"Christ Our Center: Joseph Ratzinger’s Witness" by Edward T. Oakes


Edward T. Oakes


The author first traces the rise of today’s postmodernism from nineteenth-century relativism, both of which reject claims to the possession of an absolute and universal truth. They see such a claim as an imposition of one’s own limited perspective on others. This phenomenon rules out Christ as the center of history. He then notes that for him ecumenism is not just for unity in the church but for a united claim to the centrality and lordship of Christ over the universe. He pursues this line of thought through the Christology of Cardinal Ratzinger before he became Pope Benedict XVI. He explores Ratzinger’s critique of Marxist-tinged theology as it pertains to pluralistic theology. Namely, both relativize the subjects they address. So the issue is how Christians of different churches can proclaim Christ as the single and universal savior of the human race. This is the task for ecumenical discussion. The goal is to reaffirm together the creedal statement that the Logos that encompasses and sustains history also became a uniquely single point in history as one man, savior of the world.
