Faculty and staff in the Writing Lab/OWL disseminate theoretical and pedagogical research at conferences. Presentations in this series have been delivered at local and international scholarly conferences within the field of Rhetoric and Composition and related subfields.
Submissions from 2024
Expanding Landscapes: Intersections between Writing Center Work and Other Academic Fields, Vicki R. Kennell, Maria Eloisa (Lisa) Nuguid, Vanessa Pruitt, and Ashley Garla
Submissions from 2023
One Small Step for a Writing Center: Adapting to Reimagined Spaces, Jacqueline Borchert
Writing Beyond Campus: Writing Centers in Service-Learning and Community-Engaged Scholarship, Jacqueline Borchert, Noah Patterson, and Nathan C. McBurnett
The Aesthetics of Writing Center Assessment: An Interactive Mural, Vicki Kennell and Noah Patterson
“I’m Not a Writer!” Graduate Writers’ Self-Assessment of Writing Ability and Confidence, Vicki R. Kennell
Innovating Graduate Programming: Incorporating Writers' Ideas into a Workshop Series, Vicki R. Kennell and Meghan Woolley
Submissions from 2022
Developing Support for Stalled Dissertators, Vicki R. Kennell and Eric J. Wisz
Submissions from 2021
Making It Your Own: Developing and Administrating Graduate Writing Retreats, Vicki Kennell and Mitch Hobza
Submissions from 2019
When "Fake News" Fox Comes a-Trollin', Now what?: Lessons from an OWL's Point of View, Harry Denny
"Just don't call it boot camp": Implementing intensive dissertation writing experiences, Vicki R. Kennell, Mitch Hobza, and Michelle M. Campbell
Turning Data into Deliverables for L2 Writers & Writing Tutors, Vicki R. Kennell and Molly Rentscher
Submissions from 2018
Understanding the Needs of Fraternity, Sorority, and Cooperative Learning Students, Rachel Bremer and Harry Denny
Improving Intercultural Skills: Developing Communicative Flexibility and Tolerance of Ambiguity in the Writing Center, Vicki Kennell
Portrait of the L2 Writer as a Writing Center Visitor, Vicki Kennell and Molly Rentscher
Submissions from 2017
Tinkering with Comments: Tailoring Practice by Spying on Written Artifacts, Vicki Kennell, Amy Elliot, and Joshua Weirick
Submissions from 2016
"I Had to Discard Initial Assumptions": Equipping Writing Center Tutors with Expertise in Second Language Writing, Vicki Kennell
"I worried about pretty much everything": Training tutors to work with L2 writers, Vicki Kennell
Training Tutors to Work with L2 Writers: Methods & Materials, Principles & Practices, Vicki Kennell and Amy Elliot
Out of the Classroom and Away from One-to-One Sessions: The Efficacy of Writing Groups for High-Achieving Students, Vicki Kennell, Amy Elliot, and Tammy Conard-Salvo
Submissions from 2015
To Correct or Not to Correct: The Ethics of Addressing Grammar in Writing Center Tutorials, Vicki R. Kennell
Submissions from 2014
Closing the Communication Gap: How a Writing Center and PW Program Can Respond to STEM Demands, Tammy Conard-Salvo
The Stories We Tell: Narratives, Institutional Discourse, and the Public Documents of Writing Centers Part III, Tammy Conard-Salvo
Reimagining Relationships between High School and College in the Wonderful World of Writing Centers, Tammy Conard-Salvo, Richard Severe, Bridget Carey, and Collin Baker
Soaring into the Future: The Purdue OWL and Supporting the Next Generation of Writers, Tammy Conard-Salvo, Caitlan Spronk, and Joshua Paiz
Submissions from 2013
Best Practices & Resources for Teaching ESL Written Communication, Linda S. Bergmann and Vicki Kennell
Submissions from 2009
Next Generation OWLs: Customized Solutions and the Move Toward Open-Sourcing, Matthew J. Gilchrist and Tammy Conard-Salvo
Submissions from 2008
Mapping Support for Diversity Through Writing Center Administration, Tammy Conard-Salvo, Joy Santee, and Richard Sévère
Listening to Revise: Mainstream Uses of Text-to-Speech Software in the Writing Center, Tammy Conard-Salvo and John M. Spartz
Submissions from 2006
Multimedia in the Writing Center: Visual Rhetoric and Tutor Training, Tammy Conard-Salvo