Most Recent Additions


Statewide Screening of Signalized Intersections for Capacity Improvements
Saumabha Gayen, Enrique D. Saldivar-Carranza, Rahul Suryakant Sakhare, Jairaj Desai, Jijo K. Mathew, Nathan Shellhamer, Taylor Ruble, Dan McCoy, Jack Gallagher, and Darcy M. Bullock


Performance-Related Specifications for Pavement Milling
Oscar Andrés Moncada, Seonghwan Cho, Vito Francioso, and John E. Haddock


Examining the structure of personality dysfunction.
Chelsea E. Sleep, Nathaniel L. Phillips, Tianwei V. Du, Colin Vize, Donald R. Lynam, and Joshua D. Miller


Personality disorder traits: Testing insight regarding presence of traits, impairment, and desire for change
Chelsea E. Sleep, Joanna Lamkin, Donald R. Lynam, W. Keith Campbell, and Joshua D. Miller


An evaluation of DSM–5 Section III personality disorder Criterion A (impairment) in accounting for psychopathology.
Chelsea E. Sleep, Donald R. Lynam, Thomas A. Widiger, Michael L. Crowe, and Joshua D. Miller


An examination of the Triarchic Model of psychopathy's nomological network: A meta-analytic review
Chelsea E. Sleep, Brandon Weiss, Donald R. Lynam, and Joshua D. Miller


Testing whether the relations between sex and psychopathology are accounted for by structural morphometry in ABCD.
Leigha Rose, Ben Listyg, Max M. Owens, Courtland S. Hyatt, Nathan T. Carter, Doroth R. Carter, Donald R. Lynam, and Joshua D. Miller


Neuroanatomical correlates of impulsive traits in children aged 9 to 10.
Max M. Owens, Courtland S. Hyatt, Joshua C. Gray, Joshua D. Miller, Donald R. Lynam, Sage Hahn, Nicholas Allgaier, Alexandra Potter, and Hugh Garavan


A critical appraisal of the Dark Triad literature and suggestions for moving forward
Joshua D. Miller, Colin E. Vize, Michael L. Crowe, and Donald R. Lynam


Psychopathic boldness: Narcissism, self-esteem, or something in between?
Joshua D. Miller, Chelsea E. Sleep, Michael L. Crowe, and Donald R. Lynam


The anatomy of an insult: Popular derogatory terms connote important individual differences in Agreeableness/Antagonism
Courtland S. Hyatt, Jessica L. Maples-Keller, Chelsea E. Sleep, Donald R. Lynam, and Joshua D. Miller


The Goldwater Rule: Perspectives from, and implications for, psychological science
Scott O. Lilienfeld, Joshua D. Miller, and Donald R. Lynam


Fearless dominance/boldness is not strongly related to externalizing behaviors: an item response-based analysis
Michael L. Crowe, Brandon M. Weiss, Chelsea E. Sleep, Alexandra M. Harriss, Nathan T. Carter, Donald R. Lynam, and Joshua D. Miller


Principles and procedures for revising the hierarchical taxonomy of psychopathology
Miriam K. Forbes, Whitney R. Ringwald, Timothy Allen, David C. Cicero, Lee Anna Clark, Colin G. DeYoung, Nicholas Eaton, Roman Kotov, Robert F. Krueger, Robert D. Latzman, Elizabeth A. Martin, Kristin Naragon-Gainey, Camilo J. Ruggero, Irwin D. Waldman, Cassandra Brandes, Eiko I. Fried, Vina M. Goghari, Benjamin Hankin, Sarah Sperry, Kasey Stanton, Awais Aftab, Donald R. Lynam, Michael Roche, and Aidan G.C. Wright


Exploring the structure of narcissism: Toward an integrated solution
Michael L. Crowe, Donald R. Lynam, W. Keith Campbell, and Joshua D. Miller


Development and preliminary validation of a five factor model measure of Machiavellianism
Katherine L. Collison, Colin E. Vize, Joshua D. Miller, and Donald R. Lynam


Neural mechanisms of the rejection-aggression link
David S. Chester, Donald R. Lynam, Richard Milich, and C. Nathan DeWall


Physical aggressiveness and gray matter deficits in ventromedial prefrontal cortex
David S. Chester, Donald R. Lynam, Richard Milich, and C. Nathan DeWall


"I Have To Be On Their Side": A Pedagogy of Kindness
Linda Hoeptner Poling and Juliann B. Dorff


Curtains Up - Utilizing Assistive Technology for Inclusive Theater Experiences
Lauren Tucker, Nikki Burnell, Morgan Dalton, Marisa Donenfeld, and Catherine Gruszka Vadala


JASE 4.1 Cover
Hannah Carpenter


“Quacking for Noggin”: Farm Animal–Assisted Therapy for Traumatic Brain Injury Survivors
Alex Sargsyan, Lora Beebe, Zenithson Ng, Patricia Roberson, and Sandra Thomas

*Updated as of 10/13/24.