
Writing Center Journal

General Formatting:

  • Submissions should be scrubbed of author’s names, institutions, and other identifying info. This includes any identifying information in the appendices.

  • WCJ prints articles in APA style. Directions for APA style can be found at the Purdue OWL.
  • Notes should be included as footnotes rather than endnotes.

  • Article submissions should be double-spaced throughout.

  • Heading levels should be consistent with APA style.
  • All submissions must include page numbers.

  • Authors should include dates of the most recent versions of their article in the file names

Research Ethics & Approval:

  • In order to be considered for publication, articles based on any original research study of human subjects must include that it went through some kind of ethics approval. Most commonly, this means that the study has gone through IRB (Institutional Review Board) approval, but the study could have also been approved by a different kind of institutional ethics board.

  • Please also note that your study was IRB- or ethics-approved in the manuscript, as well as upload the board approval as a separate document along with your submission.

  • If you work with human subjects and are not sure if you need IRB approval, please consult your institution’s IRB office.

  • If you are not associated with an institution, or you are otherwise having trouble getting your study approved, please contact the editors with questions.

Gender Neutral Pronouns:

  • All manuscripts should follow NCTE's Guidelines for Gender Fair Use of Language.

  • WCJ adopts the singular “they” as a gender-neutral term. We do not find a pronoun-antecedent agreement error in a sentence such as “Each tutor identified their own strategies”; rather, we recognize the phrase “his or her own strategies” reflects a problematic, exclusive binary.