Aims & Scope | J-PEER | Purdue University Press Open Access Journals | Purdue University

Aims & Scope

The Journal of Pre-College Engineering Education Research (J-PEER) publishes original scholarly articles on pre-college engineering education. Scholarly manuscripts within the scope of J-PEER include, but are not limited to, research that investigates: pre-college engineering learning mechanisms; informal learning environments; instructional cultures and inclusive education; professional development models; curriculum and assessment studies; the role of caregivers in engineering engagement; and engineering epistemologies relevant to pre-college education.

J-PEER seeks manuscripts in the form of empirical research, systematic literature reviews, and conceptual papers, as well as research-based practice papers and research syntheses for practitioners.

J-PEER is published electronically twice a year by Purdue University Press. J-PEER provides universal open access to scholars and non-scholars in the interests of promoting scientific progress and public good. This means that it does not charge readers or authors to access, read, download, and distribute articles. This journal is covered under the CC-BY-NC-ND license. This means this content is available for anyone to use/share with appropriate attribution non-commercially (NC) and with no derivatives (ND).

According to the Ulrichsweb serials directory, J-PEER is indexed under the following databases as of April 2020:

  • Elsevier BV
    • Scopus (since 2015)
  • EBSCOhost
    • EBSCO Engineering Collection: India (since 2011)
    • EBSCOhost—Bibliosan (since 2011)
    • Biotechnology Source (since 2011)
    • Education Source (since 2011)
    • Engineering Source (since 2011)
    • STM Source (since 2011)
    • TOC Premier (Table of Contents) (since 2011)
  • Directory of Open Access Journals
    • Directory of Open Access Journal (since 2011)
    • DOAJ—Bibliosan (since 2011)