Educational researchers have explored the importance of performance, recognition, and interest in establishing and maintaining a STEM identity. Research has also demonstrated that the ways students describe themselves and how they participate in STEM communities can provide insight into their role identity salience; however, there has been little work to explore the ontological beliefs of students about STEM people and how this influences their ability to see themselves as possessing a STEM identity. This research explores the ontological beliefs of high school students, with specific attention to the ways in which they describe what constitutes a math person, science person, physics person, or engineer and how these descriptions influence their ability to take on these role identities.
Recommended Citation
Verdín, D.,
Godwin, A.,
Ross, M.
STEM Roles: How Students’ Ontological Perspectives Facilitate STEM Identities.
Journal of Pre-College Engineering Education Research (J-PEER), 8(2), Article 4.