"An analysis of digital forensic units" by Kaitlyn Gurule

An analysis of digital forensic units

Kaitlyn Gurule, Purdue University


Technology is growing rapidly. The first computer, ENIAC, was built in 1946 and it was not until 1975 that personal computers existed (Knight, 2014). Now, computers are seen everywhere. It is rare to see a person without a computer, such as a mobile phone. As technology grows so does computer crimes. Computer crimes, for the purposes of this study, are crimes committed using digital media as a target of a crime, to assist in a crime, or as an incidental element in a crime. Criminals are taking advantage of the new technology and using it to their advantage. Easy access to technology makes it easier for criminals to commit new and old crimes. Law Enforcement agencies are having a difficult time processing all the digital media in an effective and efficient manner. Criminals, however, do not stop committing crimes. Therefore, creating a backlog of cases for law enforcement investigators. Technology creates a variety of difficulties that law enforcement agencies must overcome to successfully process digital media. In order to help overcome these difficulties, some states have created both specialized and non-specialized cybercrime units. These cybercrime units work specifically on processing the digital evidence used in computer crimes. A study was conducted analyzing these units. It suggested the specialized units operate more effectively than the non-specialized. This study also showed the lack of knowledge regarding standard procedures and the need for more training, funding, and personnel.




Seigfried-Spellar, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Information Technology

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