Practical trial results to inform farmer decisions.
The Midwest Vegetable Trial Report series includes reports of applied research relevant to vegetable and melon production in the midwestern U.S. The purpose of the series is to publish results in a timely manner, and to document annual results of research projects.
Reports may be submitted at any time. An annual call for papers with instructions is distributed in the Fall and available on this site under ‘Submission Guidelines.’ Submissions are reviewed by a series co-editor for clarity; and revision may be requested before acceptance.
Video presentations of selected reports are available at the Midwest Vegetable Variety Trial Reports playlist on the Purdue Extension youtube channel.
This series continues the Midwest Vegetable [Variety] Trial Report bulletin, previously published by Purdue Extension or Purdue Ag Research Programs in hard copy and electronic formats. Reports previously published in that bulletin are duplicated here.
Submissions from 2025
Evaluate a Thin-Rind Personal-Sized Seedless Watermelon Grown in High Tunnels, Wenjing Guan
Starter transplant solutions do not improve cabbage yield in high-fertility soil, Charlie Rohwer and Jesen Hosch
Evaluation of High Tunnel Tomato Cultivars for Yield and Quality, Wenjing Guan
Submissions from 2024
Colored Sweet Bell and Tapered Pepper Cultivar Evaluation for High Tunnel Production in West-Central Indiana, 2024, Petrus Langenhoven and Lizeth Sofia Catucuamba Tuquerrez
2024 Personal-sized Seedless Watermelon Cultivar Evaluation in Indiana, Wenjing Guan
2024 Seeded Watermelon Cultivar Evaluation in Indiana, Wenjing Guan
2024 Standard-sized Seedless Watermelon Cultivar Evaluation in Indiana, Wenjing Guan
Evaluation of 23 Pickling Cucumber Cultivars for Machine Harvest in Southwest Michigan in 2024, Ben Phillips
Shelf-life Evaluation of Eastern Cantaloupe Cultivars, Wenjing Guan
Evaluation of 10 Specialty Pepper Cultivars in Southwest Michigan in 2024, Ben Phillips
Evaluation of 18 Bell Pepper Cultivars in Southwest Michigan in 2024, Ben Phillips
Evaluation of Five Jack-O-Lantern Pumpkin Cultivars in Southwest Michigan in 2024, Ben Phillips
Forage Crops Interseeded in Pumpkins, Elizabeth Maynard, Rebecca Koetz, and Marian Rodriguez-Soto
Compost Comparison in High Tunnels, Elizabeth Maynard, Marian Rodriguez-Soto, and Rebecca Koetz
Flowering of Spring-Planted Greens, Elizabeth Maynard, Marian M. Rodriguez-Soto, and Rebecca Koetz
High Tunnel Bell Pepper Spacing Trial, Bronwyn Aly
High Tunnel Broccoli Cultivar Evaluations, Lewis Jett
2023 Evaluation of Pumpkin Cultivars in West Virginia, Lewis Jett
Submissions from 2023
Colored Sweet Bell and Tapered Pepper Cultivar Evaluation for High Tunnel Production in West-Central Indiana, 2023, Petrus Langenhoven and Dennis Gustavo Toc Mo
Evaluation of 11 Broccoli Cultivars for Summer Harvest in Southwest Michigan in 2023, Ben Phillips and Leah Freeman
Evaluation of Five Cauliflower Cultivars for Summer Harvest in Southwest Michigan in 2023, Ben Phillips and LEah Freeman
Evaluation of 13 Round Tomato Cultivars in Southwest Michigan in 2023, Ben Phillips and Jenny Schoonmaker
Evaluation of 23 Pickling Cucumber Cultivars for Machine Harvest in Southwest Michigan in 2023, Ben Phillips and Jenny Schoonmaker
Evaluation of Five Roma Tomato Cultivars in Southwest Michigan in 2023, Ben Phillips and Jenny Schoonmaker
Evaluation of Six Slicing Cucumber Cultivars in Southwest Michigan in 2023, Ben Phillips and Jenny Schoonmaker
Evaluation of Six Slicing Cucumber Cultivars in Southwest Michigan in 2023, Ben Phillips and Jenny Schoonmaker
2023 Cantaloupe Cultivar Evaluation in Indiana, Wenjing Guan and Dennis Nowaskie
2023 Personal-sized Seedless Watermelon Cultivar Evaluation in Indiana, Wenjing Guan and Dennis Nowaskie
2023 Seeded Watermelon Cultivar Evaluation in Indiana, Wenjing Guan and Dennis Nowaskie
2023 Standard-sized Seedless Watermelon Cultivar Evaluation in Indiana, Wenjing Guan and Dennis Nowaskie
Chile pepper variety evaluation and profitability analysis at three farms in Minnesota and Wisconsin, 2022, Natalie Hoidal, Charlie Rohwer, Ryan Pesch, Rodrigo Cala, Javier García, Griselda Bernabe Suarez, and Fernando Alejandro García Loyo
Evaluación y rentabilidad de variedades de chile en tres granjas de Minnesota y Wisconsin, 2022, Natalie Hoidal, Charlie Rohwer, Ryan Pesch, Rodrigo Cala, Javier García, Griselda Bernabe Suarez, and Fernando Alejandro García Loyo
Strawberry Production in an Elevated Bench Growing System inside a High Tunnel in Southern Indiana, Wenjing Guan, Dean Haseman, Laura Ingwell, Samantha Willden, and Dan Egel
Submissions from 2022
Colored Sweet Bell and Tapered Pepper Cultivar Evaluation for High Tunnel Production in West-Central Indiana, 2022, Petrus Langenhoven, Lian Mahorith Duron Alvarado, and Eduardo Jose Miranda Oviedo
2022 Seedless Pickling Cucumber Cultivar Trial, Ben Phillips and Jenny Schoonmaker
2022 Bell Pepper Cultivar Trial, Ben Phillips and Jenny Schoonmaker
2022 Specialty Pepper Cultivar Trial, Ben Phillips and Jenny Schoonmaker
2022 Summer Squash Cultivar Trial, Ben Phillips and Jenny Schoonmaker
Butterhead Lettuce Variety Performance Trial in a Hydroponic NFT System, Leah Worth, Mary Rogers, and Amanda Reardon
Chile Pepper Variety Evaluation, Charlie Rohwer and Natalie Hoidal
No-till Pumpkin after Winter Rye Cover Crop, Northern Indiana, 2021, Elizabeth Maynard
No-till Sweet Corn after Winter Rye Cover Crop, Northern Indiana, 2021, Elizabeth Maynard
Colored Sweet Bell and Tapered Pepper Cultivar Evaluation for High Tunnel Production in West-Central Indiana, 2021, Petrus Langenhoven
2022 DSAC High Tunnel Bell Pepper Variety Trial, Bronwyn Aly
2022 High Tunnel Fresh Market Determinate Tomato Cultivar Trial for Southern Illinois, Bronwyn Aly
2022 Personal-sized Triploid Watermelon Cultivar Evaluation in Indiana, Wenjing Guan, Dean Haseman, Dennis Nowaskie, and Dan Egel
2022 Standard-sized Triploid Watermelon Cultivar Evaluation in Indiana, Wenjing Guan, Dean Haseman, Dennis Nowaskie, and Dan Egel
Solid-Green Watermelon Cultivar Comparison, Wenjing Guan, Dean Haseman, Dennis Nowaskie, and Dan Egel
Impacts of Nitrogen Rate and Source Following Green Manure on Broccoli Yield, Charlie Rohwer
Submissions from 2021
2021 Seedless Pickling Cucumber Variety Trial, Ben Phillips and Jessica Good
2021 Cantaloupe Variety Evaluation in Indiana, Wenjing Guan, Dan Egel, Dennis Nowaskie, and Dean Haseman
Performance of 16 Fresh Market and Eight Saladette Tomato Cultivars in Southwest Michigan in 2021, Ron G. Goldy
Performance of Five Slicing Cucumbers in Southwest Michigan, Ron G. Goldy
Pie/Decorative Pumpkin Cultivar Evaluation, Chris Smigell, John Strang, John Snyder, Emily Pfeufer, Bob Perry, and Emily DeWitt
Evaluation of Bell Pepper Cultivars With and Without Resistance to Bacterial Leaf Spot and Phytophthora, West Central Minnesota, Nathan Dalman and Steve Poppe
No-till Sweet Corn after Winter Rye Cover Crop, Northern Indiana, 2020, Elizabeth Maynard
Chile Pepper Variety Evaluation at Four Sites across Minnesota and Wisconsin, 2020, Charlie Rohwer, Natalie Hoidal, Cala Farm, Agua Gorda Farm Cooperative, and Jarl's Produce
Effects of Using Low Tunnel and Grafted Plants for Watermelon Production under Low Temperature Stress in Indiana, Wenjing Guan
2021 Personal-size Triploid Watermelon Variety Evaluation in Indiana, Wenjing Guan, Dan Egel, Dennis Nowaskie, and Dean Haseman
2021 Standard-size Triploid Watermelon Variety Evaluation in Indiana, Wenjing Guan, Dan Egel, Dennis Nowaskie, and Dean Haseman
Colored Sweet Bell and Tapered Pepper Cultivar Evaluation for High Tunnel Production in West-Central Indiana, 2020, Petrus Langenhoven
Submissions from 2020
No-till Pumpkin and Winter Squash after Winter Rye Cover Crop, Northern Indiana, 2020, Elizabeth Maynard
2020 Seedless Pickling Cucumber Variety Trial, Ben Phillips and Hilda McShane
Evaluation of 19 Specialty Pepper Cultivars In Southwest Michigan, Ron G. Goldy
Performance of 20 Bell Pepper Cultivars In Southwest Michigan, Ron G. Goldy
Response of Pepper and Tomato to Six Nitrogen Rates, Ron G. Goldy
Yield of Eight Summer Squash Varieties in Southwest Michigan, Ron G. Goldy
Pumpkin Cultivar Evaluation for Eastern Minnesota 2019, Annie Klodd and Rod Elmstrand
Evaluation of ‘Mortgage Lifter’ Tomato for High Tunnel Production, Lewis Jett
2019 Seedless Pickling Cucumber Variety Trial, Ben Phillips
2019 Standard-size and Personal-size Triploid Watermelon Variety Evaluation in Indiana, Wenjing Guan, Dennis Nowaskie, Thomas D H Haseman, and Dan Egel
Asparagus Cultivar Trial – Selinsgrove, PA, Carl Cantaluppi
Evaluation of Transplant Root Length on Bell Pepper Yield and Quality, Ron G. Goldy and Kyle Ferrantella
Performance of 18 Fresh Market and Eight Saladette Tomato Cultivars in Southwest Michigan in 2019, Ron G. Goldy and Kyle Ferrantella
Response of Cucumber, Yellow Squash, and Zucchini to Six Nitrogen Rates, Ron G. Goldy and Kyle Ferrantella
Fall Broccoli Production in High Tunnels, Wenjing Guan
Summer Squash Variety Evaluation for Early-season Production in High Tunnels, Wenjing Guan
2020 Cantaloupe Variety Evaluation in Southern Indiana, Wenjing Guan, Dan Egel, Dennis Nowaskie, and Thomas D H Haseman
2020 Standard-size and Personal-size Triploid Watermelon Variety Evaluation in Indiana, Wenjing Guan, Dan Egel, Dennis Nowaskie, and Thomas D H Haseman
Cantaloupe and Specialty Melon Variety Evaluation in Indiana, Wenjing Guan, Dennis Nowaskie, Petrus Langenhoven, and Daniel S. Egel
2020 Pumpkin Variety Trial, Nathan R. Johanning
Supersweet Sweet Corn Cultivar Evaluation for Northern Indiana, 2019, Elizabeth Maynard
Missouri Novelty Melon Trial Results, James Quinn, Ramón Arancibia, and David Trinklein
Spring Black Rot-Resistant Cabbage Cultivar Evaluation, Chris Smigell, John Strang, and John Snyder
Submissions from 2019
Evaluation of Transplant Root Length on Bell Pepper Yield and Quality, Ron G. Goldy
Performance of 10 Slicing Cucumbers in Southwest Michigan, Ron G. Goldy
Performance of 18 Fresh Market and Eight Saladette Tomato Cultivars in Southwest Michigan in 2019, Ron G. Goldy
Response of Cucumber, Yellow Squash, and Zucchini to Six Nitrogen Rates, Ron G. Goldy
Spring Black Rot-Resistant Cabbage Cultivar Evaluation, Chris Smigell, John Strang, and John Snyder
Supersweet Sweet Corn Cultivar Evaluation for Northern Indiana, 2019, Elizabeth Maynard
2019 DSAC High Tunnel Pepper Variety Trial, Bronwyn Aly
2019 High Tunnel Fresh Market Determinate Tomato Cultivar Trial for Southern Illinois, Bronwyn Aly
Pumpkin Germplasm & Disease Resistance Evaluations, Brad R. Bergefurd, Sally Miller, Claudio Vrisman, Thomas Harker, Wayne Lewis, and Ryan Slaughter
Evaluation of 18 Bell Pepper Cultivars In Southwest Michigan, Ron G. Goldy and Kyle Ferrantella
Plant Spacing Influence on Sweet Corn Yield and Quality, Ron G. Goldy and Kyle Ferrantella
Yield of Nine Summer Squash Varieties in Southwest Michigan, Ron G. Goldy and Kyle Ferrantella
2018 Watermelon Variety Evaluation in Indiana, Wenjing Guan, Dan Egel, Dennis Nowaskie, and Curtis Marchino
2018 Melon Variety Trial in Southwestern Indiana, Wenjing Guan, Dan Egel, Dennis Nowaskie, Curtis Marchino, Bhimu Patil, and Kevin Crosby
Evaluation of Heritage Beans in West Virginia, Lewis Jett and Silas Childs
Evaluating No-till Tomatoes within a High Tunnel in West Virginia, Lewis Jett and Brian Sparks