Wideband Acoustical Holography (WBH), which is a monopole-based, equivalent source procedure (J. Hald, “Wideband Acoustical Holography,” INTER-NOISE 2014), has proven to offer accurate noise source visualization results in experiments with a simple noise source: e.g., a loudspeaker (T. Shi, Y. Liu, J.S. Bolton, ”The Use of Wideband Holography for Noise Source Visualization”, NOISECON 2016). From a previous study, it was found that the advantage of this procedure is the ability to optimize the solution in the case of an under-determined system: i.e., when the number of measurements is much smaller than the number of parameters that must be estimated in the model. In the present work, a diesel engine noise source was measured by using one set of measurements from a thirty-five channel combo-array placed in front of the engine. The noise source distribution was reconstructed at the front face of diesel engine and it was possible to successfully localize and visualize the major noise sources over a broad range of frequencies, even when using a relatively small number of microphones, as in this case.
Acoustical holography, Equivalent source method, Wideband acoustical holography, Diesel engine, Noise source identification
Acoustics and Noise Control
Date of this Version
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Tongyang Shi, Yangfan Liu, J. Stuart Bolton, Frank Eberhardt and Warner Frazer, “Diesel Engine Noise Source Visualization with Wideband Acoustical Holography,” SAE Technical Paper 2017-01-1874, 2017, 7 pages. doi:10.4271/2017-01-1874.