The Guardianship Journal
The proposal must provide a 1-page, single-spaced synopsis with subheadings, title, and reference page in APA 7th Edition Format:
- Introduction: Provide background on the topic and introduce the research question you seek to explore.
- Literature Review (two paragraphs): Introduce the theoretical foundation that will be used to address the research question. Also, discuss what scholars are saying about the topic. Additionally, include scholarly support that adds validity to your proposal
- Method: Discuss the approach you will use to complete your submission and how it will add to the body of knowledge. Will you collect and analyze data? Will you use scholarly literature? How will your submission add to the body of knowledge and the field?
- If you are submitting a video presentation for your proposal, you will additionally include a 1 to 3-minute video discussing the following: introduction, will you use a virtual background, your approach, and how it will add to the body of knowledge.
- Video format for review:
- Video: MOV, MP4, MPG/MPEG, WMV
- Support and References must be credible and in APA 7th edition format.
- Reports original research
- Printed in a professional journal
- Article was peer-reviewed
- Reports original work (compiled from years or decades of research)
- The publisher of the book is an academic press or university press
- May/may not be an edited volume
- Science magazines (i.e.; Smithsonian, Natural History)
- CQ Researcher
- Government websites (i.e.; US Census Bureau)
- Non-government organizations (i.e.; MercyCorps)
- Academic encyclopedias (i.e.; Encyclopedia of Anthropology)
The author will use the information in your approval email to submit your manuscript by the deadline provided. Requirements include the following:
- Format for review: APA 7th edition, Microsoft Word, 12-point Times New Roman font, single-spaced, justified text formatting, 1-inch margins on all sides, 2,000 minimum word count, with subheadings.
- Assemble the manuscript in this order: Abstract, Introduction, Background, Examine Majory Cases and Statues, Analysis of the topic, and Conclusion.
- Before submitting, please familiarize yourself with the Guardianship Submission Guidelines and the Frequently Asked Questions.
- DO NOT include the following: names, headers, footers, page numbers
- Format: APA 7th edition, Microsoft Word, 12-point Times New Roman font, single-spaced, justified text formatting, 1-inch margins on all sides, 2000 minimum word count, with subheadings.
- Assemble the manuscript in this order: Abstract, Introduction, Background, Literary Review, Methods, Results, Social Change or impact the topic has or may cause, Conclusion, References, Figure Legends, Tables, and Figures (if and where appropriate). All pages should be numbered except the title page.
- References, figures, and tables (if needed) should be cited in numerical order according to their first mention in the text.
- Before submitting, please familiarize yourself with the Guardianship Submission Guidelines and the Frequently Asked Questions.
- DO NOT include the following: names, headers, footers, page numbers
- The videos will provide an understanding and impact of the phenomenon. As such, showcasing and/or demonstrating events, new information and applications, existing techniques and procedures, data discussions, guidelines and protocols for social science practices, etc Examples are but are not limited to:
- Procedures: Demonstrations of crime scene investigations, emergency response protocols, or legal processes.
- Simulations and Drills: Emergency response simulations, fire safety drills, or homeland security exercises.
- Case Studies: Videos showcasing policy implementation, public administration challenges, or law enforcement operations.
- Analytical Techniques:Demonstrations of data analysis methods or decision-making models in public policy and political science.
- Events and Protocols: Documenting public safety events, community engagement activities, or administrative procedures.
- Summaries and Overviews: Authors summarize their research's key findings or implications. Authors explaining research data, case studies, or policy frameworks.
- Animated Videos: Depictions of legal processes, policy development workflows, or decision-making pathways.
- Video length: 10 minutes maximum.
- All videos must include a close caption transcript file in one of the following formats: (.srt or .vtt)
- If authors are using PowerPoint as a visual, it must be included in your submission. Additionally, the PowerPoint must follow APA 7th edition format.
- Video must be in one of the following formats: MOV, MP4, MPG/MPEG, WMV
Law Review Manuscript
Article Manuscripts
Videos with a Manuscript
1. Guidelines for Video:
- 3. Guidelines for Manuscript:
- Format of the manuscript portion for review: APA 7th edition, 1000 word count minimum, single space, with subheadings.
- DO NOT include the following: names, headers, footers, page numbers
- Assemble the manuscript portion in this order: Abstract, Introduction, Background, Literary Review, Methods, Social Change or impact the topic has or may cause, Conclusion, References.
- 4. Submission ORDER for Video with Manuscript: These files will be uploaded in one submission using the order listed below:
- The video MUST be submitted FIRST, and all additional documents listed will be uploaded next
- Close caption transcript file in one of the following formats: (.srt or .vtt)
- The manuscript document
The Editorial Board will review the submission and return one of the following emails: Accepted, Accepted with minor revisions, Accepted with major revisions, or Denied.