"A unique perspective on the demand for livestock product attributes" by Elizabeth S Byrd

A unique perspective on the demand for livestock product attributes

Elizabeth S Byrd, Purdue University


Consumers are increasingly concerned about the social and environmental impacts of the foods they purchase. Both choice experiments and best-worst scaling (BWS) methodology have been used to elicit consumer willingness to pay (WTP) for food attributes and the relative importance of food attributes to consumers. The dissertation consists of four essays. Chapter 2 presents a formal law review article exploring the laws associated with wild game harvest, consumption, and inspections. The remaining three essays (Chapters 3-5) each address an extension or application of choice experiment and/or BWS methodology focused on credence attributes of meat products. Two online surveys were used to collect choice experiment and best-worst data. Two different presentations of a BWS question were implemented. The two presentations yielded statistically different preference shares and rankings of attributes. Next, consumer WTP for local pork chops and chicken breasts was explored. Interestingly, consumers were willing to pay additional amounts for “local” chicken breasts but were unwilling to pay more “local” pork chops. Finally, the results of both BWS and choice experiments between a sample of outdoor enthusiasts and a nationally representative sample were compared.




Olynk Widmar, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Agricultural economics

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