"An Investigation of High Ability Adolescent Students' Affective and Mo" by Heather Jean Carmody

An Investigation of High Ability Adolescent Students' Affective and Motivational Responses to Mathematics

Heather Jean Carmody, Purdue University


Students’ motivational and affective responses to mathematics are related to their academic performance. This mixed methods study involved survey results from 394 middle and high school high ability students. Data revealed that students believed success was possible, and that the usefulness and enjoyment of mathematics precipitated high motivational ratings. Students’ responses showed that it is possible to simultaneously have multiple goal orientations. Using MANOVA, slight quantitative differences existed between the responses of boys and girls and larger differences existed when acceleration level was considered. At extremely advanced levels, significant gender differences existed relative to placement.




Gentry, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Mathematics education|Gifted Education|Educational psychology

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