Conceptual understanding of threshold concepts of electrical phenomena: Mental models of senior undergraduates in electrical engineering, Mark T. Carnes
Concise Handbook for Temporary Traffic Control - Construction, Maintenance, and Utility Operations, Indiana LTAP and Ohio Department of Transportation
Concrete Overlays: A Pavement Preservation Option, Mike Byers
Concrete Pavement Repair & Restoration, Patrick Long
Concurrent detection and isolation of cellular and molecular biomarkers, Wanfeng Huang
Concurrent detection and isolation of cellular and molecular biomarkers, Wanfeng Huang
Conexiones Transatlanticas: Expandiendo limites en el mundo hispano (1890-1910), Argelia Garcia Saldivar
Conflict and error management: A case in the furniture industry, Glenn Candranegara
Connected and Autonomous Vehicle Summit, Jim Poturalski
Connected Vehicle (CV) Technology Overview, Howell Li and W Benjamin Smith
Connected Vehicle Data for Interstate Performance Measures, Rahul Sakhare and Howell Li
Connected Vehicle Data for Traffic Signal Performance Measures, Jijo K. Mathew
Connected Vehicle Data for Work Zone Performance Measures, Michelle Mekker, Howell Li, Yun-Jou Lin, Magdy I. Elahnasawy, Tamer S.A. Shamseldin, Ayman Habib, and Darcy M. Bullock
Connected Vehicle Infrastructure Deployment Considerations, Jim Barbaresso
Connecting models of configuration spaces: From double loops to strings, Jason M Lucas
Connecting models of configuration spaces: From double loops to strings, Jason M. Lucas
Connecting through smartphones: Cognitive, social, emotional motivations, and the experience of value perceptions, Song-Yi Youn
Connecting With Students: Information Literacy and Personal Librarians, Denise A. Garofalo
Consensus evidence evaluation in resuscitation research: analysis of Type I and Type II errors, Charles F. Babbs
Considerations for nondestructive evaluation of discontinuous fiber composites using dynamic analysis, Rebecca A. Cutting
Consonant discrimination in the inferior colliculus of young and aged rats, Christopher S. Soverns
Constructing Digital 'Safe' Space: Navigating Tensions in Transnational Feminist Organizing Online, Jasmine R Linabary
Constructing Slow Sand Filters: Engineering Students’ Experiences in San José de Playón, Bolívar, Colombia, Sol Park, Sanyukta Gokhale, and Kaylyn Colinco
Constructional Varieties and Change in the Development of Chances are in American English, Reijirou Shibasaki
Construction Specifications and Special Provisions, Scott Trammell and Melissa Russell
Consumer and Firm Behavior in Two Technological Industries, Sebastian Wai
Consumer inferences of Corporate Social responsibility (CSR) claims on packaged foods, Gaeul Kim
Continuity and discontinuity: Pentecostal churches and the return of Liberian refugees from Ghana, Jonas P Ecke
Continuity and Disruption in European Networks of Print Production, 1550-1750, Matthew D. Lincoln
Continuum dislocation dynamics modeling of the deformation of FCC single crystals, Shengxu Xia
Contrainsularismo: la Poesía de Julia Burgos?, Liana Hakobyan
Contribution of Alternative Weed Hosts and Agronomic Practices to the Spread of Goss's Wilt in Indiana, Taylor M Campbell
Controlling electronics for the formation of high valent uranium imido complexes, Nickolas H. Anderson
Controlling for confounding network properties in hypothesis testing and anomaly detection, Timothy La Fond
Control of Structure and Charge Transport in Polymer Active Layers of Organic Electronic Devices, Seung Hyun Sung
Control oriented concentrating solar power (CSP) plant model and its applications, Qi Luo
Control-oriented modeling, validation, and analysis of a natural gas engine architecture, Chaitanya Panuganti
Convergence! Collision! Bridging the Gap Between Research and Practice, Andrea Powell
Convergence! Collision! Bridging the Gap Between Research and Practice, Andrea Powell
Convicted by memory: Automatically recovering spatial-temporal evidence from memory images, Brendan D Saltaformaggio
Convicted by memory: Automatically recovering spatial-temporal evidence from memory images, Brendan D. Saltaformaggio
Cook blind: Enhancing cooking experiences for visually-impaired people, Xiaohang Zhang
Cooking, Language, and Memory in Farhoud's Le Bonheur à la queue glissante and Thúy's Mãn, Simona Emilia Pruteanu
Cooking Stone Soup: Porous Workforce Training at the Czech National Library of Technology as a Supplement to (Impermeable) University Education, Alena Chodounská
Cooperation between European and African Universities - Capacity building in the Field of Sustainable Energy, Martin Meyer-Renschhausen
Cooperative Learning and Assessment of Ethics Sessions in a Summer Undergraduate Research Program, Michael Loui and Renata A. Revelo
Coping in Context: Dispositional and Situational Coping of Navy Divers and Submariners, Charles H. Van Wijk
Coping Strategies Used During an Extreme Antarctic Expedition, Nathan Smith, Florence Kinnafick, and Ben Saunders
Coping With the Subterranean Environment: A Thematic Content Analysis of the Narratives of Cave Explorers, Raymond R. MacNeil and Jelena Brcic
Core-Shell Copper and Nickel Nanofoam: Uniform Electroplating and Properties, Hassan Zbib and David Bahr
Corridor Studies: One Size Does Not Fit All, Kendra Schenk
Cosmic ray muons for spent nuclear fuel monitoring, Stylianos Chatzidakis
Cost-Effective County Road Reclamation in Northeast Indiana, Zachary S. Smith, John Yzenas, and Kelly Cook
Cost-Effective Flexible Pavement Design Using Geogrid, Joe Heintz
Cost Optimization of the Unmanned Aircraft Delivery System with Public Transportation, Miae Kim
Could World Literature be the Future of Comparative Literature?, Jing Zhou
COUNTER: Consistency, Clarity, Simplification, and Continuous Maintenance, Anne Osterman, Lorraine Estelle, and Oliver Pesch
Coupled orbit-attitude mission design in the circular restricted three-body problem, Davide Guzzetti
Coupled resonator based wireless power transfer for bioelectronics, Henry Mei
Coupling qualitative and quantitative analyses of pharmaceutical materials enabled by second harmonic generation microscopy, Paul D Schmitt
Coupling qualitative and quantitative analyses of pharmaceutical materials enabled by second harmonic generation microscopy, Paul D. Schmitt
Cover crop and no-till effects on soil health properties in Indiana, Sara Alford
Creating Cultures of Thinking: The 8 Forces We Must Master to Truly Transform Our Schools, Sharon F. Dole
Creating, testing and implementing a method for retrieving conversational inference with ontological semantics and defaults, Tatiana R. Ringenberg
Creative Sanctions: Imaginative Limits and the Post-9/11 Novel, Shaun Clarkson
Creativity in organizations: Antecedents and outcomes of individual creativity, Goran Calic
Credit Risk Modeling and Credit Derivatives Valuation in Intensity-based Models, Bomi Kim
Critical Path Thinking on Local Projects, Todd Clift, Mary Jo Hamman, Don Ballard, and Kenny Franklin
Critters on My Runway: Aviation Wildlife Management, Simon Davies
Crop modeling for assessing and mitigating the impacts of extreme climatic events on the US agriculture system, Zhenong Jin
Cross-linguistic Patterns of Phonetic and Phonological Interaction: the Case of Long Distance Vowel-to-vowel Assimilation, Jenna Conklin
Crossroads: An interdisciplinary study of funeral directors in Indiana, Aubrey Thamann
Crossroads: An interdisciplinary study of funeral directors in Indiana, Aubrey Thamann
Crystallization inhibitor properties of polymers and effects on the chemical and physical stability of L-ascorbic acid during preparation and storage, Belinda Christina
Cultivating Leaders of Indiana: Global Collaborations and Local Impacts, Jennifer Sdunzik and Annagul Yaryyeva
Cultivating Scholarship: The Role of Institutional Repositories in Health Sciences Libraries, Lisa A. Palmer
Cultural readings of Ojibwe novelists, Jordan A. Horvath
Curating Collective Collections: Double Dipping Using Digitization Workflows to Acquire Print Preservation Data, Bob Kieft and Amy Wood
Curating Collective Collections: Emerging Shared Print Policy Choices as Reflected in MOUs, Sam Demas
Curating Collective Collections: Shared print MOU's: Thoughts on Future Coordination, Sam Demas
Curating Collective Collections: Shared print MOU's: Thoughts on Future Coordination, Sam Demas
Curating Collective Collections: Silvaculture in the Stacks, or, Lessons From Another Conservation Movement, Bob Kieft and Jacob Nadal
Curating Collective Collections: The Maine Way with Shared Print for Monographs, Matthew Revitt and Bob Kieft
Curating Collective Collections: What Exactly Are We Retaining When We Retain That Book?, Bob Kieft
Curriculum Transformation: Redesigning a Construction Management program to a Vertically and Horizontally Integrated Curriculum with Authentic Project-Based Learning, Jessica A. Cabral, Brad L. Benhart, Jamie R. Metzinger, Patricia C. Morgan, and Scott D. Santon
Curve fitting through orthogonal wavelets, German J Pliego
Cutaneous Microbial Ecology of Giant Salamanders: Implications for Conservation and Management, Obed Hernandez-Gomez
Cyclic tensile response of a polyurethane material, Yizhou Nie
Cylindrical Shell based Phase Transforming Cellular Materials: Designing a Recoverable Energy Dissipating Material, Gordon F. Jarrold, David Restrepo, Nilesh Mankame, and Pablo Zavattieri
Data, Creepiness and Convenience: Enabling the Car to Decide for You, Mohammad Rahman
Data driven low-bandwidth intelligent control of a jet engine combustor, Nathan L. Toner
Data Integration for Health and Stress Monitoring: Biological Metabolites, Wearables Data, and Self-Reporting, Jocelyn T Dunn
Data mining Twitter for cancer, diabetes, and asthma insights, Kimberly Chulis
Data quality control in research evaluation: bridging the gap between libraries researchers and research offices, Nicola De Bellis
Datumate, Purdue ECT Team
Dazzling Darkness: Buddhism and Chiara Lubich’s Mystical Writings, Donald W. Mitchell
DC-DC power converters with multiple outputs, Bharath Kumar Sabbarapu
DDA Management With Predictive Modeling, John Vickery
Decentering the writing program archive: How composition instructors save and share their teaching materials, Stacy O Nall
Decentering the writing program archive: How composition instructors save and share their teaching materials, Stacy Olivia Nall
Deciphering the role of Hsp31 as a multitasking chaperone, Kiran Aslam
Decision Making on Multigenerational Farms, Erin C Fullerton
Declassifying Fracture Critical Members Using System Redundancy, Brett Sauter
Decoder Ring: A Funny Thing Happened When Amazon Bought the Forum, Jerry Spiller
Decoder Ring: A Funny Thing Happened When Amazon Bought the Forum, Jerry Spiller
Decoder Ring: A Look at John Allison's Bobbins, Jerry Spiller
Decoder Ring -- Comic Book Markup Language, Jerry Spiller
Decoder Ring: The CMS is Flat, Jerry Spiller
Dedicated searches for leptophilic dark matter with XENON100 detector, Mayra D Cervantes
Deep collective inference, John A Moore
Deep collective inference, John A. Moore
Deep Learning Neural Networks in Cybersecurity - Managing Malware with AI, Keith Rayle
Deficits in sound pattern sequencing in children with specific language impairment: A networks approach, Sara J. Benham
Defining the Destruction Box: Understanding How the APC Recognizes Its Substrates, Hana Maldivita Tambrin and Mark C. Hall
Deforestation in Gola Forest Region, Sierra Leone: Geospatial Evidence and a Rice Farmer's Expected Utility Analysis, John Christian Abu-Kpawoh
Degradation of high performance polymeric fibers: Effects of sonication, humidity and temperature on poly (p-phenylene terephthalamide) fibers, Nelyan Lopez Perez
Degradation of high performance polymeric fibers: Effects of sonication, humidity and temperature on poly (p-phenylene terephthalamide) fibers, Nelyan Lopez-Perez
De-Identification of Work Zone Signage, Charles Fanslow
Delamination of C/PEKK I-Beam using virtual crack closure technique and cohesive zone method, Greeshma Ramakrishna
DeLillo's Falling Man and the Trouble with Sympathy in Narratives of Terrorism, Jessica McDonald
Delphi Stellar Communities: Before and After, Cory Whitesell
Demand uncertainty and investment in the restaurant industry, Jayoung Sohn
Demographic Influences on Nonadoption of Calf Management and Marketing Practices for Cow-Calf Operations, Stephanie Schumacher, Derrell S. Peel, and Kellie Curry Raper
Demographic Patterns of Mortality of Espeletia grandiflora, an Index Plant of the Colombian Andean Páramo, Luis Ernesto Beltran-Forero
Demographic Responses of Small Mammals to Disturbance Induced by Forest Management, Dana L Nelson
Densified collagen-fibril biomaterials for bone tissue engineering, Lauren E. Watkins
Dependability where the mobile world meets the enterprise world, Amiya K. Maji
Dependence of Defibrillation Threshold Upon Extracellular/Intracellular K+ Concentrations, Charles F. Babbs, S J. Whistler, G Yim, and L A. Geddes
Deployment and Evaluation of Sinusoidal Rumble Strips, Jijo K. Mathew, Andrew Balmos, and Dana Plattner
Depressive Symptomology and Partner-Directed Coping in the Context of Deployment-Induced Transitions, Christina M Marini
Depth of Vocabulary in Intermediate German Textbook, Vivian Kleeblatt
Descriptors of Sound from HVAC&R Equipment, Weonchan Sung, Patricia Davies, and J Stuart Bolton
Design A Continuously Tunable Microwave Filter With A Generalized Constant and Frequency Mapping Technique, Josh Shao, Runqi Zhang, and Dimitrios Peroulis
Design, analysis, optimization and control of rotor tip flows, Cis Guy M. De Maesschalck
Design and analysis of a high performance valve, Jordan M Garrity
Design and control of a hummingbird-size flapping wing micro aerial vehicle, Jian Zhang
Design and development of a novel test method to measure the slipper / swashplate interface fluid film in a positive displacement machine, Natalie A. Spencer
Design and Evaluation of a Problem-Based Learning Environment for Teacher Training, Laura Hemker, Claudia Prescher, and Susanne Narciss
Design and Fabrication of a Microelectromechanical Double-Ended Tuning Fork Strain Gauge, Achilleas Bardakas
Design and Fabrication of an Electrical Breakdown Facility, Prit Chovatiya, Animesh Sharma, and Alexey Shashurin
Design and Facilitation of Problem-Based Learning in Graduate Teacher Education: An MA TESOL Case, Cynthia Ann Caswell
Design and heat transfer analysis of accelerating distributed combustion system, Yashovardhan U. Wagh
Design and Optimization of Donor-based Spin Qubits in Silicon, Yu Wang
Design and plan of a modified hydroponic shipping container for research, John A Houtman
Design and plan of a modified hydroponic shipping container for research, John A. Houtman
Design and synthesis of small-molecule protein-protein interaction antagonists, Xu Han
Design and Validation of Pressure Based Flow Rate Soft Sensor for Freeze-Drying, Pasita Pibulchinda, Tong Zhu, Vaibhav Kshirsagar, and Alina A. Alexeenko
Design, compact modeling and characterization of nanoscale devices, Yanfei Shen
Design for the Future User Experience/Expectations in Tomorrow's World, Tong Jin Kim
Designing for Standardizing on Six Sigma Education, Jing Lu, Chad Laux, and Aswathy Suresh
Designing Pavements With Interlayers, John Sikich and Paul Schaus
Designing prenatal m-Health interventions through transmigrants reflection on their pregnancy ecology, Hana AlJaberi
Designing Worlds: The Big Read, Emily Allen, Luciana de Cresce El Debs, Antonio Bobet, and Kristina Bross
Design Memo 16-04: Designer Summary of Required Utility Relocations - Project Design and Utility Summary, Natalie Parks, Matthew Witt, Kenny Franklin, and Mike Hoy
Design of a helmet with an advanced layered composite for energy dissipation using a multi-material compliant mechanism synthesis, Vaibhav V Gokhale
Design of a high performance actuation system enabled by energy coupling actuation, Daniel Richard Skelton
Design of an asymmetric reluctance machine for a generator application, Bryan David Marquet
Design of A Test-Rig for Gerotor Pump, Weijin Qiu, Andrea Vacca, and Matteo Pellegri
Design of a Vehicle Automatic Emergency Pullover System for Automated Driving with Implementation on a Simulator, Wasif Javaid
Design of DC-Link VSCF AC Electrical Power System for the Embraer 190/195 Aircraft, Eduardo Francis Carvalho Freitas and Nihad E. Daidzic
Design of elastic metamaterials, Yu-Chi Su
Design of elastic metamaterials, Yu-Chi Su
Design of low-thrust missions to asteroids with analysis of the missed-thrust problem, Frank E. Laipert
Design of Multifunctional Lattice‐Frame Materials for Compact Heat Exchangers, K. N. Son, J. A. Weibel, V. Kumaresan, and S. V. Garimella
Design of nitroxide-based radical polymer materials for electronic applications, Martha E Hay
Design of nitroxide-based radical polymer materials for electronic applications, Martha E. Hay
Design of transfers from Earth-Moon L 1/L2 libration point orbits to a destination object, Masaki Kakoi
Design of Triblock Polymers for Water Filtration as Nanoporous Membranes, Kevin C. Sena, Noelia E. Almodovar, and Bryan W. Boudouris
Design of Wound Rotor Synchronous Machines for DC Power Generation, Peter R O'Regan
Design, Optimization, and Characterization of Novel Polymer-based Formulations for Controlled Release of Drugs, Mario Alberto Cano Vega
Design, Simulation and Testing of an Electric Utility Vehicle, Arnav Gupta
Design, Synthesis, and Biological Evaluation of Novel Indenoisoquinolines as Potential Anticancer Agents, Daniel Edward Beck
Detailed Measurement of ORSC Main Chamber Injector Dynamics, Michael J Bedard
Detecting and Utilizing Lattice Defects in Graphene, Jeremy McCall
Determinants and Implications of ICTs Use in Employee Informal Communication at Work, Miran Kim
Determination of amino acids involved in specificity and activity of ChlaDUB2, Trent S. Arbough, John M. Hausman, and Chittaranjan Das
Determining State-of-Health Using Battery Life Cycle Testing and Time-Temperature Equivalency in Lithium-Ion Batteries, Brant Talon Price
Determining Switchgrass Breakeven Prices in a Landscape Design System, Sabrinna Soldavini
Determining the role of epigenetic factors in antifungal drug resistance, Abigail R. Gress, Scott D. Briggs, and Nina Serratore
Determining the Structure of Phospholipase C Epsilon, Hannah O'Neill, Monita Sieng, Elisabeth Garland-Kuntz, and Angeline Lyon
Determining visual shape features for novel object classes, yaniv morgenstern, Filipp Schmidt, and Roland W. Fleming
Developing a "beta mindset": Building a Change-Ready Workforce and Culture, Jennifer Peasley
Developing agent-based simulation models of task performance of cognitively diverse teams, Megan Marie Nyre
Developing a Mobile Application: Improving Health Care Students’ Ability to Communicate, Kiersten Walters, Ilya Rybakov, and Patricia L. Darbishire
Developing and Advancing a Cyberinfrastructure to Gain Insights into Research Investments: An Organizing Research Framework, Ann McKenna, Jeremi London, Aditya Johri, Mihaela Vorvoreanu, and Krishna Madhavan
Developing an unstructured model to investigate the effect of ethanol on product yields for glucose and xylose cofermentation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae 424A (LNH-ST), Shane D. Clingenpeel
Developing a Vision, Strategy and Offer for Information and Digital Literacy (IDL): A Case Study of the University of Sheffield, UK, Vicky Grant, Alison V. Little, and Anne Horn
Developing condition-based triggers for bridge deck maintenance and rehabilitation treatments, Zhibo Zhang
Developing Global Graduates with Portable employability Skills through and Industry engaged international student experience set with a "local" context, Barbara Howell and Lidia Bombin Martinez
Developing Intercultural Leadership Competencies through Virtual Reality: A Model Collaborative Research Design, Mesut Akdere and Kris Acheson-Clair
Developing L2 reading fluency: Implementation of an assisted repeated reading program with adult ESL learners, Matthew C Allen
Developing Teacher Competencies for Problem-Based Learning Pedagogy and for Supporting Learning in Language-Minority Students, Peter Rillero, Mari Koerner, Margarita Jimenez-Silva, Joi Merritt, and Wendy J. Farr
Developmentally regulated SUMOylation in the ciliate Tetrahymena thermophila, Amjad M. Nasir
Developmental Trajectories for a Sibling Pair with Chromosome 15q11.2-13.1 Duplication Syndrome and Angelman Syndrome, Colleen Sheehy and Anne Nanninga
Development and application of quantitative methods for ecosystem services, Rebecca A. Logsdon
Development and Assessment of Minimum Global / Cultural Requirements for all Undergraduates in the Purdue Polytechnic, Robert F. Cox
Development and characterization of nanoparticle-based kesterite solar cells, Charles J Hages
Development and evaluation of a watershed-scale hybrid hydrologic model, Younghyun Cho
Development and initial validation of a culturally responsive classroom climate scale, Horane A Holgate
Development and initial validation of a culturally responsive classroom climate scale, Horane A. Holgate
Development and Testing of a Multipurpose Solar Dryer for Smallholder Farmers – Corn (Zea mays) Drying, Ravindra Shrestha
Development and use of statistical process control (SPC) techniques for real-time interpretation of wastewater treatment plant data, Michael William Sweeney
Development in Pronunciation Accuracy Through Visual Feedback and Drills: Evidence From Stoprhotic Clusters in Learners of Spanish as L2, Ana Jessica Hernández Morales
Development, numerical demonstration and experimental verification of a method for model updating of boundary conditions, Christian Eduardo Silva Salazar
Development of a Cost-Effective Concrete Bridge Deck Preservation Program: Volume 1—Development and Implementation of the Experimental Program, Robert J. Frosch, Michael E. Kreger, Emily A. Byl, John P. Lyrenmann, and Andrew S. Pollastrini
Development of a Cost-Effective Concrete Bridge Deck Preservation Program: Volume 2—Final Results and Recommendations, Robert J. Frosch, Michael E. Kreger, Emily A. Byl, John P. Lyrenmann, and Andrew S. Pollastrini
Development of a fluidic mixing nozzle for 3D bioprinting, Will Hoggatt
Development of a Framework for Graph Choice and Construction, Aakanksha Angra and Stephanie Gardner
Development of a mathematical model to estimate intra-tumor oxygen concentrations through multi-parametric imaging, Chung-Wein Lee and Keith Stantz, PhD
Development of a Mouse Model for Radiationinduced White Matter Injury, Shaun Dahl
Development of a novel polymer-garnet solid state composite electrolyte incorporating Li-La-Zr-Bi-O and polyethylene oxide, Muhammed Ramazan Oduncu
Development of an Unmanned Aerial System for Radiation Mapping in Nuclear Facilities, Jackson Ball, Guangying Jiang, and Robert Bean
Development of a real time bistatic radar receiver using signals of opportunity, Nicholas Rainville
Development of A Water Quality Status and Trend Detection Tool*, Ruchir Aggarwal, Valeria Mijares, and Margaret W. Gitau
Development of Bioresorbable Fe-Mn Alloys for Orthopaedic Implantation, Michael Heiden
Development of experimental and instrumental systems to study biological systems, Amanda J Hemphill
Development of First-Year Engineering Teams' Mathematical Models through Linked Modeling and Simulation Projects, Kelsey Joy Rodgers
Development of First-Year Engineering Teams' Mathematical Models through Linked Modeling and Simulation Projects, Kelsey Joy Rodgers
Development of Highly Functionalized Tetrahydropyran Rings Via Sakurai Reaction, Samantha J Ebner
Development of hybrid atomistic/empirical modeling methods for donor-based quantum computing architectures, Yui-Hong Matthias Tan
Development of inverse methods for reconstruction of flight environments on ablators, A. Brandon Oliver
Development of inverse methods for reconstruction of flight environments on ablators, A. Brandon Oliver
Development of Load Rating Procedures for Railroad Flatcars for Use as Highway Bridges Based on Experimental and Numerical Studies - Phase III Final Report, Kadir Can Sener, Teresa L. Washeleski, and Robert Connor
Development of New Materials And Processing Techniques For Photovoltaic Devices, Brian K Graeser
Development of new radiation sensors for personal dosimetry, Seung Seob Lee
Development of Novel Technologies for Interactome Detection, Lingfei Zeng
Development of Optimal Kalman Consensus Filter and its Application to Distributed Hybrid State Estimation, Raj Deshmukh
Development of orthogonally crosslinked thiol-ene hydrogels for encapsulation of pancreatic β-cells, Han Shih
Development of Performance Related Specifications that Include Formation Factor, Robert Paul Spragg
Development of portable hyperspectral imaging device, Chenxi Li, Youngkee Jung, Iyll-Joon Doh, and Euiwon Bae
Development of process and mix flexibility in construction, Amarjit Singh
Development of Proteomic Strategies to Elucidate Disease Processes in Cancer and Neurological Disorders, Justine V Arrington
Development of Self-Assembling Nanoparticles for Drug Delivery Applications, Young Chan Kim, Craig Sweet, Helen Margaret Flynn, and David H. Thompson
Development of simulation modules for liquid desiccant systems in SorpSim, Zhiyao Yang
Development of SPT-Torque Test Correlations for Glacial Till, Monica Prezzi, Seth Scheilz, Rodrigo Salgado, and Nayyar Zia Siddiki
Development, Testing and Implementation of Traffic Signal Performance Measures at a Local Governmental Agency, Jay Alan Grossman
Development, Testing and Implementation of Traffic Signal Performance Measures at a Local Governmental Agency, Jay Alan Grossman
Device design factors for enhancing the functionality of chronic intracortical microelectrodes, Heui Chang Lee
Device design factors for enhancing the functionality of chronic intracortical microelectrodes, Heui Chang Lee
Diagnosis of systematic defects based on design-for-manufacturability guidelines, Dhawal Krishana Gupta
Dicamba and 2,4-D Utilization in Growth Regulator Resistant Soybean, Travis Roy Legleiter
Dielectric coating of iron particles by electrostatic colloidal deposition, Daniel Kim
Diesel Engine Noise Source Visualization with Wideband Acoustical Holography, Tongyang Shi, Yangfan Liu, J. Stuart Bolton, Frank Eberhardt, and Warner Frazer
Differences in carbon dioxide evolution from samples of shelled corn subjected to various storage treatments, Cininta ALP Pertiwi
Differences in context: Revealing expert-novice graph knowledge in biology, Mozhu Li
Differential gene expression in Varroa jacobsoni mites following a host shift to European honey bees (Apis mellifera), Gladys K. Andino, Michael R. Gribskov, Denis L. Anderson, Jay D. Evans, and Greg Hunt
Differentially private data publishing for data analysis, Dong Su
Differentially private data publishing for data analysis, Dong Su
Differentiation and Emotional Well-being of Transracial Adoptees, Rachel M Moore
Digital Art History “Beyond the Digitized Slide Library”: An Interview with Johanna Drucker and Miriam Posner, Miriam Kienle
Digital Conversations: Libraries, Learning, and Literacy, Paul Chilsen and Todd Kelley
Digital Conversations: "Our Library Needs to Change", Paul Chilsen and Todd Kelley
Digital Conversations: The Changing Landscape, Paul Chilsen and Todd Kelley
Digital Conversations: The Changing Landscape, Paul Chilsen and Todd Kelley
Digital Fabrication + Overseas Partnerships, Jennifer Astwood
Digital forensics and community supervision: Making a case for field based digital forensics training, Christopher Michael Flory
Digital signal processors as HPC accelerator and performance tuning via static analysis and machine learning, Ravi Gupta
Digitization Projects of Documentary Collections in Academic Libraries, Ilaria Giglio
Direct drug screening and lipid profiling using ambient mass spectrometry, Yuan Su
Disability visibility and stigma threat: Effects on the performance, stress, and self-control of disabled workers, William Brice
Disappearing Stacks: No Books but Everything Else, Audrey Powers
Disappearing Stacks: What is Appropriate is Still the Issue, Jack Montgomery
Disciplinary Differences in Out-of-School High School Science Experiences and Influence on Students’ Engineering Choices, Allison Godwin, Gerhard Sonnert, and Philip M. Sadler
Discovering the Differences That Make a Difference: Racial Majority and Minority Responses to Online Diversity Statements, Kelsey M Stephens
Discovery and functional analyses of Hessian fly effector-encoding genes, Lucio Navarro Escalante
Discrete epidemic models with arbitrarily distributed disease stages, Nancy Hernandez Ceron
Disentangling universal and cultural-specific risks to mental health among Asian Americans: A multi-site longitudinal investigation, Pan Priscilla Lui
Dismantling the great wall of prejudice: A look at centrality and issue importance in the perpetuation of influence and prejudice reduction, Zachary Robert Wittrock
Disruptive Technology: Librarians Must Think Heretical Thoughts to Adapt, Michelle A. Kraft
Dissecting the Spatiotemporal Regulation of Kinetochore Interactions, Kriti S Thapa
Dissolution Rate And Mechanism Of Metals In Molten Aluminum Alloy A380, Hengyu Zhu
Distance and Distortion: Amadeo Souza Cardoso's and Joan Miró's War-years Painting and the Words that Fail Them, Joana Cunha Leal
Distributed Model Predictive Control via Proximal, Xiaodong Hou, Jianghai Hu, Jie Cai, and James E. Braun
Distributed real-time hybrid simulation: Modeling, development and experimental validation, Ali Irmak Ozdagli
Division of Credit Modeling for Team Sports with an Emphasis on NCAA Volleyball, Zachary J Hass
Does a family-first philosophy affect family business profitability? An analysis of family businesses in the midwest, Maria Victoria Iglesias
Does Communal Breeding Promote an Increase in Social Immunity in Burying Beetles?: A Test Case with Nicrophorus defodiens, Megha Raghuram Suswaram
Domain-specific expression of PIN1 polar auxin transporter in Arabidopsis thaliana, Guojie Ma
Don's Conference Notes: Assessing Contribution, Assessing Value -- Metrics in a New Context: An NFAIS Virtual Seminar, Donald T. Hawkins
Don's Conference Notes: Charleston Seminar: Introduction to Data Curation, Donald T. Hawkins
Don's Conference Notes: How Academic Social Network Platforms Such as Mendeley Make Researchers' Lives Easier: A Discussion with Jan Reichelt, Donald T. Hawkins
Don's Conference Notes: How Academic Social Network Platforms Such as Mendeley Make Researchers' Lives Easier: A Discussion with Jan Reichelt, Donald T. Hawkins
Don's Conference Notes: Open Access to Published Research: Current Status and Future Directions: An NFAIS Workshop, Donald T. Hawkins
Dopamine Receptor Antagonists as New Mode-of-Action Insecticide Leads for Control of Aedes and Culex Mosquito Vectors, Andrew B. Nuss, Karin F K Ejendal, Trevor B. Doyle, Jason M. Meyer, Val J. Watts, and Catherine A. Hill
Do Profitable Farms Remain Profitable? Transition Probabilities Using Markov Switching Models Applied to Kansas Farm Data, Jayce S. Stabel, Terry Griffin, and Greg Ibendahl
Double optical feedback and PT-symmetry breaking induced nonlinear dynamics in semiconductor lasers, Joseph S. Suelzer
Do We Approve? New Models for Assessing Approval Plans, Sarah Tudesco, Julie Linden, and Daniel Dollar
Downward model development of the soil moisture accounting loss method in HEC-HMS: Revelations concerning the soil profile, Jessica Holberg
Drop volume modulation via modulated contact angle in inkject systems, Aaron Fulton
Drum Agglomeration of Corn Stover and Corn Co-products from Bioprocessing, Yi Li
Dual-Tuned Removable Common-Mode Current Trap for MRI, Angel G. Enriquez and Joseph V. Rispoli
Dust Control on Unpaved Roads - A Review of Literature, D. G. Shurig
Dynamic Analysis of Chevron Structures in Liquid Crystal Cells, Lidia Mrad
Dynamic Characterization of Periodic Lattice of Elastically-connected Bi-stable Elements under Seismic Excitation, Lingwei Meng, Myungwon Hwang, and Andres F. Arrieta Ph.D.
Dynamic green split optimization in intersection signal design for urban street network, Peng Jiao
Dynamic holography in semiconductors and biomedical optics, Hao Sun
Dynamic holography in semiconductors and biomedical optics, Hao Sun
Dynamic intraesophageal imagining of the heart with ultrasound, N E. Fearnot, Charles F. Babbs, J D. Bourland, and L A. Geddes
Dynamic regulation of DNA demethylation and RNA-directed DNA methylation in Arabidopsis, Kai Tang
Dynamic regulation of DNA demethylation and RNA-directed DNA methylation in Arabidopsis, Kai Tang
Dynamic re-optimization techniques for stream processing engines and object stores, Naresh Kumar Reddy Rapolu
Dynamic sensor tasking and IMM EKF estimation for tracking impulsively maneuvering satellites, Arthur A. Lace
Dynamics of transitions between capillary stable states under weightlessness, Praveen Srikanth
Dynamic textures, Illia Ziamtsov
Dynamic transverse debondong of a single s-2 fiber, Stephen E. Levine
Dynamic triaxial compression experiments on borosilicate and soda-lime glass, John T. Chojnacki
Early bearing fault analysis using high frequency enveloping techniques, Ilya Shulkin
Early bearing fault analysis using high frequency enveloping techniques, Ilya Shulkin
Eating Disorder Disclosure/Nondisclosure in Close Relationships: Applying the Disclosure Decision-Making Model, Ashleigh N Shields
Eco-evolutionary factors drive herbivore-induced plant volatiles, which intercept plant defense, Elizabeth K. Rowen
Ecologically Aware Design of Waterway-Encapsulating Structures, Dennis A. Lyn and Nikhil Sangwan
Ecological Responses of Midwestern Snakes to Prescribed Fire, Zachary T. Truelock, Chelsea E. Clyde-Brockway, and Elizabeth A. Flaherty
Ecology of Native Mice in Row-Crop Agriculture and Implications for Ecosystem Services, Jacob L Berl
E-commerce mental models of upper middle class Chinese female consumers in Beijing, Yunfan Song
Economic Analyses of Business Decisions, Environmental Sustainability, and Policies, Yanbing Wang
Economic and environmental impacts of a hypothetical global GMO ban, Harrison H. Mahaffey
Economic Benefit Analysis of the Late Blight Forecasting Systems, Yangxuan Liu
Economic Development, Agricultural Markets, and Child Nutrition in Uganda, George William Omiat
Economic Incentives for Aflatoxin Reduction Along the Nigerian Maize Value Chain, Andrew M Johnson
Economic viability of flexible biogas pumps in Bangladesh, Saima A Matin
EconWorks Tools for Assessing the Wider Economic Benefits of Transportation Implementation Assistance, Davis Chacon-Hurtado, Ruiman Yang, Eleni Bardaka, Konstantina Gkritza, and Jon Fricker
Edge Integration and Image Segmentation in Lightness and Color: Computational and Neural Theory, Michael E. Rudd
Editorial, John H. Mott and Mary M. Fink
Editorial, Frank J. Dooley
Editorial, Patricia L. Darbishire
Editorial, John H. Mott and Mary M. Fink
Editor's Introduction, Michael M. Grant
Editor's Introduction, Krista D. Glazewski
Editor's Note, David Granger
Editor’s Note, David Granger
Educational Careers of Hmong American Students, Pao Lor and Ray Hutchison
Educational Technologies in Medical and Health Sciences Education, Heather Leary
Effective Estimation and Computer Control of Minimum Tumour Temperature During Conductive Interstitial Hyperthermia, J A. DeFord, Charles F. Babbs, U H. Patel, M W. Bleyer, J A. Marchosky, and C J. Moran
Effective geoscience pedagogy at the undergraduate level, Kelsey Warden
Effective memory management for mobile environments, Ahmed Mohamed Abd-elhaffiez Hussein
Effective memory management for mobile environments, Ahmed Mohamed Abd-elhaffiez Hussein
Effectiveness of field days on promoting the adoption of recommended improved maize varieties by small holder farmers in Lilongwe District, Malawi, Yakosa Charity Zgawa Tegha
Effect of childhood victimization on occupational prestige and income trajectories, Christina A. Fernandez, Sharon L. Christ, William G. LeBlanc, Kristopher L. Arheart, Noella A. Dietz, Kathryn E. McCollister, Lora E. Fleming, Carles Muntaner, Peter Muennig, and David J. Lee
Effect of Deferoxamine on Late Deaths Following CPR in Rats, Charles F. Babbs, Sushil D. Kompala, and Karl E. Blaho
Effect of different tempering methods on sorghum milling, Yumeng Zhao
Effect of electrode geometry on high energy spark discharges in air, Mounia Belmouss
Effect of humidity on the creep response of cellulose nanocrystals films, Marianne C. Valone
Effect of Image Capture Devices on the Accuracy of Black-box Printer Models, Jae Sung Youn
Effect of maleic acid on the selectivity of glucose and fructose dehydration and degradation, Ximing Zhang
Effect of Oxygen Concentration on the Formation of Malondialdehyde-Like Material in a Model of Tissue Ischemia and Reoxygenation, Steven C. Salaris and Charles F. Babbs
Effect of Particle Interactions on Powder Flow Behavior, Ivana A. Penagos, Carolina P. Mora, and Teresa Carvajal
Effect of pentobarbital anesthesia on ventricular defibrillation threshold in dogs, Charles F. Babbs
Effect of salts on the structure-function relationships of sodium kappa-carrageenan, Lohit Myneedu
Effect of thoracic venting on arterial pressure, and flow during external cardiopulmonary resuscitation in animals, Charles F. Babbs, Nicholas Bircher, Dennis E. Burkett, Henry A. Frissora, Brian C. Hodgkin, and Peter Safar
Effect of volunteer corn density on deoxynivalenol production by Fusarium graminearum in hybrid corn, Gaelle Florence Hollandbeck
Effects of concussive and repetitive subconcussive injury in high school football athletes using resting state FMRI, Kausar Abbas
Effects of construction process on R/C buildings, Magdy M El-Sheikh
Effects of Cracks in Reinforced Concrete Pipe, Al Hogan
Effects of cyclic thermal loads on IM7/8552 composites, Derrick A Jensen
Effects of Lake Erie hypoxia on fish habitat quality and yellow perch behavior and physiology, Leah Zoe Ameida
Effects of moderate-level sound exposure on behavioral thresholds in chinchillas, Maria Sandra Carbajal de Nava
Effects of myocardial infarction on catheter defibrillation threshold, Charles F. Babbs
Effects of Nostalgia on Subjective Well-Being: Evidence from Rural China, Zhenhao Meng
Effects of online repetition practice on promoting mora awareness: Focusing on vowel length, Natsumi Suzuki
Effects of Online Repetition Practice with Animated Visual Aid on the Acquisition of Japanese Pitch Accent and Special Moras, Natsumi Suzuki and Mayu Miyamoto
Effects of Sexting on Perceptions of Sexual Intent, Sexual Consent, and Responsibility in Sexual Encounters, Allyson L Dir
Effects of Stroma on ER+ Breast Cancer Cell Metastasis, Shipeng Xu, Luis Solorio, and Sarah Calve
Effects of temperature and pollinator availability on plant reproductive success in the Indiana spring ephemeral community, Asya Robertshaw
Effects of Timeliness on the Trade Pattern, Suprabha Baniya
Effects of Time-Varying Mesh Stiffness, and its Modifications, on Planetary Gear Dynamics, Eeshan Mitra
Efficacy and safety of the reciprocal pulse defibrillator current waveform, M J. Niebauer, Charles F. Babbs, L A. Geddes, and J D. Bourland
Efficacy of cleaning method for removal of exogenous welding fume contamination from nail tissue prior to use as a biomarker for welding fume manganese exposure, Jeffrey Corral Bainter
Efficient Bayesian Machine Learning with Gaussian Processes, Hao Peng
Efficient coding and statistically optimal weighting of covariance among acoustic attributes in novel sounds, Keith Kluender R. and Christian E. Stilp
Efficient Data Processing from Network Camera and its Application, Youngsol Koh
Efficient Deselection and Other Stories: A Fellowship at UNC Charlotte, Stephen G. Krueger
Efficient Inelastic Scattering in Atomistic Tight Binding, James A Charles
Efficient Load Rating and Quantification of Life-Cycle Damage of Indiana Bridges Due to Overweight Loads, Hun Cha, Boyuan Liu, Arun Prakash, and Amit H. Varma
Efficient modeling of sound source radiation in free-space and room environments, Yangfan Liu
Efficient modeling of sound source radiation in free-space and room environments, Yangfan Liu
Efficient Nonlinear Low-Order Models for Atmospheric and Climate Dynamics, Kevin A Grady
Efficient On-chip Optical Microresonator for Optical Comb Generation: Design and Fabrication, Kyunghun Han
Efficient processing of similarity queries with applications, Mingjie Tang
Efficient processing of similarity queries with applications, Mingjie Tang
Eire in the Empire: Irish Settlement, Violence, and Identity Formation in New South Wales and Upper Canada, 1823-1868, Matthew Aaron Schownir
Eldoret, Kenya: Creating a Music Experience for Street Youth, Michael J. Peters and Ethan C. Wahl
Electric power and the global economy: Advances in database construction and sector representation, Jeffrey C. Peters
Electrochemical Removal of Lead in Water with Multi-Wall Carbon Nanotube Filters, Benjamin M. Stryker, Sol Park, and Zhi Zhou
Electronics, Controls, and a 3D-printed Soft Actuator Design for a Travel-Sized Fluid Power Demonstrator, Yixian Niu, Alfonso Costas, and Sadegh Dabiri
Electronics Thermal Management in Information and Communications Technologies: Challenges and Future Directions, S. V. Garimella, T. Persoons, J. A. Weibel, and V. Gektin
Elementary preservice teachers' beliefs about teacher effectiveness, Mauricio A Herron Gloria
Elementary Teachers’ Reflections on Design Failures and Use of Fail Words after Teaching Engineering for Two Years, Pamela S. Lottero-Perdue and Elizabeth A. Parry
Elevation of ventricular defibrillation threshold in dogs by antiarrhythmic drugs, Charles F. Babbs, GKW Yim, S J. Whistler, W A. Tacker, and L A. Geddes
Eleven Non-Royal Jeremianic Figures Strongly Identified in Authentic, Contemporaneous Inscriptions, Lawrence J. Mykytiuk
Elucidating the mechanisms or interactions involved in differing hair color follicles, Charanya Muralidharan
Elucidation of pharmacologically manipulated responding in the delay discounting task in high alcohol preferring mice, Meredith Halcomb
Embedded Librarianship: The Key to Unlocking the Research Potential at the Lupane State University, Sheila Nomathemba Ndlovu
Embodied interactions for spatial design ideation: Symbolic, geometric, and tangible approaches, FNU Vinayak
EMD: an ensemble algorithm for discovering regulatory motifs in DNA sequences, Jianjun Hu, Yifeng D. Yang, and Daisuke Kihara
Emerging genres, dangerous classifications: The kairos of digital composing policy, Ellery Sills
Emerging genres, dangerous classifications: The kairos of digital composing policy, Ellery Sills
Emerging Safety Management System (SMS) Technology Trends, Christopher Snyder and Dave Fleet
Emission control in rotary kiln limestone calcination using Petri net models, Amit K Saini
Empirical Research and Practice-oriented Physics for the Humanities and Sciences, István Berszán
Employee Choice of High-Deductible Health Plans, Qing Ye
EMS induced mutations in dhurrin metabolism and their impacts on sorghum growth and development, Jenae LaVon Skelton
Encapsulation of chemical catalyst and structural epoxy in microcapsules generated via microcapillary devices, Congwang Ye
Encounters beyond the interface: Data structures, material feminisms, and composition, Christine L. Masters
Encroachment Management As A Measures For Pipeline Safety, Perry Cloyd
Ending the Silence on Mental Illness, Anna L. Tamulonis
Endothelial Superoxide Production in the Isolated Rat Heart During Early Reperfusion After Ischemia -- A Histochemical Study, Charles F. Babbs, Meloney D. Cregor, John J. Turek, and Stephen F. Badylak
Endotracheal Versus Intravenous Epinephrine During Electromechanical Dissociation with CPR in Dogs, Sandra H. Ralston, Willis A. Tacker, Lee Showen, Alice B. Carter, and Charles F. Babbs
End-to-end security in service-oriented architecture, Mehdi Azarmi
Energy Balance During a Self-Sufficient, Multistage Ultramarathon, Paul A. Hough and James Earle
Energy dashboard for real-time evaluation of a heat pump assisted solar thermal system, David Allen Lotz
Energy efficiency in data collection wireless sensor networks, Miquel Andres Navarro Patino
Energy-Efficient System Architectures for Intermittently-Powered IoT Devices, Hrishikesh Jayakumar
Energy localization and heat generation in composite energetic systems under high-frequency mechanical excitation, Jesus O. Mares
Energy localization and heat generation in composite energetic systems under high-frequency mechanical excitation, Jesus O. Mares
Energy transfer and localization in molecular crystals, Mitchell A. Wood
Engaged Learning: Impact of PBL and PjBL with Elementary and Middle Grade Students, Sharon Dole, Lisa Bloom, and Kristy K. Doss
Engaging Stakeholder Engagement, Ryan Wilhite and Jennifer Pyrz
Engineering community engagement partnerships: Investigating motivation, nature, and structure, Julia D. Thompson
Engineering Pathways of Nontraditional Students—an Update on NSF Award 1361058, Jaqi McNeil, Matthew Ohland, and Russell Long
Engineers: What do they Read and Write, and Why? – A Survey of Information and Publishing Behavior of Academic Engineers, Lenka Němečková and Iva Adlerova
English language learning kindergartners' dynamic responses to picturebook reading, Jiyoung Yi
English vocabulary teaching in Chinese junior high schools, Jinghong Zhang
Enhanced Acoustic Transmission into Dissipative Solid Materials through the Use of Inhomogeneous Plane Waves, Daniel C. Woods, J Stuart Bolton, and Jeffrey F. Rhoads
Enhancement of the Sound Transmission Loss of Poroelastic Linings, B. Heukjin Song and J Stuart Bolton
Enhancing a flight dispatcher display for safer flight operations, Jeongjoon Boo
Enhancing Bioethanol Fermentation through Removal of Acetic Acid Using Liquid-Liquid Extraction, Mahdieh Aghazadeh
Enhancing Critical Literacy through Local Street Art in the Russia EAL Context, Mariia Barulina
Enhancing Silymarin Fractionation via Molecular Modeling using the Conductor-like Screening Model for Real Solvents, Emma C Brace
Enhancing the campus experience: Helping international students to adapt to North American campus life, Qiaoying Wang
Enhancing the Performance of a Transportable Environmental Control Unit (ECU) Operated in High-Temperature Climates, Quan Jun Sun, Ammar M. Bahman, and Eckhard A. Groll
Enhancing the Safety Training of Aviators to Mitigate the Risk of Bird Strikes: A Scientific Approach, Flavio A.C. Mendoca, Chenyu Huang, and Thomas Q. Carney
Enhancing Weed Control by Reducing Hard Water Antagonism of 2,4-D in Spray Tank Mixtures, Geoffrey P Schortgen
Enriching and Cutting: How to Visualize Networks Thanks to Linked Open Data Platforms., Lea Saint-Raymond and Antoine Courtin
En Torno a los Orígenes del Español: Estudio sobre las Secuencias con Dos Nasales en Castellano, Cesar Gutierrez Miguel
Enumerating K-Cliques in a Large Network Using Apache Spark, Raja Sekhar Rao Dheekonda
Environmental Effects on the Efficacy and Microflora of Hermetically Stored Maize, Brett Robert Lane
Enzymatic liquefaction of untreated corn stover, Neal N Hengge
Epidemiology of Coccidioidomycosis in Missouri, Ravi Kumar Aggu Sher
Epigenetic Regulation of Oncogenic Signaling Pathways in Breast Cancer in Response to Dietary Polyphenols, Lucinda Ann Kurzava
Epigenetic Regulation of Stem Cell Fate Determination in Breast Cancer, Meng-Ju Wu
Equations’ Derivations In The Three-Dimensional Super-Voxel Calculations, Xiao Wang, Charles A. Bouman, and Samuel Midkiff
Equipment, Techniques and Growth of Ultra-High Purity Aluminum Gallium Arsenide-Gallium Arsenide Heterostructures by Molecular Beam Epitaxy, Geoffrey Charles Gardner
Ergodic properties of countable extensions, Samuel Joshua Roth
Ergonomic Analysis of Veterinary Surgical Tasks, Samantha M. Browne, Denny Yu, Hamed Asadi, Frank Peng, Micha C. Simons, Gert J. Breur, and Kris A. Kazmierczak
Error Resilient Video Coding Using Bitstream Syntax And Iterative Microscopy Image Segmentation, Neeraj Jayant Gadgil
Error Resilient Video Coding Using Bitstream Syntax And Iterative Microscopy Image Segmentation, Neeraj Jayant Gadgil
Error Types in ESL Writing in the United Arab Emirates, Hadi Banat
Erythrocyte Phosphorylation in Sickle Cell Disease, Alyssa Snyder
ESE Fake News Panel, Brad Pushkar, Kip Williams, Josh Scacco, and Quentin Hardy
Essays in Empirical Industrial Organization, Sebastian Linde
Essays in experimental economics on contract design, Jacob A Brindley
Essays in experimental economics on contract design, Jacob A. Brindley
Essays in Industrial Organization and Experimental Economics, Andrew Meisner
Essays in international migration, Marcelo J Castillo
Essays in international migration, Marcelo J. Castillo
Essays in labor economics and panel data analysis, Evan S. Totty
Essays in operations management, Heejong Lim
Essays in operations management, Heejong Lim
Essays on health insurance, Amanda C. Cook
Essays on Malawian agriculture: Micro-level welfare impacts of agricultural productivity; profitability of fertilizer use; and targeting of fertilizer subsidy programs, Francis Addeah Darko
Essays on Malawian agriculture: Micro-level welfare impacts of agricultural productivity; profitability of fertilizer use; and targeting of fertilizer subsidy programs, Francis Addeah Darko
Essays on Microfinance, Brian C Hunter
Essays on university competition, Zachary G Davis
Essays on value creation in online marketplaces, Warut Khern-am-nuai
Essays on value creation in online marketplaces, Warut Khern-am-nuai
Establishing a Lung Model for Evaluation of Engineered Lung Microbiome Therapies, Kathryn F. Atherton, Stephen Miloro, and Jenna Rickus
Establishing an Anti- Icing Program, Tim Ryan
Establishing and improving control stratregies that sustain plant health in a botanical biofilter, Bhargav R Rajkhowa
Establishing and Maintaining Mitigation Wetlands, Jacob Bannister and Summer O'Brien
Establishing Winter Standard Operating Procedures, Charles Porter
Estimating Effective Viscous Damping and Restoring Force in Reinforced Concrete Structures, Pedram Hesam
Estimating truncated hotel demand: A comparison of low computational cost forecasting methods, Yue Ding
Estimation and Prediction of Statewide Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) by Highway Category and Vehicle Classification, Trevor J. Klatko, Bismark R. Agbelie, Samuel Labi, Jon D. Fricker, and Kumares C. Sinha
Ethical Delivery of Information in Virtual, Augmented and Reality, Aleshia Hayes
Evaluating and Interpreting a Convolutional Neural Net as a Model of V4, Dean A. Pospisil, Anitha Pasupathy, and Wyeth Bair
Evaluating breast cancer stem cell response to antiangiogenic therapy, Connor J. Holloway
Evaluating engineering learning and gender neutrality for the product design of a modular robotic kit, Ansh Verma
Evaluating the impact of a wood-chip bioreactor on phosphorus concentrations, Amanda M Brock
Evaluating the Impacts of Time-of-Day Tolling on Indiana Roadways, Satish Ukkusuri, Samuel Labi, Feng Zhu, Tho Le, and Fasil Sagir
Evaluating the performance of passive chilled beams with respect to energy efficiency and thermal comfort, Janghyun Kim
Evaluating the performance of passive chilled beams with respect to energy efficiency and thermal comfort, Janghyun Kim
Evaluating the physical welfare of dogs in commercial breeding facilities in the United States, Moriah J Hurt
Evaluating the prevalence and effectiveness of breed-specific legislation, Felicia E. Trembath
Evaluating the Two-Stage Ditch as a New Best Management Practice, Andi Hodaj
Evaluating the Two-Stage Ditch as a New Best Management Practice, Andi Hodaj
Evaluation of a Cool-Season Grass-White Clover Mixture for Low-Nitrogen Input Lawns, Gabriel A Macke
Evaluation of a cool-season grass-white clover mixture for low-nitrogen input lawns, Gabriel Adam Macke
Evaluation of Asphalt Pavement Interface, Hyung Jun Ahn
Evaluation of curve-fitting methods for the simultaneous determination of isoenzymes from inhibition kinetic responses, Carol Peterson Fitzpatrick
Evaluation of Negative Energy and Mineral Balance in Periparturient Holstein-Friesian Cattle, Ameer Ahmed Abdelhameed
Evaluation of nutritional traits of soy protein concentrate (SPC) in broiler chicks and turkey poults, Noorjan Zazai
Evaluation of Radiation and Design Criteria for a Lunar Habitat, Hayley E. Bower, Daniel Gomez, Antonio Bobet, Julio A. Ramirez, Shirley J. Dyke, and H. Jay Melosh
Evaluation of several pre-clinical tools for identifying characteristics associated with limb bone fracture in thoroughbred racehorses, Anthony Nicholas Corsten
Evaluation of several pre-clinical tools for identifying characteristics associated with limb bone fracture in thoroughbred racehorses, Anthony Nicholas Corsten
Evaluation of Sinusoidal Rumble Strip Noise Levels, Andrew D. Balmos, Jijo K. Mathew, Dana Plattner, James V. Krogmeier, and Darcy M. Bullock
Evaluation of the operating internal resistance and capacitance of intact trapezoidal waveform defibrillators, Charles F. Babbs, SJ Whistler, and LA Geddes
Evaluation of the operating internal resistance, inductance, and capacitance of intact damped sine wave defibrillators, Charles F. Babbs and S J. Whistler
Evaluation of thermal process lethality in meat for non-pathogenic Escherichia coli as a surrogate for Salmonella, Morgan Alyse Redemann
Evaluation of thermal process lethality in meat for non-pathogenic Escherichia coli as a surrogate for Salmonella, Morgan Alyse Redemann
Evercotton, Juliana Goodman
Everyone Is an Academic English Learner: Interactive Support in Mainstream Classrooms, Kyongson Park
Evidence of changes in regional blood perfusion in human intracranial tumours during conductive interstitial hyperthermia, U H. Patel, Charles F. Babbs, J A. DeFord, W M. Bleyer, J A. Marchosky, and C J. Moran
Evidence of Students’ Engineering Learning in an Elementary Classroom, Kristina Tank, Tamara Moore, Bunmi Babajide, and Anastasia M Rynearson
Evidence That Free Fatty Acid-Iron Complexes Directly Initiate Lipid Peroxidation in Vitro and in Vivo: A New Mechanism of Oxidative Stress, Steven C. Salaris, Charles F. Babbs, Joann Pham, and John J. Turek
Evolution and Performance of Box Beam Bridges in Indiana, Ryan Thomas Molley
Evolutionary potential of a dispersal-restricted species in response to climate change, Lorena Torres Martinez
Evolutionary potential of a dispersal-restricted species in response to climate change, Lorena Torres Martinez
Evolutionary Studies of Guyanagaster Reveal a Novel Tripartite Mutualism in the Neotropics, Rachel Anne Koch
Evolution of Opportunities for Connected Aircraft Data to Identify Pavement Roughness at Airports, Wesley L. Major, Jijo K. Mathew, Sarah M. Hubbard, and Darcy M. Bullock
Examination and utilization of rare features in text classification of injury narratives, Hsin-Ying Huang
Examination and utilization of rare features in text classification of injury narratives, Hsin-Ying Huang
Examination of Ordering Effects in Sound Evaluations, Yiyun Zhang, Patricia Davies, and Daniel Carr
Examining differential relationships of substance use and risky sexual behavior among African American and White adolescents, Devin E Banks
Examining Experienced Teachers’ Noticing of and Responses to Students’ Engineering, Aaron W. Johnson, Kristen B. Wendell, and Jessica Watkins
Examining law enforcement officer job satisfaction and burnout through the lens of empowerment theory, Bruce A. Biggs
Examining the Difference Between Asynchronous and Synchronous Training, Colby R Craig
Examining the freezing and thawing behavior of concretes with improved performance through internal curing and other methods, Wesley A. Jones
Examining the Impact of the Affordable Care Act on Small Businesses and Industries in Northwest Indiana, Onias Muza Taruwinga
Examining the Impact of the Affordable Care Act on Small Businesses and Industries in Northwest Indiana, Onias Muza Taruwinga
Examining unawareness of construction law principles from a small contractor's perspective, Ketaki Shiralkar
Exclusion from gender counter-stereotypic activities: Proximal and distal effects, Megan Kathleen McCarty
Executive Summary: Performance Measures of Interrupted-Flow Roadways Using Re-Identification and Signal Controller Data, Christopher M. Day and Darcy M. Bullock
Exercise-Induced Interleukin-6 and Metabolic Responses in Hot, Temperate, and Cold Conditions, Nicholas E. Dinan, Roksana B. Zak, Robert J. Shute, Terry Laursen, Matthew Bubak, D. Taylor La Salle, Matthew W.S. Heesch, and Dustin R. Slivka
Expanding M(cyclam) chemistry; cobalt acetylide complexes for charge delocalization, and functionalized nickel complexes for CO2 reduction, Timothy Daniel Cook
Expanding the Horizon: Global Health Management for Pharmacy Students, Alice C. Chang, Monica L. Miller, and Ellen M. Schellhase
Expected Value of Crossbred Dairy Cattle Artificial Insemination Breeding Strategies in Virgin Heifers and Lactating Cows, Jorge Armando Barrientos Blanco
Experiential-centered Research Skills Development: getting engineers to understand the people in the problem, Hala Abdelaziz, Christopher Smith, Stella Orim, and Andy Hind
Experiential Learning: Student Participation and Future Engagement, Twila Ortiz, Beth M. Holloway, Michael Harris, Andrea Pluckebaum, and Leah H. Jamieson
Experimental characterization of scroll expander for small-scale power generation in an Organic Rankine Cycle, Felipe Airoldi Accorsi
Experimental constraints on exotic spin-dependent interactions using specialized materials, Rakshya Khatiwada
Experimental design of a low noise centrifugal fan, J Stuart Bolton and Peter Konieczny
Experimental investigation of a forced response condition in a multistage compressor, William Louis Murray
Experimental investigation of hot-jet ignition of methane-hydrogen mixtures in a constant-volume combustor, Kyong-Yup Paik
Experimental Investigation of Hub Leakage Flow Through Stator Knife Seals in an Axial Compressor, Jordan K. Lewis
Experimental Investigation of the Use of Equivalent Sources Model in Room Acoustics Simulations, Yangfan Liu and J Stuart Bolton
Experimentally validated 3D MD model for AFM-based tip-based nanomanufacturing, Rapeepan Promyoo
Experimentally validated 3D MD model for AFM-based tip-based nanomanufacturing, Rapeepan Promyoo
Experimental Measurements of Binder Wave Speeds using Wavenumber Decomposition, Caleb R. Heitkamp, Jacob K. Miller, Anna Loehr, J Stuart Bolton, and Jeffrey F. Rhoads
Experimental study of two phase upward flow in vertical one-inch pipe, Zhuoran Dang
Experimental study of unsteady heat release in an unstable single element Lean Direct Injection (LDI) gas turbine combustor, Varun S. Lakshmanan
Experimental, theoretical and computational modeling of flow boiling, flow condensation and evaporating falling films, Chirag Rajan Kharangate
Experimental, theoretical and computational modeling of flow boiling, flow condensation and evaporating falling films, Chirag Rajan Kharangate
Experiments on the Low Frequency Barrier Characteristics of Cellular Metamaterial Panels in a Diffuse Sound Field, Srinivas Varanasi, J Stuart Bolton, and Thomas Siegmund
Experiments with synthetic spin-orbit coupling and spin transport in Bose Einstein Condensates, Robert John Niffenegger
Exploiting intra-warp address monotonicity for fast memory coalescing in GPUs, Hector Rodriguez-Simmonds
Exploration of a Unique Uranium Mediated Carbon-Carbon Radical Coupling Reaction, Zhengjia Tong, Caleb J. Tatebe, John J. Kiernicki, Matthias Zeller, and Suzanne C. Bart
Exploration of the Relationship between Cochlear Gain Reduction and Speech-in-Noise Performance., Kristina Milvae
Exploratory Study of Factors Impacting Mindset in Youth Involved in the Indiana 4-H Animal Science Project, Kelsey Sajdera
Exploratory study of students' representational fluency and competence of electric circuits, William Fernando Sanchez Cossio
Explore Design and Performance of Microgestures as Input Metaphor for Cycling, Yanke Tan
Exploring animacy as a mnemonic dimension, Joshua Edward VanArsdall
Exploring animacy as a mnemonic dimension, Joshua Edward VanArsdall
Exploring L2 Writing Conferences: Discourse and Effects, Soohyon Ji
Exploring Military Veteran Students’ Pathways in Engineering Education, Joyce Main, Catherine Brawner, Susan M. Lord, Catherine Mobley, and Michelle Camacho
Exploring problematic online gaming: A qualitative approach, Joseph M Waters
Exploring problematic online gaming: A qualitative approach, Joseph M. Waters
Exploring Spin-transfer-torque devices and memristors for logic and memory applications, Zoha Pajouhi
Exploring Spin-transfer-torque devices and memristors for logic and memory applications, Zoha Pajouhi
Exploring Student Experimentation Strategies in Engineering Design Using an Educational CAD Tool, Ying Ying Seah
Exploring the cause of injury or death in grain entrapment, engulfment and extrication, Salah F Issa
Exploring the cause of injury or death in grain entrapment, engulfment and extrication, Salah F. Issa
Exploring the potential impacts of climate change on North America's Laurentian Great Lakes tourism sector, Natalie Chin
Exploring the potential impacts of climate change on North America's Laurentian Great Lakes tourism sector, Natalie Chin
Exploring the role of feedback and its impact within a Digital Badge system from multiple perspectives: A case study of preservice teachers, Erin D. Besser
Exploring the Use of Corn Stover Lignin Followed by Microbial Combustion as a Means to Recover Lead and Cadmium from Water, Samira Fatemi
Exposing Problems Teaching Students Morphological Species Identification, Trevor Stamper, Lauren Weidner, Gregory Nigoghosian, and Ludmila D. Nunes
Expression and misexpression of the MIR-183 family in the developing hearing organ of the chicken, Kaidi D. Zhang, Michelle L. Stoller, and Donna M. Fekete
Extended scaffolding: A more general theory of scaffolded cognition, Zachary R. Murphy
Extending Our Reach: Enhanced Library Instructions in a Community College, Staci A. Wilson and Ari Sigal
Extending the Live Chat Reference Service at the University of Turin – A Case Study, Franco Bungaro, Maria Vittoria Muzzupapa, and Marco Stefano Tomatis
Extracting CNG TLS/SSL artifacts from LSASS memory, Jacob M. Kambic
Extract Restaurant Aspect Words by Using Word2vec Model from Yelp Reviews, Penghao Wang
Extreme Makeover: How We Decreased Our Collection by 40% and Simultaneously Increased It by 50% in 10 Months, Lydia A. Sampson, Amy Thurlow, and Del Hornbuckle
Extreme-Strike and Small-time Asymptotics for Gaussian Stochastic Volatility Models, Xin Zhang
Extreme-Strike and Small-time Asymptotics for Gaussian Stochastic Volatility Models, Xin Zhang
Fabrication and analysis of cigs nanoparticle-based thin film solar cells, Parvin Ghane
Fabrication and characterization of active nanostructures, Noah F Opondo
Fabrication and photonics properties of III-V semiconductor nanowire structures, Tzu-ging Lin
Fabrication of Conductive Nanostructures by Femtosecond Laser Induced Reduction of Silver Ions, Peter G Barton
Facebook and User Experience: Evaluating Brand Equity of Purdue University Residences, Jackelyn Perkins
Facebook and user experience: Evaluating brand equity of Purdue University residences, Jackelyn Perkins
Facebook engagement on college students' interpersonal and intrapersonal functioning, Scott S. Deatherage
Facial Processing and Social Motivation In Psychopathy: An Event-Related Potential Study, Emily DuBose Sherman
Facial Processing and Social Motivation In Psychopathy: An Event-Related Potential Study, Emily DuBose Sherman
Facilitating Communication for Aviation Training and Maintenance, Lorraine Holtaway, Kyle Jackson, and Sarah Hubbard
Facilitating Reproducible Computing Via Scientific Workflows -- An Integrated System Approach, Yuan Cao
Fact or fiction: Random mating in field populations of western corn rootworm (Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte) emerging on Bt and refuge corn plants, Steven Joel Smith
Factors affecting transduction efficiency of pseudotyped viral vectors incorporating alphaviral glycoproteins, Aditi Kesari
Factors Associated with Student Participation in Cooperative Education Programs (Co-Ops), Joyce Main, Matthew Ohland, Nichole Ramirez, Trina L. Fletcher, and Jake Davis
Factors Contributing To Speech Perception Outcomes With Hearing Aid Signal Processing, Varsha Rallapalli
Factors Influencing First Year Undergraduate Students to Choose an Engineering Major, Aaron Afriat, Joyce B. Main, and Hossein EbrahimiNejad
Factors influencing teacher instructional practice in mathematics when participating in professional development, William S. Walker
Factors influencing teacher instructional practice in mathematics when participating in professional development, William S. Walker III
Failure analysis of high performance ballistic fibers, Jennifer S. Spatola
Failure as process: Interrogating disaster, loss, and recovery in digital preservation, Carly Dearborn and Sam Meister
Failure Logs Based Event Prediction in Large Scale Systems, Meetali Vaidya
Failure pressure and fatigue analysis of the API 12F shop welded, flat bottom tanks, Andres E. Rondon Andueza
Failures in adaptive locomotion in healthy young adults, Michel J. H. Heijnen
Fake News and the Cloud, Quentin Hardy
Fashion and Female Beat Identity in the Writing of Jones, Johnson, and di Prima, Raven J. See
Fast time- and frequency-domain finite-element methods for electromagnetic analysis, Woochan Lee
Fast time- and frequency-domain finite-element methods for electromagnetic analysis, Woochan Lee
Fast voxel line update for time-space image reconstruction, Xiao Wang
Fatigue Assessment of Ultrasonic Impact Treated Weld Joint Based on Numerical Modeling, Jing Zheng
FEA methodology for system-level redundancy evaluation: Application to non-composite steel bridges, Francisco Javier Bonachera Martin
FEA methodology for system-level redundancy evaluation: Application to non-composite steel bridges, Francisco Javier Bonachera Martin
Feature-Based Approach for the Registration of Pushbroom Imagery with Existing Orthophotos, Weifeng Xiong
Feature extraction to improve nowcasting using social media event detection on cloud computing and sentiment analysis, David L Kimmey
Feature Selection through Visualisation for the Classification of Online Reviews, Keerthika Koka
Federal-Aid Funding Requirements for Local Public Agencies, Adam Makuley and Karen Hicks
Feelings of doing good for myself or others: Discussing effects of self-conscious emotions on sustainable consumption, Chi-Cheng Luan
FgPrp4 Kinase Is Important for Spliceosome B-Complex Activation and Splicing Efficiency in Fusarium graminearum, Xuli Gao, Qiaojun Jin, Cong Jiang, Yang Li, Chaohui Li, Huiquan Liu, Zhensheng Kang, and Jin-Rong Xu
Fibermat: The Ultimate Stress Absorbing Membrane, Nelson Wesenberg and Paul Schaus
Fibrous Material Microstructure Design for Optimal Damping Performance, Yutong Xue and J Stuart Bolton
Fictionality and the Empirical Study of Literature, Torsten Pettersson
Field Testing in Peer States and Emerging Partnership Opportunities, Srinivas Peeta
Financial Vulnerability of Midwest Grain Farms: Implications of Price, Yield, and Cost Shocks, Shasha Li and Michael Boehlje
Finding human proteins that bind to a Lassa Virus protein, Maria Alejandra Pardo Ruge, Veronica J. Heintz, and Douglas J. LaCount
Finding the Right Fit for Article Delivery: Using Resource Sharing Technology to Provide Enhanced Access, Shannon Pritting
Finite dimensional approximations and deformations of group C*-algebras, Andrew James Schneider
Finite Element Analysis and Biological Growth Realization using Robot Swarms, Cody W. Dorbin and Adrian Buganza-Tepole
Finite element analysis of the equine distal limb transfixation cast, Timothy B Lescun
Finite Element and Imaging Approaches to Analyze Multiscale Electrothermal Phenomena, Amirkoushyar Ziabari
Finite Element Modeling of Elastohydrodynamic Lubricated Rolling Contact Fatigue, Neil R Paulson
Fire behavior of bolted connections, Qiaqia Zhu
Firm demography and location decisions in the United States after 1990, Francisco Albert Scott
First Opinion: A Witness to Beautiful, Linda Coggin
First Opinion: Experiencing Empathy through Jacqueline Woodson’s Each Kindness, Christina U. King and Angie Zapata
First Opinion: Honoring Diversity, Visual Storytelling, and Complex Friendships: Cece Bell’s El Deafo, Gretchen Papazian
First Opinion: Magic, History, and Music: The Power of Three in Echo, Melanie Hundley
First Opinion: Race, Identity, and Social Justice in All American Boys, Shea N. Kerkhoff
First Opinion: Roller Girl as a Worthy Reading Bout, Adriana L. Medina
First Opinion: The Invisible Boy: Social and Emotional Opportunities within a Racial Quagmire, Alice Y. Lee
First Opinion: The Transformative Powers of War, Sara L. Schwebel
First Opinion: To Stand in Those Shoes: Multiple Perspectives on Empathy, Nicholas E. Husbye
First Opinion: Waking Up: Brown Girl Dreaming in 2017, Kristin K. A. McIlhagga
Flammability limits of alternative aviation fuels, Ang Li
Flammability limits of alternative aviation fuels, Ang Li
Flexible weapons architecture design, William C. Pyant
Flight State Information Inference with Application to Helicopter Cockpit Video Data Analysis Using Data Mining Techniques, Sanghyun Shin
Flora Graeca Digitalis: Old Library Stock, Wolfgang Stille
Flow Shop Scheduling for Energy Efficient Manufacturing, Hao Zhang
Flow Shop Scheduling for Energy Efficient Manufacturing, Hao Zhang
Fluid iSolator, Purdue ECT Team
Fluorescent Protein Biosensor for Use in Parkinson's Research, Piper R. Miller, Keelan Trull, and Mathew Tantama
Fluvial Erosion Impacts on Infrastructure Along Indiana Rivers and Streams, Siavash Beik, Robert Barr, and Brian Meunier
Fog Seal Performance on Asphalt Mixture Longitudinal Joints, Sharlan R. Montgomery and John E. Haddock
Food Insecurity: Rudimentary Education for Local Youth (FIREFLY), Nam-Anh Nguyen, Quynh P. Nguyen, and Jane E. Krause
Food Security Crop Price Transmission and Formation in Nigeria, Patrick L Hatzenbuehler
Food Security Crop Price Transmission and Formation in Nigeria, Patrick L. Hatzenbuehler
Food security in the free state province: Meaning making as democratic agency, Jacqueline Del Valle Hanoman Ambrosio
Forest industry byproducts improve soil quality and increase pepper growth in three soils infested with Phythophthora blight, Xiaojun Zhao
Forest industry byproducts improve soil quality and increase pepper growth in three soils infested with Phythophthora blight, Xiaojun Zhao
Formative Assessment to Support Students’ Competences in Inquiry-Based Science Education, Regula Grob, Monika Holmeier, and Peter Labudde
Forming the Canadian Linked Data Initiative, Caitlin Tillman, Joseph Hafner, and Sharon Farnel
Formulation of Controlled Liposomal Drug Delivery System, Young Lee
Foucault, Kant, Deleuze, and the problem of political agency, Christopher S. Penfield
Four runway configuration types and their relation to arrival delays, Rachel Jayne Kennedy
Fracture analysis in biomimetic Bouligand architectures, Nobphadon Suksangpanya
Fracture analysis in biomimetic Bouligand architectures, Nobphadon Suksanqpanya
Fracture of Spherical Particles under Compression, Niranjan D Parab
Framework for functional tree simulation applied to 'golden delicious' apple trees, Marek Fiser