The faculty and professional staff of the Libraries, Press, and Copyright Office advance the creation of knowledge for the global community through provision and preservation of scholarly information resources; teaching of information literacy; research in library, archival, and information sciences; and the development of dynamic physical and virtual learning environments.
The Libraries Faculty and Staff Presentations series contains presentations given by members of the faculty and staff of the Libraries at professional/scientific association meetings.
Any questions or concerns about this series should be directed to the Purdue e-Pubs Administrator (
Papers from 2008
“Houston, we have a problem…” Designing a Digital Preservation System for a NASA Center for Advanced Life Support, Jake R. Carlson and Alexis E. Ramsey
Governmental Resources on Space Warfare and Defense, Bert Chapman
Enhancing information resources and instruction with computational and chemical software, Jeremy R. Garritano
Teaching students to use company and industry information during their job search, Jeremy R. Garritano
Curating Chemistry Data through Its Lifecycle: A Collaboration between Library and Laboratory in Scientific Data Preservation, Jeremy R. Garritano and Jake R. Carlson
Integrating Dissertation Metadata and INDURE Using Z39.50, Vijendra Purohit and Michael Witt
Librarians in the Hall, Catherine Fraser Riehle and Michael Witt
Papers from 2007
Amelia Earhart's Missing Electra (Turboprop transports): controlled vocabulary in Contentdm, Janet V. Addison
Preservation Metadata for Electronic Archives, Janet V. Addison
A Watershed Moment: Preserving and Improving Access to Water Quality Data, Marianne S. Bracke and Michael Witt
Preserving Undergraduate Research Data, Jake R. Carlson and Jeremy R. Garritano
Changing nature of academic librarianship: Implementing a distributed institutional repository, Jeremy R. Garritano
Mmm...vanillin: Reaching graduate students through ice cream seminars, Jeremy R. Garritano
Providing for graduate student information needs at a large research university, Jeremy R. Garritano
Preserving Soil Survey Data with GIS, Christopher C. Miller and Marianne S. Bracke
Conducting a Data Interview, Michael Witt and Jake R. Carlson
Papers from 2006
Evaluating Digital Asset Management Systems : a Team Approach, Janet V. Addison
Web-Based Military Newspapers: Providing Insights into Soldiers Thoughts and Activities, Bert Chapman
On the go with CHM 125, ECON 210, PHYS 218, and BIOL 205: Coursecasting at a large research university, Jeremy R. Garritano and David B. Eisert
Providing an OAI-PMH Interface to the Storage Resource Broker With OAISRB, Michael Witt and Jigar Kadakia
Papers from 2005
National Security Information Resources, Bert Chapman
Fate of chemistry branch libraries: Onward toward 2015, Jeremy R. Garritano
Chemical information instruction, 1984-2004: Who is leading the charge?, Jeremy R. Garritano and F. Bartow Culp