Purdue e-Pubs - Charleston Library Conference: Collection Dashboards for Selectors


While collections dashboards are often used as an external communications tool, they have additional applications for improving internal processes and assisting subject selectors. The value of collection visualization for analytics and strategy cannot be underestimated as visualizations can help clarify complex information to improve decision-making. This paper summarizes the current efforts to deploy collection dashboards at the University of Houston libraries. Using Tableau to parse and visualize collections data, the library is embedding visualization frameworks into the acquisitions calendar to enhance selection and deselection processes.



Collection Dashboards for Selectors

While collections dashboards are often used as an external communications tool, they have additional applications for improving internal processes and assisting subject selectors. The value of collection visualization for analytics and strategy cannot be underestimated as visualizations can help clarify complex information to improve decision-making. This paper summarizes the current efforts to deploy collection dashboards at the University of Houston libraries. Using Tableau to parse and visualize collections data, the library is embedding visualization frameworks into the acquisitions calendar to enhance selection and deselection processes.