The Guardianship Journal
Submission Guidelines
Submission Guidelines
Before submitting, you must first have your proposal approved by Purdue University Global’s Guardianship Journal Editorial Board. Submissions must meet the following requirements:
- Paper Format for review: Microsoft Word, 12-point Times New Roman font, single-spaced, justified text formatting, 1-inch margins on all sides, 2000 minimum word count for papers.
- If you are submitting a Video Presentation and Paper: The video requirement is no more than 10 minutes in length using approved formats (Video: MOV, MP4, MPG/MPEG, WMV Audio: M4A, MP3, WAV, WMA). Additionally, when using a PowerPoint in your video, the slide requirement is APA 7th edition formatting, using between 6 to 8 slides (not including the title and reference slide). Next, the paper requirement is Microsoft Word, 12-point Times New Roman font, single-spaced, justified text formatting, 1-inch margins on all sides, and 1000 minimum word count.
- Assemble all papers in this order: Title Page, Abstract, Body, which will include an Introduction, Background, Literary Review, Methods, Results (optional), the Social Change or impact the topic has or may cause, and Conclusion; References; Figure Legends, and Tables (if appropriate). Please number every page except the title page.
- Figures and tables (if needed) should be cited in numerical order according to their first mention in the text.
- Online submission is required for all applicants. Once your proposal is accepted, you will receive further instructions on submitting your final work.
- Frequently Asked Questions: Please familiarize yourself with the Frequently Asked Questions document before submission.
IRB (Institutional Review Board) Requirements:
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Background
- Literary Review
- Methods
- Results
- Figures and Tables, if and where appropriate
- Social Change
- Discussion
- Conclusion
- References
- Appendix
If you are conducting interviews, surveys, questionaries, or any collection of data from a human subject as well as observations, you will need to go through IRB (Institutional Review Board). Prior to submitting to IRB, you must have Human Subject Research Certification (CITI or NIH). Also, if you are a student at Purdue University Global conducting research of this type, you must have a faculty member as a mentor.
Organize manuscripts in this order:
Author(s) Obligations
Upon submission, the Author will attest that they are the actual author, did not plagiarize the material, or use artificial intelligence to reword the work of another. The help of artificial intelligence or a non-author to assist with the formation or minor word clarification of the author’s original work does not violate this section.
Multiple authors of a manuscript are allowed. If there is more than one author, the order must be listed at the time of submitting the initial manuscript.
Note: Abbreviations must be defined at first mention in each paragraph.
An abstract is a brief summary of your manuscript’s main points, including the topic, argument, and conclusions, and it highlights your work's significance.
The background will explain where the research began, why the phenomena (topic) is important, and introduce the research question (what the author is seeking to address).
Literature Review
Introduce the theoretical foundation that will be used to address the research question. Also, in this section, summarize and analyze the ideas and arguments of scholars using subheadings that display the various themes/topics explored.
The section is an explanation of how the author conducted their study, including the methods used to collect data, the specific tools and procedures employed, and how the data was analyzed. Essentially outlining the "how" behind the research findings to allow for replication by other researchers.
Social Change or Impact
The social change or impact portion of this manuscript should consider the potential for positive (or negative) changes to relationships, human interactions, and policies resulting from the topic of the manuscript.
The results section should explain your findings based on the literature and/or data collected. There should be sufficient details to review the fundamental findings in a logical format. When data is collected in the field, the author(s) will present the findings of their research study, clearly outlining the data collected and key observations without interpretation or discussion.
Figures are not required unless your research warrants it. If you use them, they must be formatted in APA 7th edition.
Tables are not required unless your research warrants it. If you use them, they must be in APA 7th edition formatting.
The discussion should include a synopsis of your review of the sources, data, and information gathered.
The conclusion will provide insight into the topic and its impact within the field. Additionally, it will suggest future research to further explore the phenomena.
All references (in-text and reference section) should be formatted as per APA 7th edition.
Supplemental materials that may be distracting or inappropriate within the manuscript will go in this section (i.e. oversized tables, detailed protocols, expanded methodology descriptions, images, data files, etc.) Please see APA 7th edition for additional insight.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) Assistance
At submission, you will be required to disclose whether artificial intelligence (AI)-assisted technologies (such as Large Language Models [LLMs], chatbots, or image creators) were used to reproduce the work of another. No disclosure is required if AI was used to reword or correct the Author’s original work, assist with reference citations, or help develop topics or ideas for the manuscript. However, authors who use such technology for data collection, analysis, figure generation, or to rewrite the work of another should describe this use in the methods section and/or on the submission document. Do not list AI sources or applications as authors. You are responsible for any submitted material, including the use of AI-assisted technologies. Authors must ensure there is appropriate attribution of all quoted material, including citations.
Submitting Prior Course Work
You may resubmit your prior original work from a college course, but it must meet the formatting and other requirements for the Purdue University Global Guardianship Journal. No work that was previously published in whole or in part in any publication will be accepted for publication in the Purdue University Global Guardianship Journal.
Editorial Freedom
By submitting your work, you acknowledge your understanding and agreement that complying with the submission requirements does not entitle you to be published in the Purdue University Global Guardianship Journal. At their sole discretion, Purdue University Global Guardianship Journal’s editorial staff and Purdue University Global will determine which manuscripts are published.