Purdue e-Pubs - Purdue Road School: Pavement Rehabilitation Options in Indiana for INDOT


STEW 302

Session Number


Session Title

Pavement Rehabilitation Options in Indiana

Track Title


Event Description/Abstract

Many pavement rehabilitation options are now available to maintain the function and structure of a pavement section, and pavement engineers can choose an option that is suitable for the existing pavement condition. Many agencies today use traditional pavement rehabilitation techniques such as patching, overlay, and mill and fill. Recent developments in materials and construction have made available new rehabilitation options that are not only cost effective but also increase the use of recycled materials. This presentation will feature hot-in-place recycling, cold-in-place recycling, and full-depth reclamation techniques used successfully with recently rehabilitated pavement sections in Indiana.


Mar 11th, 12:00 AM

Pavement Rehabilitation Options in Indiana for INDOT

STEW 302

Many pavement rehabilitation options are now available to maintain the function and structure of a pavement section, and pavement engineers can choose an option that is suitable for the existing pavement condition. Many agencies today use traditional pavement rehabilitation techniques such as patching, overlay, and mill and fill. Recent developments in materials and construction have made available new rehabilitation options that are not only cost effective but also increase the use of recycled materials. This presentation will feature hot-in-place recycling, cold-in-place recycling, and full-depth reclamation techniques used successfully with recently rehabilitated pavement sections in Indiana.