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Tuesday, March 10th
12:00 AM

GIS Tools for Hydrology and Hydraulics

David D. Finley, Indiana Department of Transportation

STEW 206

12:00 AM

Federal-aid 101 and Federal Project Authorization Fundamentals

Mark D. Newland, FHWA
Karen Hicks, Indiana Department of Transportation

STEW 313

12:00 AM

A Practical Approach to Programming-Level Cost Estimation

Robert E. Montgomery, Indiana Department of Transportation
Jeremy Hunter, Indiana Department of Transportation


12:00 AM

To LiDAR or Not to LiDAR

Grant Niemeyer, Parsons Cunningham and Shartle Engineers, Inc.
Rodney Kelly, Parsons Cunningham and Shartle Engineers, Inc.

STEW 322

12:00 AM

Buy America Regulations

Leslie Lahndt, FHWA

STEW 322

12:00 AM

Pedestrian Safety and Accessibility in Work Zones

Eryn Fletcher, FHWA
John E. Wright, Indiana Department of Transportation

STEW 322

12:00 AM

Erosion Control Review Results and State of Practice

Eryn Fletcher, FHWA
Mark Miller, Indiana Department of Transportation

STEW 322

12:00 AM

Construction Specifications 101

Scott Trammell, Indiana Department of Transportation
Melissa Peasley, Indiana Department of Transportation
Dan Stickney, Indiana Department of Transportation

STEW 322

12:00 AM

US 31 South Bend Freeway Design and Construction Continuity

Susan Al-Abbas, CHA
Kevin Rearick, CHA
Bradf Taylor, Indiana Department of Transportation

STEW 206

12:00 AM

Determining Adequate Drainage Capacity for Agricultural Open Ditches

Jeff Healy, Banning Engineering

STEW 206

12:00 AM

Frequency of Storm Events

Jeff Healy, Banning Engineering

STEW 206

12:00 AM

Hydrologic and Hydraulic Studies: What Ingredients am I Getting?

Joseph Miller, Banning Engineering

STEW 206

12:00 AM

Indiana's Department of Transportation Continuous Improvement Efforts

Kristin Brier, Indiana Department of Transportation
Derek Weinberg, Indiana Department of Transportation

STEW 313

12:00 AM

Evaluation of Installed RCP

Gerald Hogan, American Concrete Pipe Association


12:00 AM

INDOT's Overhead Sign Structure Inspection Program

Jeremy Konnce, Collins Engineers
David Boruff, Indiana Department of Transportation


12:00 AM

Innovations in Pavement Repair

Jim Lippert, Crafco, Inc.


12:00 AM

Low-cost, High-impact Bicycle and Pedestrian Investments

Pete Fritz, Indiana State Department of Health

Union FACE

12:00 AM

Anatomy of the U.S. Railway Industry- Past, Present, and Future

Jerry Rose, University of Kentucky
John Secor, Railway Consulting, LLC.

STEW 314

12:00 AM

US 41 Crack & Seat Case Study A Practical Design

Kumar P. Dave, Indiana Department of Transportation
David Holtz, Indiana Department of Transportation
Athar Khan, Indiana Department of Transportation
Bill Flora, Indiana Department of Transportation

STEW 302

12:00 AM

MEPDG & HIP, CIR and FDR Recycling

David Holtz, Indiana Department of Transportation
Michael Prather, Indiana Department of Transportation
Lisa Egler-Kellems, Indiana Department of Transportation

STEW 302

12:00 AM

Subgrade Design Inputs

Kumar P. Dave, Indiana Department of Transportation

STEW 302

12:00 AM

Cleveland Opportunity Corridor Project Reader-Friendly Environmental Impact Statement

Adin McCann, HNTB Corporation
Matthew Wahl, HNTB Corporation

STEW 202

12:00 AM

Introduction to the S-BRITE Center at Purdue University

Robert Connor, Purdue University


12:00 AM

Enhancing Red Light Compliance with Technology

Daniel Shamo, AECOM Technology

STEW 310

12:00 AM

Evaluating Truck Rollover at Roundabouts on High-Speed Roads

Thomas Hall, Purdue University

STEW 310

12:00 AM

Connected Vehicle Infrastructure Deployment Considerations

Jim Barbaresso, HNTB Corporation


12:00 AM

How Freight Probe Data is Revolutionizing the Industry

Rick Schuman, INRIX
Ryan Glancy, INRIX

STEW 314

12:00 AM

Indy Connect: Central Indiana's Transportation Initiative

Matthew Duffy, Parsons Brinckerhoff

Union FACE

12:00 AM

Opportunities for Enhancing Construction Inspections and Evaluations Using Time Lapse Photography

Steven Lavrenz, Purdue University
Darcy M. Bullock, Purdue University

STEW 206

12:00 AM

Updating City Pavement Sections with ME-PDG

Mike Maurovich, American Structure Point
Gary Pence, City of Westfield
Phil Sundling, City of Westfield

STEW 306

12:00 AM

ERC Recertification

Kathy Eaton-McKalip, Indiana Department of Transportation
Jessica Miller, Indiana Department of Transportation
Jennifer Beck, Indiana Department of Transportation

Union FACW

12:00 AM

Inspection Guidelines and Criteria for Load Rating Box Beams

Raju Iyer, Indiana Department of Transportation


12:00 AM

Structural Testing of Geopolymer Pipe and Culvert Mortar Lining System

David Keaffaber, Milliken Infrastructure Solutions
Jospeh Royer, Milliken Infrastructure Solutions
Dan Koo, Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis


12:00 AM

Utility Coordination on LPA Project

Natalie Parks, American Structurepoint, Inc.
Eric Farny, American Structurepoint, Inc.

Union FACW

12:00 AM

Accelerated Test Method to Identify Freeze-Thaw Durability of Aggregates

Belayneh B. Desta, Purdue University
Nancy Whiting, Purdue University

STEW 306

12:00 AM

US 31 Kokomo Collaborative Effort Yielded Successful Results

Scott Sipes, Indiana Department of Transportation
Eric Farny, American Structurepoint, Inc.
Kevin Jasinski, American Structurepoint, Inc.

STEW 206

12:00 AM

Importance of Resilient Modulus (MR) and it's Interpretation Subgrade Design Inputs

Kumar P. Dave, Indiana Department of Transportation

STEW 302

12:00 AM

Wednesday, March 11th
12:00 AM

Simplified Pavement Design for LPAs: Introduction to PaveXpress

Dudley Bonte, Asphalt Pavement Association of Indiana

STEW 302

12:00 AM

Social Media for Local Government Agencies

Sam Taylor, Purdue University

STEW 314

12:00 AM

IndyGo Downtown Transit Center - Transforming Indianapolis

Ben Smith, URS Corporation
Steve Robinson, URS Corporation
Joe Fischer, URS Corporation

Union FACE

12:00 AM

Winter Weather Services and Forecasting Options for Local Agencies

Michael Baldwin, Purdue University

12:00 AM

US 52 and RR Landslide Repair

Greg Bachman, GeoStabilization International

STEW 322

12:00 AM

Pavement Underdrain to Achieve Longer Life Pavement Structure

Tommy E. Nantung, Indiana Department of Transportation

STEW 306

12:00 AM

Pavement Rehabilitation Options in Indiana

David Holtz, Indiana Department of Transportation
Tommy E. Nantung, Indiana Department of Transportation
Lisa A. Egler-Kellems, Indiana Department of Transportation

STEW 302

12:00 AM

RPZ's FAA Runway Protection Zones Impacts on Roadways

Chris Snyder, Woolpert, Inc.
Maria Muia, Woolpert, Inc.
Travis McQueen, Huntingburg Airport

STEW 204

12:00 AM

Sustainability - Utilization of FAA VALE Grants for Geothermal Projects

Tim O'Donnell, South Bend International Airport
Cliff Jenkins, South Bend International Airport
Lisa Kinsman, Mead & Hunt, Inc.
Aaron Tervort, Mead & Hunt, Inc.

STEW 204

12:00 AM

FedEx Express Safety and Compliance

Mark Molin, FedEx Express, Memphis

STEW 204

12:00 AM

Monroe County Airport: Sinkhole Mitigation and Runway Rehabilitation

Bruce Payton, Monroe County Airport

STEW 204

12:00 AM

Evaluating Methods for Counting Aircraft Operations at Non-Towered Airports

Maria Muia, Woolpert, Inc.
Mary E. Johnson, Purdue University

STEW 204

12:00 AM

Runway Pavement Analysis with Non-Destructive Testing (NDT)

Chris Snyder, Woolpert, Inc.
Yigong Ji, Indiana Department of Transportation
Michael Buening, Indiana Department of Transportation

STEW 204

12:00 AM

Introduction to LRFR

Tom Saad, FHWA


12:00 AM

Case Study: Managing Extreme Down-Drag on Piling

Christopher Byrum, Soil and Materials Engineers, Inc.


12:00 AM

INDOT/Purdue Pile Driving Method for Estimation of Axial Capacity

Mir A. Zaheer, Indiana Department of Transportation
Rodrigo Salgado, Purdue University
Monica Prezzi, Purdue University
Fei Han, Purdue University

STEW 322

12:00 AM

Design and Construction of Auger Cast Piles

Malek Smadi, Geotill Engineering, Inc.

STEW 322

12:00 AM

Seeding Natives: Roadside Case Study State Road 24

Mark O'Brien, Cardno JFNew Native Plant Nursery

STEW 206

12:00 AM

Roundabout Prequalification Training

John E. Wright, Indiana Department of Transportation
Craig M. Parks, American Structurepoint Inc.
Jeromy L. Grenard, American Structurepoint, Inc.

STEW 206

12:00 AM

Ohio River Bridges East End Crossing - Indiana Approach Design Challenges and Construction Updates

Kevin M. Hetrick, Indiana Department of Transportation
Kevin Jasinski, American Structurepoint, Inc.
Wing Lau, American Structurepoint, Inc.

STEW 206

12:00 AM

FHWA Risk Based Stewardship and Oversight

Karen Bobo, FHWA
Leslie Lahndt, FHWA
Sarah Rubin, Indiana Department of Transportation

STEW 313

12:00 AM

Anti-Icing on a Frozen Budget

Raymie Eckerle, City of Jasper


12:00 AM

Bridge Preservation Treatments and Best Practices

Mark D. Bowman, Purdue University
Luis Moran, Purdue University


12:00 AM

Creating Livable Communities in Northwest Indiana

Gabrielle Biciunas, Northwestern Indiana Regional Planning Commission
Sarah Geinosky, Northwestern Indiana Regional Planning Commission

Union FACE

12:00 AM

Complete Streets

Kim Irwin, Health by Design

Union FACE

12:00 AM

Pavement Rehabilitation Options in Indiana for INDOT

David Holtz, Indiana Department of Transportation
Tommy E. Nantung, Indiana Department of Transportation
Lisa A. Egler-Kellems, Indiana Department of Transportation

STEW 302

12:00 AM

The New Way We Always Did It: Asphalt Preservation 101

Rex Hedges, RejuvTec, Inc.

STEW 302

12:00 AM

Introduction and Review of New IDM Chapter 304 Comprehensive Pavement Analysis

David Holtz, Indiana Department of Transportation

STEW 306

12:00 AM

INDOT Network Pavement Data Collection Status

Bill Flora, Indiana Department of Transportation
Ryan Moore, Indiana Department of Transportation
David Holtz, Indiana Department of Transportation

STEW 306

12:00 AM

Pavement Recycling: Reusing Your Most Valuable Asset

Elizabeth Fizel, City of Columbus
Jason Wielinski, Heritage Research Group

STEW 306

12:00 AM

Looking Before You Leap

Anna Burman, GISP-Tippecanoe County Area Plan Commission
David Benefiel, AICP-Heartland Metropolitan Planning Organization
Kathy Luther, MPA-MSES—Northwestern Indiana Regional Planning Commission

Union FACW

12:00 AM

Contaminated Sites and Their Effect on Your Project Schedule and Budget

Kenneth McMullen, Michael Baker International

Union FACW

12:00 AM

Conveying Your Message: Working with the Media

David MacAnally, 13 WTHR Indianapolis
Liz Evans, Purdue University

STEW 314

12:00 AM

Know Before You Go: Social Media and Communications Outreach

Alexander Lee, CH2M HILL

STEW 314

12:00 AM

Engaging People Where They Are: Social Media for Projects

Shane Peck, Parsons Brinckerhoff

STEW 314

12:00 AM

Roundabouts 101: A Bookends Approach to Public Understanding of Roundabouts

Craig M. Parks, American Structurepoint Inc.
Travis Martin, Indiana Department of Transportation

STEW 314

12:00 AM

USGS Flood Inundation Mapping Program of Indiana

Moon Kim, U.S. Geological Survey


12:00 AM

Tippecanoe County Highway Department Crash Analysis

Mike Parks, Tippecanoe County Highway Department

STEW 310

12:00 AM

Performance Ranking of Arterial Corridors Using Travel Time and Travel Time Reliability Metrics

Christopher M. Day, Purdue University
Steve M. Remias, Purdue University
Howell Li, Purdue University
Michelle Mekker, Purdue University
Margaret McNamara, Purdue University
Ed Cox, Indiana Department of Transportation

STEW 202

12:00 AM

Performance Measures for Traffic Signal Maintenance

Jay Grossman, Elkhart County Highway

STEW 202

12:00 AM

INDOT Traffic Data Sources and Using Traffic Count Data System Provided by MS2

Greg Katter, Indiana Department of Transportation

STEW 202

12:00 AM

Continuing Developments in INDOT Standards for Highway Lighting

David Boruff, Indiana Department of Transportation


12:00 AM

Highway Luminaries and INDOT's Research

Lalit Garg, Indiana Department of Transportation


12:00 AM

Street Light Tariff Evolution

Ted Sommer, London White Group


12:00 AM

Downtown Two-Way Conversion

P Corbitt Kerr, City of South Bend
Roger Nawrot, City of South Bend
Ryan Huebschman, American Structurepoint, Inc.


12:00 AM

Findings from Indiana Flashing Yellow Arrow Study

Robert A. Rescot, Purdue University - Calumet Campus


12:00 AM

I-69 at SR 1/Dupont Road: Diverging Diamond Interchange

Greg Rominger, Burgess & Niple, Inc.


12:00 AM

INDOT Change Management: Error and Omissions and Lessons Learned

Louis E. Feagans Jr, Indiana Department of Transportation

Union FACW

12:00 AM

Developing a Successful Stormwater Program: Urban Forestry and Stormwater Mitigation

Matthew Lake, Town of Merrillville Stormwater Utility
Reggie Korthals, Indiana Department of Environmental Management

Union FACW

12:00 AM

Highway Safety Improvements for Your Roads

Rick O. Drumm, FHWA

STEW 310

12:00 AM

Field Evaluation of Red Light Running Evaluation Methods

Steven Lavrenz, Purdue University
Darcy M. Bullock, Purdue University

STEW 202

12:00 AM

Bridge Inspections and Being an ERC

Keith Hoernschemeyer, FHWA
Jessica Miller, Indiana Department of Transportation


12:00 AM

Open Roads: Practical Design for Transportation Project Delivery

Scott Adams, Indiana Department of Transportation

STEW 322

12:00 AM

2015 Bridge Inspection ERC Training

Merril Dougherty, Indiana Department of Transportation


12:00 AM

Putting the "Geo" Back in Geotechnical Engineering

Jon Paauwe, Indiana Department of Transportation

STEW 322

12:00 AM

Transportation and Economic Development: Characterizing Economic Development Impacts for Corridor Improvements

Davis C. Hurtado, Purdue University

Union FACW

12:00 AM

Roundabouts 101 – A Bookends Approach to Public Understanding of Roundabouts

Joe Wellman, City of Washington, Indiana

STEW 314

12:00 AM

Urban Roadways: A Refreshing Look at Roadside Projects

Carrie Tauscher, Indiana Department of Natural Resources

Union FACW

12:00 AM

Leading the Industry by Embracing Cutting-Edge, Environmentally-Friendly Asphalt Technologies

Pat Faster, Gallagher Asphalt
Brock Brown, Gallagher Asphalt

STEW 302

12:00 AM

The Draft 2015 Indiana Strategic Highway Safety Plan

Roger D. Manning, Indiana Department of Transportation

STEW 310

12:00 AM

City of Monticello Transition Plan

Cathy Gross, City of Monticello

Union FACW

12:00 AM

DOT Drugs and Alcohol Testing

Bob Davidson, Public Risk Underwriters of Indiana
Susie Fields, Midwest Toxicology Services, LLC
Larry Mote Jr, Indiana State Police

Krannert Auditorium

12:00 AM

Crash Analysis and Coordination with LPAs

Tim Stroshine, Tippecanoe County, Indiana

STEW 310

12:00 AM

Porous Pavement as a Stormwater Management Tool on Urban Streets

Nicholas Hutchinson, City of Ann Arbor, Michigan

STEW 302

12:00 AM

Cable-Stay Bridge Construction and Progress

Gene Balter, HDR Engineering, Inc.
Chester Parsons, Parsons Cunningham and Shartle Engineers, Inc.

STEW 206

12:00 AM

Full Depth Reclamation: Reuse Your Roadway Road Rehabilitation Technology

James W. Render, Essroc Cement Corp
Jerry Larson, Indiana Ready Mixed Concrete Association

STEW 306

12:00 AM

Constructing Inspection of MSE Walls

Athar Khan, Indiana Department of Transportation

STEW 322

12:00 AM

Railroad Quiet Zones

Glen T. Campbell, Patrick Engineering, Inc.
Mary Cripe, City of Goshen, IN

12:00 AM - 12:00 AM