"Characteristics and Design Strategies for Near Rectilinear Halo Orbits" by Emily M Zimovan

Characteristics and Design Strategies for Near Rectilinear Halo Orbits Within the Earth-Moon System

Emily M Zimovan, Purdue University


A critical first step towards achieving the goal of a far-reaching human presence in space within the 21st century is the creation of a long-term crewed habitat in cislunar space, well beyond low Earth orbit. Thus, in support of this goal, an investigation is conducted into a class of candidate orbits, in the context of orbital characteristics and preliminary transfers to and from such trajectories. First, the periodic orbits of interest in the CR3BP are analyzed. Additionally, a metric, termed the apse angle, is introduced to quantify changes in orbital geometry once transitioned to a higher-fidelity ephemeris model. A detailed analysis of the southern L2 halo family of orbits is presented and stability characteristics are used to delineate a favorable region denoted as the Near Rectilinear Halo Orbits (NRHOs). The NRHOs are stable or nearly-stable and, thus, can be maintained over a long duration for a relatively low cost indicating their suitability for a long-term habitat. A key consideration for many applications, synodic resonance is explored within the context of eclipse avoidance options. The geometry of synodic resonant NRHOs allows for the insertion epoch to dictate a simple lunar eclipse avoidance strategy. A straightforward direct transfer option from LEO to the L2 southern NRHOs is detailed to determine Earth access to such a habitat. A low time of flight is suitable for crewed missions and is, therefore, the primary focus for feasible transfers. To transport humans to deep space destinations, transfers between orbits in cislunar space offer a proving ground to test capabilities and systems. Transfers from a habitat facility to translunar destinations may also require departure from alternative cislunar orbits. Thus, as an inaugural step into the broader problem, transfers between a representative L2 southern NRHO and the Distant Retrograde Orbits (DROs) are investigated.




Howell, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Aerospace engineering

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