2015 | ||
Tuesday, March 10th | ||
12:00 AM |
GIS Tools for Hydrology and Hydraulics David D. Finley, Indiana Department of Transportation STEW 206 12:00 AM |
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Federal-aid 101 and Federal Project Authorization Fundamentals Mark D. Newland, FHWA STEW 313 12:00 AM |
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A Practical Approach to Programming-Level Cost Estimation Robert E. Montgomery, Indiana Department of Transportation STEW 218CD 12:00 AM |
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Grant Niemeyer, Parsons Cunningham and Shartle Engineers, Inc. STEW 322 12:00 AM |
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Leslie Lahndt, FHWA STEW 322 12:00 AM |
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Pedestrian Safety and Accessibility in Work Zones Eryn Fletcher, FHWA STEW 322 12:00 AM |
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Erosion Control Review Results and State of Practice Eryn Fletcher, FHWA STEW 322 12:00 AM |
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Construction Specifications 101 Scott Trammell, Indiana Department of Transportation STEW 322 12:00 AM |
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US 31 South Bend Freeway Design and Construction Continuity Susan Al-Abbas, CHA STEW 206 12:00 AM |
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Determining Adequate Drainage Capacity for Agricultural Open Ditches Jeff Healy, Banning Engineering STEW 206 12:00 AM |
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Jeff Healy, Banning Engineering STEW 206 12:00 AM |
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Hydrologic and Hydraulic Studies: What Ingredients am I Getting? Joseph Miller, Banning Engineering STEW 206 12:00 AM |
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Indiana's Department of Transportation Continuous Improvement Efforts Kristin Brier, Indiana Department of Transportation STEW 313 12:00 AM |
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Gerald Hogan, American Concrete Pipe Association STEW 214CD 12:00 AM |
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INDOT's Overhead Sign Structure Inspection Program Jeremy Konnce, Collins Engineers STEW 214CD 12:00 AM |
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Innovations in Pavement Repair Jim Lippert, Crafco, Inc. STEW 214CD 12:00 AM |
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Low-cost, High-impact Bicycle and Pedestrian Investments Pete Fritz, Indiana State Department of Health Union FACE 12:00 AM |
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Anatomy of the U.S. Railway Industry- Past, Present, and Future Jerry Rose, University of Kentucky STEW 314 12:00 AM |
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US 41 Crack & Seat Case Study A Practical Design Kumar P. Dave, Indiana Department of Transportation STEW 302 12:00 AM |
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MEPDG & HIP, CIR and FDR Recycling David Holtz, Indiana Department of Transportation STEW 302 12:00 AM |
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Kumar P. Dave, Indiana Department of Transportation STEW 302 12:00 AM |
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Cleveland Opportunity Corridor Project Reader-Friendly Environmental Impact Statement Adin McCann, HNTB Corporation STEW 202 12:00 AM |
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Introduction to the S-BRITE Center at Purdue University Robert Connor, Purdue University STEW 218CD 12:00 AM |
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Enhancing Red Light Compliance with Technology Daniel Shamo, AECOM Technology STEW 310 12:00 AM |
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Evaluating Truck Rollover at Roundabouts on High-Speed Roads Thomas Hall, Purdue University STEW 310 12:00 AM |
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Connected Vehicle Infrastructure Deployment Considerations Jim Barbaresso, HNTB Corporation STEW 218AB 12:00 AM |
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How Freight Probe Data is Revolutionizing the Industry Rick Schuman, INRIX STEW 314 12:00 AM |
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Indy Connect: Central Indiana's Transportation Initiative Matthew Duffy, Parsons Brinckerhoff Union FACE 12:00 AM |
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Opportunities for Enhancing Construction Inspections and Evaluations Using Time Lapse Photography Steven Lavrenz, Purdue University STEW 206 12:00 AM |
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Updating City Pavement Sections with ME-PDG Mike Maurovich, American Structure Point STEW 306 12:00 AM |
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Kathy Eaton-McKalip, Indiana Department of Transportation Union FACW 12:00 AM |
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Inspection Guidelines and Criteria for Load Rating Box Beams Raju Iyer, Indiana Department of Transportation STEW 214AB 12:00 AM |
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Structural Testing of Geopolymer Pipe and Culvert Mortar Lining System David Keaffaber, Milliken Infrastructure Solutions STEW 214CD 12:00 AM |
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Utility Coordination on LPA Project Natalie Parks, American Structurepoint, Inc. Union FACW 12:00 AM |
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Accelerated Test Method to Identify Freeze-Thaw Durability of Aggregates Belayneh B. Desta, Purdue University STEW 306 12:00 AM |
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US 31 Kokomo Collaborative Effort Yielded Successful Results Scott Sipes, Indiana Department of Transportation STEW 206 12:00 AM |
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Importance of Resilient Modulus (MR) and it's Interpretation Subgrade Design Inputs Kumar P. Dave, Indiana Department of Transportation STEW 302 12:00 AM |
Wednesday, March 11th | ||
12:00 AM |
Simplified Pavement Design for LPAs: Introduction to PaveXpress Dudley Bonte, Asphalt Pavement Association of Indiana STEW 302 12:00 AM |
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Social Media for Local Government Agencies Sam Taylor, Purdue University STEW 314 12:00 AM |
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IndyGo Downtown Transit Center - Transforming Indianapolis Ben Smith, URS Corporation Union FACE 12:00 AM |
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Winter Weather Services and Forecasting Options for Local Agencies Michael Baldwin, Purdue University 12:00 AM |
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Greg Bachman, GeoStabilization International STEW 322 12:00 AM |
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Pavement Underdrain to Achieve Longer Life Pavement Structure Tommy E. Nantung, Indiana Department of Transportation STEW 306 12:00 AM |
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Pavement Rehabilitation Options in Indiana David Holtz, Indiana Department of Transportation STEW 302 12:00 AM |
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RPZ's FAA Runway Protection Zones Impacts on Roadways Chris Snyder, Woolpert, Inc. STEW 204 12:00 AM |
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Sustainability - Utilization of FAA VALE Grants for Geothermal Projects Tim O'Donnell, South Bend International Airport STEW 204 12:00 AM |
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FedEx Express Safety and Compliance Mark Molin, FedEx Express, Memphis STEW 204 12:00 AM |
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Monroe County Airport: Sinkhole Mitigation and Runway Rehabilitation Bruce Payton, Monroe County Airport STEW 204 12:00 AM |
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Evaluating Methods for Counting Aircraft Operations at Non-Towered Airports Maria Muia, Woolpert, Inc. STEW 204 12:00 AM |
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Runway Pavement Analysis with Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) Chris Snyder, Woolpert, Inc. STEW 204 12:00 AM |
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Tom Saad, FHWA STEW 218CD 12:00 AM |
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Case Study: Managing Extreme Down-Drag on Piling Christopher Byrum, Soil and Materials Engineers, Inc. STEW 218CD 12:00 AM |
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INDOT/Purdue Pile Driving Method for Estimation of Axial Capacity Mir A. Zaheer, Indiana Department of Transportation STEW 322 12:00 AM |
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Design and Construction of Auger Cast Piles Malek Smadi, Geotill Engineering, Inc. STEW 322 12:00 AM |
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Seeding Natives: Roadside Case Study State Road 24 Mark O'Brien, Cardno JFNew Native Plant Nursery STEW 206 12:00 AM |
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Roundabout Prequalification Training John E. Wright, Indiana Department of Transportation STEW 206 12:00 AM |
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Ohio River Bridges East End Crossing - Indiana Approach Design Challenges and Construction Updates Kevin M. Hetrick, Indiana Department of Transportation STEW 206 12:00 AM |
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FHWA Risk Based Stewardship and Oversight Karen Bobo, FHWA STEW 313 12:00 AM |
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Raymie Eckerle, City of Jasper STEW 214CD 12:00 AM |
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Bridge Preservation Treatments and Best Practices Mark D. Bowman, Purdue University STEW 214CD 12:00 AM |
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Creating Livable Communities in Northwest Indiana Gabrielle Biciunas, Northwestern Indiana Regional Planning Commission Union FACE 12:00 AM |
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Kim Irwin, Health by Design Union FACE 12:00 AM |
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Pavement Rehabilitation Options in Indiana for INDOT David Holtz, Indiana Department of Transportation STEW 302 12:00 AM |
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The New Way We Always Did It: Asphalt Preservation 101 Rex Hedges, RejuvTec, Inc. STEW 302 12:00 AM |
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Introduction and Review of New IDM Chapter 304 Comprehensive Pavement Analysis David Holtz, Indiana Department of Transportation STEW 306 12:00 AM |
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INDOT Network Pavement Data Collection Status Bill Flora, Indiana Department of Transportation STEW 306 12:00 AM |
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Pavement Recycling: Reusing Your Most Valuable Asset Elizabeth Fizel, City of Columbus STEW 306 12:00 AM |
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Anna Burman, GISP-Tippecanoe County Area Plan Commission Union FACW 12:00 AM |
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Contaminated Sites and Their Effect on Your Project Schedule and Budget Kenneth McMullen, Michael Baker International Union FACW 12:00 AM |
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Conveying Your Message: Working with the Media David MacAnally, 13 WTHR Indianapolis STEW 314 12:00 AM |
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Know Before You Go: Social Media and Communications Outreach Alexander Lee, CH2M HILL STEW 314 12:00 AM |
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Engaging People Where They Are: Social Media for Projects Shane Peck, Parsons Brinckerhoff STEW 314 12:00 AM |
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Roundabouts 101: A Bookends Approach to Public Understanding of Roundabouts Craig M. Parks, American Structurepoint Inc. STEW 314 12:00 AM |
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USGS Flood Inundation Mapping Program of Indiana Moon Kim, U.S. Geological Survey STEW 214AB 12:00 AM |
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Tippecanoe County Highway Department Crash Analysis Mike Parks, Tippecanoe County Highway Department STEW 310 12:00 AM |
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Performance Ranking of Arterial Corridors Using Travel Time and Travel Time Reliability Metrics Christopher M. Day, Purdue University STEW 202 12:00 AM |
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Performance Measures for Traffic Signal Maintenance Jay Grossman, Elkhart County Highway STEW 202 12:00 AM |
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INDOT Traffic Data Sources and Using Traffic Count Data System Provided by MS2 Greg Katter, Indiana Department of Transportation STEW 202 12:00 AM |
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Continuing Developments in INDOT Standards for Highway Lighting David Boruff, Indiana Department of Transportation STEW 218AB 12:00 AM |
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Highway Luminaries and INDOT's Research Lalit Garg, Indiana Department of Transportation STEW 218AB 12:00 AM |
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Ted Sommer, London White Group STEW 218AB 12:00 AM |
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P Corbitt Kerr, City of South Bend STEW 218AB 12:00 AM |
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Findings from Indiana Flashing Yellow Arrow Study Robert A. Rescot, Purdue University - Calumet Campus STEW 218AB 12:00 AM |
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I-69 at SR 1/Dupont Road: Diverging Diamond Interchange Greg Rominger, Burgess & Niple, Inc. STEW 218AB 12:00 AM |
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INDOT Change Management: Error and Omissions and Lessons Learned Louis E. Feagans Jr, Indiana Department of Transportation Union FACW 12:00 AM |
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Developing a Successful Stormwater Program: Urban Forestry and Stormwater Mitigation Matthew Lake, Town of Merrillville Stormwater Utility Union FACW 12:00 AM |
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Highway Safety Improvements for Your Roads Rick O. Drumm, FHWA STEW 310 12:00 AM |
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Field Evaluation of Red Light Running Evaluation Methods Steven Lavrenz, Purdue University STEW 202 12:00 AM |
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Bridge Inspections and Being an ERC Keith Hoernschemeyer, FHWA STEW 218CD 12:00 AM |
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Open Roads: Practical Design for Transportation Project Delivery Scott Adams, Indiana Department of Transportation STEW 322 12:00 AM |
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2015 Bridge Inspection ERC Training Merril Dougherty, Indiana Department of Transportation STEW 218CD 12:00 AM |
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Putting the "Geo" Back in Geotechnical Engineering Jon Paauwe, Indiana Department of Transportation STEW 322 12:00 AM |
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Davis C. Hurtado, Purdue University Union FACW 12:00 AM |
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Roundabouts 101 – A Bookends Approach to Public Understanding of Roundabouts Joe Wellman, City of Washington, Indiana STEW 314 12:00 AM |
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Urban Roadways: A Refreshing Look at Roadside Projects Carrie Tauscher, Indiana Department of Natural Resources Union FACW 12:00 AM |
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Leading the Industry by Embracing Cutting-Edge, Environmentally-Friendly Asphalt Technologies Pat Faster, Gallagher Asphalt STEW 302 12:00 AM |
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The Draft 2015 Indiana Strategic Highway Safety Plan Roger D. Manning, Indiana Department of Transportation STEW 310 12:00 AM |
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City of Monticello Transition Plan Cathy Gross, City of Monticello Union FACW 12:00 AM |
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Bob Davidson, Public Risk Underwriters of Indiana Krannert Auditorium 12:00 AM |
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Crash Analysis and Coordination with LPAs Tim Stroshine, Tippecanoe County, Indiana STEW 310 12:00 AM |
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Porous Pavement as a Stormwater Management Tool on Urban Streets Nicholas Hutchinson, City of Ann Arbor, Michigan STEW 302 12:00 AM |
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Cable-Stay Bridge Construction and Progress Gene Balter, HDR Engineering, Inc. STEW 206 12:00 AM |
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Full Depth Reclamation: Reuse Your Roadway Road Rehabilitation Technology James W. Render, Essroc Cement Corp STEW 306 12:00 AM |
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Constructing Inspection of MSE Walls Athar Khan, Indiana Department of Transportation STEW 322 12:00 AM |
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Glen T. Campbell, Patrick Engineering, Inc. 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM |