"Generalized techniques for using system execution traces to support so" by Thelge Manjula Peiris

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Computer Science

First Advisor

James H. Hill

Committee Chair

James H. Hill

Committee Member 1

Mohammad Al Hasan

Committee Member 2

Hubert Dunsmore

Committee Member 3

Xiangyu Zhang


This dissertation proposes generalized techniques to support software performance analysis using system execution traces in the absence of software development artifacts such as source code. The proposed techniques do not require modifications to the source code, or to the software binaries, for the purpose of software analysis (non-intrusive). The proposed techniques are also not tightly coupled to the architecture specific details of the system being analyzed. This dissertation extends the current techniques of using system execution traces to evaluate software performance properties, such as response times, service times. The dissertation also proposes a novel technique to auto-construct a dataflow model from the system execution trace, which will be useful in evaluating software performance properties. Finally, it showcases how we can use execution traces in a novel technique to detect Excessive Dynamic Memory Allocations software performance anti-pattern. This is the first attempt, according to the author's best knowledge, of a technique to detect automatically the excessive dynamic memory allocations anti-pattern. The contributions from this dissertation will ease the laborious process of software performance analysis and provide a foundation for helping software developers quickly locate the causes for negative performance results via execution traces.
