Submission Guidelines for Midwest Vegetable Trial Reports

Call for Papers November 7, 2024

To:       Vegetable Research and Extension Faculty and Staff

From:   Purdue MWVTR Coordinators (Petrus Langenhoven, Wenjing Guan, and Liz Maynard)

Date:    November 7, 2024

Re:       Call for Papers for the Midwest Vegetable Trial Report (MWVTR)


• Submit publication-ready pdfs or MS Word files online at

• Optional: Submit a video presentation.

• No deadline.

• If you have any questions contact

You are invited to submit articles to the Midwest Vegetable Trial Report series. The online series includes reports of research and demonstration trials related to any aspect of vegetable or melon production. The purpose of the series is to get results of applied research to vegetable growers and the industry on time and to document the annual results of research projects. The previously published reports are listed on the Midwest Vegetable Trial Report page.

Starting in 2020, we included an option to submit a video presentation about papers. The videos are no longer than 15 minutes and include project highlights. The submitted videos will be uploaded to the Midwest Vegetable Variety Trial Reports YouTube playlist, hosted by Purdue Extension.

Please share this invitation with other faculty and staff involved in trials in your state. If you have any questions, contact Petrus Langenhoven at 765-496-7955 or

Instructions for Submitting

1. Style and Formatting

1.1 See suggested fonts and formatting styles in a word file, or in pdf. It is not required that you follow this style and format, but using it will unify the look of the reports.

1.2 Please include all authors names, and also the institution, US mail address, and email address for the corresponding author in the by-line just below the title.

1.3 Include page numbers.

1.4 Define any non-standard abbreviations used, including abbreviations of seed companies. Standard abbreviations include, for example, those for units, chemicals, geographical locations.

1.5 When describing fertilizer rates please specify whether you are reporting pounds of K or K2O, or P or P2O5, etc.

1.6 Please review and edit papers before submitting.

2. Submitting Reports

2.1 Create an account at Purdue e-Pubs ( by choosing 'My Account' from the menu bar and then 'sign-up.' If you created an account previously, you do not need to create another one.

2.2 Submit article at

Be prepared with:

• The submission's title

• An abstract of 250 words or less

• A list of keywords (10 maximum)

[suggested keywords: scientific name of crop; common name of crop; topic of research (for example 'variety trials' or 'disease control'); broader crop category (e.g. 'vegetables'). Consider using the National Ag Library thesaurus at to find preferred terms]

• The electronic format of your file (.pdf or .docx), original file format preferred.

2.3 For 'Document Type' please choose 'Report' instead of ‘Article’ unless another option better fits your submission.

2.4 Under 'Disciplines' choose 'Agriculture' (listed under Life Sciences), 'Horticulture' (under Life Sciences ->Plant Sciences), and others as appropriate. For variety trials 'Plant Breeding and Genetics' (under Life Sciences ->Plant Sciences) is appropriate.

2.5 Additional Files are optional. You may select it if an excel file, an Appendix or other files are associated with the report.

3. After Submission

3.1 You will receive an automated email acknowledging submission.

3.2 Each article will be assigned to a reviewer who is also a previous MWVTR author. The reviewer will ensure the article meets guidelines and has no obvious errors. The reviewer will communicate with the author for revisions if needed.

3.3. When the author and the reviewer agree on the final version of the article, please email it to Petrus Langenhoven ( for the final post on the Midwest Vegetable Trial Report page .

3.4. (Optional) Submit a picture that could be used to promote your publication on social media. Pictures can be emailed to Petrus Langenhoven (

3.5. (Optional) If you plan to share a video, please contact Petrus Langenhoven We will work with you to upload the video to the playlist. If possible, please include captions to the video.

4. Submitting reports that may be posted or published elsewhere

4.1. As long as you have permission to post the report, it is not a problem on this end if it is posted or published elsewhere. You may include information about where it was initially published in the Comments field during submission.

Thank you! Your submissions help all of us working in vegetable production in the Midwest and Northeast stay informed. Your reports are much appreciated. Please contact me with any questions, concerns, or suggestions.