Submission Guidelines | Journal of Southeast Asian American Education and Advancement | Scholarly Publishing Services Open Access Journals | Purdue University

Submission Guidelines

Submissions are encouraged from scholars and practitioners in any of the three broad areas and associated sub-areas:

Research and Practice

  • Education
    • PreK-12 Education
    • Higher Education
    • ESL, Bilingual, and Heritage Language Programs
    • Linguistics, Second Language Acquisition, and Language Learning
  • Advancement
    • Public Policy, Social Work, Health
    • Community Development, Political Advocacy

Book Reviews

  • Reviews of scholarly books and other adult literature (fiction and non-fiction)
  • Brief reviews of children’s literature (fiction and non-fiction)

Creative and Literary Works

  • Poetry, reflective essays
  • Personal accounts, biographies, autobiographies
  • other written creative works (Visual Art submissions are not yet accepted).

Research and Practice

Contributions related to education and advancement of Southeast Asian Americans must be original research or descriptions of effective research-based programs and practice within Southeast Asian American communities. While the initial focus of the journal was on Southeast Asian American refugee groups from Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam, research related to any Southeast Asian American group is welcome and will be considered.

Note: Research focused exclusively on or in Southeast Asian countries will not be considered, unless there is a substantial connection made with Southeast Asian Americans and communities in the United States (e.g., cross-country comparisons, research on Southeast Asian Americans returning to home countries, etc.).

Formatting Requirements

Research manuscripts should be no longer than 30 pages (excluding references and appendices), doubled spaced, 12-point font, 1-inch margins. Longer submissions may be considered with editorial approval. Authors must follow the style manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) (7th edition). Include an abstract and list of keywords.

Book Reviews

Only reviews of books directly related to Southeast Asian Americans and communities will be considered. These include academic books, biographies/autobiographies, novels or other works of fiction, and children’s literature (fiction and non-fiction). Reviews should provide a summary of the book and critique of its content.

Formatting Requirements

Reviews of academic book and other adult literature: 5 – 7 pages, doubled spaced, 12-point font, 1 inch margins.

Reviews of Children’s Literature: 1 – 3 pages, doubled spaced, 12-point font, 1 inch margins, 8 ½ x 11 paper.

Authors must follow the style manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) (7th edition)

Creative and Literary Works

Submissions to the Creative and Literary Works section of the journal are restricted to Southeast Asian Americans whose work encompasses issues of identity and/or the Southeast Asian American experience. Submissions to this section may include poetry, descriptive essays, personal reflections, autobiographies or biographies, or other creative works.

Formatting Requirements

Creative and Literary works may be between 1 – 5 pages, double-spaced, 12-point font, 1 inch margins. Longer submissions may be considered with editorial approval.

Submitting Your Manuscript

All submissions are submitted electronically using the “Submit Article” link. Articles must be in Microsoft Word (.doc, .docx) or Rich Text Format (.rtf). Research and Practice articles must have all author-identifying information removed. All charts, graphs, tables, and figures may be formatted and placed in the appropriate section of the article.

Note: JSAAEA does not charge any fees of any kind to authors or readers.