"Attachment as a Moderator Between Smartphone Interference and Relation" by Shannon Polezoes

Attachment as a Moderator Between Smartphone Interference and Relationship Satisfaction in Adult Couples

Shannon Polezoes, Purdue University


The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between smartphone interference and romantic relationship satisfaction. Existing literature has utilized attachment as a moderator between relationship satisfaction and smartphone interference, suggesting that attachment can act as a buffer, thus either reducing or intensifying the effects of the smartphone interference. The concepts of “phubbing” and “technoference” are discussed as references to the smartphone interference. A sample of 183 eligible participants were included in the multiple regression analysis. Findings indicated a significant negative association between smartphone interference and romantic relationship satisfaction (Hypothesis One). These findings suggest that a higher level of smartphone interference would predict lower romantic couple satisfaction. The control variables age and relationship duration also predicted satisfaction in an adult romantic relationship. However, hypotheses two and three, both using insecure attachment (anxious and avoidant) as a moderator, were not supported.




Edwards, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Behavioral psychology

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