"Aerodynamic Design of a Four-Stage Low-Speed Axial Compressor for Cant" by James N Wallace

Aerodynamic Design of a Four-Stage Low-Speed Axial Compressor for Cantilevered Stator Research

James N Wallace, Purdue University


This research is focused on the baseline aerodynamic design of a four-stage low-speed axial compressor with the intent to achieve similarity of cantilevered stator hub leakage flows with those in the rear stages of Siemens large gas turbine compressors. The baseline airfoil design is to act as a comparison for all future research completed in the low speed compressor and, therefore, will not include possible future research topics such as 3-D airfoil geometry or end-wall contouring. Following the design of the airfoils is the aerodynamic design of the facility including the inlet and exhaust. These components were designed to eliminate interactions of the compressor with the facility and to accommodate instrumentation. A baseline set of aerodynamic instrumentation is then suggested to characterize compressor performance. Fully 3-D steady CFD was used extensively during the design of both the facility and the compressor, as well as determining the locations and types of instrumentation.




Key, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Aerospace engineering|Mechanical engineering

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