Volume 42, Issue 3
"A Bundist Tale in the Soviet World: Historical and Artistic Representations of Hirsh Lekert" by Nethanel M. Treves
Debating the Place of Yiddish in the Romanian Jewish Education System During the Interwar Period: Perspectives from Jewish Elites and Romanian Authorities" by Irina Nastasă-Matei
"Ernest Richmond, Director of the Department of Antiquities in Palestine (1927-1937), and his Approach to Archeological Research by Members of the Jewish Yishuv" by Mordechay Lash, Yossi Goldstein, and Itzhaq Shai
"'Aspirational Marines and Jewish Heroes: Battle Cry and the Emergence of Leon Uris” by David Pickus
"'For Fear of Babyn Yar: Why did it Take so Long for a Monument to be Built in the Largest Holocaust Site in the Soviet Union?" by Victoria Khiterer
"The Cause Célèbre of the 1960s: How Iranian Jewish Women Fought for Inheritance and Divorce Rights" by Janet Afary and Lior Sternfeld
"The Flight of a Mother: Rape and National Coercion in David Grossman’s To the End of the Land" by Omri Ben-Yehuda
"The Moroccan Ziara: On the Exhibition in Jerusalem as a Jewish and Muslim Liminal Space" by Moti Gigi and Haim Bitton
Forum in Contemporary Critical Jewish Studies
"Avoiding a Zero-Sum Game: Lessons for Jewish Studies from California’s Struggle over the Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum" by Gabi Kirk
Book Reviews
Beyond the Land: Diaspora Israeli Culture in the Twenty-First Century, by Melissa Weininger as reviewed by Yael Almog