J-PEER | Vol 12 | Iss 2

Invited Contributions: Best Papers from ASEE Pre-College Engineering Education


A Model for Equity-Oriented PreK-12 Engineering
Christine M. Cunningham and Gregory J. Kelly


The Intersection of Culturally Responsive Pedagogy and Engineering Design in Secondary STEM
Mariam Manuel, Jessica Gottlieb, Gina Svarovsky, and Rebecca Hite

Special Issue: The Impact of COVID-19 on Pre-College Engineering Education


Student Engagement in an Online Engineering Afterschool Program During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Virginia Snodgrass Rangel, Jerrod A. Henderson, Chelsea Martinez, and Rick Greer


Adapting a Narrative Curriculum to a Remote Format in the Context of Socially Distanced Middle School Education Resulting from COVID-19
Jeremiah Pina, Rebecca Mazur, Glenn Ellis, Al Rudnitsky, Beth McGinnis-Cavanaugh, Sonia Ellis, Isabel Huff, and Crystal Ford


Serving the Underserved Amid COVID-19: The Case of a Virtual, Culturally Responsive Summer Engineering Camp
Tonisha B. Lane, Eugenia Vomvoridi-Ivanovic, Leia K. Cain, Selene Willis, Salam Ahmad, and Jonathan Gaines


COVID-19 as a Magnifying Glass: Exploring the Importance of Relationships as Education Students Learn and Teach Robotics via Zoom
Jennifer Kidd, Krishnanand Kaipa, Kristie Gutierrez, Min Jung Lee, Pilar Pazos, and Stacie I. Ringleb


School Personnel Lived Experiences Related to High School Engineering Education and the Covid-19 Pandemic
Justina R. Jackson, Katherine L. Boice, Stephen Cochran, Brooke Skelton, Jeffrey Rosen, and Marion Usselman