The purpose of this research was to investigate high school students’ computer self-efficacy (CSE) and learning behavior in a selfregulated learning (SRL) framework while utilizing an interactive learning module. The researcher hypothesizes that CSE is reflected on cognitive actions and metacognitive strategies while the students are engaged with interactive learning modules. Two research questions guided this research: (1) how is students’ CSE while engaged in interactive learning modules? and (2) how do high and low CSE groups plan and monitor their cognitive action, and regulate their monitoring strategies based on their CSE level? The research used a mixedmethods approach to answer the research questions.
This study utilized a SRL framework that covered self-efficacy, cognitive actions, and metacognitive components. While self-efficacy was represented by CSE, metacognitive component was represented by planning, monitoring, and regulating strategies. Cognitive actions represent contextual activities while using interactive learning modules. One hundred students from two high schools, InTech Collegiate and Logan High Schools, completed activities in this study. Each student worked on three modules, namely Boolean Logic, Minimum Spanning Tree, and Modeling Using Graphs. Three different forms of data were gathered for analysis. These data included questionnaires, screen captured videos, and audio recordings of interviews.
The findings of this study revealed that the students achieved the highest average score on beginning skills compared to advanced skills and file and software skills for their CSE. Furthermore, screen-captured video analysis showed that there were different profiles of cognitive actions and metacognitive strategies between high and low CSE groups in terms of the strategy changes and duration of their strategies. Issues gathered from interview analysis between these two groups were also elaborated.
Recommended Citation
Santoso, H. B.,
Lawanto, O.,
Becker, K.,
Fang, N.,
Reeve, E. M.
High and Low Computer Self-Efficacy Groups and Their Learning Behavior from Self-Regulated Learning Perspective While Engaged in Interactive Learning Modules.
Journal of Pre-College Engineering Education Research (J-PEER), 4(2), Article 3.
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